Tiger Lily: Part Three

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Tiger Lily: Part Three Page 9

by Duncan, Amélie S.

  “Stop, Dec. Let go of me,” I yell, but no sound comes out.

  His hands grip my head tight as he slams it down against the dashboard

  His hands come across my face.

  His hands grip my arms and shove me on the floor.

  I scream.


  I continue to scream as strong hands hold me down. He has me.

  “It’s Jonas, Lily. Please wake up.”

  My eyes opened and darted around, finally settling on a set above me. They’re not green. No, they’re blue.


  He loosened his hold on me and sprawled beside me, bringing me into his arms. “I’m here. Nothing will ever happen like that again.” I flushed as awareness returned to me. And then I found myself trapped between my anger at Jonas and my need for the comfort he was giving me.

  “I know you’re still upset, but you’re still mine. Just let me hold you, even if you’re not ready to forgive me,” he said and kissed over my damp forehead.

  I yielded to his arms. “Please.”

  Without hesitation, he wrapped me close and rubbed over my back, repeating soothing words, lulling me into the security of his embrace from the nightmare that had robbed me of my sleep.

  As my awareness returned to me, I noticed his hard erection through his sweatpants.

  My body awakened with need, and Jonas, catching my shift, froze next to me. So unlike the man I knew and loved.

  Taking a breath, I said, “Are you. I mean, do you want to make…have sex with me?”

  He turned me around and gave me a look that I felt down to my toes. “Love. You can say ‘make love.’ I meant what I said earlier. I love you. But I’m not going to make love to you until you’re ready to give yourself back to me.”

  My heart skipped a beat at his use of ‘make love’ to describe our intimacy. But I didn’t like being given ultimatums. I furrowed my brows. “So now you’re withholding yourself?”

  “No, because in that we both know I would lose,” he said and smirked. “No. I mean you can have me, but you’ll initiate.”

  My frown deepened. “You know that’s not what I want.”

  “But you’re still upset with me,” he said.

  “No. I’m confused. You are upset with me,” I replied.

  “No, I’m not. But after that dream, there is no way in hell I’m leaving that piece of shit ex of yours alone. I am going to make sure you never have to worry about him again. I’d do it even if you chose to leave me.” His eyes shifted.

  I rubbed the stubble on his face. “I don’t want to leave you. I’ll leave the Declan situation alone for now.” I almost left it at that, but then thought to continue while I had the guts to do so, “I love you, but you need to make a choice. I don’t trust her, and I can’t have trust in us if she continues to be around. I need you to choose. Her or me.” I held up my hand. “And before you say you have chosen, I need more than a promise.”

  His face lit up and he smiled. “You’re my charging Tiger tonight.”

  I lifted the corner of my mouth. “And?”

  “I love you,” he said and kissed me tenderly on the lips. “Would you like to get up and eat? Or go back to sleep? I’ll leave…”

  “No. I want to fall back to sleep in your arms. I’ll eat a large breakfast before therapy in the morning,” I said. Without hesitation, he laid on his back and I positioned myself on top of him and closed my eyes and sighed.

  “As Rubin says, ‘morning will come, it has no choice.’” He turned off the bedside lamp. Life would go on, and whatever was to come, I did not know. Nevertheless, I wasn’t alone or left with nowhere to go.

  Jonas was here and in love with me.

  “BEFORE WE END our session today, on a scale of one to ten, one being miserable and ten being perfect, how are you feeling?” Isla asked at the end of my session the next day.

  I paused and thought on all that happened and said. “Six.”

  She nodded. “What keeps you from being a five or a seven?”

  I tucked my hair behind my ears. “Jonas telling me he loves me back. Melissa coming around trying to get him back, and Jonas keeping things from me. I know he does it to protect me, but after my walk through the city yesterday, I realized I can’t allow myself be completely dependent on anyone.”

  “Was it dependence or receiving help? You mentioned you were having difficulty managing your ex on your own?”

  I rubbed the sleeves of my soft turtleneck. “Yes. I have. And I will admit I need help there. But, like today—I’m going shopping later for clothes at a place I can’t afford. I’m on leave from work, and I don’t have my own place.”

