Seducing Their Princess

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Seducing Their Princess Page 2

by Michelle Hughes

  “I’m sure you are. I didn’t mean to insult your intelligence.” He was smirking, and I wasn’t sure what he found amusing. I was a worldly woman even if I chose not to embrace sexuality.

  “Good, because I’m pretty sure my IQ is higher than yours.” I was certain, because I’d seen his SAT’s and they were average. Mine had been off the charts. I also had a 4.0 grade point average and was on the Dean’s list every semester, so insulting my intelligence was virtually impossible.

  “I’ll give you the book smarts, sis, but when it comes to street smarts, you have so much to learn.” Another car pulled up with tinted windows and I tensed, reaching for his arm. All this family bickering made me forget for a moment my life was in danger.

  “Relax. It’s the guys. Remember what I said. Don’t tempt them.” I rolled my eyes at him as he opened the door. Like I would try to catch the attention of perverts! That lasted until I stepped out of the car and was faced with four of the sexiest men I’d ever seen. These were the guys? Instead of two there were four. Did that mean they all shared one woman? I gasped at the thought.

  If a woman were into gorgeous, lip-smacking men, I could see the fascination of giving into this group of hunks. My cheeks flushed at the dirty thought. I thought that I was immune to the physical excitement other women talked about feeling for a man, but I was wrong. Maybe being under their care wouldn’t be as horrible as I thought. Mentally berating myself for having such a perverted idea, I forced myself to remember who I was. A woman with strong morals and not one tempted by idiotic things like passion.

  Chapter two



  If this was the little book nerd, me and my men were in serious trouble. Langley had given the wrong impression about his baby sister. He’d said she was naïve, shy, and a little geeky. Even dressed in the baggy clothes that attempted to hide her perfect body, she was perfection, and I felt bad for wondering what she’d look like with nothing on.

  “This is your sister?” I could see a slight family resemblance, but this little pint-sized angel was checking me out as much as I was taking in everything about her. For the most part, I was the sensible one of our little group, but the wrong head was thinking now. If she was the innocent little thing he claimed, those green eyes needed to stop looking at me like she wanted to be on her knees.

  “Brooke, this is Alec, he’s the man in charge of your protection detail.” Her eyes lowered, and I saw why he thought she was shy. It was a natural submissive tendency and it made me fight to control the urge of my cock to stand at attention.

  “Nice to meet you.” Her soft whisper was a huge aphrodisiac and apparently, I wasn’t the only one that thought so, because my men surrounded her, almost like they were marking their territory. When her eyes lifted again, I could see the curiosity that demanded to be answered. Dangerous game, little girl. You have no idea. I forced a smile.

  “Get her on the plane.” My words escaped harsher than I intended because the little woman was affecting me in ways she shouldn’t. She needed my protection, but I wasn’t sure if I wasn’t who she’d need protecting from. My initial instinct was to claim her. Not happening. This was a job!

  “Langley?” Fear filled those beautiful eyes, and I remembered she was a young woman and not one of my team. The way my men crowded around her was making her nervous, and I gave them a look that demanded they back down. Each of them stepped back, giving her a little space, and I watched as her brother pulled her in for a hug.

  “They won’t let anything happen to you, sis. Just listen to Alec and his men, and soon this will be nothing more than a bad dream.” He released her, dropping a quick kiss to her forehead. She seemed a little less worried after his words, and I thought what a great submissive she would be. Mentally I smacked myself for the thought as Langley pulled me aside. My men led her up the stairs to our private jet.

  “We’ve known each other a long time, and I’m sure I don’t need to say this, but Brooke is a good girl.” His meaning was clear, his sister was off limits. We didn’t hide our need to share one woman, and he knew of my lifestyle, personally.

  “We’ve never taken an unwilling woman, so no worries.” As far as I was concerned the conversation was over. His sister was a grown woman, even if he still thought she was a child. I would try to keep things professional but if she inquired? That was a different situation all together.

