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Death Never Leaves a Calling Card

Page 6

by Saxon Andrew

  “Randy, I’ve sent the report to the Admiral and he approved it.”

  “What are we doing, Emily?”

  “Five-hundred scouts will remain with Delilah’s Sword and the others will be used to take on the Tronan Fleets.”

  Walt looked at them, “If the Tronan are maintaining tight formations. I’d recommend only sending four scouts to initially attack them.” Randy and Emily looked at him. “Attack each formation by destroying a single ship on the top, bottom, port, and starboard sides. That will give the scouts time to get away before the blasts erupt.”

  Randy looked at Emily, “Contact the group leaders and have them make the assignments.” Randy looked at Walt, “What happens after the initial attack?”

  “You do it again with only four scouts hitting the outer edges. You can have a stream of four-ship units moving in as the explosions clear and you keep it up until they scatter. At that point, you move through them in a wave with about eight-mile spacing between your ships.”

  Emily looked at Walt, “Perhaps you should write up this battle plan.” Walt stood up and went to Emily’s console. He began tying at an unbelievable speed and Tasha smiled, “He is amazing. I’ve never seen anyone faster on a keyboard.”

  Randy watched him and knew another Major Fleet Admiral had been uncovered. Walt was going to be a blessing in controlling the hundreds of thousands of scouts being built. In less than five-minutes, Walt looked up and Emily sent the plan to Randy’s panel. He started reading and started shaking his head. He looked up at Walt, “This plan is crystal clear on what’s to be done and leaves no doubt or the need for questions. Is your mind always this organized?”

  “Most of the time. I sometimes get befuddled.”

  “When does that happen?”

  “When Tasha and I get into an argument; I can never win.”

  Emily started laughing and Tasha smiled, “He always assumes that an argument will be logical. That’s just not the case.”

  Randy saw Emily look toward him and he quickly went back to reading the document. He knew exactly what Walt was talking about.

  • • •

  Sam met with the Tronan Fleet Director while the Ship Directors were ferried to the Sword. After they were all aboard, Sam said, “Your plan sound’s doable. However, you are assuming most of your forces will agree to what’s happening.”

  “I am.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Admiral, our conditioning is severe.”

  “I understand that you were prepared to disobey your Prime Director.”

  The Fleet Director looked at Jek and he raised a finger to an imaginary hat and saluted. “There are conditions that allow one to disobey the Prime Director.”

  “I’ve been told that a death sentence is one of those conditions. But are there any other conditions that would allow one to disobey their leader?”

  “Not really. But I have noticed something over the years.”

  “What is that?”

  “The older a Director, the weaker the conditioning becomes. I’m concerned about my Senior Ship Directors. If there’s a problem, it will come from out of their ranks.”

  Sam shrugged and lifted his communicator, “Admiral Hummel, are you prepared to start moving?”

  “We are, Sir.”

  “Is Admiral Mooney still on board?”

  “He is, Sir.”

  “I would highly recommend you listen to his suggestions.”

  “He’s written the battle plan, Sir.”

  “Send me a copy.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  The Fleet Director looked at the monitor and said, “Those ships are tiny.”

  Sam nodded, “They are a new development.”

  The Fleet Leader stared at Sam and then said, “You’re not going to tell me what they can do, are you?”

  Sam smiled, “Nope.”

  The Fleet Leader chuckled, “I don’t blame you.”

  Jek said, “Sam, you should tell him.”

  “Are you crazy? Why?”

  “Because he is going to have to come up with a plan to eliminate the Ship Directors that are dangerous. How can he do that without knowing our capabilities?”

  Sam scowled and said, “Do you trust him to have this information?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do. However, what could he do with it if I didn’t. He is going to be stranded on that planet and there’s no way it’s going to get out.”

  “What about those fleets?”

  “Sam, at the very least, we’ll leave them all to die in Heaven’s System.”

  Sam sighed, “I guess I’m being paranoid.”

  “You are.”

  “Jek, give him the information telepathically. Telling him will take too long.”

  Jek nodded and after an hour, the Fleet Director looked at Sam, “Is this true?”

  “It is.”

  “I’m really thankful you didn’t have this technology when you confronted me.”

  “Count it a blessing.”

  “I do.”

  • • •

  They arrived at an intersection the next day and Sam looked at Angel, “How are we going to do this?”

  “I’m going to form the filament and we will go to top speed and stay at the front edge as it moves toward Heaven’s central star. I will stop it as we arrive inside the communication range of the Tronan Fleets. It will then disappear behind us.”

  Sam looked at Lydia, “Issue orders for all ships to move in with us and stay close.” Sam turned back to Angel and she closed her eyes. The wispy, white filament appeared and Sam shouted, “Don’t let it get a head of us Rangel!” Rangel pushed the booster levers forward and Delilah’s Sword flew into the filament at maximum speed.

  Two hours later, Lydia looked up from her console, “Sir, I’m starting to pick up their communications.”

  Sam looked at Kelly, “How far out are they?”

  “About five minutes from our scanner range, Sir.”

  “Let me know the moment we move into the range of their scanners.”

