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Tiger Lily: Part Three

Page 4

by Duncan, Amélie S.

  Reaching his hand down between us, he guided his cock to my entrance. Lifting my hips, he pushed in one continual thrust until he was sealed deep inside of me. Every inch sending shocks of ecstasy coursing through my body.

  “So perfect inside you,” Jonas growled as he rolled his hips.

  Our gazes locked as he began short, hard thrusts.

  My heart soared. I loved him. Did he see it?

  The rhythmic strokes of his cock brought me close again. I felt my body stiffening and tightening once more. My eyes widened.

  Jonas could feel it. “Oh. Yes. Come,” he hissed. He swiveled his hips as he ground his cock in deeper than he ever had before. My body wept in the feeling that arose within, and I climaxed, shaking underneath him.

  “Lily,” he moaned as my inner walls gripped and spasmed around his cock.

  I wrapped my legs around him as he pushed in deep and erupted in his release. Putting my arms around his neck, I tried to pull him down, but he stopped me.

  “I’ll crush you,” he whispered.

  “I don’t care. I love you.” I said. I just wanted him close.

  He pecked my lips and eased me over until I was lying on top of him, then he held me in his arms. My head resting on his chest.

  This is perfect.

  I pressed my head against his skin and listened to his heart, wishing he would give voice to what resonated between us in all that he had shown. But in mine, I knew. Jonas Crane loved me.

  “LILY,” JONAS GENTLY shook my shoulder.

  I stirred and lifted my head from his chest to look at him. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to drift off.”

  He petted my hair. “I would have let you sleep, but I’d like you to eat dinner first. Were you uncomfortable?” The concern on his face brought a smile to mine.

  I licked my lips. “I don’t know why I’m still feeling tired. I felt like I’d woken from a bad dream earlier, but still felt rested.”

  He moved my body up so he could kiss my forehead. “I wish I would have been in here for you,” he said.

  A flutter went through my chest. “I’m fine. Or, I will be fine now. Thank you for the phone to use. I called Mary. She’d like to chat with you about a visit soon,” I said.

  He lifted the corner of his mouth. “She can come whenever you’re ready. I’ll tell her the same. And the phone is yours.”

  I half-lidded my eyes. “Thank you. You’re too generous. The hotel spa, moving me in with you, not to mention all the other things. You shouldn’t spoil me.”

  “That’s hardly spoiling. Most of those are for my own pleasure. I plan to do better in spoiling.” He kissed my lips lightly.

  I lowered my head. “Why? You don’t have to do anything else. I won’t care. I’m just happy you’re here. With me.”

  He cuddled me to him. “That’s the reason I want to give you everything. You will be spoiled and adored, as you so rightly deserve.”

  His words were heartfelt, and I drank them in. But my mind grabbed hold of the last time I had heard similar words, and the change that had occurred in that relationship after those words were spoken.

  Jonas cupped my face. His eyes fixed on me. “Did I make you sad?” The empathy in his expression had the truth I would normally hold onto flowing from my lips.

  “Declan used to say things like that in the beginning, too. He was generous and kind. But then he wasn’t. Towards the end, he called me a ‘fat spoiled princess.’ I guess the idea of being spoiled makes me think you’ll think…”

  “No. Never,” Jonas said, cutting me off and cupping my chin. “I’ll never do that to you.” He squeezed me closer. “I know sharing those details doesn’t come easily for you. So thank you for telling me. But please know, I’m not Declan.”

  I nodded, unable to speak. I tried to smile, but my lips trembled too much.

  His gaze was pointed on mine as he continued. “He was leagues beneath you and never deserved you. He will pay for hurting you. That, I will make sure of.” He kissed me tenderly.

  “Have I received any more messages?” I asked in a small voice.

  His jaw tightened. “If you did, I’d never tell you,” he said bluntly. “That’s a closed subject for you and your wellbeing. Promise me right now you will not try to retrieve messages or pursue any contact with him. This will be our resolution on the matter.” From Jonas’s stern expression, he wasn’t open to compromise.

  I gave him a nod and said, “I promise.”

