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Gianni - The Santinis

Page 4

by Melissa Schroeder

  She sighed and looked over the table. “I guess it’s my job to clean up.”

  He shook his head and took her hand. Without a word, she knew what he had in mind.

  “Gianni, I need to clean up the kitchen.”

  “I need to taste you. I think my needs come first…at least in this case.”

  He pulled her up out of the chair and lifted her into his arms.

  “Gianni,” she said with a squeal.


  She rolled her eyes. “I know I’m not an easy load to carry.”

  He stopped at the doorway of her bedroom. “Now that’s just silly. Of course, you are a handful, but that’s what I like in a woman. And seeing that I’m trained to carry men who weight a lot more than you do, you’re nothing for me to pick up.”

  He walked into the room, and set her on her feet.

  “I’ve always been kind of big for my age.”

  She snorted. “Definitely.”

  He laughed again, that wonderful sound that filled her bedroom. She would never be in her bedroom without being able to think of that.

  “I was just always tall, more muscled, comes with trying to keep up with all my brothers. Little women make me nervous. I don’t trust a woman who deprives herself of food because other people tell her she should.”


  “I know, I sound like a freaking commercial, but I like you the way you are. Here,” he said walking her to the full-length mirror. He slipped behind her.

  “Do you see what I see?” he asked, his breath feathering against her flesh.

  She barely noticed that he’d slipped his hands to the sash of her robe. It parted revealing some of her skin. She had been a little lazy and only pulled on a pair of panties. Kianna thought he would pull it all off. Men usually went for all or nothing. Instead, he let it hang showing a hint of her breasts and belly.

  “Do you?” he whispered. “Do you see what I see when I look at you? Women rarely do.”

  She shook her head, her gaze still on his hands. His fingers were long and tanned, skimming over her flesh.

  “I see a beautiful woman, in spirit and in deed. That makes the beauty on the outside more stunning.”

  He trailed one finger down her stomach all the way to her sex.

  “I couldn’t think of anything but getting back here to touch you.”

  He nibbled on her earlobe, his tongue darting out over it before he bit down.

  “Taste you.”

  She closed her eyes and leaned her head back.

  “No, keep your eyes open. Watch.” He said. His voice had grown rougher each time he spoke.

  She complied and watched as he slipped his hand beneath the waistband of her panties.

  “And here…so sexy. So beautiful.”

  He slid one finger inside of her and her knees almost buckled. Just that small touch had her ready to come.

  He kissed her neck, grazing his teeth over her pulse—which scrambled. “So wet.”

  Before she was ready, he was removing his hand. He spun her around and cupped her face with both hands before taking her mouth in a hard, wet, wonderful kiss. She knew he had meant to tease her, but in the end, he had been overwhelmed.

  Wrapping her arms around him, she returned the kiss with everything she had. Her body was hot, her mind spinning and her heart melting.

  “Take your robe off, babe,” he said, as he kneeled in front of her. Kianna did as ordered even as he started to pull her panties down. He helped her out of them.

  Gianni didn’t hesitate, but he also didn’t hurry. He kissed first one knee, then the other.

  “I feel like I could feast on all this flesh.” He smiled up at her. “That’s a bit literary, isn’t it?”

  She chuckled then moaned when he kissed her mons.

  “I have a feeling that it’s the last time I’m going to be able to make sense for awhile.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that,” she said pulling in a quick deep breath as he slipped his tongue inside of her. “God.”

  Every thought in her mind dissolved as he thrust into her over and over. She was shaking by the time he moved up to kiss her belly. He teased her, kissing and licking his way up her body. When he finally stood, she couldn’t even remember her first name, let alone her last.

  He cupped her face with one massive hand then slid his free hand down her back. He kissed her, teasingly, nipping at her bottom lip, then diving in. She could taste her arousal.

  When he pulled back, he said, “See what I mean? How wonderful you taste?”

  She opened her eyes and found him watching her, his eyelids half closed, but the intensity of his gaze no less powerful.

  “You don’t see just how tempting are, do you? God.”

  He kissed her again, this one not so gentle. When he pressed against her, she felt his erection. A shudder slid through his body.

  She thought he would take her to bed; instead, he lifted her then turned to settle her on top of her dresser. He apparently had no time to wait and pulled down his jeans. She sighed in appreciation. It seemed Gee Santini went commando on Sundays. He grabbed a condom from her bedside table and returned. He pulled it out and she took it from him.

  Kianna settled it on the tip of his penis and unrolled it slowly, keeping her gaze on his face. He leaned his head back and moaned. It was probably one of the sexiest things she’d seen. Well, since the night before. The man knew how to take control, but he also knew when to let her take the lead.

  How could she not want him?

  When she finally had the condom on, Gianni opened his eyes. “That was close, Ki. You almost pushed me over the edge.”

  He tangled his fingers through her hair and drew her closer to kiss her. He slanted his mouth over hers again and again as he urged her to scoot to the edge of the dresser. Then, he pulled back from the kiss. She was so into him, so lost, she didn’t think she would ever get enough.

