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BREAK - A Bad Boy Romance

Page 92

by Moore, Gabi

  Everything in the room shrunk away and disappeared, and all that was left was the searing hot beam of his stare, all the possible words already spoken, and now nothing left but action. Gently, and with shaking fingertips, I reached out and pushed the coffee cup off to the side. I leant in across the table and did the same to his, uncurling his fingers from the cup handle and clearing a space between us.

  I came up close to him, so close I could smell the heat off his body, and lingered there, relishing how much was being said in this wordlessness. I could hear him breathe, see his heart beat in the faint flicker of his neck veins. I returned his gaze, something urgent growing between my legs and radiating out over my hips and belly.

  Smiling, I moved away again and with a few quick movements pulled the table away from both of us and set it aside, so that nothing was left between his body and mine. A faraway look of pleasure seemed to grow on his face and he watched me, almost amused.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t trust you. Please forgive me. Will you forgive me and let me pleasure you?”

  I hardly needed to say the words. My desire was written all over my face. What we had only communicated in words so far was now being transmitted wordlessly between our bodies. Each little flicker of the muscles around his eyes and mouth, the way he shifted his weight, the slight but unmistakable bulge growing in his pants – all of this told me that had already agreed to everything I was about to suggest.

  “Yes, I want you to pleasure me,” he said in a new voice; one I didn’t recognize and yet one my body responded to with an almost joyful flutter. He parted his lips as though he would kiss me but instead, he placed two firm hands on each of my shoulders and gently pressed down, guiding me to crumple under him and kneel before him. This position alone was a revelation to me. It thrilled me, having his strong form tower above mine. I wanted all at once to be naked, to look up at him as I was, without a stitch of clothing to get in the way.

  He brushed a gentle finger underneath my chin and lifted my face upwards. I gazed at him lovingly. Have I told you already how much I loved that boy? He was smiling. A confident, unflinching smile. I smiled back.

  “Violet, do you want to do this?” he asked, in his gorgeous thick voice.

  I nodded once, too emotional to speak.

  “Good. Then suck me.”

  Like a devotee at a temple, I set to work unbuttoning and unzipping him, letting the weight of his heavy belt pull his pants to the ground in a soft crumple. The cotton of his underwear was warm and thick with his scent. I leaned in, closed my eyes and nuzzled his crotch, loving the stiffness hidden under the cloth that couldn’t be ignored. Hooking my fingertips in the waist band, I pulled down, and the swollen length of his cock dipped down and then bounced back out at me, nearly bopping me on the nose. I loved David with all my heart, but the sight of this glorious part of him added something else to my love for him, something more primal, something that had a desperate, hungry edge to it.

  I laced my fingers round the base of it, then stroked the surface of my cheek once, slowly, up the shaft and then down again. Touched by how silly this little bit of affection must have seemed to him, I giggled. He held firmly on my shoulders and caressed my neck, a vein pulsing in his cock. I planted my tongue at the base of his girth and slid it upwards, a slowly as I could, till I reached the thick head where I lingered, and felt him twitch underneath me. I kissed, closing my lips against him.

  As I closed my mouth around him, that same strange, metallic tang hit my tongue as before, when we were in the bushes …although this time I savored it. I began to lick and suck the head, rolling it over my tongue so that I heard him moan, felt his hands shudder on my shoulders. He brought a trembling hand to my cheek and looked down at me as I tried a little more. I felt my own nipples sharp and hard in my shirt, my pussy flowing with sympathy for him, and his delicious body.

  I lowered further onto his cock and his eager hands held me there. I was his. He was mine. I went delicately, unsure of how much of him I could take in, but he stroked and caressed my neck so sweetly, I wanted it all, every last inch. I found a rhythm. I closed my eyes and pumped up, then down, then up again, his hips moving almost imperceptibly forward to meet my mouth and away again. I swirled my tongue round him; he gripped down on my shoulders harder, exhaling loudly with a shiver.

