Seducing Their Princess

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by Michelle Hughes

  Seducing Their Princess

  A Reverse Harem Romance

  Michelle Hughes

  Tears of Crimson Publishing

  Copyright © 2018 by Tears of Crimson.

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  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

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  Seducing Their Princess/Michelle Hughes

  Seducing their Princess

  Seducing Their Princess













  “Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile.

  Mark Twain


  My heart raced, and I wasn’t sure if it was in fear or overwhelming desire. These four beautiful men wanting me was still baffling. It was either karma’s idea of a bad romance or every woman’s fantasy. “You. I. We.” For a woman with a great vocabulary I couldn’t seem to get a single word out. Holy blooming daffodils, he couldn’t be serious.

  “I told you this was a bad idea. She’s not ready for us.” Jackston looked like a blond god, with a body that made my mouth water, but he was also the sweetest man I’d ever met. Kneeling beside my chair, he lifted my hand, bringing it to his cheek, holding it there. “You don’t have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.” The concern in those cobalt eyes made my heart melt.

  “Give her some credit. She’s a grown woman and capable of making decisions.” Gage crossed his arms over his massive chest and the sight of him reminded me of some barbarian sex symbol. To be honest he frightened me with his domineering personality, but secretly it also made me ache to see how far he would take things. “Your eyes tell me you’re interested. Say it. You want us too, don’t you?” His whiskey colored eyes stared at me with such intensity I had to look away or get burnt up in the heat.

  “Yes.” My hand flew to my mouth in shock. I shouldn’t have revealed that truth. “No. I don’t know. Maybe?” Wrapping my arms around my waist, the emotions moving through my mind were almost too much. Of course, I wanted them. Any sane woman would. Wanting and doing, though? It was crazy to think anyone could sleep with four men at once, much less a virgin!

  “Well, which is it kitten. You either want us to dirty you up or you don’t.” Theo’s smirk wasn’t helping my confused state of mind. It was almost like he was toying with me, but his eyes told a different story. Confidence dripped off him, and why wouldn’t it? His face could have been sculpted by a famous artist and brought to life, it was so perfect.

  Dropping to his knees on my other side, his hand moved into my hair, gripping tightly, and pulling back. “You need some help figuring it out?” Lowering his head, his lips were only inches from mine as he spoke.

  “Give the girl some breathing room.” Alec was getting angry again, and I didn’t want to see them arguing over me.

  At his words, Theo and Jackston stood up and backed away. Instantly, I missed the contact and my eyes looked up to meet Alec’s. I wanted to plead with him to make the decision for me, because I wasn’t brave enough to take the leap even if I wanted what they were offering. As if he could read my thoughts, a small smile appeared on his gorgeous face, but he shook his head.

  “This is your decision, Brooke. Personally? I’m inclined to agree with Jackston.” His words felt like a punch in the gut and I looked away to hide the disappointment I felt.

  “You don’t want me.” It wasn’t a question, because why would he? I didn’t deserve the attention of these incredible men. Them wanting me didn’t make sense.

  When he pulled me out of my chair, crushing me against his hard chest, I gasped in shock. “Don’t ever think I don’t want this, little girl.” His lips crashed onto mine, kissing me with a seductive passion that had my knees threatening to fold. His tongue forced its way into my mouth devouring mine until I was breathless. “If you become ours, I might just keep you, so be sure you’re ready for that. I don’t think you understand what you’ll be saying yes to. So, in that retrospect, you’re not ready for us yet.”

  My fingers grasped the material of his shirt. I clung to him as I stared into those eyes seeing the lust that told me his words were true. Then it dawned on me what he was saying. It wasn’t just my body he wanted. No, that wasn’t enough for him. What Alec wanted was to own me. I’m not sure which terrified me more. Giving my body to these four incredible men or knowing that if I did he’d be in control. I opened my mouth to speak, but my mouth had grown so dry, nothing came out.

  I was pulled out of Alec’s arms and into Gage’s. “We all want a chance to convince you.” If I thought Alec’s kiss had been possessive, Gage’s was downright territorial. His tongue danced with mine while his hands tangled in my hair, almost painfully, as he left me floating in a blissful haze.

  “That’s no way to seduce her.” Jackston pressed himself against my back, and I felt every long, hard inch of him through the thin material of his shorts. Grasping my chin, he turned my lips away from Gage’s and almost tenderly seduced me with his magical mouth.

  “Please.” Theo scoffed and pushed Jackston out of the way. “That’s not where she needs to be kissed. His hand cupped my heat, and it didn’t matter that I was wearing sweatpants when he dropped to his knees, pressing his mouth against me. I cried out in pleasure and shock, not expecting him to take things so far.

