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To Catch A Bandit

Page 6

by Emma Dean

  She shook her hand and turned around, still ignoring him. If she didn’t, she would cry or fuck his brains out. Or both.

  “What do you want?” she asked, picking the glass out of her hand as though she wasn’t about to break down right then and there.

  “You’re hurt,” Ben stated, nostrils flaring in annoyance.

  She had always been good at pissing people off. Even people who liked her.

  “Out of everyone, you got the short straw?” She’d gotten all the glass and Emily ran the water over her knuckles until the blood stopped and the skin was perfect once more. “I’m sorry you have to deal with the psycho.”

  Emily was going to gut Chance the first opportunity she got.

  “Mm. I don’t care that you’re psycho. I like it.”

  She couldn’t help herself. Emily found his silver eyes in the mirror and studied his face, his aura, and the steady rhythm of his heart. He was telling the truth.

  Had she known this pain and hurt would be the result of one night of fun, Emily never would have done it. She didn’t like attachments or relationships. The times she’d truly been heartbroken in her life before this were not over some lover’s spat.

  No, it had never been that. At least, not until now.

  When she’d woken up alone the morning after Samhain, Emily hadn’t been surprised. The Rolex had shocked her, but that was it. Then as the day wore on and she flew with the members of her flock back to their Collective, the pain and agony had only gotten worse.

  Her anger had been unexpected too.

  Emily knew exactly what she’d offered them and what they’d agreed to. Why was she so mad?

  She hadn’t understood and had simply shut it all off so she could stay focused.

  “Why do you care, Ben?” Emily couldn’t stop staring at the glorious specimen before her. His massive chest was a gift from the Morrigan herself.

  She shouldn’t care what he thought. They’d spent one night together and owed each other nothing.

  “I just do.”

  “Not good enough.” Emily stripped out of the shirt, completely naked before him. “I’m going to take a shower. This isn’t an invitation.”

  It was difficult to ignore his hardening dick as she walked past him to the shower. Emily turned the water on as hot as she could stand, closed her eyes, and breathed in the steam.

  Why were they all so attached to each other?

  Her eyes flew open as a horrifying thought occurred to her.

  Emily stepped into the scalding spray and shoved that thought down deep. There was no way she was ready to think about that, or even the possibility of it.

  The heat melted away the aches she could feel left over from the nightmares.

  “I care because I like you…so far every version of you I’ve met. You’re smart and capable…you keep me calm.”

  Emily could hear the pain in his voice at that confession. She wiped the fog from the glass door so she could look at him. Ben was right there, staring at her with his dick hard, but his face was one hundred percent dead serious.

  Maybe the reason he was the quiet, shy one wasn’t just because of the gangly awkwardness she could see lingering in his aura from his teenage years. There was violence in his aura too – deep and bloodred. He liked to hurt people, he liked how it felt to lash out, but he hated how it made him feel after.

  “Chance is the only other one?” she asked.

  Ben shrugged and she knew it was true. For whatever reason psychos kept Ben calm and in control.

  At least she and Chance had that in common. The bastard shouldn’t throw stones in glass houses. She’d take the stone and glass, slit his throat and stuff the rock into the new hole.

  She glared at nothing and scrubbed at her skin, hating the itchy feeling that always tortured her when she flipped that switch back on.

  “You’re going to break the skin,” Ben warned.

  Emily leaned against the wall and sank down until her butt was on the cold tile. She was too overwhelmed to cry even though she felt like it could happen at any moment for any reason.

  Every slight her mother had thrown at her rose up to remind her she was a failure by raven standards. Emily may be the best assassin, but she was not the best raven.

  Her father, Morrigan bless him, was far more understanding despite his Guardian status. Sometimes she wondered if he actually loved her mother and simply hid it from them all like the pro he was.

  The night after she’d beaten his gauntlet record and gained entry into the illustrious Obsidian Academy that would solidify her future…he’d snuck into her room and hugged her. Her father had told her he was proud and that he couldn’t have hoped for better offspring.

  The Morrigan had blessed him, he’d said.

  She’d never brought it up and they never spoke of it again. Her father went on with his life as if that had never happened.

  No doubt her mother would have gutted him for it, even with his position of Guardian.

  Fuck, her mother.

  Emily had spent her entire life trying to please her. She’d done everything asked of her and more. It still wasn’t enough.

  Deep in her heart of hearts, Emily knew her mother didn’t love her. How could she when she’d never once turned those damning emotions on?

  Her mother was perfect. She was the best Diplomat their Collective had ever had, and she was the only one Emily knew who’d never once given in to the curiosity – to feel what everyone else in the world was subjected to except ravens.

  Her mother had wanted to be Diplomat from day one and had never wavered from that goal.

  Unlike Emily.

  Every shiny, pretty thing caught her attention and Emily strayed over and over.

  Why couldn’t she be exactly who she was, and still be a raven assassin?

  “Hey,” Ben murmured.

  She looked up and he was kneeling before her inside the shower, not touching her. She watched as the water ran over his shoulders and soaked into his hair.

