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Bridges Burned (Entangled Teen) (Going Down in Flames)

Page 6

by Chris Cannon

  His hand fell away from her arm and they walked in silence. When they reached her dorm room, she took a deep breath and tried to find a way to voice her concern without sounding whiny.

  “Remember what you said about Clint and the matching bow tie?”

  He nodded.

  “How do you feel about me?”

  “You know how I feel.” He leaned in to kiss her.

  Whoa. Not this time. She backed up a step. “I need words. If you’re not infatuated, then how do you feel?”

  Zavien ran his hand down his face. “I chose my words poorly. Clint and his feelings toward Ivy are different from what’s happening between us.”

  Wrong answer. “Why?”

  He took her hand in his. “It’s different because we started on an even playing field. We met, there was an attraction, and we acted on it. Clint has been chasing Ivy for years. He finally caught her and he’d probably wear a gorilla suit to the dance if she asked.”

  Her shoulders relaxed. “It’s not that you don’t care about me, it’s that you still have a mind of your own.”

  “Exactly.” He pulled her close and kissed the tip of her nose. “Better?”


  “Good.” His lips brushed across hers. She blocked out all doubt about his feelings and enjoyed the kiss.

  He maneuvered backward toward the couch. She hoped he remembered to avoid the coffee table. The backward motion stopped and they bumped noses.

  “Coffee table?” she asked.

  “And I was being so smooth.”

  She chuckled and walked around the table to reach the couch.

  “Pretend that never happened,” he said.

  “Right. I’ll sit here, far away from the treacherous coffee table, and you can kiss me.”

  “Good plan.”

  She laughed against his mouth. He retaliated by tickling her ribs. Laughing, she batted his hands away. He pulled her close and kissed her. For the moment, all was right with her world. She vowed to ignore any nagging doubts about his feelings and enjoy what they had.


  Saturday was a strange day. Females from every Clan were working themselves into a frenzy about the dance. When she walked into the dining hall for lunch, a girl she’d never met stopped her.

  “Which nail polish do you like best?” the girl asked.

  All ten of the girl’s nails were painted different colors. “What color is your dress?”

  “It’s lilac.”

  Bryn pointed at the girl’s index finger, which was painted a dark plum. “I like that one.”

  The girl rushed off and shoved her hands in front of someone else. In the buffet line, a redheaded female touched Bryn’s red, blond, and black striped hair. “Did you do this yourself?”

  Time to lie. “No.” She piled ravioli on her plate. “I had it done at a salon.”

  “I don’t have time to go to a salon,” the girl said. “You’re no help at all.”

  “Sorry.” Had everyone gone psycho? It’s not like the girls’ dates hadn’t seen them day in and day out all semester.

  After picking two types of pie, Bryn wound her way to their regular table where Clint and Ivy were already sitting. “Have strangers been asking your opinions on their hair and nail polish?”

  Ivy nodded. “They need more confidence in their appearance.”

  Bryn pointed at Ivy’s short black hair, which stuck out in all directions. “Not everyone can pull off your hairstyle.”

  “True.” Ivy reached up and ruffled her hair, making it look wilder. “Yesterday in history class two Blue females were debating how to wear their hair. I said they should wear it the way they normally do. You would’ve thought I suggested they run naked across campus.”

  Zavien pulled out the chair next to Bryn and joined them. “Who’s running naked across campus?”

  “Bryn is,” Clint responded with a serious face.

  Zavien looked at her with raised eyebrows.

  “What? I thought you’d be okay with it since it’s a political protest against the Directorate.”

  Clint and Ivy laughed.

  “Funny. Very funny.” Zavien shook his head.

  Bryn gave a dramatic sigh. “I suppose I’ll have to settle for attending the dance with a man in a black bow tie.”

  “They have copper ties at the dress shop,” Ivy said.

  “Don’t go there,” Bryn said. “Getting him to agree to take me was hard enough. He can wear a zebra-striped tie if he wants.”

  “Why don’t we meet at Bryn’s room before the dance?” Zavien said.