  He eased himself inside. She was sore from the night before, but she didn’t care. It was worth a little to feel this connection, to escape into the erotic web he created.

  He thrust into her again and again as he leaned her back so he could tease her with that dangerous mouth. Kianna rushed to the pinnacle, her orgasm jolting through her. Gianni didn’t give her time to recover. He took her there again, and again, and again. She lost count how many times she orgasmed. The last time, Gianni pulled her back up and thrust into her hard and kissed her as her release swept over her. He shuddered, groaning her name against her mouth as he followed her into bliss.

  Chapter Six

  Mom always said to make sure you enjoy where you live. No place is as great as your last assignment or as exciting as your next, but she said you should make sure you make memories of the present. –Gee

  Gianni didn’t really want to spend Friday night with his buddies. Well, his buddies and Kianna. He’d been back a month and he had yet to introduce any of them to her. There was a reason. He wanted to keep her all to himself.

  “I don’t think I’ve been here in two years,” Kianna said as she walked with him to front door of Lucky’s.

  “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “Neither, really. It’s a big college hang out, though. Didn’t know that many guys from the base hung out here.”

  “There aren’t that many places around and this is where the coeds hang out.”

  She nodded as they stepped into the noise. It was crazy, even for five on a Friday. He had insisted on meeting early before the massive Friday crowd. He wanted to be out of there before the band started up.

  Part of the problem was the way she was dressed. She’d worn a knee length dress that normally he probably would call demure. But, the fabric clung to her curves, highlighting every single one of them. She had opted for heels tonight, not normal for her, so she was just an inch or so shorter than he was. And, lord have mercy, she smelled divine.

  His fingers were already itching to p
eel her dress off her and lose himself.

  A shout from the bar pulled him out of his fantasy. “Dr. Jones.”

  She turned, smiled and waved at a group of students then continued on to the patio. Gianni just thanked God it was warm enough to sit outside. He couldn’t handle all that noise. When they stepped out, he saw his friends immediately. They had grabbed a table and made sure there were two extra chairs.

  Sam Andrews waved them over. When they got there, all three men stood. Dammit, they were attempting to impress her.

  “Kianna, this is Sam Andrews, Mike Henry and Colbie Jackson. Guys, this is Dr. Kianna Jones.”

  They exchanged pleasantries and took their seats. The waitress bounced up. After taking their orders, she flounced away and Kianna chuckled.

  “So, do y’all always get that kind of attention?”

  Andrews smiled. “Most of the time. I figure they are drawn to my animal magnetism.”

  Without missing a beat, Kianna said, “I’m sure.”

  It was said with just enough humor the guys laughed.

  “She’s got your number, Andrews,” Jackson said.

  Gianni didn’t realize how nervous he’d been about her meeting his friends until he started to relax as she got to know the guys. If she could fit in with them, she wouldn’t have a problem with his family.

  * * * *

  Kianna smiled at Mike as he was relating some story about their last training mission. It was nice to see Gianni with his friends. It was a different side of him she assumed his family saw, but not everyone. She understood the camaraderie in the military, especially with a group like these men.

  “So, Kianna, what do you teach?” Mike asked. He was a nice man, tall and thin, a year or two older than Gianni. The freckles on his face along with the red hair and guileless blue eyes made him look younger, though.

  “I mainly teach freshmen entry classes. I do a few literature classes but I tend to like the grammar classes.”

  “Ugh,” Sam said. “That is one class I always had a problem with.”

  “Of course you do, Andrews. It’s your mother tongue,” Mike joked.

  Sam opened his mouth to say something then slanted her a look. She laughed. “You don’t have to behave around me.”

  “Be right back,” Gianni said as he kissed her cheek then gave the rest of the group a nasty look.

  When he stepped into the bar, his friends started laughing. “Oh, man, that was the Santini Death Stare,” Colbie said. A Texan by birth, it was easy to hear in his voice. He was the oldest of the group, and it showed on his face. He had seen the most action. He was dark, some kind of Mediterranean in his blood, she guessed. He had the most amazing green eyes, which were framed by long lashes. From the predatory looks he got from a lot of the women, she assumed he never lacked for companionship. Heck most of them probably didn’t. They all were built like Gianni—she knew it was required for the job—and they exuded a level of confidence that drew women in.

  “Death stare?” she asked.

  “Well, yeah, we’ve met a few of the brothers and they are all the same. Very territorial,” Sam said. The youngest of the bunch, he was the fair one. With his blond hair and blue eyes, he resembled a Viking.

  “Are you telling me I’m territory?” she asked, pretending to be irritated.

  His smile faded and he swallowed. “Uh…”

  “Oh, shit, she’s screwing with you, Andrews. Don’t mess with him, Kianna. A pretty woman like you messes up his head,” Colbie said with a smile.

  She leaned forward. “Want to know a secret?” she asked.

  Colbie nodded.

  “I knew that and you spoiled my fun.”

  He looked nonplused for a second then threw back his head and laughed.

