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Hammered: A Western Romance (Red Velvet Series Book 4)

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by Leanore Elliott


  The Velvet Series : BOOK FOUR

  By Leanore Elliott

  Published By Butterfly Publishings, 2017


  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination, or they are used fictitiously and are definitely fictionalized. Any trademarks or pictures herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks or pictures used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.

  Red Velvet Book Four: Hammered

  First Edition. September 1st, 2017

  Copyright © Butterfly Publishing

  Editor: Leanore Elliott

  Book Design & Formatting: Wicked Muse

  Cover Art Provided By: Emcat Designs

  Published by Butterfly Publishings

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  Also by Butterfly Publishing

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  Midnight Eternal

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  Yes, Mistress

  Yes, Master

  Second Chances

  Breaking China

  Island Captives

  The Velvet Series by Leanore Elliott

  The Velvet Series

  Book One: Double Plush

  Book Two: Hot Blue

  Book Three: Crushed

  Book Four: Hammered

  Book Five: Triple

  Book Six: Laced

  Book Seven: Blazing

  Book Eight: Ripped

  Book Nine: Wild

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  Book One: Educating Ellie

  Book Two: New Rules (September 2017)

  Book Three: Perfect Places (December 2017)

  Satan’s Spawn & Sin’s Bastards MC Series by

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  #1 Spawn & Spitfire

  #2 Revenge & Retribution

  #3 Babies & Bastards

  #4 Silk & Bones

  #5 Karma’s Bitch

  #6 No Regrets

  #7 Hell’s Fury

  #8 Lie & Liars

  #9 Stone Cold




  “ This was a sexy, sweet read and I was sad to see it end, the author was so subtle in the beginning that I didn’t see the big reveal that was to come.

  I’m happy to say this author will be adding to her curvy series, she’s got two more in the works. Yeah BBW writers and readers everywhere! ” …Solexa423


  “ Omg!! I LOVED this book! A woman looking to obtain confidence, twin cowboys, a momma who’s witty, a sister who’s fierce, a housekeeper that doesn’t know her elbow from her ass and more cowboys on hand!

  Yum!! I couldn’t put this book down! ”…Lisa Zetouna



  “I love the first book to this series and the second book did not disappoint. I cannot wait to read the 3rd book…though it would be bittersweet I don’t want it to end, I just want to keep reading more about these guys in Flatonia, Texas.” …Lein Linn


  “This series is unique, as it is erotica written with the BBW in mind, or what I like to call BBWW (Big Beautiful Wonderful Women). The books not only entertain and insight, but they empower females. We, as women, need positive heroines that we can relate to.”… Paranormalromancelvrleo


  This series just keeps getting better! I feel like Maggie, who has no clue what half of the cowboy slang means, but it's funny as hell figuring it out. This third book you get to meet new characters and hear more of their part of the story.

  What Kanda wants, Kanda gets. She's very naive but isn't afraid to go after what she wants.

  Miss Bren Plush is making up for lost time. But coming to Plush Ranch has uncovered some skeletons her mother was hiding.

  Bren's mom Daisy gets a blast from the past stirring all sorts of trouble.

  Really enjoyed this book in the series. This is book 3 and the series must be read in order. The chemistry and steamy scenes are off the charts hot and makes you want a cowboy of your own. Can't wait for the next part of this series and see what these ladies are up to next! Viridiana Dimas on August 1, 2017


  For all of us ‘Plush girls’ who love a good erotic adventure…

  I never expected the response I’ve received from these little Honkytonk books, but it seems there are many women out there who feel like I do.

  I have been deluged on my Facebook page, my website and via my email by many fans over the last few months for this Book, Hammered, so I’ve finally had time to write it.

  It just shows how Curvy Women ‘can’ accomplish what they want, because they Dream Real Big!

  A special mention to Lisa Zetouna. She’s my ideal Plush girl in real life: beautiful, curvy and tells it like it is! She’s a reader I met on Facebook, simply because she read my Velvet books and she mentioned me as her favorite author on many groups, daily for the last few months straight. She kept nudging me sweetly for this installment of the Plush saga and I gladly dedicate it to her.


  F latonia, Texas…

  A delightful little town that keeps the old spirit of history alive. Despite its size, it is a busy little place with pockets of industry. The railroad is big there with actual tours of the railway stations and such. There are real cattle ranches there as well, which I depicted in this story.

  The houses are so charming with green trees and huge yards. When you walk through downtown, the buildings are well painted and preserved. There are some with a vast historical significance, and you will feel like you are walking through history.

  The people are good natured and friendly, and the land isn’t as flat as the name implies. There are rolling green fields of purple bluebonnets, trees and some lush scenery.

  The heritage of these Flatonians is varied: German, Italian and Czech. There is also a Spanish line mixed in with the flavors of this frontier west.