  “Works for me.” The ravioli on Bryn’s fork fell and landed on her blouse.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t eat at the dance,” Zavien said.

  Chapter Eight

  Zavien was due to meet her in ten minutes. Bryn examined her reflection in the full-length mirror. Her dress rocked. The copper material skimmed across her curves in front and dipped below her waist in back.

  Knock knock. Her heart fluttered as she darted into the living room and opened the door.

  What. The. Hell?

  Bryn blinked. The picture in front of her didn’t change. Clint tugged at his bow tie while Ivy bit her lip. Both of her friends seemed nervous. The reason for their discomfort was obvious.

  Zavien stood there wearing a classic black tuxedo. He could’ve been the poster boy for “how to look hot in a tux.” The only item out of place was his pink bow tie. A pink bow tie in the exact same shade as Nola’s dress. The dress Nola was wearing as she stood next to him.

  What was Nola doing here? Why did Zavien bring her on their date? The matching bow tie couldn’t mean Nola was his date. Zavien wouldn’t do that to her.

  Nola reached for Zavien’s hand and smiled at Bryn. “Are we early?”

  Afraid of what might come out of her mouth, Bryn shook her head no, and stepped aside to allow the two couples to enter.

  No need to panic. There could be a rational reason why he’d brought Nola along. Right, and the Easter Bunny is real.

  Fire roared in her chest. With effort, she tamped it down. Zavien deserved a chance to explain before she blasted him into a charcoal briquette.

  “Bryn, can you cut the tag out of my dress?” Ivy asked. “It’s bothering me.”

  “Sure.” She followed Ivy into the bedroom and closed the door.

  “Sorry. I would’ve called to warn you, but there wasn’t time.” Ivy spoke rapid-fire.

  “Why would he bring her? He said he was taking me.” Smoke shot from Bryn’s nostrils.

  “What were his exact words?”

  “He said we’d go as a group with you and Clint. He never mentioned Nola.”

  “Odd wording.” Ivy frowned. “I wonder if he planned it this way all along.”

  “If he did, he’s dead.” Bryn stalked back into the living room.

  Clint’s eyes lit up when Ivy entered the room. Zavien didn’t bother to look up from the conversation he was having with Nola.

  “Zavien, can I speak to you?”

  He gave her a casual smile. “Let’s talk on the way. I don’t want to be late.”

  Too damn bad. “I’m sorry. This can’t wait.”

  Nola patted Zavien’s knee. “We have time.”

  Bryn headed back to the bedroom with Zavien in tow. She slammed the door and then spoke through clenched teeth. “What’s going on?”

  “I told you we’d go as a group.”

  A volcano erupted in her stomach. Sparks shot from her nostrils. “You tricked me.”

  “I misled you.” His tone bordered on condescending. “If I’d suggested you attend with Nola and me, you would’ve said no.”

  “Hell yes, I would’ve said no. Now I’m the pathetic tagalong.”

  He loosened his tie.

  “Nice pink tie, by the way. Very masculine.”

  “Nola gave it to me tonight. I couldn’t think of a polite way to say no.”

  She poked him hard in the chest. “You don’t have
a problem telling me no.”

  He grabbed her hand and rubbed circles on her palm with his thumb. “This isn’t as bad as it seems. Nola likes to circulate. I planned on asking you to dance. We can still spend time together.”

  Like that was the same thing. She jerked her hand away. “Forget it. I’m not going.”

  “Think about the consequences of your actions. If you don’t go, Ivy won’t go.”

  Damn it. He was probably right.

  “Fine. I’ll go but it would be in your best interest to stay away from me.” She flung the bedroom door open and called out. “Why don’t we fly from my terrace?”

  Knowing her friends would follow, Bryn shifted on the terrace and flew to the theater building. An orchestral waltz floated through the air. Below her, couples stood in groups waiting for friends or chatting. Bryn circled once around the building, hoping the joy of flight would temper the bitter disappointment of Zavien’s betrayal. No such luck. She still wanted to fry the bastard.

