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Tiger Lily: Part Three

Page 16

by Duncan, Amélie S.

  “I didn’t realize the time before I sent David out for dinner, but he has picked up something fast and will have it here soon,” Jonas said and rubbed his eyes. It had been a long day. “I’ve got a couple more calls, but we can work on the rest in the morning.”

  I nodded and he returned to the phone. After twenty minutes, David entered the room with Thai curry, which we both ate at the desk. Jonas’s phone buzzed before we finished and his face lit up, which led me to believe it was Paul calling. “Just a second.” He looked at me a twinkle in his eye. “I need to talk to Paul a little more about the plan he shared with us at dinner.”

  I gave him a toothy grin as I recalled Paul’s announcement that he intended to lose his virginity. And soon.

  My chest swelled at how Jonas tirelessly worked to please all of us. I met his gaze and answered the curious look on his face as he studied me. “You’re amazing, my superman,” I said jokingly and walked around the desk to kiss his cheek.

  “Don’t tell anyone,” Jonas kidded and kissed my lips. “I’ll be up soon.” I gave him a quick hug, my own offer of assurance that I understood and he needn’t worry. I would be there when he did.

  “We’ll go away together, just the two of us, soon,” he said softly after I released him.

  “I’d love that,” I whispered and strolled out of the office and up to the bedroom, where I cleaned up and climbed in the bed, falling asleep fairly effortlessly.

  The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that the blinds were drawn. Had the press been able to look in? We were up on the top floor, but this was a renovated factory with only seven floors, two of which were part of this bi-level house. The possibility of a long scope lens taking photos of us in here had me grateful for the darkness. Putting on my robe, I vowed never to walk around unclothed again. Not when we both had enemies.

  Declan and Melissa had shown themselves to be cunning and impulsive. Both traits that meant you wouldn’t fare well if you left yourself unguarded. I peeked through the binds and lowered my eyes to the street below. It was cleared, but only as far as a barrier at the end. I watched in dismay as one of the reporters with a camera approached a car pulling up at the end.

  Jonas had released his announcement last night. Why were they still here? Had they found something else? I suppressed the sinking feeling and returned to the bathroom, where I showered and brushed my hair and teeth. The possibility was there, but I wasn’t alone. I had Jonas and my best friend Mary, who was going to start her visit with us today. Was she on her way? Returning to the bedroom, I was surprised to find clothing left out for me to change into: a dress, underwear, and thigh-high stockings on the bed, as well as a handwritten note:

  Mary and Ian will be over soon. Come on down to the office when you’re ready.

  I put on the underwear and stockings that he left out for me and thought on this simple act and what it had come to mean. Without doubt, there was his will and control in laying out my clothes. However, I realized now, it didn’t end there. There was also attention and care, as well as assurance. His actions assured that I was his, that I was special to him and his heart. I exhaled long as I pulled on the dress. I was Jonas’s and he was mine.

  The sound of the door had me running to the bathroom to brush my hair quickly so I could see Mary. As I walked down the hall, the uneasiness I had when I woke up returned. At first, I didn’t understand what had prompted it, but the answer became clear from the high-pitched cackle that soared up to me on the stairs. It halted me in my tracks. My face drained as I looked down toward the living room and saw who was now standing by the door. It was Melissa. She was arguing with Jonas. While I dreaded her presence and considered rushing down to bring a quick end to the unwelcome intrusion, I stood still for a moment and observed. Jonas had warned that we needed to be smart about this to find out just what she was up to. I needed to trust him to do that, so I moved myself out of their direct line of sight and listened in on the conversation.

  “You can’t be serious. You’ll be ruined—” Melissa was saying.

  “So will you. Give me the name of one person who released a tell-all book who wasn’t ruined afterward,” Jonas replied.

  “You’ll lose all your public appearances, endorsements—” she warned.

  Jonas let out what sounded like a scoff and a laugh. “I give appearances and endorsements, I don’t need them. I lead. I rule. Try again.”

  She laughed. “You’re cocky for a man who stands to lose everything. Admit defeat. I’ll be asked by all the major networks for interviews about you.”