  I drew back, admiring how hot and red and wet his cock looked, them swallowed it back in again, picking up my pace and finding a spot on the back of my throat that made him groan the most, made him clutch locks of my hair to steady himself. Thin clear liquid streamed from him now, and two blue veins had risen on the surface of his belly. His neck too, looked strained, and his jaw was clenched. He looked down at me with such a strange mix of tenderness and viciousness I felt a faint trickle moving down my inner thigh. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled.

  I loved him and wanted all of him in me, as far as he could go. I swallowed down on him hard, my throat closing hot and tight around him, and as I did this his whole body shook before me and before I knew it, hot wet ropes of cum shot down along the back of my tongue. He gasped, his voice floundered and he spoke my name, or at least the first breathy syllable of my name, and I held him still in my mouth as the last spurts emptied out into my throat.

  His broad hands were spread out over my skull, the base of his cock pulsing between my lips. I held him there, safe in my mouth, pleased nearly to death that I had pleased him. We stayed like this, him softly deflating in my mouth, hands buried in my hair, and me, lapping him up gently, feeling every ripple and bounce in his cock. I kissed him and let go, and he flopped out, his grip loosening a little on the base of my neck. I could hear him panting quietly.

  When I looked up to see his face again, his gaze was already there to meet mine. I rose quickly to my feet and plunged into a deep, passionate kiss.

  “I want you to do things to me” I whispered into his warm neck, a neck prickling with faint beads of sweat.

  He was silent, and only held me closer in response.

  Chapter 13

  David taught me a lot of things in those last few weeks of High School.

  He taught me to be patient, to relax and follow his lead and most of all, that sometimes you have to break promises in order to keep them. When I wanted something but felt unable to ask for it, Annie would ask on my behalf. I would write him a long, lurid email in which I explained all the details, and he would reply, letting me know that it was OK, that anything we did together with our bodies would always be fine.

  He taught me, most of all, not to be afraid.

  And so, we made a new promise to each other. Love poems and daisy crowns woven in the summer grass were perfect for us …for a while. But we outgrew them, and it was David who pushed us out of that and into the next stage of our romantic life. We made new promises to each other now. Sometimes a promise would need to be reworked, sure. But we never wavered: I could count on him and he could count on me. Always.

  It was the end of the school year. We had all received our final grades and were wiling away our time on the library lawn, all feeling quite sad that this was the last time we would ever do so. We had all gathered this way in the summer months all throughout the last few years, and I was sad that we would be drifting in different directions now. Jess wasn’t going to college at all and would soon start working at her father’s company. Lizzy and I were going to study medicine, and the other girls had their plans too.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to college still a virgin,” Lizzy said, her self-made braids looking a little tighter today than usual. She stuck her finger at the top of one and yanked it out to start again. “It’s just you and me now Violet, the last women standing!”

  I smiled and shielded my face from the sun with a casual hand.

  “Well, just you actually,” I said.

  Jess looked at me sharply.

  “No! What a slut. And when were you going to tell us?” she laughed.

  I shrugged and smiled. It had
only happened recently, and unexpectedly.

  “Can you believe this girl? And now she won’t say a peep. Was it with…?”

  As usual, she was busy breaking a stick into smaller and smaller pieces. I was slouching, propped against my backpack, a juicy but unknown future unwinding deliciously in front of me, and on this afternoon, there was no rush for any of it, and so I took my time and then nodded, once.

  “Shit! So I really am the last one then,” Lizzy said, wrinkling her nose.

  I leaned back and tried to soak in the sun.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll basically lose your virginity the second you step on campus, everyone knows,” said Jess.

  I let my head hang back and he was in my mind again, instantly. I could still taste him, still feel him. He had been tender, told me to slow down, to take my time, but I had been so overcome I wouldn’t slow down for anything in the world. I was glad I had waited. And I was really glad I hadn’t waited any longer. My phone buzzed. It was him.

  Let’s do it again. Where are you?

  I couldn’t repress a grin.

  School still. Hanging out with the girls. You?

