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Fire and Ice, Novella Sequel to Trial by Fire

Page 5

by Lee Taylor

  “There you are! I was wondering if you got cold feet, Annika, and decided not to come. Glad you made it. But c’mon, I want to introduce you to my wife. As much as Erin and I have been raving about you, Kaitlin’s eager to meet you.”

  He reached over and draped a hand over Sam’s shoulder.

  “And of course in two months this guy has wormed his way into the hearts of my entire family—including my nine month old son’s. Hell, I won’t be surprised if Gabriel’s first word is Sam. Well, maybe it’ll be Nate; but Sam will be a close second.”


  Annika looked around the table and almost pinched herself to make sure she was awake, not dreaming. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been at a dinner party or any party where she didn’t feel like the odd man out. Of course the fact that Sam’s arm rested on the back of her chair through most of the dinner and his knee hovered perilously close to hers may have had something to do with it. Sipping on the second glass of wine that Sam poured for her without asking her permission, she cautiously allowed herself to enjoy the banter among the three men and begin to relax—at least a little.

  “You can’t mean your 911 has more than 500 hp? It ain’t humanly possible!” Connor’s voice rippled with disbelief.

  Nate dismissed him with a disparaging shrug. “Hell, Cuz. Look at the damn manual. And that was before I suped it up!”

  Annika took a deep breath and surprised herself as much as she did the others when she jumped in.

  “Actually, Connor, the base model for the 911 Turbo has 538 horsepower and if Nate says he….”

  The rest of her sentence died in her throat when everyone at the table stopped what they were doing and stared at her. Annika almost choked with embarrassment realizing that this was the first thing she had said the entire evening that wasn’t a response to a direct question—usually following a helpful nudge from Sam. Having dug her grave, she decided she may as well keep digging.

  “I… I waitressed in a biker bar working my way through college. Most guys into crotch rockets say they hate cars but after bikes and chicks it was their favorite topic. That’s pretty much all I heard for four years of my life.”

  Nate whistled.

  “Damn! Any woman who can say ‘crotch rocket’ without blushing is my kind of woman! Tell me Lieutenant, what other dirty words did you learn in that bar?”

  “Nate!” Erin glared at him then smiled when he winked at her and leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

  “It’s okay, honey. The lieutenant’s a cop. She’s tougher than she looks, aren’t you, Lieutenant?”

  Annika shrugged and did her best to smile.

  “I learned a lot in that bar, Detective. Including how to respond to every kind of scooter trash those hogs could think up. It’s served me well.”

  In the appreciative laughter that followed her response, Nate gave her a thumb’s up and flashed his winning grin.

  Annika took a healthy gulp of her wine and charged forward.

  “The bikers loved to taunt the clueless guys who happened into the bar by mistake. One of the games they played for beer was to see who could name the kind of car the poor guy drove—just by looking at him. After four years in that bar, I never had to pay for a beer. I won every time. For example, Erin didn’t have to tell me that 911 Turbo was Nate’s. What else would he drive?”

  Connor laughed. “Of course. But even I would know that. What about me, Annika? I hope I’m not as transparent as my cousin.”

  Annika smiled. “Sorry, Connor. I’ll bet my next paycheck that you drive a bimmer. And likely it’s gun metal gray.”

  Connor choked. “Damn, Annika. I just learned last week that true BMW owners refer to their cars as bimmers. That was after the guy who sold it to me took me aside and made me promise I’d never say ‘beemer’ again.”

  In the chorus of appreciative laughter, Sam threw her a challenging grin. “Hey, these two guys are easy. Piece of cake. What do I drive when I’m not living out of a rental H3Alpha?”

  Annika pursed her lips and frowned slightly.

  Sam put up his hand. “Wait, before you guess, what do I get if you’re wrong?”

  Annika laughed a genuine laugh.

  “Since you are even more transparent than these two cousins, Commander, you can name the prize if I’m wrong. But, while you’re thinking about it, let me think. Anyone who rents a Hummer for three months has to love cars. And given the way you dress, and those amazing sunglasses you wear, there’s only one car for a man like you. It has to be a Ferrari, and if I’m correct, it would be an FF.”