  “We’ll see, once I pull everything I have and sue them,” Jonas said.

  “They stand to make billions off my interviews. They can cover their loss of revenue from you. Once the world learns about your kinks, orgies, open marriage, and companionships, you’ll have no friends left,” she said.

  “Media and the public can be fickle and cruel. I’ll be an eccentric playboy with a past, but like most men in my position, I’ll become lovable in less than a year. You’ll be a whore forever, though.”

  She raised her hand, as if she was going to slap him, but he grabbed it in mid-air. “I don’t think of you that way, but you’re not the only one with things to share. I know you, too. Your psychology practice will be ruined. Who’ll invite you to anything and risk you exposing or tarnishing their reputations?”

  Melissa stared back at him.

  “The media will play both of us, but I still have a business, and people still love making money. Or have you forgotten my father? And what about yours? How will Arthur feel about having his name tarnished and his privacy stripped? Not to mention every joint venture, sponsorship, and endorsement we have together.”

  “He’ll stand by me,” she said, though her face hinted at doubt. They looked at each other, her head tilting down. Jonas lifted a hand toward her, almost like he was about to offer her comfort, but he quickly let it drop back at his side.

  “We both know better. Stop this now,” Jonas said in a calm tone.

  “You told me Dani was your one and forever. You said it was impossible for you to love again, but that if there was a way, you would love me,” Melissa said dejectedly.

  “I said I would never leave myself vulnerable to love and I didn’t believe I was capable of loving again, which was true…until Lily. I never said I would love you,” Jonas said. His tone didn’t match the pain that his words elicited. I rubbed my chest. Hearing my name jolted me out of the trance I had fallen into while quietly watching them. I walked the rest of the way down the stairs and up to Jonas, reaching my hand for his. Melissa squared her shoulders as Jonas reached out and clasped the fingers I was offering him. That was when she walked away and stood before the elevator. “He won’t marry you,” she said.

  “Or you. Good thing I didn’t announce it,” I said. My words were cruel and I could feel Jonas’s eyes on me, but I kept mine on Melissa.

  “You’re no longer worth my time, gold digger,” she said dismissively to me as she pressed the call button.

  “And you’re not worth Lily’s. Or mine,” Jonas said. “You’re not welcome here. So don’t come back again.”

  The elevator doors opened. “You leave me no choice,” Melissa said to Jonas and stepped inside.

  “You don’t leave me one, either. Good luck,” Jonas said as the door closed. Once she was gone, he hugged me to him. “I know you were on the stairs listening.”

  I ran my hand over his back. “Yes. She doesn’t seem to care what happens.”

  “If she was acting like the women I have known for most of my life, I would say she was posturing, but not this time. I wish I had seen that part of her before. She hid it well,” Jonas said.

  “I know the feeling,” I said quietly. My pulse jumped as the elevator opened again and we let go of each other. I let out a sigh of relief when the high red ponytail and horn-rimmed glasses belonging to Mary came into view. She was wearing her twin of our green “Stages of Man” t-shirt and a p
air of boot-cut jeans and sneakers. She was followed by Ian in his tailor-made business attire, carrying a briefcase.

  “NuqeH!” Mary shouted out upon seeing me. “Wow, look at you. Where is Tiger Lily?” I ran in for a hug, and we twirled around each other. “You look so sophisticated in your fancy clothes. Strike a pose?”

  I did an exaggerated vogue pose and, of course, Mary had to do one of her Elvis-esque ones. That had Ian and Jonas chuckling, while Mary and I both stifled our own giggles.

  “I’m so happy to see you,” I said and hugged her again. “Sorry about not meeting you, and the delay in getting back.”

  Jonas walked up and shook her hand. “Hi, Mary, and welcome. Glad you could make it. I’m sorry you didn’t get my message in time.”

  “I missed the message, but thank you for inviting me,” she responded.

  “Thank you for hosting my friend,” I said to Ian and grinned.

  “It was quite a hardship,” he teased, looking at Mary. She swiped his arm, rising to his bait. He caught her hand and released it slowly.

  She blinked at him for a couple of heartbeats before she turned back to me. “Did you arrange brunch yet?”