  “I don’t think you understand. She’s never dated before, so if you could please keep things professional I’d appreciate it. Brooke’s a smart girl but experience wise she’s little more than a child.” I gave a quick nod, wondering if he was right or if his sister kept her sex life private. I was betting it was the latter.

  “Got it. I’ll call you as soon as we land.” Pulling out a toss away phone, I handed it to him and ended the conversation.

  “Keep her safe, Alec, I’m counting on you.” He walked back to his car not waiting for a reply, and I didn’t need to give one. I didn’t fail.

  We were a well-oiled team that functioned perfectly together because we knew everything about each other. We’d lived, ate, and breathed together since the army where we served in a special ops unit. That’s where we’d discovered our love for sharing one woman. It was easier to watch your back in foreign lands when you had your best friend’s around.

  None of us were interested in becoming lifer’s so when we left the military it made perfect sense for us to buy a house together. In the beginning it had been cost-efficient, but as our salaries grew from the security business we started, it became more about being a family. That’s what I considered each of them. We lived by a code of keeping each other safe in the service, and that was how we survived now.

  Stepping into the plane I noticed that Jackston, and Theo had planted themselves on opposite sides of our charge. She was a tiny thing, maybe five feet and a couple of inches, and she was dwarfed by them. All of us stood over six feet tall and the women we enjoyed liked that we towered over them. We kept our bodies in perfect physical shape, because in our line of work you needed to be faster than any opponent.

  Gage was the pilot of our group, and I let him know we were ready for wheels up. Keeping Brooke in the states was too dangerous when we didn’t know what sleeper cells the gang had in our territory. Taking her to our island was the best option, but we rarely allowed civilians there. Langley had been a good friend, so I was making an exception for his sister. We’d guard her with our life and hopefully return her to her brother in the same way we’d received her. She would determine the latter.

  “Langley said you served together?” I could tell my men made her nervous by watching her body language. Her fingers were twisting in her lap and she couldn’t seem to stop moving.

  “Three years. He was a fine soldier. At one time I’d hoped he’d sign on with us, but he had different dreams.” The flush on her cheeks made me look at her questioningly. I wasn’t sure what she was embarrassed about.

  “Oh. You mean at the job.” Maybe she was as innocent as Langley claimed, because I hadn’t seen a woman blush like that since high school. “I thought you meant the other stuff.” The last was mumbled under her breath.

  “What other stuff would that be?” I was shocked Langley brought that up to her. We didn’t hide who we were, but it wasn’t a conversation I had with people unless they asked about it or were wanting to join in. Women that was, we rarely allowed another man to take part. Langley had been an exception because we’d become great friends.

  “Um. The sharing of stuff.” I’d been wrong about her hiding her sex life from her brother. Either she was a shy little virgin, or the men she’d been with were idiots. She couldn’t seem to make herself say sharing women. For selfish reasons I hoped it was the latter.

  “You were wondering if we invited your brother into our kinky lifestyle?” I shouldn’t tease the girl, but she had a beautiful flush of color to her cheeks that I found adorable.

  “Yes. I mean no. It’s non
e of my business.” If possible, her beautiful face reddened even more. What a joy it was to have a woman to tease for a change. The women we’d had lately were much more experienced and worldly than this little beauty.

  “We don’t hide who we are, sweetheart.” Jackston, patted her hand softly and I could tell he was attracted. “Your brother has had fun with us before, but it wasn’t his thing.”

  Her eyes widened and there was no denying the shock she felt. Brooke’s face gave away her feelings. “He had, I mean you all, together?” Disappointment that she was obviously the good girl her brother claimed, moved through me. She was hands off. We didn’t do innocent’s.

  “Have you ever had men think of nothing but your pleasure.” Jackston was still stroking her hand tenderly, and she didn’t pull away.