  “It’s late. Let’s go have dinner and discuss what we will do with the rest of our week,” Jonas said, changing the subject.

  He moved us to a sitting position and my arms involuntarily moved around his shoulders. He then lifted and moved me off the bed, walking us into the bathroom where he sat me down next to the sink. Turning on the tap, he dampened a cloth.

  I parted my legs a little and he moved between them, widening them more. He then thoroughly commenced with an embarrassingly intimate cleanse between my thighs. He had done as much before, so I didn’t interrupt him, though it still puzzled me. Finally, I asked what this cleaning ritual was all about. But he responded with another question within a question, asking, “How does it make you feel?” for the second time today. Though it irritated me, I decided to answer.

  “It feels good, but it still embarrasses me. So why do you do it?” I asked.

  He walked away and collected matching terry cloth robes for us to put on. Once his was in place, he held mine open. “Taking control, caring for you, even cleaning you; it turns me on. And I know, even though you blush pretty for me, that you’re turned on too.”

  I put my arms through the sleeves of the robe and he closed and cinched the tie in place. “So you do it just to turn us on? You must have another reason. I’d like to know,” I pressed.

  He sighed and gazed at me, a hint of amusement at what I imagined to be a rapt expression on my face. “Because you’re mine, and I want you to feel like you’re a part of me,” he said.

  I beamed at him. “I want to be.”

  He rested his hands on my shoulders. “Then you are.”

  Jonas took my hands. “Lin left dinner for us. We need to eat and plan out the rest of our week.”

  “Can’t we just wing it?” I whined. “I mean, I’m on stress vacation. Can’t I just rest in front of the TV or read a book?”

  He laughed as we walked together out of the bathroom. “I wish I could wing it, as you so eloquently put it, but to spend time with you and still meet all my business obligations, I have to plan.”

  We walked together down the stairs to the living room, the sound of Paul McCartney and Wings still playing in the background. The song “My Love” started and a pang went through my heart. I lowered my head while Jonas eyed me inquisitively, as I realized too late that I had stopped walking.

  “I love this CD. Thank you again for it.” I recovered.

  “It’s one of my favorites, too,” he said. I took steps and he continued his path back to the kitchen, where the table was already set and included our food, protected under metal place covers. I took the seat I’d taken earlier and removed the lid to find pasta salad with some sort of cream sauce and artichokes. Jonas poured me a glass of wine and himself a scotch before joining me at the table.

  I ate a quick forkful of pasta. Delicious. We ate in silence, until I asked, “Have you seen my clothes? I didn’t have much at the hotel and I wonder if David could drive me over…”

  “They should be delivered tomorrow, and then Lin will put them away for you. You have a counseling session on Wednesday. Samuel has arranged for an appointment at Barney’s on Thursday. While you were napping, it became clear I will have to go to Miami. So, we’ll be flying to Miami for the day on Friday. I was to do a game on Saturday with Paul, but that depends on the weather. You can go to that, too. On Sunday…”

  “Slow down.” I said. We smiled at each other. “If I get new clothes now, I probably won’t fit in them in a couple of weeks.”

you’ll get more. But all that depends on how you’re feeling,” he said.

  I sipped my wine and glanced over at him. “So, where is this psychiatric session on Wednesday?” I asked.

  “Upper West Side. You nervous?” he asked, then took another bite from his plate.

  “Yes,” I admitted.

  “You can call me after the session, and I’ll be here over lunch. I could get Dani to go with you,” he offered.

  I shook my head. “I’ll be fine. I think I’m more worried about talking about everything.”

  “Isla is the best and comes highly recommended,” he said.

  “Have you ever been to a psychiatrist?” I asked.

  He didn’t answer immediately, and I thought he wasn’t going to. But then he said, “Well, I was seeing Melissa at the end of our marriage. But that stopped once the situation changed.”

  I pursed my mouth. “She’s not supposed to date her clients. That’s completely unethical.”

  “Well, I wasn’t her client for long. She was really more a friendly ear.” He sipped his scotch.