  Ian responded before I could. “We can order that pizza you devoured over lunch yesterday.”

  She snorted. “That was barely a slice. How that place passes that for a whole pie is a problem created by you pretty boy hipster types.”

  Ian stared at her before joining us in laughter.

  I felt as though I had just entered a new space and time and was about to ask Mary to clue me in when Jonas chimed in, “Lin’s bringing over lunch and should be here soon.”

  Mary rocked on her feet, hands clasped together excitedly.

  I mockingly did the same and we beamed at each other. “So, what would you like to do besides…?”

  “Old movie night,” we said in unison.

  “Well, actually, we’ve planned to watch Star Wars episodes four, five, and six tonight, since we are staying in. I hope that’s okay with you,” she said and looked over at Ian, who confirmed with a nod.

  I wasn’t bothered, being that I had watched old movies with Gregor not long ago. I was more curious about the way Ian was looking at her, as well as how Mary was pretending not to notice, though I could see she was struggling not to laugh. She finally gave me a pointed look to get me to stop staring, but that only had me bursting with laughter. Jonas and Ian were looking at the both of us, so I asked, “What happened last night when we called?”

  “We were only relaxing,” Mary said, answering for the both of them.

  Ian looked through her now and walked over to Jonas.

  Mary adjusted her glasses and put on a smile. “If things settle down, how about we go to karaoke tomorrow night?”

  That wiped the smiles off both mine and Jonas’s faces.

  I gave her a pained look. “Please, no karaoke.”

  “You’ll have fun after a couple of drinks like you always do,” Mary said and elbowed me.

  “Oh, I would love to hear about that,” Jonas teased.

  I shook my head. “Once, Mare Bear. Not always.”

  “Mare Bear?” Ian repeated and laughed. “I’ll be calling you that from now on.”

  Mary adjusted the rim of her glasses and lifted her chin. “You most certainly will not, or you’re uninvited from our marathon tonight.”

  “They’re my movies, so you can’t un-invite me…Mare Bear,” he said.

  Her smile evaporated and I cursed myself for mentioning her nickname. “Please don’t call her that,” I spoke up.

  Mary cleared her throat. “It’s fine.” I moved to take her hand, but Jonas slipped his arm around my waist, holding me back as Ian tugged the sleeve of Mary’s shirt and she reluctantly followed. His voice was too soft for us to hear, but whatever he said into her ear had her laughing.

  I looked at her questioningly, and she waved her hand, announcing, “He can stay.”

  The elevator opened again and Lin stepped and greeted us. “I have rosewater custard.”

  “My favorite,” Ian said, giving Lin a smile that had her grinning and patting his arm before walking off. He smirked at Mary, who turned her head.

  “Excuse us, ladies,” Jonas announced, giving Mary his winning smile and throwing a wink to me. I ran my tongue over my lips, and Jonas walked up to me and pulled me into his arms and gave me a possessive kiss that he deepened enough to leave me panting once he let me go. He leaned over my ear, “I’m fucking you later.” While my face flamed, he kissed my forehead then walked off to join Ian, who I spotted turning into the office.

  Mary linked arms with me and we walked off to the kitchen. “Ian warned me that you two were all loved up, but I must say,” Mary mockingly gagged, which made me laugh.

  I gave her a sly smile. “Speaking of, you and Ian seem awfully chummy.”

  She gave a quick shake of her head. “Hardly. He was nice on the call when I landed, but I could tell he wasn’t all that impressed once we met up in arrivals.”

  My lips thinned. “Was he rude to you?”

  She looked away. “Yes. No…well not exactly. He was all dressed up like today, pressed business suit and all. And…I was me.” She gestured to herself.

  I linked arms with her. “Perfect.”

  “That’s right,” Mary said with a jut of her chin as she pulled me in a tight hug. “You are too. Do you know I haven’t slept well since we talked? I was so worried about you.” She ran her hand along my back. “I couldn’t wait to come down. I told Jonas I would just show up because I needed to see you for myself and make sure you were okay. I couldn’t be shut out again. I love you and I’m here, my friend.”