  “She hasn’t agreed!” Alec’s words pulled him away when I was starting to enjoy the sensation and I whimpered in protest.

  “Bullshit. I bet if we pulled down her pants right now, she’d be soaking wet.” He winked at me, and I felt my face burn in embarrassment, because he was right. I was disappointed that he found his feet and wanted to beg that he kiss me that way again.

  I was trembling in need and nervousness as they all looked at me, waiting for an answer I wasn’t sure I could give. It wasn’t doubt about wanting them that kept me from answering. I had no idea how to make love to four virile men at once. Where would they all fit? I only had so many places they could go, and I wasn’t sure how that would work.

  “Think about what we’re offering, Brooke. Be sure this is what you want because if you choose us, we won’t let you take it back.” Alec’s words were filled with conviction and I didn’t doubt what he said. He took his place on the couch again and the other men followed. The looks on their beautiful faces were filled with longing and possessiveness.

; Chapter One



  This isn’t happening. People like me didn’t end up in places like this. I’m no one, well obviously I’m someone, but no one that belongs on the opposite side of an interrogation room, answering questions about something as important as terrorism. I’m a polyglot, for the love of Christmas! A nerd with a capital, N. I’m in my third year of college studying linguistics, but I was born with the talent to pick up languages easily. I currently speak eight different ones. I’m the last person who should be sitting in an FBI building, unless it’s to offer my services as a translator.

  My older brother looks ready to strangle every agent in the room, and I’m doing my best to hold it together. I overheard a conversation that most people wouldn’t understand, considering it was in Serbo-Croatian and there were very few people in America who knew it. I may have been the only one in Alabama who could not only speak but write it. Lucky me. If only I’d kept my mouth shut and not blurted out the warning to the coffee shop owner. Who am I kidding? I couldn’t have lived with myself if I’d let that man get shot because I was afraid.

  Leave it to me to out a criminal mob of international terrorists without even knowing what I was doing. This was my brother’s line of work, not mine. He got into the whole James Bond type life. I preferred reading about it instead. Langley worked for the NSA and was infuriated that the other bureau got to me before his group did. Excuse me for not knowing the proper protocol, in his opinion, was to contact family first when my life was threatened. Sarcasm was something I fell back on when I was nervous.

  According to the agents asking for my story, yet again, I was lucky to be alive. The entire foreign conversation had lasted ten minutes, I’d been here for over three hours. I wasn’t sure what they hoped to get from asking me to repeat everything over. “Can I go home now? I need to feed my cat.”

  Willow, that’s my Persian cat that understands me better than most humans, had to be starving by now. My brother was at my side instantly, and when it looked they would argue about me leaving he spoke up. “Is my sister under arrest? No? Didn’t think so. We’re leaving now. Don’t worry about security, I’ve got it handled.”

  I had no idea what he was talking about, but if it got me out of here faster, then I was game. “Mr. and Miss Sutton, I have to advise you against that. The FBI can put you in witness protection until these criminals are apprehended.” The agent looked very concerned about my well-being and I had no idea until that moment I was still in danger.

  “No offense,” Langley’s sneer made it look like he hoped they felt some, “we’re much more equipped to keep her safe than your agency.” It didn’t matter what they said from that point on, my brother made his decision and it was law. Grasping my arm, he led me out of the building, and I allowed it.

  He’d taken over the role of my guardian when our parents were killed seven years ago in the same line of work he was in now. I chose a quieter, simple life. At least I’d thought so until tonight. Langley was ten years my senior and had always taken care of me, even before our parent’s murder. His advice had always been solid, even if his presentation left a lot to be desired. I don’t know where my inner calmness in life came from because my parents and Langley were all adrenaline junkies.

  “I’ve made a call to set you up with a private security detail. These guys make the pieces of shit you just dealt with look like toddlers. You listen to them and don’t argue. Understand?” Did I mention Langley acted like my father instead of my brother? Yes, he could be a real ass at times.

  “Wait. You’re not staying with me?” Being pawned off on some strangers when my brother was trained to deal with these situations made me nervous. I didn’t like people in general, animals were more trustworthy, and his description of the men didn’t build up my trust level.

  “How the hell am I going to put these men behind bars if I’m babysitting you? I trust them with my life, Brooke, we served three terms together before they started a private company.” The exasperated look on his face, told me to just accept what he was saying, but I wasn’t his problem anymore.

  “Maybe you should have left me with the FBI then. I don’t need you wasting your time on me anyway.” When I started college, Langley and I had drifted apart. I stayed in Alabama and he moved to Washington for work. He was always working on another assignment, and I admit I was angry at him for forgetting he still had family. Crossing my arms over my chest, I stared out the window, not caring to look at him.