  “What do you want to do with your life?” she asked.

  I lifted my shoulders. “Ultimately, I want to be able to work and expand the Salomé Love Legacy Art program and make it a cultural exchange, but with work and everything…” I let the words die in my throat. “I suppose I could look into that now. And, well, everything else.”

  “Then that’s one of your assignments. But I also want you to think on your relationship with Jonas. I know you experienced this before, but imagine your life away from him now. We’ll discuss both next week. Are you still going out of town tomorrow?” she asked.

  I smoothed the front of my wool pencil skirt. “Yes. At least, I hope so. He hasn’t said anything.”

  “Talk to him. If he’s shutting you out, show him what sharing can do for the both of you. This is a little leading, but something to contemplate over the weekend,” she said. I sighed and took the hug she gave before I made my way out of her office and the building.

  I was lost in my thoughts for part of the drive, until we were stopped at a traffic light in Midtown. And not just anywhere in Midtown, but a couple of blocks from Arch. A sinking feeling took hold of me, and I climbed out of the car the second it stopped in front of the building. I pulled out my phone and called Gregor. On the second ring, he answered.

  “Do I still have a job?” I blurted.

  “Lily?” I couldn’t tell if he was glad to hear from me or just shocked by the sound of my voice. “Of course you have a job. Jonas just left our meeting. How are you feeling?”

  I sighed in relief. “Good. Over-rested.”

  “It’s only been a few days. No rush,” he said.

  I frowned. “Oh.”

  “Lily Salomé?”

  I looked up and made contact with the large brown eyes of a tall waif of a female with mushroom bobbed hair standing a few feet from me. Her business attire had me thinking she was from Arch, but I couldn’t place her, even when she took steps toward me. The closer she came, the more details of her face came into view. Her skin was pale and scaly, despite the humid air following the on-and-off rain of the day. Her eyes were puffy and dark circled, and I thought for a minute how similar I must have looked just short of a week ago, had I not gotten to Dee and the spa treatment, as well as food and sleep. Her lips thinned, then formed a small smile.

  “Hi. I don’t think we formally met…” she stuttered, interrupting my call.

  I held up a finger to her in a gesture to wait as I spoke into the phone. “Someone is here, Gregor. Would you mind sending me one manuscript to work on? I need something or I’ll go crazy.”

  He chuckled. “Fine. Check your work email. But don’t tell your boyfriend, as I think he’s warming to using Arch to publish his book.”

  The woman thrust her hand out in introduction, bending her wrist in an odd manner that had me thinking something was wrong with her hand. But then my eyes zeroed in on the boulder-size diamond on it.

  I ended the call and put the phone away, then awkwardly shook the tips of her fingers. “Are you okay?” I paused, waiting for her to tell me her name.

  “Heather, I’m Heather. And yes. I just need to talk…” She lifted her face and stepped past me and grimaced. “I must go. I work a few blocks from here. I’ll be in touch soon.” She turned and ran down the sidewalk.

  That w
as odd.

  “Wait.” I called after her. I was about to take a step in her direction, when I felt a familiar presence and decided against it.

  Turning around, I found Jonas. He was causing a stir around us in his dark navy suit and white shirt opened at the collar, low enough to show off a peek of his smooth chest hair. His dark hair was coiffed back in waves, showing off his gorgeous profile. I felt like one of the many admirers on the sidewalk, pausing to gawk at this scorching hot man. His eyes were all for me though, and the intensity in them had me shrinking in his striking presence.

  “Come here, beautiful,” he said in a baritone. I unconsciously moved closer and he gripped my hips, pulling me into a kiss that went from innocent to adult pretty quickly. This got us a few ‘Get a room’ catcalls from the onlookers and had my perpetual blush creeping up my skin, but it wasn’t enough embarrassment to let go of him. So when he broke it off, I was delighted at the surprised look that passed across his face before it settled into his all-too-familiar amused glint. “You alright?”

  I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip. “There was a woman who came up and talked to me then ran away.”

  Jonas frowned. “She ran away?” he repeated incredulously.