  Emily let herself reach out and touch his face, his wet hair, and admire the line of his cheekbones. “You were too pretty to resist,” she told him. “I couldn’t have stayed on my path no matter how hard I tried.”

  His massive hands were on her face then and holding her gently, wiping the tears she hadn’t known were there away. “I’m glad you didn’t,” Ben murmured.

  Then she was in his arms, the hot water running over them. The steam covered everything, so it felt like they were in their own little world.

  Emily hated herself for the way she clung to him, but she couldn’t help it. This was exactly what she needed.

  Her nose pressed against his and for a moment all they did was share air. Emily looked up into his eyes and admired the golden-brown that looked like pools of honey with this odd inner light.

  His aura was damaged and brutal and yet it radiated a warmth that soothed her soul and made her feel safe. Emily had never felt anything quite like it and she basked in its glow while it whispered violent promises.

  She wasn’t strong enough to resist his lips.

  Emily sighed against him when the softness reminded her of their first kiss. Ben was gentler this time, but no less demanding and possessive. She held on tight as he gently bit down on her bottom lip, making her gasp just so he could take advantage and slip his tongue into her mouth.

  Ben tasted nothing like the others. His spice was heady and delicious, and Emily pressed her entire body against him.

  She wanted—needed more. She needed his hands all over her, to feel his body covering hers. Emily gripped his hair tight and lifted herself up his body so she could wrap her legs around his waist.

  Ben stood and turned, slamming her against the tile wall. It was freezing and her back arched to get away as the hot water ran down her front. All she could think about was his hands on her ass, holding her up and the erection pressed between her legs.

  She reached down and grabbed his dick, placing it exactly where she
wanted. But he hesitated.

  “I need you,” she whispered against his lips.

  His chest was heaving with the strain of holding back and Emily could barely form the words to tell him that was the last thing she wanted.

  Fucking him would help her recalibrate, it would ease the itching, and it would heal some of the heartbreak she’d held onto that morning – the pain of what could never be.

  “Ben,” she murmured, arching into him. “Please.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, or take advantage,” he admitted. He buried his head in her neck, groaning as she pressed against him, trying to get him to thrust into her, but his control was something else.

  “I want you to take advantage,” she told him, using the wall as leverage. Emily tightened her grip around his waist and his cock slid in an inch before he stopped her.

  He pulled back with an unreadable expression, searching her eyes for something – for the truth?

  “I don’t care if you hurt me.” Emily bared her teeth at him in annoyance, wishing he would stop making this so difficult.

  “I care,” he said, angling her head with his hand to expose her throat. Ben kissed her neck and she moaned as his grip on her jaw tightened.

  “Fuck me or get out,” she snapped. “I don’t have time for these games.”

  His head came up and Emily was shocked to see he was smiling slightly. “Would you call in one of the others?” he asked.

  Emily froze.

  Would she?

  “No,” she said, rolling her hips and gaining another inch from him. “Right now, I want you.”

  Ben’s smile dropped and he rubbed his thumb along her jaw, easing another ache she didn’t even know she had. “Maybe another time,” he agreed.

  Then he thrust into her, hard.

  Emily gasped, nails digging into his skin. He was large and she stretched to accommodate him. She was completely filled, and he was seated to the hilt. It was so tight it almost hurt but in a way that made her entire body relax around him.

  “Fuck yes.” Emily surged forward, pushing off the wall. Ben took a step back to adjust for the new position, but he didn’t stumble or slip. It was her turn to nip and nibble and suck on his bottom lip, riding him as he thrust into her.

  The angle and the gravity had him hitting the perfect spot and she was breathing hard already as the pleasure built so hard and so fast it was almost painful.

  She slid her tongue in his mouth and explored him. Ben let go of her ass and wrapped his arms around her body and hugged her tight. She was completely surrounded, totally covered and held so tight her ribs creaked.

  It was exactly what she needed.

  His name escaped her lips as he thrust up hard and ground her against him. Emily bit down on his shoulder and screamed as the orgasm tore through her. It was so good she nearly lost consciousness for a second.

  She managed to just barely keep breathing but her arms and legs went limp and all that kept her from falling to the floor was the way he held her and the cock currently impaling her.

  The sensation of rising and falling as he lifted her up and down came through the orgasmic haze. He slammed his dick into her until he came so hard he pressed her against the wall. She could feel his legs trembling and Emily wrapped herself around him once more.

  The aches and pains were less. Her skin felt like her own again, and the emotions were a little easier to handle now that she’d had some kind of outlet.

  Emily held on to Ben tight as they both came down from the high, burying her face in his shoulder to hide her tears.

  No matter how much she hated it, there was a feeling in her chest that made her want to give up everything she was and everything she’d worked for if it meant a life with Ben where they could be this close always.

  But Emily knew it wasn’t logistically possible, no matter how much she cared about him. And that was what hurt more than anything.

  “I missed you,” Ben murmured.

  “I missed you too.” Emily stroked his hair, enjoying its silkiness.