  I swallowed and eased away. “I’m happy you’re here,” I said hoarsely. Our arms were still linked as we walked off to the kitchen.

  “Come try my rosewater custard,” Lin said, calling Mary over with a tub and spoon.

  Taking a taste, Mary moaned in delight. “This is delicious.”

  “Ian’s favorite,” I said to Mary.

  She sighed in exasperation. “I greeted Ian in Klingon. Can you believe he corrected my pronunciation?”

  Mary was awfully proud of her mastery of the Klingon language, so I sided with her and empathized, though I suspected Ian may have been teasing her. “I didn’t realize he spoke the language.”

  “He didn’t say much, but enough to flex his geek card, as if I was impressed,” she rolled her eyes.

  I pursed my lips to cover my grin. She was so impressed.

  “I see two protein shakes marked for today still in the refrigerator,” Lin sung out to me.

  I reached in and took one out as she patted me on the shoulder. “You’re looking better, Lily.”

  “Thank you,” I said, the corners of my mouth lifting. We took our respective treats and walked out of the kitchen and up the staircase. “You seemed happy when I called yesterday,” I said to Mary as we walked.

  “We talked about Star Trek and Star Wars. You know I’m insatiable when it comes to discussing both with just about anyone who knows what they are talking about. He was making conversation, being polite. He didn’t expect to have to spend the day and night with me,” Mary replied once we reached the landing at the top of the stairs.

  I frowned as we entered the spare bedroom. “I really am surprised. You seemed like you were having a good time last night.”

  When she didn’t say anything more, I added, “Are you back together with Hans?”

  She gave me a sour face as we walked into the spare bedroom, confirming all that I needed to know, but she answered anyway. “No. Hans and I are officially over. I’m done with college professors. I want someone that won’t try to compete with me at every turn. I got an article published. So Hans announces he has two articles—”

  “You didn’t tell me!” I said, shocked and disappointed that I hadn’t known she’d been published. I squeezed her shoulder then plopped down on the bed. “We must celebrate.”

nbsp; “I’m sorry, you just had so much else going on. It was only a small publication, but yes, I got published!”

  Looking in her suitcase and finding it empty, she switched gears. “Where are my things?” I pointed her towards the closet, and then reached over and opened one of the dresser drawers at the same time. “Lin probably put them away for you. She did the same for me.”

  Mary smiled. “She’s very nice. This place is beautiful. Ian’s place is ultra-modern. I stayed up half the night just trying out some of his gadgets.”

  I gave her a goofy grin. “Oh really?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Stop it with Ian. He doesn’t like me. Besides, after Hans, I want a fling. No strings, preferably someone I will never see again. And I suspect I will be seeing plenty of Ian in the future, seeing as you and Jonas are committed. Right?”

  I smoothed my dress. “Well, yes, I suppose.”

  “You suppose?” she said, frowning.

  “I love him, and Jonas just told me he loves me, too. But I don’t know what we will be beyond that given all the problems we are both experiencing lately. Plus, he’s recently divorced. I doubt I’ll be getting a proposal anytime soon,” I replied, my voice nasally.

  “Do you and Jonas have a plan for dealing with Melissa?” Mary asked, changing the subject.

  I shrugged. “He released the statement, and he’s meeting right now with his advisors. The media will move on soon.” I turned and watched Mary pick up her laptop and turn it on. “Do you mind if I check my email? I have a couple of assignments I turned in that I want to make sure my professor received.”

  “Sure. By the way, is there anything you want to do besides movies and going out?” I asked.

  “Get a haircut,” she said.

  “I’ll call Dee.” I walked off to the master bedroom and collected my phone from the bedside table. Dialing Dee’s cell, I asked for an appointment for Mary.

  “I can get…Marco to set yours, but if you want me to do her hair, it will have to be after my last appointment. So, 4:00 tomorrow?”

  “We’ll be there. Thank you, Dee. See you tomorrow,” I said quickly and hung up as I returned to Mary. She was done and sitting back on the bed. “Would you mind if I check mine too?” I asked. She motioned for me to go ahead, and I discovered a new one from Gregor. “It’s Gregor. Do you mind if I answer it?”


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