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Hammered: A Western Romance (Red Velvet Series Book 4)

Page 7

by Leanore Elliott

  “Oohh!” She steamed. “Revenge is gonna be sweeter than jarred jelly! No holds barred now. It IS on!”


  “There are more big things waitin’ for you, if you play your cards right.”

  Meanwhile, back at the Stud Ranch…

  D aisy grabbed the suitcase she’d hastily packed before when Rand first showed up and she tried to run. With shaky hands, she flung it open. She intended to handle this situation with him in the same way as she always had…RUN! She stared at what she’d shoved in there before. Lifting out three bras, one sock, along with a corset and a garter belt—her face flushed. Well, where the hell did she think she’d been going, to the strip show hall of fame hotel? I’d packed nothing but underwear and no clothes! She then remembered why she’d been packing. HIM! No fucking wonder all I packed was lingerie!

  Daisy stomped her foot. Where’s my backbone? Where’s the woman who raised her daughter on her own while snubbing her nose at the disapproving populace of Flatonia? The one who forged her own business by peddling hot-bodied men to desperate southern women? Sighing, she dropped the suitcase and sat on her bed. That Daisy disappeared the minute she saw Rand Monroe’s beautiful face, strapping bod and that dazzling smile again. “Damnit all to hell!” she shouted. “I ain’t gonna run no more!”

  Her eyes narrowed. He’s up to something diabolical and it can’t be just to fix something they shoulda done all those years ago. She knew by the way she dumped him and ran away twice in their illustrious love affair, that it couldn’t be a good ole happy ending for her. He says he aims to marry me… Her lips firmed into a thin line. Well, gall darnit! I am gonna do this gig up as big as Texas. Maybe then, he’ll be surprised enough to let his hand slip. Yeah, she knew it was nothing but a desperate bluff, but she needed some upper ground in this game.

  Daisy Plush squared her shoulders, grabbed her cell phone and hit the buttons.

  ~~* * * *~~

  Arriving back at Triple K…

  Bren snuggled against Trevor’s body for the last hour of the drive. She thought about a lot of things on the ride over. First and foremost—Trevor’s marriage proposal. She’d come to the conclusion that he must’ve gotten carried away in the moment of passion. Oh, what passion the man was indeed capable of! She’d dreamt of him for all those months when she felt too scared to approach him while slaving away at the Flat Top Diner. But damn, she never dreamed of the real life cowboy being more than she fantasized about. In the few weeks she’d known him intimately, she knew now she couldn’t ever live without him.

  So, it didn’t matter if he’d meant what he said about marrying her. He’d already said he loved her and he showed her every minute just how much. It was good enough for a girl who never expected this to happen so fast and it being even more wonderful than a dream.

  The truck slowed as Trevor nudged her. “Are ya awake, sweet Bren?” he asked warmly.

  “Hell yeah, I’ve been awake, just enjoying your warmth.” She sat up and saw the familiar big archway to the Triple K.

  “Looks like the boys are gettin’ ready for the events again.”

  She gazed through the windshield and squinted her eyes. “The events?”

  “Yeah, the rodeo. Travis is big on it and so are a few of the ranch hands. Why, Trav has made thousands in it.”

  Bren felt shocked at this news. “But bull ridin’ takes discipline and hard work.”

  Trevor chuckled. “Yeah and he does it!” He shook his head. “He’s mostly lazy about the ranch work, but not about the rodeo.” He pulled the truck up about 100 yards from the 3 K arena. “Wanna watch for a few minutes?”

  Bren nodded. “Sure, I think it’s fascinating.”

  Trevor grinned and tugged her close. “You do know I just asked, so I can grope ya in my truck.”

  Bren laughed. “Go ahead and brand me, cowboy. I’m yours for the gropin’!”

  They both laughed, then Bren squealed as he grabbed her boobs and began fondling her. “Yep, this here is called ropin’ the lush puppies!”

  The couple kept laughing while their hands roamed all over each other.

  ~~* * * *~~

  Maggie fumed all the rest of the way along the ride. He’d gotten her back for the public humiliation of the hyena parlor mishap all right. Her brain was in overdrive while thinking of ways to best him once again.