  Kelly nodded and ten minutes later she said, “They can see, Admiral.”


  The Sword and scouts came to a stop and the filament continued moving ahead of them…then it stopped…and began disappearing. It passed them moving back toward the intersection and Sam ordered the ships into normal space.

  • • •



  “Now I’m picking up…”


  “The filament is disappearing. There is a single large vessel and hundreds of…make that two to three-thousand tiny ships accompanying it.”

  “How far are they?”

  “Three-hours flight time, Director.”

  “All units stop and turn to face the vessel behind us.”

  The Senior Ship Director heard hundreds of communications begin coming in and he said, “Order silence. I suspect that ship has something to say.”

  “Are they here to save us?”

  The Senior Director looked at his Science Director, “Does that look like one of our ships?”

  “No, Director.”

  “Then they’re not here to save us.”

  “Then why did they come?”

  “Possibly to revel in our current situation.”

  Every Tronan in the four fleets were shocked when the Major Fleet Director appeared on their monitors. He said, “I’ve been trying to find a way to save you from starvation.”

  The Senior Ship Director lifted his communicator, “Fleet Director, are you on the vessel behind us?”

  “I am.”

  “We are not allowed to communicate with other species.”

  “Do you not think I’m aware of that!? However, I’ve been given a proposal about a means of saving you from certain death and I am forced to consider it. Only my sorrow at what is ha
ppening to you has made me do this. All of you have fought with me for long years and I am under tremendous pressure knowing what you’re enduring.”

  “But Fleet Director…”

  “BE SILENT!” I know this decision is a difficult one and I need the wisdom of my Senior Ship Directors to assist me in making it. All Senior Ship Directors will move their warships out of formation and form up between my fleets and this vessel.”

  “Fleet Director…”

  The Fleet Director interrupted the Senior Ship Director in a soft stern voice, “If you speak again and don’t follow my orders, I will have you executed! I’ve told you that I need your wisdom!”

  Sam looked at Jek, “Are they going to do it?”

  “They’re talking about it, at the moment. They have agreed that this one ship doesn’t represent a threat to them so I do believe they are going to comply.”

  Kelly said, “They’re starting to move now.”

  Sam looked at the monitor and saw more than a thousand Tronan Warships start moving. He looked at the Fleet Director and said, “Show time. He looked at Jek, “Look at the ships in the fleet and tell me what you see.”

  Jek closed his eyes and let his mind go free. He allowed it to move over the thousands of Tronan Warships behind the Senior Directors vessels and by the time the Directors formed up between the fleets and the Sword, he opened his eyes. “There are six warships left in the fleet that are uncertain about what to do. They can go either way.”

  “Which ships are they?” The Fleet Director asked. Jek took a laser pointer and marked them on the wall monitor. “I’ll handle them if we can resolve this issue.”

  The thousand ships moved between the fleets and Delilah’s Sword. The Fleet Director said, “I want my most senior three-hundred and twenty-five Ship Directors to board a shuttle and come to the landing bay on this vessel.”


  “You will not be harmed and I will be sending one of my Ship Directors to go and command your vessels in your absence. If you agree to this proposal, you will be my High Council and will assist me in commanding our forces. If you choose not to accept this proposal, my Ship Directors and I will be joining you to die with you.”

  Sam looked at Jek, “Pretty much all of them are agreed that they will not agree to any proposal.”

  “Are they coming?”

  “They agree they have no choice. They’re still bound to obey the Fleet Leader and they’re worried their crews won’t support them if they refuse. Some of them are coming armed.”

  The Fleet Director lifted his communicator as shuttles began leaving the formation, “I must warn you that this ship will be scanning your shuttles and it detects any arms, it will destroy the shuttle. Do not place yourself in danger. Leave all weapons on your ships.”

  “Sir, the first shuttle has three small blasters on board.”

  “Thanks, Kelly. Admiral Hummel, take it out with a blaster.”

  A scout accelerated away from the sword and fired at point-blank range on the first shuttle vaporizing it. The remaining shuttles stopped where they were. The Fleet Director said, “Three mini-blasters were detected on Ship Director Gamca’s shuttle. I suggest you dispose of any others you might have on board. Most of the shuttles began moving forward but fifty of them delayed before moving.

  Kelly looked away from her console, “They’re tossing their blasters out of the shuttles.”

  Sam smiled, “Good.”

  The hundreds of shuttles approached the Sword and the Fleet Leader announced, “Land in the bay in threes.”

  Three shuttles landed in the bay and one of the Fleet Director’s Ship Directors walked into each behind the Senior Ship Director exiting the shuttles. The process continued until all of the shuttles had landed and headed back to their vessels.

  Sam lifted his communicator, “Move your scouts around the front of the Sword and overlap them. I don’t want any scans getting through.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Randy looked at Walt, “What’s going on?”

  “Alexander the Great once invited the leaders of his enemy to meet with him under what was then a white-flag. They all arrived and he had their heads removed.” Randy stared at him and Walt shrugged, “If it makes you feel better, there’s no white-flag here.”

