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Death Never Leaves a Calling Card

Page 9

by Saxon Andrew

  “Damned if we do and damned if we don’t, Admiral. What do you see clearly that we’ve missed?”

  “There’s one other reason to attack at the planet. By sending my scouts in, you will learn tactics that you can use or avoid, when the invasion force arrives in our space. It would give you time to train the scouts fleets to use them.”

  Sam smiled, “You’re dead on so far, Admiral.”

  “But the kicker here is, if you intend to do that, could you get another transport here in time before the invasion begins to replace me in taking out the Tronan Communication Line?” Sam stared at Tommy as he said, “And what happens if all of my scouts are destroyed? The Tronan won’t need a Communication Line to learn about our new scouts.”

  “We’ve not considered that happening.”

  “Sir, each of my scouts will be outnumbered thirty-eight warships to one and we’ll be going in without knowing what tactics will work against those numbers. We will be forced to learn on the fly. I think it’s not outside the realm of possibility that I could lose my entire force.”

  Sam sat back in his chair, “If that’s a possibility, attacking the planet would be a mistake.”

  “Sir, I think it’s clear that the most important thing is to prevent the Tronan from learning what they’re up against. That starts with removing the Communication Line.” Tommy paused and then said, “We can’t allow the Tronan Leadership to learn about our new technology. Can we agree on that is the most important thing?”


  “Then the real task is to prevent the warships surrounding the Sand Planet from learning about our attack on their Communication Line?” Sam stared at him and Tommy shrugged, “We know that in order to communicate with their ships at the Sand Planet, they will have to send a ship further than one third of the way down the filament leading to the planet; it’s located outside the range of their communicators. That star is a very long way outside their galaxies. All I’ll have to do is keep my Ghost Scouts halfway down the filament out of range of their scanners in normal space and use them to take out any warship they send to contact the Fleets at the planet.” Sam stared at Tommy and saw him smile, “They may send replacements for their ships that have been on station a long time but I doubt they’ll do that once the invasion kicks off.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because they won’t have the extra ships to continue the practice. I suspect the last replacements before the invasion will notify the Fleet Commander at the planet that no more will be arriving for the foreseeable future. Once the invasion begins, we’ll know that any warships that arrive will be coming to order them out to support their Communication Line.”

  “We’ve struggled to decide if they would leave that planet to send their fleets out,” Sam replied.

  “They’ll send them, Sir.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because the Sand Civilization has not launched a ship in a very, very long time. They’ll figure they can go and get back before anything radical takes place.” Tommy shrugged, “It’s what I’d do.”

  “If I endorse this plan, your scouts are going to have to attack the Communication Line with no combat experience, Admiral.”

  “I’d rather see them bloodied attacking that long line of single warships than take on more than a million of them.”

  Sam sat and thought about the options and after ten-minutes said, “I’ve not felt good about sending your scouts in against that many warships, Admiral. Do it your way. I’ll authorize it and send you new orders.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  The screen went dark and Leb said, “Admiral, one of your Ghosts is reporting that twenty Tronan Warships have come through the next intersection and turned this way.”

  “Turn the Maw around and accelerate out of their scanning range.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Tommy said, “COMPTUTER! CONNECT ME WITH CAPTAIN MONTOGOMERY!” Travis appeared on the monitor and Tommy said, “Is your Ghost still at the Sand Planet?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “There are twenty Tronan Warships headed this way. I believe they are replacements and I want your scout to record their communications when they arrive.”

  “Yes, Sir. May I ask why, Sir?”

  “Eventually, some of the replacements will be coming and notifying the commander of the Tronan Fleets at the planet that they are the last replacements coming. It could be this group or the next one. When that happens, the invasion will be starting.”

  Travis smiled, “Yes, Sir. I’ll let you know what we hear.”

  Tommy nodded and pressed a button on his console ending the contact. He pressed a button and said, “Admiral Nettles.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I want you and your team to meet me in the conference room in three hours. You may dispose of any plans you’ve developed to attack the planet.”

  Netty rolled her eyes and said, “Yes, Sir.”

  Leb looked at Tommy, “Sir, your Ghost just reported a hundred Tronan Transports are exiting the intersection and following the twenty warships.”

  Tommy nodded. They were sending provisions for the fleets. It looked like this was possibly it.

  • • •

  Travis thought about what was happening and said, “Zek, we’re going to the Sand Planet?”

  “Why, Ghost Six is already there?”

  “I don’t want him extending a passive antenna to listen to them. We’ll learn more by you listening in.”

  Zek shrugged and said, “Computer, connect me with Ghost Six.”

  Travis listened to Zek issue orders and rushed to the second intersection and turned on the filament to the Sand Civilization. He waited just outside the filament with his fins pointed toward it and watched for the Tronan Warships to appear. He looked at Jek, “What is Ghost Six doing?”

  “He is of the opinion that attempting to move back in the filament would pose more risk than just moving away from it and staying in normal space with those fleets.”

  Travis nodded, “He’s right. He’s come a long way since training.”