  Sam looked over at Nate and they shared a knowing grin.

  Smiling at her approvingly, Sam shook his head. “You’re almost correct, Lieutenant. That’s what Nate guessed I drove and I did until a couple of months before I came to Minnesota. But I traded it in for Audi R8.”

  Annika gasped. “A GT?”

  Sam shrugged. “Of course. Like you said: I’m transparent.”

  Chapter 7

  “Wow, girlfriend! Sorry to mix metaphors but you drove that one out of the park. It’s bad enough that Sam is gaga over you but now for the first time, Erin and I have to watch our backs.”

  Erin smiled at her and leaned over and gave her a hug. “Kait’s right, Annika. And you were nervous about coming to the party. You were the hit of the night. Wow, talk about the way to a man’s heart. Forget cooking. Learn your cars!”

  Annika laughed. “Well, I am a lousy cook and you’re right. My knowledge of cars has kept more than a few bad dates from being an unmitigated disaster—at least at first.”

  Erin jerked back and gave her a funny stare.

  “What is that supposed to mean, Annika? Every guy who sees you is hot for you. Surely you know that.”

  Annika struggled with what to say as the thick cloud that ruled her life settled over her. She knew what she looked like. She’d been told often enough by men and women. She’d given up trying to tell the guys with the groping hands that they were wrong. She wasn’t what they thought she was. The few who had stuck around quickly agreed. Only they ended up calling her a cold bitch instead of the easy lay they’d assumed she was. Looking up, she saw that both Erin and Kait were staring at her. Erin’s lovely face was marred by a frown.

  “Annika, I’m going to take a chance here. Hope you don’t mind. I recognize a lot of traits in you that tell me some ugly things happened in your past. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. Just know that if you ever do—”

  Annika put up her hand. “Thanks, Erin. But I decided a long time ago that what’s in the past is done, over, and there’s nothing I can do to change it. And frankly, since I learned how to shoot a gun and put a guy on the floor in three seconds flat, my life has been different. And that’s how I like it.”

  In the uncomfortable silence that followed Annika tried to focus on the darling baby that Kait was nursing. It was a tender sight. But instead of calming her, it agitated her. Damn. All this sweetness and light was choking her. She was right earlier. She never should have come to this dinner. How the hell would she ever get Nate and Connor and Sam to see her as a professional woman, when she’d let down her guard the way that she had. And now she was getting all weepy seeing a young mother nursing her baby.

  Erin shattered her reverie and her composure at the same time.

  “I know you don’t want to hear this, Annika, but Sam is nuts about you. And even though you act like it doesn’t matter, you also like him. And, girlfriend, I will tell you this. You couldn’t find a nicer guy if you spent a lifetime looking. We’ve only known him for a couple of months but every one of us is crazy about him. He’s a winner, Annika. You should give him a chance.

  Annika couldn’t contain her frustration.

  “For God’s sake, Erin. I’ve known him for little more than a week. And of course he is a winner. He is wonderful. Gorgeous, rich, smart, and the sexiest man I’ve ever met. And also completely out of my league. Do you think if
Sam were applying to become an ATF agent he’d be worrying if he was going to get accepted? No. He wouldn’t have to think twice. All they’d have to know is that it’s Samuel D. Carter, the superstar cop, and he’d be a shoe in. They’d be begging for him.”

  Erin frowned. “I don’t think you give Sam enough credit, Annika.”

  Annika shook her head. “I’m sure I don’t.”

  Annika hadn’t realized how strongly she felt and how much Sam had gotten to her until she continued to unload on Erin.

  “You say you recognize similar things in our pasts. Well if you do, then you know why a man like Sam isn’t an option for me. And not only because I have crap. A crummy car, a crummy apartment, and for the most part a crummy life. But my crappy life works for me. Because what I do have is my job. And it takes every ounce of energy I have to keep succeeding at what I do. To prove to all those guys out there that I am as good as they are and better than most. And yes, I know I look like a blonde bimbo—easy and hot. But I’m not. Ask any guy who’s managed to get to first base. I’m as cold as they come. And just so you know, Sam Carter will never learn that about me. Because as soon as I do what I came here to do, I’m outta here. And my life will go back to being what it was. Which is exactly how I want it to be.”