  • • •

  The Fleet Director came through a port into the landing bay wearing a space suit. He took a cable and clipped in on a hand-hold next to the port and said over the suits external speaker, “It has been brought to my attention that all of you have agreed that if I choose to accept this offer to save us that you will attempt to kill me.”

  The Senior Ship Director raised his hands, “Fleet Director, we would never disobey your orders. Suddenly everyone in the bay heard the Senior Ship Director’s thoughts, “I’ll order him rushed at the first opportunity.” The Senior Ship Director’s mouth fell open and the Fleet Director said, “Don’t look so shocked. Every one of you are plotting the same thing.” He said, “Now would be a good time.”

  The hundreds of Ship Directors rushed across the landing bay toward the Fleet Director. Suddenly, the landing bay door closest to them opened in an instant without the force field in place to keep out the vacuum of space. One of the Senior Ship Directors managed to get within ten feet of the Fleet Director, who was being sucked toward the open door but was being restrained by the cable attached to the hand-hold. Every Ship Director was blown out of the landing bay and into open space. Their bodies exploded from rapid decompression and the Fleet Director said, “It’s done.”

  The Fleet Director fell to the floor as the landing bay door quickly closed and waited as the landing bay was pressurized. A light next to the port turned green and Rangel stepped through the port, “You’re needed on the bridge.”

  He removed his space helmet and followed Rangel out of the landing bay. Now the really difficult tasks remained. How do you convince the blind to see?

  Chapter Five

  The Fleet Director arrived on the bridge and said to Jek, “Any changes?”

  “The vast majority of your ships are hopeful they won’t have to die of starvation. They’re willing to accept most any offer and are aware that they’ll die first before their leaders; their leaders will control the distribution of the food on board. Three of the Directors that were vacillating have been convinced to go along with the offer. The other three are currently discussing it with their Department Directors.”

  “What about the Seniors?”

  “They’re pretty much committed to rejecting the offer and are communicating ship-to-ship and planning to attack if we move any closer.”

  Sam looked at the Fleet Director, “Do you have a name? Constantly addressing you by your title is…”

  “My name is Acreb?”

  “That’s pretty close to Acree’s name.”

  “All Ship Directors and higher ranks’ names start with Acre.”

  “What is the Prime Director’s name?” Angel asked.

  “His name is Acraa.”

  “Sounds like a pretty simple system. I suspect there are situations where a lot of you have the same name in meetings.”

  “We do. We use titles and add the Ship’s designation to clarify which one is being addressed.”

  “Has Acree changed his name to Acraa?”

  “No, Jek. He refuses to share a name with the evil Prime Director. Once this is resolved, we will all change our names to a more subordinate spelling.”

  Angel nodded, “So your new name will be Acref?”

  Acreb nodded, “I see you figured it out that our names come from alphabetic letters.” Angel nodded.

  “What happens now, Acreb?”

  “Are you confident your scouts can handle the Seniors ships?”

  “Yes, but even if we couldn’t, we have a much faster speed than them.”

  “Then move in closer and let’s see what happens.”

  Sam tilted his head, “Are you sure about this?”

  Acreb nodde
d, “They have to go. Either we attack them causing some consternation among my fleets or allow them to initiate the attack. I won’t be blamed for defending myself against them.”

  “Will your fleets join them?”

  “Admiral, I’ll order them to remain in place and I do believe without any Senior Directors among them, they will do as they’re ordered. They will see that they’re too far away to make a difference anyway.”

  Sam looked at Rangel, “Move us closer.” He looked over his shoulder, “Lydia, send our conversation to Admiral Hummel and tell him to not make the first move.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  • • •

  Randy looked at his panel and said, “The Admiral is going to bait the thousand-warships between us and their fleets to attack. I’ve been ordered to remove them as quickly as possible. However, I’m not allowed to make the first move.” He looked at Walt, “Any suggestions?”

  “Before I make any, what would you do if I weren’t here?”

  Randy’s lips tightened and he said, “I’d assign multiple four-ship units to attack the edges of their formation.” Randy hesitated and then said, “Wait a minute. The danger of attacking them in force is the concussion from the exploding warships right.” Walt nodded. “And you say that the blast will erupt at a speed between two and three-thousand miles per hour, right?” Walt nodded again.

  Randy was silent and Emily asked, “What are you thinking?”

  “My scouts can fly at fifty-thousand miles per hour. Emily, what’s the fastest speed you would be confident of releasing an Egg into a punctured Tronan Warship?”

  “Give me a moment.” Emily began pressing buttons on her console and said, “Crap, let me start over.” She pressed buttons again and said, “If I press the button just before hitting the warship, it would eject into the warship’s interior at three-thousand-six hundred miles per hour.”

  Walt chuckled, “I really didn’t think about that.”

  “Emily, order the scouts into a tight formation and tell them we will attack at three-thousand-two-hundred miles per hour. Tell them to eject their Eggs two hundred-feet before puncture.”

  “Are you sure about that, Randy?”

  “Of course not! We’re here to experiment on what will work or not. Even if some of the eggs don’t land inside the Tronan Warships, I suspect the blasts we do create will take them out. It’s worth doing.”


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