  Why did I choose Flatonia for my Velvet Series? Charm, sassiness and a bit of home cookin’!

  In this, the next story… We find out what it’s like to go and pick daises:

  * Daisy comes face to face with the only man to ever touch her heart. She’s run from him in the past but this time, he heads her off at the pass.

  * Bren has trouble handlin’ her man with both hands full.

  * Kanda realizes she finally has a beau, but can she keep him?

  * Travis Kincade (Trevor’s twin brother) finally resurfaces in this book, and he meets his match in Maggie Monroe.

  Hang on for a sexy, velvet ride…

  Leanore Elliott



  Plush Stud Ranch, Victoria Texas…

  Daisy’s Romper Room

  R and finally arrived. He’d done caught up with her. Her mama always said he would…

  And…here he was, standing in her room! All the way from the land down under, across the world… A world, Daisy thought she’d put between them. Just his presence made her tremble like a scrawny bush in hell fire’s wind.<
br />
  He clasped his hands together and gazed around at the room. It looked as if he clamped his large hands to keep from reaching for her. His gaze stopped at a certain point in the room.

  Oh…crap on a cracker! He sees it! Daisy panicked.

  “You still have that picture?”

  She gulped and didn’t answer.


  She released a huge breath. “Yes—I kept it. You were the only man who ever had a place on my mantle, okay? Happy now?”

  “I haven’t really been happy since the day you left.”

  Daisy drew in her breath.

  His gaze turned to her. “My kids have made me happy. They’re both something to be proud of. My work has even seemed to fill some holes. I’ve had a fling or two. Being a man, I always have the need. Then, over the years, there’ve been a few women who wanted to give me all that you wouldn’t.”

  Daisy stared at him now. “I couldn’t give—not wouldn’t.”

  They both stood still…it was as if they were both remembering—time seemed to slip away. Daisy remembered when she first saw him that day, many years ago and goose bumps rose on her arms… Leather chaps, powerful legs and a body women in America would have paid dearly to see without all that leather. Hell, women anywhere in the world would have dropped to their knees just to get him to notice them.

  Yeah, Leather, Fireworks and Daize….

  “So…what will it be?” Rand asked.



  Queensland, Australia, the Gold Coast

  “So, what’ll it be?” the bartender asked, his accent thick.

  Daisy sat on a stool at the Electric Horseman bar on the gold coast of Australia. She’d traveled by airplane here alone, which hadn’t bothered her at all. Her Aunt Teeny paid for the entire thing, so Daisy could ‘sow some wild oats’ she’d said.

  Well, poor Aunty Teeny never knew about Daisy and her wild sowing. She’d already sown, plowed and replanted her wild oats. She snickered a little whenever she thought about it.

  Wild is right, she thought, gazing around with a small rush of excitement. Everyone was here for the Aussie Rodeo. She glanced up at the bartender as if she just heard what he said. “Um…do you know what Sex on the Beach is?”

  The man halted his wiping of the bar top as his mouth popped open.

  “Well, if he doesn’t, I sure the hell would like to try it,” a deep voice answered from behind her.

  Daisy swung her barstool around, a pithy but painful zing of a retort on her lips, ready to keep the lowlife shit eatin’ barflies from hitting on her.

  What stood in front of her wasn’t at all what she expected. No, no barfly or any kind of insect. A man—but not just any kind of a man. Tall in build, so tall even as she sat on a stool, she still had to peer up a bit to see his face and when she did, her gaze met with blue eyes that bettered any sky she’d ever seen. Her words and mouth instantly and completely dried up.

  Then he had the audacity to smile at her.

  His smile could only be described as dazzling sunshine in a Blue Norther, and it made her heart pound like bulls stomping the ground in a stampede.

  Tilting his dusky head at her, he chuckled a bit. “Sorry, sheila, I just couldn’t resist.”

  Daisy finally found her voice and she hoped it didn’t squeak like a pathetic church mouse caught raidn’ the cheese traps. “My name ain’t Sheila, so I guess ya got the wrong beach.” Her words sounded braver than she felt, but she forced herself to turn her damn barstool around—hard as it was to avoid gawking at such a display of hot Australian beef. Yeah, men who looked like walking gods from a place where they controlled all the life around them? Nah, that kind of man wasn’t meant for her. She liked ’em good-lookin’ but they needed to be more pliable…more eager to be controlled.

  Her stool spun all the way back around. Gasping as it halted, Daisy now felt like a spider trapped in a sensuous compelling web as she stared into a cerulean blue gaze.

  His eyes met hers and amusement twinkled there as his big hands held the barstool. “Yeah. I get it. It looks like I’m hittin’ on you. I promise I’m not an ocker.”