  I lifted my shoulders. I had nothing to offer as an explanation. He looked around and I did also, but she was long gone.

  “Did she say anything?” he asked.

  “She just introduced herself then left,” I replied.

  “Hmmm…odd,” he said. Then he brushed a strand of hair away from my face and said, “I’ve got time between my next meetings to set you up at Barney’s. We’re going out tonight before we leave for Miami,” he said, smiling down at me.

  I raised my brows. “I’m still going?”

  He gave me a chaste kiss. “Yes you are, but this trip isn’t something I would have chosen to have you on. I’m just too selfish to leave you here.”

  I gave him a small smile. “I love that you want me with you. I’m here in any way you need me.”

  Jonas cupped my face and ran his thumb over my bottom lip. “I need you, but for tomorrow it’s all business, and I plan to make this trip as short as possible. There is something I could use your help with, though. I need someone to take notes. Just a brief on attendance, topic…”

  I rolled my eyes. “I know how to take notes.”

  He grinned. “Yes, but I’m…I’ve been called persnickety. I don’t want everything, just particular pieces so we can leave immediately afterward.”

  I reached into my purse and pulled out a note pad and pen. “Well, go on then, Mr. Crane, sir?”

  His eyes darkened. “Mmm say that again,” he said and kissed me. “We’ll talk about it on the flight.” The rain started again and we quickly settled inside the car.

  I licked my lips. “So, how was your meeting at Arch? I didn’t know you were going there today,” I asked cautiously.

  “I had the business meeting I rescheduled after I left with you. Remember?” His stare was bold and seductive, and I shrunk beneath its weight.

  I dipped my head. “Yes. Right. I forgot,” I answered in a soft tone.

  He reached over and twirled his fingers in my ponytail. “Why are you being shy now? Not that I don’t enjoy it. I’m just curious,” he asked as a smile spread across his face.

  I glanced at him through a fan of lashes as a ripple of excitement went through me. I didn’t know how to explain, but I tried. “I don’t know. The way you’re looking at me, like you want to do…something.”

  “Like I want to fuck you? Yes, I want to.” He tugged slowly on my hair, exposing more of my neck. “Do you want me to?”

  I licked my lips. “Yes, but we have an appointment soon, right? I mean, you don’t have time, right?” The words came out like a sigh.

  Jonas moved closer and nipped along my neck. The beginnings of stubble brushed against my skin to my ear, where he closed his lips on my earlobe. “Oh, I always have time to fuck you. I don’t care. We’ll be late.” His breath was hot, tone seductive. I moaned and leaned my head, taking in his scent. His expensive cologne and what I knew to be his natural smell had my body blooming, heating and tightening for him.

  He moved a hand across my full breasts and took in a sharp breath. “You need me to fuck you. Tell me,” he purred.

  My breathing staggered and I gapped my thighs. “I need you, please,” I said, breathless.

  “Fuck, my sweet Lily,” he gritted as he tightened his grip on my hair and slowly moved his hand down from my swollen breasts to my knee. He licked and lightly sucked my neck at a painstakingly slow pace before moving his hand up my skirt until he reached the apex of my thighs and stopped. “Tights?” he hissed.

  My face heated. “It’s cold outside,” I mumbled as he tugged the nylon fabric aggressively down my legs, taking my panties with them. “You’re going to rip…” The words died in my throat as he trapped my clit between his fingers, and I let out a staggered breath.

  “Unbutton my pants and take my cock out,” he said, assuming command. I felt a gush of liquid from my pussy, dripping down on his fingers.

  He let out what sounded like a groan and a laugh. “Mmm. That for me?” He grinned, slicking his fingers around my sensitive flesh. “I should eat your sweet gift, but you need to get fucked? Decide.”

  I mewled. I didn’t want to think. I wanted him to do! Do me. Fuck!

  He was right. I wanted him to fuck me. He imprisoned my clit again, as I moved my hands blindly behind me, pulling down his pants and freeing his cock. He took it in hand and slid the tip against the liquid heat at my entrance. “Take me,” he commanded.