  Home early today. Come visit me. I want to be inside you again.

  My face flushed hot. I sent him a string of hearts and kisses and got up to leave.

  Chapter 14

  It was thinner than I expected. And dark brown, instead of black, like it had been in my imagination.

  He knotted it carefully around my neck, and it smelt of fresh new leather, still raw cut on the edges. He took a long look at my hair and thought for a moment about what to do with it.

  “Not loose. Put it in a braid” he said finally.

  I raised naked arms and started winding my hip length black hair into a braid, but he stopped me.

  “No, not like that. Two braids, one on each side.”

  I shook my hair loose again and did as he said, winding one and then another braid down the side, each finished plait trailing down to my breasts and then hanging loosely off the edge of each breast. My nipples hardened with both cold and anticipation.

  We were standing awkwardly in the doorway of his house, his old familiar house that had suddenly become a temple, an auditorium where we were about to witness ourselves and each other. I had spelled it out, clearly, and hit send, and now here it was, my sweet boyfriend unfolding my dirtiest fantasies with his careful, kind hands.

  He wore only some loose trousers, his torso and feet bare, face fresh and buffed from a recent shower. All the drapes had been drawn and the entire house was still. I stood by the door, shivering a little. I had been bought and sold, and now I was here, at last, to be trained up in the divine and brutal arts of love. My flesh was to be used; broken down and built back up again, till all that remained was a pure, unlatched vessel, ready for him and whatever he wanted from me.

  My mind raced and sent waves of goose bumps over my exposed flesh. Holding the leather strap that was now strung round my neck, he gestured for me to turn, and I did so, slowly, giving him a good look at every last part of me. He examined my small breasts, my tight, nervous hips and the little curve of my belly. He traced feather-light fingers over my thighs and up along my flanks, sizing me up, determining whether he had made a good bargain. David has a young, innocent face, but he had a way of holding it so seriously that you didn’t doubt for a second that he knew exactly what he was doing.

  He nodded. My body had pleased him.

  He grabbed the leather hard and yanked, dragging me along to another room, one he had set up earlier, it seemed. The bed had been stripped of everything and the bare mattress had been draped with a soft, fur-like throw that hung low over the edges. A loose circle of candles gave the bed the feel of an altar; several similar leather straps lay at the head of the bed, parallel and dangerous looking.

  He nudged me to the bed and I obeyed, stepped forward and fell onto it, cautiously twisting round to look up at him. The length of the leather hung long, down between my naked legs and now tangled between my knees. It was requested that I be shaved, for my initiation, and for every other rite that would follow this one. Every last scrap of hair gone from my little pussy, I felt more exposed to him than I ever had before. Our bodies had been introduced before; twice we had fucked already, once tenderly, the other time far less tenderly, and now I knew enough of him that merely the sight of him standing and looking at me sent streams of moisture down my legs.

  He took off his pants, quickly enough to make the flames on the candles waver a little, and he stood before me again, his nakedness still a surprise to me, even now. I instinctively wanted to reach forward and take him into my mouth, or to throw my arms onto his shoulders and close my legs round his strong hips. He had cradled me this far through so many soft, shuddering orgasms that I almost felt a reflective yearning for him now, to be close to him again. But he only stood for a moment, teasing me with his gaze, deciding unilaterally what he would do next with me.

  I waited for an order, for direction, and then it came:

  “Spread your legs.”

  Facing him, I lay back and planted both my feet on the bed, putting me on full display.

  “Show me.”

  His features maintained the same hard, almost icy expression. I extended shaking hands down towards my pussy, gently opening the silky folds there. A flicker of a naughty smile darted on his lips, then vanished. Seemingly satisfied with what he had seen there, he stepped forward and fell to his knees on the bed in front of me. He placed one, then the other hand above my head and fell with all his weight hovering over me, his body only a few inches above mine, his lips just grazing mine.