  Daisy blinked her eyes at him, like a slow simpleton. She could listen to his voice and stare into his baby blues all day and twice on Sunday. Just exist off breathing in the scent, or maybe it was a flavor of whatever the hell delicious aroma this man exuded—simply ogle him from head to gorgeous toe, like a dime store window mannequin. Her panties were getting wetter with every word he spoke. Her nipples hardened by simply staring down at his big, rope callused hands and long strong fingers.

  Then realization dawned on her, and she almost tisked aloud. It goddamn figures, she would have the hots for a cowboy . Come all the way from Texas, USA, to another land across the wide world, and immediately get the panty sweats and booby bothers over an Aussie cowboy!

  His voice caught her again from wandering her helpless eyes over that sexy sizzling bod of his for the umpteenth time. Even if she didn’t understand half of what the big Aussie said. Hell, he could speak Swafuckinghili and she wouldn’t care a whit.

  “So, whaddya you say?” he asked.

  Again, she batted her eyes to clear the fog of this sexy man from her usually steady brain. “To what? Sex on the beach?” She almost winced visibly when the dumbass words tumbled out of her big, fat mouth.

  The hot Aussie halted as his eyes widened.

  Daisy gulped heavily. I’m dumb, dumb…dumb as a bag of doornails.

  He threw his head back and laughed with exuberance. He slapped his knee and just laughed.

  Daisy almost jumped from the stool as the sound caught her totally off guard. Boy howdy, does this walking cowboy god have a sexy infectious laugh. She rolled her eyes at herself . Daisy the comedian, yep, that’s me. She let out a sigh.

  In the meantime, the beefy male standing in front of her tried to catch his breath and swiped at tears of laughter. He then ceased with his guffaws and grabbed her hand. “Come on and I’ll show ya the beach.” He tugged her along the bar floor and out the door.


  Daisy’s daydreaming about the day they met came to a sudden halt, as Rand pulled her into his arms and lowered his lips to hers.

  “I’m not here to ask. I’m telling. I’m staying here at your…” he paused, “ ranch , because you and I have a lot of unfinished business.”

  With his warm breath on her lips, and his announcement, Daisy felt like a sonic boom just reverberated through her body. He’s still hotter than red-eye gravy. Do men get smoother and sexier as they get older? I know this one did.

  Then, a first happened. She had nothing to say…Daisy Plush had nothing at all to say.

  Rand smiled to her lips.

  Ahh shit, I’m in a hailstorm of trouble this time.

  He lowered his fingers to her breasts and pinched both her nipples through her blouse.

  Her knees almost gave way.

  Then, his mouth came down to her neck and he kissed her tender skin there. He kept playing with her nipples and kissing her skin with that blazing mouth of his.

  Daisy couldn’t breathe; she knew this man could take anything he wanted from her. He always could, but now she knew for sure—he always would.

  This is why she ran from him 20 years ago. No man before or after him ever overwhelmed, over powered and over stimulated her like Rand Monroe. Her breath hitched as her leotards were now surely wet from her body reacting to him and his touch.

  Abrupt like, he turned her around and nudged her along until they stood in front of her dresser. He reached around and lowered her blouse. Her large boobs were pushed up by the corset she was wearing. Rand watched her face in the mirror.

  Oh, Lord Almighty, he is gonna be the sexual death of me.

  Rand grabbed both her boobs in his large hands and thumbed her nipples.

  Her face grew hot as she witnessed her nipples instantly harden like rose colored diamonds.

  His expressi
on remained aloof as he slid his hand down and past her leotard’s waistband. Slipping his long fingers into her panties, he found her clit button ready and swollen, no finger probing around, no hesitant search. The man zeroed in right then, as if the years never happened at all. Like he knew her body from sheer memory.

  Daisy let out a shaky sigh.

  Then, their gazes locked in the mirror and the man had the audacity to—smile.

  Yep, he knew he has me. Damnit, Daisy, where’s your willpower, where’s that brave woman who stands up to police chiefs, mayors and bullies of all kinds?

  He stroked her clit and thumbed a nipple as his smile faded and his crackling blue eyes smoldered at her.

  That Daisy is gone, left home, disappeared and in her place was a bowl of JELL-O, putty to be molded by his hands…her heart in dear jeopardy now. Hell, Daisy thought with resignation, it always was, she just believed she’d gotten away with it for all these years.

  Rand pulled his arms away, removed his fingers from her body, then took a resolute step back.

  Her body immediately slumped.

  Looking surprised, Rand reached out and caught her. “Whoa, Daize, hold on there.”

  She tried to keep her panting at bay, she tried to look unaffected. Yeah…she tried and failed miserably. “Why—” she stammered. “—Why?” was all she could get out.

  He tilted his still dusky head at her. “Why? Why did I stop? Are you asking why I’m even here? Or just why in general!” His voice rose.

  Daisy flinched at his tone. “I—knew it!” she seethed at him. “You just came to reduce me to a puddle, crush me, hammer me down till I’m—I’m…” Her accusations faded away.


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