  She let the tears fall, because she knew this wasn’t forever and she hated herself for being weak enough to lose control of her switch. If she turned them off again…she could never turn them back on.

  Emily kissed his cheek and let him hold her as the hot water washed away the cum sliding out of her and down his legs.

  When she had to let them go again, she would erase the memories of them this time. They were dangerous and the risk was too high. The draw of these raccoons was too much. She would have to wipe everything.

  Emily knew she wouldn’t survive another accidental flip if she didn’t.



  With her hair brushed and tied back into a ponytail, part crisp as always, she nearly felt normal again. Emily adjusted her shirt and tried not to be impressed that Aiden had gotten her size right.

  But nothing else.

  She would never be caught dead in a Pusheen shirt if the situation wasn’t dire. At least it was black. Emily sighed and tucked it into her leather pants that had been professionally cleaned along with her underwear and bra.

  The shirt she’d been wearing had bullet holes in it. It invited too many questions.

  Emily grabbed the jacket Aiden had gotten her. It was nearly identical to the one she’d left back in that other dimension – or rather, a parallel universe. It was thicker, with a fleece lining that would keep her warm against the frigid Colorado winter.

  Her eyeliner had been a surprise, but it shouldn’t have been. Aiden was incredibly perceptive, and he paid attention to her particulars unlike anyone she’d ever known before.

  The eyeliner was technically unnecessary, but it helped her feel more normal. Emily never went on a job without her eyeliner and mascara.

  She paused before the door.

  All four of them were out there, waiting for her.

  No doubt they could smell the sex in the air.

  Fuck, she hated feelings.

  Would Jace be ticked she’d had sex with Ben? Would the others be?

  Well, Aiden. She didn’t give a fuck about Chance at the moment.

  Would Ben be weird about it? Would he try to be all possessive and annoying?

  Emily shook her head. No, Ben wasn’t like that.

  Before she went out into their room, Emily wanted to have a plan. She didn’t want them staring at her as she tried to decide.

  She knew exactly what they wanted to know, and what they needed from her.

  Would she join their stupid little excursion and save the world?

  Despite having her emotions back, Emily still wasn’t sure.

  After all, she’d grown up in the eyrie with her Collective. She’d been trained as an assassin.

  Even with emotions, she knew how to compartmentalize and endure, how to make the logical choice – how to do what needed to be done.

  If she chose to join them like her heart wanted, would she be able to survive what came after?

  Emily supposed it depended on what the heads of her flock decided – on the reason why they wanted to kill off the people trying to save the world. And there was no way for her to find out what that motive was before making her choice.

  She was pressed for time.

  The four of them were out there, still waiting. She needed to hurry up and decide.

  One raven from her flock was injured because of her. Two others were dead. Thankfully one of the dead ones wasn’t from her Collective, but Emily knew the Enclave would make her pay for that death somehow – either in money, or some other form of compensation.

  A free kill perhaps? Finish his contract and kill one of the other raccoons?

  She was in too deep now. She’d protected three raccoons from her own. Whether Jace died or not wouldn’t erase what she’d done. Might as well go all in at this point.

  It didn’t hurt that she liked them. Emily had always had a soft spot for these raccoons, and she couldn’t explain why.

p; If it came down to it though, she would deliver the four of them to the Enclave and demand answers from the raven council. Playing the raccoon’s game couldn’t hurt. If anything, it would only delay the end of the world.

  Emily still wasn’t sure how any of this had been intended to play out, but an apocalypse seemed inconvenient for all ravens, not just her and her iced coffee addiction.

  All right.

  Zipping up her leather jacket, Emily started tucking her knives away. When she was done, her guns went in her thigh holsters, reloaded thanks to Aiden’s supply run.

  Once everything was in place, she took a deep breath and strode into their room like she owned the place. Emily was done acting like a sniveling little girl. Her shitstorm was hers and no one else's.

  “So, what’s the plan?” she asked.

  Emily settled into one of the luxurious, stuffed chairs and crossed one leg over the other, arms loose on the armrests. She may look relaxed, but Emily could grab any one of her knives in less time than it took to blink.

  Jace smirked, looking satisfied with himself.

  Emily narrowed her eyes at him. No doubt he’d planned for this. After all, he’d tried to push her into switching them on last night. She blamed him for this mess.

  “We need to acquire three items of power,” Jace told her, ignoring her obvious displeasure. “One to represent Death, one to represent life, and one to represent change. These three items combined will save our world.”

  It still sounded stupid as fuck.

  Emily rolled her eyes and inspected her fingernails. She was long overdue for a manicure thanks to all this running around. Hell had really dried out her cuticles too.

  “Do you know who these old gods are? Or how they’re the only ones who seem to know about the end of the world as we know it? Why can’t they just retrieve the items themselves?”

  “They’re lazy and entitled?” Chance offered with a snort.

  “The feel of their power means they’re the real deal, and they gave us a list,” Aiden told her, leaning over to hand it to her. “It’s got various different items. We just need three of them.”


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