  Zek smiled, “We all have, Sir.”

  Zek stared at the monitor and three hours later said, “They’re on the filament.” Tam nodded and waited. The Ten Warships passed and Zek said, “This should prove interesting.”

  “Why is that?”

  “The leader of those warships is going to meet his father.” Travis nodded and entered the filament staying a good distance behind the Tronan Warships.

  The warships arrived at the planet and exited the filament close to the band of warships surrounding the equator. Zek linked him in and they heard, “Father. I’m reporting here at the order of the Prime Director.”

  “Why would he order that, Son?”

  “He has sent orders for you to go and take command of the Sixtieth Quadrant’s Forces. You have been promoted from Major Fleet Director to Senior Fleet Director.”

  “What happened to the Senior Fleet Director in command of the Sixtieth?”

  “He was executed for hiding provisions from the Prime Director.”

  “Why didn’t his eldest son replace him.”

  “His entire family was executed with him. You are ordered to take possession of all his holdings and will rule the Sixtieth Quadrant upon your return. You will be in command of a hundred fleets being sent to invade the distant place where we’ve lost warships.”

  “What about my possessions.”

  “The Prime Director has promoted me to replace you. I will take command here and continue to rule your province.”

  “Why is this being done?”

  “The Prime Director has ordered that no further replacements will be sent during the invasion. He is also sending a hundred-transports with provisions for the fleets here to tide them over until the invasion is completed.”

  “Son, you do understand that you are still under my rule?”

  “Yes, Father. The province will become part of your quadrant.”
r />   “Congratulations on your promotion.”

  “And congratulations on becoming one of the ten highest-ranking Directors in the Empire, Father.”

  “I will bring you up to date on the current situation before I leave.”

  “Father, the Prime Director said to tell you to leave immediately. The invasion will begin in two-weeks and he says you need to go and get to know your Major Fleet Directors. I’ll have your Senior Fleet Admiral tell me what the situation is.”

  “You are aware that if anything unusual happens you are to notify the Prime Director?”

  “Yes, Father.”

  “I’ll see you in a few years, Son. Who is being left in command of my new Quadrant?”

  “Mother will rule until you return.”

  “That’s a good decision. Keep them on the planet.”

  “Yes, Senior Fleet Director.”

  • • •

  Twenty warships began moving out of formation and Zek said, “The Tronan Transports have entered the filament.”

  “I’m moving us away from the filament until all of them have passed.”

  Zek chuckled and Travis said, “What?”

  “That son didn’t tell his father one little piece of information.”

  “What is that?”

  “The son filled those hundred transports from the Father’s personal possessions.”

  “I imagine that might have led to some difficulty.”

  “The son figured that before the Father could do anything about it, he would be off on the invasion. He’d have three or four years to cool down.”

  Travis shrugged, “Or, he might not make it back.”

  “The son figured either way, it would work out. He wasn’t about to hide anything from the Prime Director.”

  “Pass this information on to Admiral Cranton and to Fleet. If we can win this fight, they might not be able to return as fast the next time.” Zek shrugged and Travis said, “Replay that conversation before you contact them.”

  They listened to the conversation and Tam started shaking his head. “What’s wrong?”

  “Fleet has estimated that the Tronan will be sending anywhere from four to six-hundred fleets in the invasion. What if there are ten Senior Fleet Directors coming our way. The son said his father was commanding a hundred Fleets.”

  Zek stared at Travis and then said, “If that’s the case, they’re launching a thousand-fleets.”

  “Include the conversation we just recorded with the information.” Zek nodded and made the contacts.

  • • •

  Sam felt his communicator vibrate and he saw Gem’s face on the small display. He pressed it and said, “Hi, Gem. What’s up?”

  “Admiral Hummel and his wife have completed the transformation.”

  “How are they doing?”

  “They’re working on getting accustomed to their new bodies.”

  “Is that why you called?”

  “No, I was thinking about the coming invasion and had a thought.”

  “What was that?”

  “You know the last time the Tronan sent their fleets, the commander of them did not report the level of commercial traffic he encountered. I suspect that won’t happen this time.”

  Sam’s eyes flew wide open, “Holy ship in a bottle! You’re right!”

  “There’s no way we can stop that bit of information from getting back to them without attacking them long before they arrive in our sector.” Sam was shaking his head in silence and Gem said, “That may lead to the next invasion being beyond our wildest expectations.”

  “I KNOW!!”

  “Hey, I’m just the messenger.”

  “Admiral, I have a message coming in from the Ghost Commander in Tronan Territory.”

  “Gem, I have to take this.” Gen nodded and Sam looked at his wall monitor. After a few minutes, he lowered his head…a thousand fleets? He couldn’t stand much more of this kind of news.

  Chapter Eight

  Tommy left the bridge and went to his quarters first to freshen up. He took a short two-hour nap and then was awakened by his alarm. He showered, put on a clean uniform, and saw Zek appear on his small wall monitor. He listened to the report and sat down on the bed. His panel beeped and he heard, “A message from Admiral Oliver has arrived. “Play it.”