  “Come on, sis, it’s not like that and you know it. I’m damn good at my job and the only way to make sure you’re safe is to put these assholes away.” He only called me sis when he was trying to convince me to give in, and I hated myself because it always worked. He was the only family I had left, and it felt like we were strangers these days.

  “Fine. Take me to your men.” I spoke begrudgingly, but I couldn’t deny he was great at his job. I was proud of my brother for all the awards he’d been given in the line of duty. “How much danger am I in?” I guess that was important, but it all seemed surreal to me.

  “Eighty-three murders in last five years have been associated with these fuckers. So, I’d say you jumped in the proverbial shit pool, sis.” He shrugged like it was no big deal, but my heart fell into my stomach.”

  “How can you be so calm about this?” My life was in danger and he acted like he was talking about taking me to Sunday school. “I know we haven’t talked in a while, but don’t you at least care that I could be killed.” Clenching my hands together in my lap, my sense of self-preservation finally kicked in. Maybe I should have let the FBI put me in witness protection.

  “You’re my baby sister, of course I care what happens to you. Why do you think I’m putting you with a private security detail? These guys are a step down from assassins, sis, but legal shit, not criminal. No one will lay a hand on you as long as you’re under their care.” I was glad to see him look a little nervous suddenly, but if he didn’t think these men could keep me safe I’d take my chances with the Feds.

  “What aren’t you saying, Lang? He’d always been good at hiding his emotions with everyone but me. I grew up learning all his telltale signs, and he was having second thoughts.

  “I’m not worried about your safety. Well, when it comes to security at least. These guys might be a little crude for you. I’m sure they’ll treat you like my kid sister.” He didn’t seem convinced and I was getting more worried by the second. “I’ll tell them you’re off limits.” His eyebrows knitted together, and I had no idea what he meant.

  He’d driven me to a private airfield, and I realized we hadn’t stopped by my apartment to pick up Willow. Where was he taking me and why did we need to fly? “We have to get Willow, Lang. She doesn’t have anyone to take care of her.” I’d managed to keep my composure throughout my entire ordeal, but if he didn’t take me to get my fur baby, I was going to lose it. She was my best friend, and I knew he’d never understand that, but I needed her.

  “We can’t go back to your place yet. Those men could already have all your information. It’s way too risky. I’ll stop by and pick her up after you’re in the air. I’m sure someone at the office knows where to find a boarding house for her until we take care of this.” He was using his convincing voice, because while he didn’t understand my love for Willow, he knew I was stubborn about getting my own way.

  He was never good with animals, or I would have demanded he take care of her personally. Pulling out my wallet, I handed him the business card for the service I used on the rare occasions I had to be away for a weekend. I was still in college, but my language skills had already landed me a position as an interpreter for the government. Since there were few jobs in Alabama that required those services, I often traveled. Most of the time I was able to secure places that accepted my Willow.

  “She’s probably starving.” Focusing on her was easier than thinking about this insane situation I’d gotten myself into. “Make sure to feed
her a can of wet food and keep a bowl of dry available until they pick her up. No milk, water only. You’ll find everything she needs in the cabinet above the stove.”

  “I won’t let anything happen to her. Listen, Brooke. I didn’t want to say anything, because I’m sure it’s not a worry, but the guys are into some kinky shit when it comes to women. You’re not their type, but make sure you don’t flaunt yourself around them, okay?” He was worried and that made me nervous.

  “You’re freaking me out here, Lang. Am I going to be safe with these men or not? And what do you mean by kinky?” The opposite sex and I didn’t mesh on a good day, the last thing I wanted was to be surrounded by perverts who didn’t understand the meaning of decency.

  “Like I said, I’m sure you’re not their type. They um, like to share women if you get my drift.” A quick shoulder shrug told me it wasn’t a big deal to him, but the thought disgusted me. Why would a woman sleep with more than one man?

  “I should hope I’m not their type. What kind of friends do you have?” Normally, I’m not judgmental, live and let live and all that stuff, but the idea of two men sharing the same woman was disturbing.

  “They’re really good guys, Brooke.” His mouth moved into a tight line and I could tell I’d offended him, but I was shocked he felt that way. “You’re so innocent I don’t expect you to understand that some people enjoy a different lifestyle.”

  “One of the few friends I have is gay, so I think I’m pretty open-minded.” I wasn’t that innocent. I’d read some historical romances, and had even watched a porno once, not that I was telling my big brother that. When he made time to see me, he still treated me like I was a kid. The thought of two men and a single female though? That was pushing my comfort level. How did that even work. I’d have to research that later. In a book of course.


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