  She slammed her eyes shut to stop the tears that were leaking down her cheeks and to avoid looking at Erin or Kait. What in fucking hell was wrong with her? She’d never let loose like this before. And on a gentle soul like Erin? And Kait who she’d met three hours ago? Holy mother of God. And now she somehow had to get from this room, down the stairs, past three six-foot-plus guys and make it back to her Motel 6, where she could truly break down. All she could hope was that her motel room had thick walls or they’d likely send for the guys in the white coats. Great, just great. And who said there was a god? Not her for damn sure!

  Before she could move away, she felt Erin’s arm around her. For some reason she didn’t have the strength to push her away.

  “Annika, all I’m going to say is that I have been where you are now. And the reason you let down the way you just did is because you’ve seen the possibility of a different kind of life and it scares you. No, don’t bother denying it. Just know that you are strong and when you are ready there is a new life waiting for you. I hope it is Sam who leads you out of the wilderness the way Nate led me. But if it isn’t, someone will. Because whether you know it now, you are ready to let go of the past. And I for one will be cheering you on from the sidelines.”


  When they went downstairs, Nate met her in the hallway with a serious expression and led her into the living room.

  “Listen here, Lieutenant, I just learned from my cousin that you are hanging out at the Motel 6. Fuck, that just won’t do. We can’t have one of our star wannabe’s living in digs like that. Hell, cops around the country find that out and I’ll only have a hundred or less calling me every day to find out if we need any new recruits. I’ll start to think I’m losing my luster.”

  Sam laughed. “Don’t worry about Nate, Lieutenant. His ego is so well developed that he could stand a minor reduction in adulation without injury. But he is right. Neither one of us questioned Connor about arrangements for you.”

  Connor broke in. “Hell, I’ve been crazed with all the accidents we’ve been dealing with. Erin was shocked when I told her where you are staying. She insisted that we need to make better arrangements for you.”

  Annika put up her hand and shook her head.

  “Please, all of you. I’m just fine. I have what I need. The place is perfect for me.”

  “The hell it is!” Nate roared. “I’m telling you, Lieutenant, I’ve got a reputation to uphold. Look, I have an empty apartment a block from the station. I was gonna let Sam use it, but suck-up that he is, he prefers to snuggle up to the Chief in that big mansion that Roberts owns. But, I gotta warn you up front. My place has a bit of a reputation. I lived there before Erin cleaned me up. I’ve had the place fumigated. But if you find any lacy underwear the cleaners missed take it up with them not me. And for fuck’s sake, don’t tell Erin.”

  Amid the laughter, Erin punched him on the arm. “Nate, you are incorrigible. Annika, don’t worry. I thoroughly checked out Nate’s former bachelor pad—out of curiosity if nothing else. Mostly I wanted to see if there really were notches on the bedposts.”

  After at least ten minutes of raucous joking regarding Nate’s past, Annika conceded that she would move into the apartment in the morning.

  Nate grinned at her. “I’d offer to take you there tonight, but I’m four hours past my ability to restrain myself being this close to my fiancé. I don’t want to embarrass you all with what I might do if I don’t get Erin alone with me in the next ten minutes.”

  Sam jumped in. “Please, Nate. Spare us. Everyone except the lieutenant knows the danger we’re all in. I’ll see that Lieutenant Nilsson gets back to that shabby motel tonight.”

  Ignoring the appealing look Annika gave her, Erin nestled against Nate’s chest. “That’s great, Sam. Annika, I will come and get you in the morning. We can take your things over to Nate’s apartment and get you settled. Then we can head back to my office and finish what we started today.”


  Sam glanced over at Annika, wondering if he dared reach out for her hand. Never had the front seat of the Hummer seemed so long. It felt like there was ten feet between them, not two. But it wasn’t the physical distance that troubled him, it was the emotional chasm. It had been an unsettling night. He’d been ecstatic when he’d learned from Connor that Erin was bringing Annika to the dinner party. And at least in the beginning, it couldn’t have been better. How else to describe that gorgeous ass bent over in front of him and then if that wasn’t hot enough, she literally backed into his arms. Sweet. Or as the kids he worked with would say, “How sick was that?”