  He took one of the straps laid at the top of the bed, and dragged its tail over my naked body, from my neck and down over my breasts and around my bellybutton. The first few times had been gentle, curious. We were both unsure, both a little nervous, and those first fumbling moments had been short, a little rushed, and not without some pain on my side. But he was learning. And so was I. And now my pussy, so recently awakened, was already drenched and expectant.

  The tail of the leather strip passed teasingly between my pussy lips and flicked out again, my hips writhing to follow. It was being artfully wound round my wrist now, with a series of knots and twists, and then he looped it behind me and out the other side to tie my other wrist. My back arched and my breasts were thrust forward as both wrists were pinned behind me. He dropped the tail of the strap off the bed, to the side, and looked down at his handiwork. I had shut my legs again, and he gently pried them open now, his broad hands easily encircling the whole of my thigh.

  I couldn’t resist arching up to meet his lips and kiss him deeply. The tip of his cock dipped low and touched the skin of my belly, sending shivers all through me. He reached a hand round and clasped my wrists, then hoisted my frame around so that I was on my knees, wobbling a little to find my balance again with my hands bound behind me. The leather strap hung loose now, down between my ass cheeks, and his fingers traced a line to follow it. I shifted my knees further apart so he could, with savoring fingers, reach down and cup a hand between my legs. All the words we had exchanged, all the fantasies raced through my head now, and my entire body tightened in anticipation. I had no idea what I was doing. But he did.

  With his other hand he pushed my shoulders down and my head flopped onto the bed, hair curtaining over my eyes. My hips were angled up high, my most vulnerable parts completely on display to him, but he forced my knees open further still. With expert fingers he split open the folds of my pussy and caressed the pool of wetness there, teasing over my clit and circling around the hollow. My body recognized him and knew what it wanted.

  “Yes?” he said, barely audible.

  “Yes!” I cried, the building heat in my thighs and pelvis tormenting me.

  In went a single finger, and I whimpered appreciatively. Anchoring my hips with his other hand, he explored and probed me deeply, feeling out every corner of me, feeling how I quivered around his fir
m caress. In went a second and then a third finger, my slit now streaming milky sweetness over him. I breathed hard into the veil of hair that fell around my face, and everything went dark all around me except for this thrilling glow of warmth and pleasure radiating out from his fingertips.

  Before, it had been painful to press the full length of his cock into me. We were both inexperienced – he had pulled out, kissed the tender cleft between my legs and tried again, but it had hurt, and we eventually managed only a few painful, swollen thrusts before we both came, giggling and shocked at what we had done.

  Right now, though, I was more than ready for him. He had worn away the last edges of my resistance, and we had both patiently pressed through the hesitant, sore places of our first fuck. My body hadn’t been ready for him before; my heart and mind were tinged with fear, with trepidation. Now, with that long behind us, I wanted to let go and love him more deeply. I wanted him to fuck my brains out. His hand streaming with my wetness, he knew what he had to do.

  He placed his tip at the entrance of my cunt and with a soft push, settled the head into me. Before I could beg him to go further, he thrust the full length of his shaft deep into me in one hard, quick movement. I screamed noiselessly into the bed, my tied hands curling uselessly around each other. He stroked soothing fingertips over my butt, played with the goose bumps there and greeting my clenching hands.

  Immediately he drew back and plunged into me again, my entire body singing out with sparkles of hot, sticky pleasure. As before, it was overwhelming to have him inside me like this; a new and carnal sensation. Impaled on his dick this way, my hands tied, I felt how utterly at his mercy I was, how every part of my body, even the most fragile inner rooms and passages, even my soul, somehow, could be reached and dominated by this wonderful instrument, this cock that could open and enter me so completely.

  Soon, his thrusts became fluid and rhythmic, and with each pump my body melted and submitted around him. I tried to raise my head to gasp for air, but it was swiftly yanked back down again by the cord around my neck. Arched like this, he fucked me forcefully and with a beautiful, masculine violence that seemed to feed on itself, that seemed to witness me there, yielding and open, and thrust with even more savageness.


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