  “Yes, and then you became more than friends.” I spit out the words.

  “I was having problems adjusting to Alan with Dani and Paul. My brother Vincent was causing me grief when I decided to base myself in Texas. Melissa provided perspective, though now I know she wanted more from our arrangement.” Seeing my face, he redirected. “And that’s enough on her, Lily. I’m sorry about what occurred between you two, but don’t be jealous.”

  I furrowed my brow. “Why not? You were jealous of Ian. I can be jealous of Melissa.” I ate another bite of pasta.

  “Yes, I was…am,” he admitted.

  I sighed. “You already know I don’t want Ian, but you don’t want me around him. I want the same for Melissa. I trust you, but…I don’t trust her. And I would just feel better if you stayed away from her, like you want me to do with Ian.”

  “They are both friends that I know well. These situations are completely different. Melissa is going through a difficult time. I can’t just disappear,” he sighed in exasperation.

  My face fell. “They’re different because Ian doesn’t love me, but Melissa loves you.” He didn’t respond, so I continued. “So, you plan to see her again?”

  Jonas put his fork down. His eyes flashed at me. “Come over here, Lily.”

  I tilted my head down and stared at my plate. “I don’t want to fight about your friends, but you still don’t accept what we both witnessed today. She’ll say and do whatever it takes to have you.”

  “Come over here, Lily,” he repeated, this time enunciating every word.

  I glared at him, though a thrill went through me. He appeared calm, but his eyes were stormy. He had moved his seat back and was waiting.

  I inhaled and pushed back before standing. My pulse increased with every step as I closed the distance between us and stood before him.

  He took my hands. “I have few friends, Lily. My work and life are complex. I don’t get to be as social and I was brought up to suspect everything and everyone. Alan, who’s marrying Dani, like Ian, is one of those few who became my friend. I’ve known them both for over ten years. However, when it comes to you, I will let Ian’s friendship go. I’ve learned that much. The only thing that saved him was finding out how he helped you in my absence.”

  He looked at me, examining my expression, then continued. “I don’t want to play games. Ian wouldn’t appreciate or deserve to be played, either.”

  I knew he was referring to my using Ian as a pawn to push Melissa out of our lives as well, and I immediately felt bad. Particularly because Ian had helped me. I nodded my head rapidly. I didn’t want to be the reason their friendship ended. Just the thought made me ill. “I understand. And I’m sorry,” I sighed.

  He exhaled. “I accept. In regard to Melissa, she is an old friend I’ve known practically my whole life. Her life isn’t perfect, and she’s not perfect, but I won’t throw her away because of her feelings. You didn’t cast Gregor away, and he’s in love with you.”

  My mouth dropped open. “He knows I don’t feel the same way. And he accepts it. I don’t believe Melissa holds the same sentiment.”

  “Gregor tried to warn you against me with Maggie. Remember? I wanted you away from him, but you wanted to keep that friendship. That makes this similar. So you’ll need to trust me.”

  My shoulders hunched and I looked down. My stomach dropped. “Gregor didn’t do what she did. After what she did and said, you shouldn’t be around her. I don’t want you around her.”

  “I’m furious with her for her behavior this afternoon. That hasn’t changed. But I shouldn’t abandon her friendship because of her feelings. I chose you, Lily.”

  “For now,” I said, interrupting him. I stared at my bare feet.

  “Come here,” I didn’t fight when he tugged me forward and down onto his lap. “You know I didn’t put a time limit on us. Have I given you reason to doubt me?”

  I stared at my hands as they rolled up the ends of the tie on the robe. “I don’t trust her. I don’t feel secure with you being with her.”

  He took the ties from my hands and opened my robe. “I think it’s more to do with you not having confidence in me. That will come in time, along with your belief that you’re mine,” he slipped the robe past my shoulders. “Take off your robe and fold it, then move your food over next to mine,” he said.

  I narrowed my gaze. “Why? You want to play a sex game in the middle of our argument.”