  And damn, he’d remember for at least a couple of lifetimes the automobile game she’d played. Her knowledge and her easy teasing of Connor and Nate and even him was every guy’s wet dream. Inadvertently, she’d revealed that she was paying enough attention to him to know what kind of sunglasses he wore and was dead-on about his choice of automobiles. Even if it did make him sound a little like a pretentious prick.

  But then something happened. And Sam saw that it was big enough to raise Annika’s guard higher than it had been before. And damn it was virtually unscalable then. It didn’t take much to see how upset she was. The tear tracks were evidence enough. His few attempts at conversation in the car had met with a soft shrug and silence. Unfortunately the damned motel was only five minutes’ drive time from Connor’s house and before he could decide if he should attempt to breach the walls one more time they were pulling up under the awning.

  In the light of the flashing neon sign signifying that there were no vacancies, Sam saw the strain tightening the fine lines around her mouth and eyes. As he angled into the parking space along the fence, Annika reached in her purse and pulled out her room key. Sam wished he were audacious enough to yank open her door, scoop her up in his arms and show her she didn’t have to look so goddamned lonely. And show her how even a Motel 6 could be the scene of an unforgettable night. But bravado wasn’t the card he needed to play tonight. No. Restraint was.

  As if to confirm his judgment, he’d barely turned off the ignition when she jumped out and was halfway across the parking lot five feet away from Room 146.

  Sam got out and leaned against his car door, tucking his hands in his jacket pockets to look as unthreatening as possible.

  Annika looked back over her shoulder. She hesitated for a brief moment meeting his gaze.

  “Um… uh… thanks for the ride, Commander.”

  He watched her fiddle with the door key then called out to her.

  “Hey. You!”

  She turned, looking surprised. A questioning frown traced her brow.

  “It’s Sam.”

  Her frown deepened.

  “I… what?”

  “My name is Sam.”

  In the harsh flash of neon he saw her cheeks flush a soft shade of pink. Even from the distance he could see her throat constrict when she swallowed.

  “Good night, Annika.”

  He couldn’t hear what she said but he saw her lips curl slightly and thought he saw her mouth the words before she closed the door behind her.

  “Good night, Sam.”

  Chapter 8

  “Sure you don’t want a toke, Officer? We got about the best ‘fry daddy’ you’re likely to suck past those juicy lips of yours. Course, if it’s something more ‘manly’ you wanna put your mouth around, we can arrange that too. Can’t we, Bobo?”

  The grungy long-haired dude smirked at his buddy who chortled in response.

  “Oh yeah, man. I got all kinds of ideas ‘bout what we could do with that sick mouth of hers. We can even arrange a little ‘gun play’ sugar, if you’re up for it. Nothin’ Mick and me’d like better. Tell you what sugar-lips. You show us your gun and we’ll show you ours.”

  If it weren’t for the glassy-eyed hatred gleaming in their eyes, Annika would have laughed. But she knew these assholes and the gang beginning to crowd in around them weren’t above their threats. They were part of a destructive offshoot of the environmental movement that went after businesses they thought were hurting the environment. For the most part the groups were annoying but harmless. The worst were dangerous, classified by the FBI as “eco-terrorists.” Their goal was to destroy their targets by damaging their property. Fire was their weapon of choice.

  From her research the small unkempt group camped outside the security fence bordering Lakeside Estates were no more than Environmental Liberation Front pretenders. She was convinced this ragtag bunch, as Corcoran had correctly labeled them, were more interested in getting high and terrorizing the neighbors than they were in doing real damage. But Annika didn’t underestimate them. She knew the damage their more dangerous cohorts could wreak. That knowledge was one of the primary reasons Connor and Nate had invited her in. Last year, she’d broken up a gang of dedicated eco-terrorists that were targeting a ski resort in Idaho. She’d put most of them behind bars on the more provable charges of drug dealing. The bust made her reputation in law enforcement circles. Regrettably, after the Idaho incident she was well known in more seamy circles as well.


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