  “So, tell us, Kianna, will you give us any dirt on Santini?” Mike asked.

  She smiled and realized that she really liked Gianni’s friends. They had accepted her as if they had known her for years. She had heard military folk were like that, but she hadn’t experienced it.

  “Sure what do you want to know?”

  * * * *

  Gianni was on his way back from the bathroom when he ran into Jackson. “You better make sure you keep that lady happy.”

  He frowned. “What do you mean by that?”

  The older man shrugged. “She’s a charmer and if something happens, she will probably have at least three PJs knocking on her door.”

  “Ah, I would hate to have to kill you, Jackson.”

  He said it with a little humor but Jackson apparently picked up on the underlying threat. “Just saying you better keep her happy. Not all women are so easy with a horde of military guys, especially when she didn’t grow up in the military. She’s a keeper.”

  After giving Gianni a clap on the shoulder he walked off in the direction of the head. The band started up again and Gianni winced. Damn, time to head back home…Kianna’s. It hadn’t been that long but he spent more time over at her place than he did at his own.

  He stepped out on the patio. She was laughing with his friends, her head thrown back as her laughter drifted toward him. Even over the sound of the band and the people around him, he could hear it. There was something so damn alluring about Kianna all the time, but she was irresistible when she was happy.

  Andrews leaned forward and said something to her and she turned and waved at him. His friends started laughing. Okay, that was enough of that.

  When he reached them, Kianna was already standing up.

  “Do you have to leave just yet?” Henry asked. “I don’t mind if Santini leaves, but we’d love to have you stick around.”

  “I don’t think y’all need me around cramping your style. The coeds will be here soon, so you might want to clear the table, so to speak.”

  “It was nice meeting you,” Henry said as he rose and gave her a peck on the cheek. Andrews followed suit. She was blushing by the time Jackson made it back to the table.

  “Already leaving,” he said with a frown.

  “We tried to get Santini to leave but he wouldn’t leave her with us,” Andrews said.

  “Of course not. He’s afraid one of us might steal her,” Jackson said with a slanted look in Gianni’s direction.

  Then, testing Gianni’s temper, Jackson gave Kianna a kiss on the cheek, but he took a fraction or two longer than the others had. He figured Jackson and he would be having a long talk about Kianna and how he would get a punch to the throat if he tried that shit again.

  By the time they were in his truck on the way to her house, Kianna relaxed. “I like your friends. They’re nice.”

  “Yeah, and I almost had a fight with Jackson.”

  “Whatever for?”

  “He told me he would make a play for you.”

  She patted his leg. “He’s just messing with you. And like he would have a chance.”

  He laughed and leaned over and kissed her on the neck.

  “You do know how to make a man feel good.”

  She leaned up against him. “Just wait until we get home.”

  * * * *

  A week later, Kianna was finishing up her lecture when she saw Gianni in the doorway. She faltered for a second, heat instantly zinging through her blood. He gave her an apologetic look, then stepped out of view. It took her a second or two to get back to the discussion.

  “Dr. Jones?”

  She shook her head to clear it, and smiled. “Make sure to bring your advertising examples for the next class.” She glanced at the clock. “That’s it for tonight. Have a good weekend.”

  As soon as she dismissed them, Gianni slipped into the room. Several of her female students threw him interested glances, but he ignored them.

  “Sorry for interrupting.”

  She shook her head. “Just finishing up.”

  “Dr. Jones.” Gregory, one of her military students said.

  “Yes, what do you need?”

  “I’ve got night duty next week. I should be off, but they switched
things up.”

  She nodded. “Tell you what. Email me your assignment for tonight, and I’ll let you know the assignments for the next couple of classes.”

  “Thank you,” then he left them alone.

  “Well, seems you have groupies.”

  She started gathering her materials up. “What are you talking about?”

  “That kid there.”

  “That kid is probably older than you are, and he’s military.”

  He frowned. “Yeah?”


  He shook his head. “I’ll look him up.”

  “Whatever for?”

  “I have to check him out, make sure he’s on the up and up. He’s trying to move in on my woman.”

  She shouldn’t like that term. There was something so wrong with it but part of her liked it.

  “He’s harmless and married.”


  “Gianni, if you do that, I will have to dump you.”

  “That’s not nice.”

  “I never said I was.” She started to walk past him, but he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her closer.

  “You are sweet. Particular parts of you are amazingly sweet.”

  She shivered as he gave her a kiss.

  “I have to drop some things off at my office, then we can head out.”

  He smiled and gave her a quick peck on the tip of her nose. “Cool, I want to see where you work.”

  She pulled away to gather up her books. “Why?”

  “It’s part of you.”

  When she glanced at him, she realized he was being serious. Unless she worked with the man, most didn’t want to know about her work, but Gianni did. In fact, he took as much pleasure as she did in his work.

  She unlocked the door and stepped into the cramped space. “Sorry, it’s always a mess.”

  He laughed. “No worries. This is actually what I expected a professor’s office to look like.”

  “You’ve never been to a professor’s office? I thought your mother was a teacher.”


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