  “What? Men, um no. Not even a man. I mean.” That blush again. Normally I preferred a woman who knew exactly what she wanted and expressed it. I’m not sure why this little girl was turning me on. “I haven’t actually, you know, had sex, before.” She didn’t seem embarrassed to admit the fact, and why should she? Passion was all about choices, and she’d obviously chosen to abstain. She was gorgeous, so there was no doubt in my mind, men had offered.

  “Never? How, why?” Jackston seemed floored by her response, but I noticed he held her hand now, his eyes filled with curiosity and wonder.

  “Let me guess, no man turned you on enough to make you want to give it up?” Theo had been quiet as they spoke, but apparently, he was ready to jump in on the conversation. The idea that anyone could refrain from sex was foreign to him, we’d discussed that before in detail. I considered stepping in, but I was curious myself.

  “That’s a crude way to put it.” Her chin lifted, and I was happy to see she wasn’t always submissive. “I’m more interested in my education than in relationships. Statistically the odds of one working out are horrible. Did you know that sixty percent of people dating break up before the two-month mark?”

  I liked this girl. My mouth lifted in a smile at her remark. “Why not just have a sexual relationship that benefits all parties, then?” I had to bring that option out, because I was interested in what she thought about the idea. It was rare to meet someone who was as analytical as I was, and I admit to being intrigued.

  She laughed softly, and Theo groaned, telling me he was turned on by our little guest. “Outside of the fact that the likelihood of getting a venereal disease is higher in people that sleep around? I don’t really have an interest in sex.” She shrugged like it was no big deal, but I knew instantly that she was even more innocent than I thought. No one had ever pleasured this little beauty? A shame really.

  “When’s the last time a man had his head between your legs, licking that sweet pussy?” The flush was back on her cheeks, and I wanted to punch Theo for being so crude. She wasn’t one of our women that enjoyed talking about sex that way.

  “That’s disgusting.” Turning her head away from him, I could tell by the way her back straightened she didn’t like that kind of language.

  “No one has pleasured you that way before?” Theo seemed shocked, and the look on his face was comical. We were all very sexual people, so to hear someone say they weren’t interested in oral? That was like speaking a foreign language.

  “They most certainly have not.” Her eyes were full of fire when she turned back to face him. I didn’t have to worry about intervening, Brooke was capable of holding her own with Theo. That was going to make life easier for all of us, because he could be overbearing to anyone that didn’t set him straight.

  “If you’re ever curious about what you’ve been missing, let me know.” The smirk on his face made her grimace, and I knew his chances of being asked were minimal. I bit back a laugh at her sneer. She wasn’t impressed by him the way most women were. I was sure that was a huge hit to his ego.

  “I most certainly will not.” Pulling her hand from Jackston’s, she crossed her arms over her chest, closing herself off. Thankfully, Theo knew to cut his losses.

  “Nice going.” Jackston wasn’t pleased, and I knew he was more her type than any of ours. He’d always enjoyed romancing the women we’d played with. There was a tenderness in him that resonated with females. Gage and I were dominant in and out of the bedroom, and Theo could be a selfish bastard, so he balanced out our group well. “Alec said you were multilingual. How did you accomplish that?”

  The tension left her shoulders at his question, and the smile she gave him was breathtaking. “Our dad was in the military and we spent a lot of time overseas. I guess it started when I was a kid. I met this girl who spoke Japanese and I couldn’t communicate so I started studying her language. As the years went by I met people from several different cultures, and I discovered I loved learning how to speak with them.”

  “How many can you speak fluently?” She liked talking about her education, because her smile widened. Theo seemed to be sulking, which I found funny as hell, as Jackston and our new charge continued speaking. He wasn’t used to being ignored.

  “Eight currently and I’m working on my ninth. There’s something fascinating about doing it. It’s almost like learning a secret code. Did you ever do that as a kid? Decipher things?”

  The change in her demeanor when speaking about something she loved was interesting to watch. Her face reminded me of a little China Doll as it lit up with expression. I found myself smiling like I hadn’t done in some time. “That was more my thing. I loved puzzles from an early age, and decryption has always fascinated me. When she turned that smile my way, I almost caught my breath because it felt like the air had been sucked from the room.