  I bore down on his dick, shifting to accommodate his thickness. Jonas took my hips in hand, and pulled me the rest of the way down to take his incredible length.

  “Jonas, please,” I cried out as pain and pleasure intermixed.

  “So tight. You’re killing me,” he hissed out, and my sex clenched. He groaned and dug his fingers into my hips, as he started gliding me up and down his shaft. I titled my head back and closed my eyes as I arched with him, matching his tempo, taking every inch of him. “My Jonas,” I must have said as I felt his head against my back.

  “Yes. Yours, Lily, and you’re mine.” He punctuated with every relentless surge of his cock. I was gasping, my heart pounding against my rib cage as I lost myself in the pleasure of the strokes of his throbbing flesh inside me.

  I cried out incoherently as I came, and he picked up the pace, working my walls as I clamped on to his dick, bringing on his climax, his cum spilling into me. He held me there for a few seconds longer, then I lifted up and he went about cleaning up both of us.

  I went to collect my clothes and put them on, even though now they were mussed. Angry runs decorated my tights. “I can’t go in there like this,” I whined.

  “Oh, yes you will. Kate will get you a pair of thigh highs. She can take those flat shoes too,” he said and mockingly wrinkled his nose, then caught my hand before it connected with his arm.

  “Why do you look so together?” I said. He had a few creases here and there, but was otherwise ever the striking businessman. Years of practice, I suspected.

  He lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed my wrist. “I always prepare. I have a spare suit in the trunk too. I’ll get you another outfit inside. Kiss me.”

  I leaned forward and he claimed my lips. In fact, he had demonstrated complete possession of me, though he told me that I was in charge. “I thought you were going to hold yourself back and let me lead?”

  Jonas laughed. “You’re complaining now? Let’s go in so David won’t have to drive around for us anymore.”

  I looked out and noticed we were a block away from the front entrance of Barneys, on West Seventy-Fifth and Broadway.

  My lips parted. “How did he? Never mind. Have you heard from Melissa?” I asked as we got out and made our way inside. Jonas took my hand and we passed through the fragrant aisles and busy patrons.

  “No. Arthur sai
d she is resting, though he did mention she’s working to bring her practice back to New York.”

  I snorted and tugged on my hand, wanting away. But he held on firmly.

  “I told you because you wanted to know. Her coming here won’t change how I feel about you, my Tiger Lily.” He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. A simple gesture of assurance.

  I calmed as we made our way to the women’s section and up to a counter where a woman made a call to his personal shopper, Kate. She came a few seconds later, a walking New York Style magazine finest, in what had to be designer dress and four-inch stilettos. Greeting both of us with a handshake, she said, “This way, please.”

  We followed after her into what appeared to be a private fitting suite, complete with plush couches, chairs, and racks at every angled mirror. Jonas settled in a chair, and Kate took me around to a closed room. “I’ll just take your measurements, and you can tell me what you feel comfortable in. Then I’ll add that to your work and formal wear.”

  I shifted on my feet. “I just want a couple of shirts, skirts, and jeans. And maybe a pair of heels.”

  She smiled and leaned by my ear. “Mr. Crane said you would say that. Just try on some of what I’ve picked for you. I promise, I’ll make this fun as I can manage.”

  I plastered on a smile and we returned to the room. Jonas was busy on a call, but paused to give me a wink. And then it started. Kate and another associate brought back dresses, skirts, shirts, and heels for me to try on. All under the attentive gaze of Jonas, whose eyes lit up every time I came out wearing a new outfit. The more pleasure he had on his face, the more comfortable I felt, until I was happily trying on more clothing. When I came out in one of the final pieces, a swing-embroidered dress, Jonas stood and came over and kissed my lips. “I’m taking you out for dinner tonight.” He leaned over my ear. “Thigh highs, heels, and this dress.”

  I gave him a small smile and he kissed my lips. “I have to go now, Tiger Lily. David will come up in half an hour to get you,” he said.

  My bottom lip quivered. “I enjoyed this, but I don’t need all of these clothes. I’m gaining weight, and I won’t fit half of them in a month. This would be a waste.”


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