  Clint and Ivy waited on the theater building steps. Bryn landed, shuffled her feet to maintain balance, shifted, and then followed her friends into the ballroom. Six-foot trees sculpted from copper and bronze metal lined the walls. Some branches were covered in red and yellow leaves. Others held candles. The marble floor reflected the glow of the candles, creating a romantic twilight effect. It was freaking perfect.

  Zavien and Nola glided onto the dance floor.

  Bryn gritted her teeth.

  “What did Zavien say?” Clint asked.

  “When he told me we’d go as a group, I thought he meant the four of us. He apparently had planned it this way all along.”

  “Jerk,” Ivy muttered.

  “I’d be happy to dance a few songs with you,” Clint said.

  “Thanks. I don’t feel much like dancing. I think I’ll check out the food and then disappear to my room.”

  “We could all go back to your room and order pizza,” Ivy said.

  Bryn hugged her. “You’re a good friend. You’ve been looking forward to this dance forever. I want you to have fun.” A new song started. “Clint, that’s your cue.”

  Clint pulled Ivy onto the dance floor. Bryn stepped into the shadows and watched. All the dancers were matched up by Clan. The couples seemed like mirrored reflections of each other. Golden-skinned blond males danced with golden-skinned blond females. Dark-haired males with dark-haired females. Something in her gut twisted. No matter what she did, she’d never fit in.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Nola in Zavien’s arms. They appeared like the perfect couple. More than likely, they were. Averting her gaze, she made her way to the nearest door and stepped outside onto the terrace. Leaning against the railing, she inhaled the sweet scent of roses from the garden below.

  Footsteps sounded on the flagstones behind her. “Look who we have here.”

  Fan-freaking-tastic. “Hello, Jaxon.”

  He came to lean on the railing beside her. “I thought Zavien was taking you to the dance.”

  “You were right. He lied to me.” She turned to face him. “Does that make you happy?”

  “A few weeks ago it would’ve made me happy. Now I feel sorry for you.”

  Pity from Jaxon. Just what she needed. “If you didn’t come to gloat, why are you here?”

  “Something about Alec’s attack is still bothering me. How—”

  “You mean besides the fact that he planned to kill you?”

  “Yes, besides that minor detail. How did he know the layout of your grandfather’s estate?”

  Good question. “I don’t know. Are blueprints kept on file somewhere?”

  “Probably. My theory is someone gave him the blueprints.”

  “Who would do that?”

  “I don’t know. Think about it. See what you come up with.” With that parting command, he left.

  Now what should she do? It was a nice night. Maybe she’d hide out here until she could sneak off without anyone noticing. And maybe she’d fly to Nola’s room, and burn all her pretty flowing dresses. And then she’d fly to Zavien’s room and shred his research paper. She knew where the first fifty pages were. They’d make a nice pile of confetti.

  “Bryn, I thought I saw you come in.” Miss Enid joined her by the railing. “Why are you hiding out here?”

  Back to crappy reality. “Have you seen Zavien?”

  “No. I thought he’d be with you.”

  “That makes two of us.” Bryn gave a bitter laugh. “The joke’s on me. He’s with his real date.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Me, too.” She glanced over her shoulder at the dancing couples and shook her head. She couldn’t stay here. “Maybe I’ll fly to Dragon’s Bluff and eat my weight in lemon ice.”

  Miss Enid’s eyes lit up. “Wait here. I know something that will make you smile.”

  The woman had good intentions. Nothing could make her happy right now. Bryn turned back to the railing and fantasized about running away, just flying off to another country where no one could ever find her.

  “Could you only afford half a dress?” a familiar masculine voice asked.

  She turned to find her knight, Valmont, striding toward her. He looked handsome in dark pants and a pale blue shirt.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Fonzoli’s donated lemon ice to the dance. I dropped by to supervise the setup.” He glanced toward the dance floor. “I hear Zavien preaches change but is afraid to rock the boat.” He stepped closer and took her hand. “His loss is my gain. Would you care to dance?”

  Valmont was fun, he enjoyed annoying Zavien, and his single dimple made her smile.

  “I’d love to.”