  Travis looked like the cat who done licked his way to the bottom of the cream bowl. He no longer scowled as he drove the same way as before, in a slow unhurried style and he even turned on the radio for a while humming his happy way through three country songs.

  Maggie sat forward in her seat as the big house on the hill came into sight. She focused on the high archway with the gold letters, TRIPLE K . “Wow, real nice.”

  Travis followed her gaze. “It’s kinda’ small but we call it home.”

  Maggie tisked under her breath. “Ever since I landed here in Texas, I haven’t seen anything small.”

  Travis chuckled. “Nope, I guess you wouldn’t.” He gazed over at her and gave her a wink. “There’s more big things waitin’ for you, if you play your cards right.”

  Maggie wore a beady-eyed look as she intended to give him a hurtful retort. She opened her mouth to give him a blast of belittling—then she saw him. “Oh!” she squealed with delight.

  “What?” Travis jumped in his seat while looking surprised.

  “Stop the truck over there!” she shouted as she pointed to the horse-training arena.

  He shrugged while wearing a curious expression and did as Miss Bossy ordered.

  Travis barely had the truck in park as Maggie hopped down the long drop to the ground and ran like her ass was on fire toward the arena where a bunch of the ranch hands were gathered while leaning against the fences to watch the practice. “Wade!” she called out.

  The big Aussie turned and stared at her, then he too took off running toward her. Grabbing her up, he swung her around. “Yee fucking haw!” he shouted. “It’s my Mags!” He kissed her cheeks with exuberance and hugged her tight.

  Maggie kissed his cheeks back and laughed like she wouldn’t stop, as he raised her up in the air and swung her all around.

  ~~* * * *~~

  Trevor was busy thoroughly kissing her neck, as Bren’s panties just kept getting wetter and her breathing growing shallower. Then, she heard hollering and shouting.

  He pulled his lips away as he must have heard it too. He sat up, as did Bren, both staring out through the windshield. Both their mouths popped wide open at the unbelievable sight near the arena.

  Maggie was being twirled around by a big dark headed man. She kept laughing and he was kissing her cheeks.

  Then, they spotted Kanda tugging her boot on while half running toward the arena. She halted to a dead stop, her face paling by two shades as she stared at the same sight.

  “Holy shit on a crap cracker!” Trevor muttered.

  “What? Who is it?”

  Trevor looked angry. “God damnit all.”

  Next thing they knew, Travis stalked over and stood by, while the couple continued to carry on with their hugging and kissing in front of everybody.

  Everybody …being the entire population of the Triple K ranch, were all gawking at the scene with confused expressions or with animated curious glee, depending on what their opinions were.

  “I think we’re gonna have something as nasty as the Alamo showdown right quick here, if someone doesn’t do something.”

  Bren looked back and forth. “What? I don’t get it.”

  “See that big man Maggie is hugging?”

  “How could anyone miss him?” she asked with a bit of smart-ass in her voice.

  “You need to listen and do what I tell ya.”

  Her confused gaze shot over to him.

  “See the look on my sister’s face?” He pointed Kanda out.

  Bren gazed over at her. “Oh…”

  “The big guy is her new man.”

  “Oh!” Bren jumped as re
alization just smacked right into her.

  “If I know my sister? Your little sis is about to get a mud hole stomped in her.”

  Bren blinked here eyes as pure panic kicked in. “OH!”

  “Go get her and take her into the house, and don’t stop for nuthin’!”

  Bren nodded, opened the door and jumped down out of the truck.

  Trevor also made his way over to stop the fireworks, which looked to be his brother and the dynamite that was definitely his sister from going off. In turn, they were both heading to blow up the mountain, which certainly looked to be Wade.


  “Bulldoggin’, it’s only for the big, bad and the brave.”

  K anda stood frozen. What the hell is going on? Who is the damned cute blonde woman Wade is hugging and squeezing? Her heart pounded in her ears as she stomped over to where they were. She and her brother, Travis, who stood on the other side of them, locked eyes for a second and she realized he looked almost as angry as she felt. Mmm, not another floozy of his, I hope!