  “This is not a game, this is you being mine. I’m commanding and demanding. I’m all consuming. This is me, as I truly am. This is me giving you what I believe you need from me,” he said and released me. I immediately felt empty, but I sat there and thought about what he had said. His demand was sexual in nature, and the heat that was working through me, along with the throb in my sex, had me ready to do what he asked. Still, my mind wondered if I needed to acquiesce to him to feel assured in his feelings for me and not Melissa. Wouldn’t the same assurance be achieved by his saying he loved me?

  My heart ached at how much I wanted those words from him right now. But he’d been given plenty of opportunities to say as much today, and he hadn’t. He wasn’t ready.

  What he was ready for was to try to make me feel closer to him, and in that he was right. I needed that much from him right now.

  Jonas exhaled long as I unclasped my robe, his stare fixed on me as I folded the robe, per his directions. Then I walked over to my seat and placed it down, lifting my plate and setting it next to his. I returned to stand before him and he sat me down in his lap, cuddling me close. My heart fluttered.

  Jonas moved my hair and kissed the back of my neck and along my shoulders, resting his head against my back. “I need to be me and I need you to be mine,” he said, as if answering a question. His words seized my heart. So much pain lingered in those words. He needed more than words as assurance. I understood that now, but I said them anyway. “I am yours.”

  He parted my thighs and cupped my sex possessively, then moved us close to the table. He lifted up a fork and fed me the remainder of my plate, before eating his own. He played with the wetness of my arousal there, and I moaned in the feeling of his fingers as they expertly stimulated me. I could feel his erection beneath me, and I shifted on his lap, willing him to action.

  “Turn around and straddle my cock,” he finally commanded. I felt the brush of his robe against my buttocks as I stood and faced him. His eyes were cloudy and the corners of his mouth were turned down.

  My eyes bore into his. “Yes, Jonas.” Reaching my hand down between his legs, I clasped his cock and moaned as I took his shaft inside me, my eyes never leaving his.

  Jonas gripped my hips and pulled until I was flush against his thighs, then he covered my cry with his mouth in the joining of pain and pleasure as I took him all at once. But this was what he needed and wanted, for me to take all of him. I realized I needed the same. Our gazes fused as his hands he
ld onto my hips and he controlled the rises and falls as I rode him. The way he wanted, and needed. As pleasure filled me up, I dug into his shoulders.

  “Not yet,” he gritted and stopped, until my orgasm passed then started once more. The anger at the interruption flared, but quickly transformed to pleasure as our bodies came together. The sounds of our slick connection filled my ears as his pace increased.

  His face was taut as he came, then transformed to a beauty that stole my breath away. My legs trembled as I fought to hold on and he kissed me and whispered a message of mercy that I took, coming hard and shuddering in his arms as he engulfed me. I was his. We belonged to each other. We stayed linked together. My head resting in the crook of Jonas’s shoulder, his hand sliding up and down my spine. “I forget you’re unwell. I’ve taken advantage…”

  I tried, but failed to suppress the yawn coming out of my mouth as I sought to protest. Unfortunately, he took that yawn as proof of his claim, deepening the frown on his face. I tried again to speak, and this time I was successful. “You can’t take advantage of the willing. I want to have sex with you.”

  The words ‘have sex’ sounded weird in my head and voice, as I struggled to communicate what we shared together. We didn’t just ‘have sex,’ making the description feel too clinical and cheap. I touch him with love. He makes love to me.

  Pressing my lips against his neck, I willed him to understand. He exhaled long, though his muscles felt tense. I opened my mouth on his neck and sucked, trying to leave a love bite. This brought about light laughter from Jonas, and a clasp of my shoulders, disengaging my lips and stopping the beginnings of a mark on his skin. “No,” he said.

  I tried my best to blank my face. “Why not, Mr. Crane?”

  “Because we’re not teenagers and I have enough of a bad reputation that I don’t want to add to,” he said and smirked.

  I grinned. “I don’t think your reputation is bad. Everyone asks you for your advice and help with their businesses.”

  “Everyone has critics. Some of them rightly so,” he interjected, his voice raised. He reached over for a napkin and wiped my thigh, then lifted me onto my feet.


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