  “Admiral Cranton, I’ve been so busy that I’ve not sent you a recording of the confrontation with the Tronan Fleets stranded in Heaven’s Star System. You might find the tactics used there interesting.”

  Tommy said, “Play recording.” Tommy viewed the recording and said, “Send this recording to the computer in the conference room.”

  “Recording sent and received, Admiral.”

  Tommy sat on his bed and eventually said, “Admiral Nettles.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Start the meeting without me. We will not be attacking the fleets at the Sand Planet but will be tasked with taking out the Tronan’s Communication Line. I’ll examine what you’ve come up with shortly.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Tommy sat still with his eyes focused on the floor for a long time and, after another hour, he took a deep breath. He looked up and said, “Computer, connect me with Captain Fowler.”

  “Are you referring to the one on Admiral Oliver’s vessel?”

  “Just how many Captain Olivers are there?!”

  “Twenty-six, Sir.”

  “Yes, the one serving on Delilah’s Sword.”

  The connection was made and an hour later, Tommy entered the conference room.

  • • •

  “Ateeennnshun!” Netty shouted.”

  “As you were.” The six officers sat down and Tommy said, “I know you have questions about why the change in plans so I’m going to play my conversation with Admiral Oliver. It’ll take less time than it would to explain. I’ve removed the pauses to decrease the duration of the video. Computer, play the conversation.”

  The wall monitor activated and Tommy sat back in his chair. Once it ended he said, “Any questions?” The six officers shook their heads. What have you come up with so far on taking out the Tronan Communication Line.”

  “Sir, there’s no way we can surprise the Tronan Warships in their line. They will be able to detect our warships approaching because of their metal hulls,” Admiral Nettles replied. “We believe that if we’re not attacking the warships at the planet, we should send our scouts out ahead of the invasion and space them out such that they will each be able to attack one of the Tronan Warships once they’re in place.”

  “Go on,” Tommy replied.

  “Once they’re spaced out, we’ll move them into normal space far enough away to be outside the range of their scanners.”

  “Do you have an estimate of how long it will take more than five-million of their warships to pass?”

  Netty’s eyebrows went up, “Five-million?!”

  “We’ve uncovered some information that a thousand Tronan Fleets will be used in the invasion.” The six officers stared at Tommy and he said, “I am also of the opinion that there will not be any space between the invading fleets and the warships in their Communication Line. It will be following them like a tail on a kite and you will need to factor in that the Communication Line will be more than a hundred-million light years long.”

  “It will take more than a year for it to pass our location,” Lynch said in a stunned voice.”

  Tommy shrugged, “Not really. If they’re traveling at their maximum speed, which I doubt they can do and maintain order in their ranks, their fleets will pass our position in less than three-months. It will take them a year or more to arrive at our sector but you should remember we are at the currently located at the beginning of their voyage.” Netty had stood up to make her presentation and she slowly sat down on her chair with a stunned expression. Tommy said, “We also have to keep in mind that we cannot take out the Communication Line until our fleets attack in our home sector. That won’t happen until they arrive at Heaven’s
intersection, which means we are going to have to accelerate ahead of them and move off the filament about where their communication line will be when the lead ships in their formations arrive at Heaven’s intersection.”

  “But when the front of that invasion force arrives at the intersection, there will be millions of their ships that will still not be on the filament,” Jenell replied with wide eyes.

  Tommy nodded, “There’s more.” They all looked at him and he said, “I want you to put yourself in the Tronan Supreme Leader’s shoes. Now consider this, he has had three instances where a ship, or ships, or fleets went to our space and absolutely no information on what happened there got back to him. Have you got that picture in your minds?” They all nodded and Tommy said, “What do you think he’ll do about it this time?”

  They all were silent and Tommy watched them closely. He patted himself on the back for anticipating that Netty would see it first. Her eyes opened as wide as possible and she said, “OH MY GOD!” She looked at Tommy and said, “You’ve already anticipated this, haven’t you?”

  Tommy chuckled, “You forgot the ‘Sir’.”

  Netty shook her head and said, “Haven’t you, Sir!?”

  “Tell us what you see, Admiral.”

  “I might not have the full picture.”

  “Just tell us what you see.”

  “There won’t be just one Communication Line.” Tommy smiled and nodded for her to continue. The other five officers looked at her and she said, “There will be two parallel Communication Lines, with each located at one edge of the filament. The ships will be staggered so that the warships are offset from each other and the ships on each side of the filament will be in communication range of the ships on the other side of the filaments. If you take out ships in one line, the communications will just be passed to the other side and the information will continue down the line.” She looked at Tommy, “That must be why he’s sending so many fleets.”

  Tommy smiled and looked at the others, “What is she missing?”

  Jenell said, “She’s not accounted for the probes.”

  Tommy shook his head, “How did you come up with that Commodore Jennings?” Jenell was silent and Tommy lowered his eyes, “I asked you a question, Commodore.”


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