  Bren Plush came out of nowhere and plucked the pretty blonde up as the girl squealed at her, “What the hell, Bren?” she exclaimed.

  “Just never you mind!” Bren shouted as she dragged her toward the house.

  “Dammit, what’s the matter with you. Wade is just my—”

  Bren clapped her hand over the woman’s mouth to move her along the walk and around to the back of the big house.

  Trevor walked up quietly while looking a bit too calm as stood beside a flustered Kanda.

  “So, what are ya doing here at the ranch, rock hunter?” Travis stood closer to Wade while looking combative.

  “I was just watching the practice,” Wade answered casually.

  “What the hell would you know about ropin’ and such? Don’t you spend all your time peeking under dirty rocks?”

  Kanda sucked in her breath. Aww shit! Nobody is gonna talk to my Wade like that, not even my stupid brother! She aimed to interfere when Trevor grabbed her arm. She slowly stared over at him. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She pointedly peered down at his hand on her arm.

  “Kanda dear, I think you need to stay out of it.”

  “Stay out?” She shook her head as if she didn’t hear him right. “The hell I will, Trevor dear!”

  He gripped her tighter and motioned his head at the men.

  “As it happens, mate, I dabble in the rodeo a bit myself,” Wade told Travis.

  Kanda almost smiled and she would have too, if she wasn’t so damned hurt and confused.

  “Dabbled?” Travis threw his head back and laughed.

  Oh, this is not going to go well. Kanda sighed. She knew Wade to be a calm level headed man, but he won’t take to being pushed for very long.

  “What do you know about the damned rodeo?”

  Kanda bit at her lip. I know he could outride all three of us Kincades, so I will bet he’ll be tough to beat.

  The look in Wade’s eyes changed from friendly to unreceptive as she watched. He got a glare she never saw before as he stepped closer to Travis.

  “Oh, shit,” Trevor whispered under his breath. “I didn’t realized how big he was till he stepped up to Trav like that.”

  “What’s your top event, cowboy ?” Wade asked with a disregarding emphasis on the word.

  Travis smirked. “Bulldoggin’; it’s only for the big, bad and the brave.”

  Several ranch hands chuckles echoed from around them.

  Kanda felt panic growing in her stomach “Oh, no…they are so not gonna—”

  Trevor tugged her closer to his side. “I want you out of this, let your brother handle this no good piece of—”

  Kanda stomped down on his boot as hard as she could.

  “OWW!” Trevor exclaimed with pain, “What the hell did you do that for?”

  Kanda glared at him. “It don’t matter what it looks like. That man is decent and if anyone disrespects him? I will snatch ’em baldheaded and sandpaper their asses!”

  Wade and Travis must’ve heard her loud voice and glanced over at them.

  When Wade caught sight of her, he grinned at her.

  Kanda recognized the same warm, sweet look in his eyes as she’d seen last night. Nah, I don’t know what’s going on, but he isn’t a two-timer, this I’m sure of.

  Travis stepped up to get his attention again. “So, what then? You challenging me to a round of bulldoggin’?”

  Wade turned to gaze at him while he looked amused. “Well, I don’t know? Tisk. Shouldn’t I be quaking in my boots, since you seem to be a champion and all?”

  Travis harrumphed while looking madder than a hornet with his wing all bent out of shape.

  “Trav—?” Kanda called out as Trevor tugged her back some. Her glaring gaze again shot over to him. “You do that again and you’re gonna be missing some fingers, baby brother!”

  “Larry!” Travis shouted out as he kept his disdainful gaze locked onto the Aussie.

  “Yes, boss?” the man called back from the arena area.

  “Is the chute ready and the barrier up?”

  “Yep! The event is all set up, in fact.”

  Travis tilted his head in an aggressive way at the big man standing in front of him.

  Wade smirked and grabbed a coin from his jean pocket. “Heads goes first.”

  Travis glared beady-eyed at him as he nodded.

  Wade tossed the coin up and smacked it down on top of his other hand, then pulled his palm away. “Tails. Guess you go first… champ .”