  He led her onto the dance floor and pulled her close. One of his hands came to rest on her waist. “Did I mention how much I like your dress?”

  The devilish gleam in his eye made her chuckle.

  “You laugh now. Later, you will be wooed by my charm.” He wiggled his eyebrows for effect and she laughed harder.

  The song ended. Bryn noticed Valmont’s posture stiffen as the next song started. He pulled her against the tide of dancers and then they moved with the flow again.

  “What was that about?”

  “The spiky-haired nitwit was approaching. If he wants to apologize, you should make him work for it.”

  “He should’ve told me the truth… Finding Nola on my doorstep was humiliating.”

  “He showed up with her at your door?” Valmont’s eyes narrowed.

  “What are you plotting?”

  “If I tell you, you’ll be an accomplice.”

  “Why don’t we forget about him for tonight and have fun? Unless there’s someplace you have to be.” A guy like Valmont must have a girl waiting for him somewhere.

  “I’m your knight.” His tone held complete sincerity. “My place is by your side for as long as you need me.”

  Her throat became tight. “Thank you. I’d love it if you’d stay and help me regain my dignity.”

  “Am I allowed to torment him?”

  She didn’t even have to think about it. “Hell, yes.”

  Chapter Nine

  Valmont pulled her close and placed her hand on his chest. He rested his free hand on her lower back, where his fingers brushed bare skin. Her heartbeat kicked up a notch. No two ways about it. Her knight was hot. Dark hair and blue eyes were a killer combination. He smelled like soap and sunshine.

  “You could forget about Zavien.” His voice came close to her ear.

  Was he joking? He’d never acted interested in her before. Maybe that’s because she’d been with Zavien. Raising her head, she met his gaze.

  “Just a thought,” he said.

  The song ended.

  Zavien approached with a wary expression on his face. “Bryn, would you like to dance?”

  “Bite me.”

  “I believe that’s a no.” Valmont delivered this news in a cheery tone. “Shall we?” He moved her along to the music while
she imagined Zavien’s hair going up in flames.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” Valmont whispered in her ear.

  “I wish my life were simpler.”

  “Simple is boring.”

  They swayed in silence until the song ended. Clint and Ivy joined them.

  “Are you okay?” Ivy asked.

  “I’m managing. Valmont is helping.”

  “Why don’t we get something to drink?” Clint pointed across the room to the tables decorated with ice sculptures shaped like trees, which Nola and Zavien had designed, which made her want to shoot a fireball at them. But setting the room on fire might ruin the evening for the other students.

  After grabbing glasses of punch, the foursome wound their way back outside to the terrace.

  “It’s a perfect night for flying,” Bryn said.

  “It is,” Valmont agreed.

  “You don’t have wings,” Clint said.

  Ivy elbowed him.

  “What? I wasn’t being rude. I’m pretty sure he knows he’s not a dragon.”

  “I fly planes.” Valmont grinned at Bryn. “You should come with me some time.”

  “Bryn, can we talk?” a feminine voice asked.

  It couldn’t be. Bryn turned around, praying she was wrong. No such luck. “What do you want, Nola?”

  “Perhaps it’s best if we move away from the others? It’s personal.” She wandered farther down the terrace.

  Bryn shoved her glass of punch at Valmont and joined Nola.

  “This is awkward.” Nola’s cheeks flushed. “I noticed how upset you were when I showed up with Zavien. When I asked him what the problem was, he said you might have misunderstood his invitation.”

  That lying, evil rat bastard.

  Nola clasped her hands in front of her chest. “You thought he asked you to attend the dance as his date, didn’t you?”

  At least she didn’t have to lie. “I did.”

  “What you feel for him is a crush. It will pass.”

  It certainly would. Right after she cremated the son of a bitch. “Did Zavien send you?”

  “No, he thinks I’m circulating.” Nola placed her hand on Bryn’s shoulder. “Zavien has gone out of his way to make sure you’re taken care of. You shouldn’t mistake his kindness for anything but friendship.”

  A small growl escaped her throat. “Maybe you should ask Zavien how kind he’s been to me.”


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