  Travis scowled at him, then nodded and they both turned toward the ring chute.

  “Wait!” Kanda called as she twisted out of Trevor’s grip.

  “Damnit!” Trevor swore as he tried to grab her again and missed.

  “Wait up!” she called out.

  The men turned toward her.

  “Stay out of it, sis,” Travis seethed.

  “The hell I will. Steer jumpin’ isn’t a safe sport!”

  Wade smiled at her. “Don’t worry, Kandy. I’ve been to the rodeo before.” He gave her his trademark wink.

  She bit at her lip.

  He reached out and tousled her long dark hair, all gentle-like. “It’ll be okay. I got this.”

  Kanda swallowed heavily and took a step back. Trevor was right, like usual . She knew men needed to be men and she wasn’t about to make him look like a coddled baby. But damn, it scared her to death. The Triple K stabled the biggest, baddest bulls in all of mid-Texas.

  Her brother was already up on the horse behind the barrier rope. The hazer horse being ridden by one of the ranch hand’s stood next to him.

  The steer was snorting and grunting loudly as Slappy stood to the side with a stopwatch.

  Larry blew the whistle as both horses and the steer came forging out.

  Travis immediately jumped from his horse and tackled the steer by its horns. It twisted back and forth, then he dug in his heels into the dirt and tossed it over on its side.

  Larry blew the whistle and Slappy stopped his watch. “Hot damn! Three point eight seconds!” he shouted with awe in his voice.

  Kanda sighed. “Dammit, he would have to best his own time today!”

  Trevor snickered from beside her.

  She shot her blazing gaze over at him.

  He held his palms up at her. “Hey, I can’t stand my brother, but blood is thicker than—”

  “What the hell is happening?” Bren and Maggie rushed up to them, while both seemed to be out of breath.

  “They’re bulldogging,” Trevor answered her. “And, I thought I told you to—”

  “He’s my brother!” Maggie shouted at him.

  Trevor shut his mouth while looking surprised.

  Kanda heard what the blonde just announced and clasped her hands together with glee as she hid her grin. She wanted to dance a jig and shout out her relief, then tell Wade she never doubted him. Then she noted the chute was being fixed again. Her eyes widened as she gawked at what sto
od inside of it. “Is that—that’s…” Her breath caught in her throat.

  “Yep, it’s Samson.” Trevor nodded.

  Both Bren and Maggie looked over to where the brother and sister stared.

  The biggest bull any of them had ever seen in their lives thumped inside the chute.

  “God damnit, Trav!” Kanda yelled. “I am gonna’ skin him alive and use his hide for a fucking saddle!” She bolted forward to stop this insanity.

  Trevor grabbed her up full-bodied, completely off the ground with his big arms around her waist this time. “No, little sis. You wanna let your man down by cutting him in front of the entire ranch?”

  Her struggles stopped. “But, he ain’t—I mean he—”

  The whistle blew and they all stared over as the big Aussie came out of the chute on his appointed steed along with the hazer horse… A bigger horse than the first time, considering the size of this particular bull as it successfully kept Samson moving toward Wade.

  Wade hopped off and grabbed the horns, flipping Samson clean over on his side, legs out straight. The poor bull even seemed to lose his air.

  The whistle blew and Slappy gasped as he stopped the watch. “Three point seven!”

  Gasps came from all around.

  Wade got up and dusted his jeans off as poor Samson lay winded and stunned behind him.

  All the ranch hands gaped and mumbled, then broke out into respectful applause.

  The Kincade siblings and Maggie and Bren headed for the fence.

  Wade grinned warmly at Kanda.

  “How in the fuck?” Travis yelled from beside him.

  The group and all the hands stood around quiet now, while staring at the dust covered pair.

  “Well…” Wade glanced down at Trevor’s belt buckle. “I’ve got one of those for every day of the week. The biggest one was for bulldogging.” He shrugged his wide shoulders innocently.

  Travis’ jaw dropped.

  Kanda, Trevor and Bren all started laughing.

  Maggie stepped up on the fence and hugged Wade.


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