  “Are you a cryptographer?” The look of awe made me feel like a god, and I grinned back. It was one of my many talents, and it was something my friends didn’t care to discuss. I think it’s because unless you did it yourself it was confusing for most people.

  “It’s one of my titles, I’m also an analyst.” I was smiling broadly as her eyes showed how impressed she was, I felt like a dog that was having his ears scratched. Dangerous, this little girl was going to be trouble. I had to reel those feelings back in and quickly.

  “Guess you’ve finally found your match.” Theo’s smirk was annoying this time, and a frown took over. Normally his attitude didn’t bother me, but his comment hit too close to home. I didn’t need to think about this girl that way.

  We spent the next several hours talking about how I used my skills for deciphering code in the service. When we began our descent, I was shocked that we’d passed so much time in conversation. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d enjoyed talking with a woman outside of the bedroom. It was a novelty. She might be intelligent, and fun to have a conversation with, but that’s where it would end for us.

  It was already nightfall as the wheels touched down, and thankfully our friends that owned the island a few miles south of ours, had turned on the lights for the runway. We didn’t keep a full staff here, so working together with the crew from Fantasy’s had proven beneficial. They ran a resort for sexual fantasies and we’d enjoyed their hospitality on several occasions. Leon, one of the owners, met us as we stepped off the plane.

  “Thanks for having our back tonight.” I held out a hand and we shook. I wasn’t into men, so I didn’t play with him and his lovers, but I had great respect for the man.

  “No problem. Leif wanted to make sure I invited you to the luau tomorrow anyway.” It was an annual event at the start of the season, and we’d already planned to attend before we were given this assignment. His eyes moved to Brooke, and instantly I was territorial. The women fawned over Leon and Leif and the idea that our little charge would be interested made me wary. It was wrong to think that way because she wasn’t ours, but I couldn’t stop myself.

  “This is Brooke Sutton. She’s under my care for a while.” Leon knew what I did for a living, so he gave a nod of understanding. People that visited Fantasy’s didn’t speak about what happened on the island, they had agreement
s in place that made it a breach of contract for any visitor.

  “Bring her along. Since she’s stuck out here, let her know if she’d like a fantasy on us we’ll put something together.” That thought didn’t sit right with me, and my expression darkened. “Unless you’ve claimed her, that is?” I rarely became possessive of women, and we were close enough friends that he knew that, so I understood his confusion.

  “Nothing like that. Her brother is a friend and I don’t think she’s the type to play in our world.” An understatement because the girl had no idea what passion was.

  “Neither was Abigail, before we taught her.” I would have asked what he meant, but Brooke and my men walked up and that wasn’t a conversation for her ears.

  “Brooke, this is Leon. He and his partners own the island that neighbors ours.” He held out his hand and she took it. I wanted to pull her away from him because there was interest in her eyes and that’s the last thing I wanted. No one was claiming our little virgin unless it was me. Shit! That thought shouldn’t have happened. I wasn’t claiming anything.

  “Nice to meet you, Leon.” He held her hand a little too long, and she didn’t seem to mind. I felt the alpha male in me rise and knew I had to smack that monster back into a corner. She wasn’t my property.

  “I’ve invited your group over to our luau tomorrow, I hope you’ll come.” He was smiling warmly, and I didn’t like it one bit that she was returning it.

  “I’ve never been to one, that sounds fascinating.” I couldn’t disappoint her, even though my initial thought was to keep her as far away as I could from Leon and his fantasy crew. If she wanted a teacher, it would be me and my guys. Not them.

  “I need to get her settled. Thanks again for the help tonight.” I’d never been abrupt to him, and his expression seemed to tell me he understood, but I wasn’t sure what he thought he knew. I wasn’t sure myself why I was feeling so protective of this little girl. She wasn’t our type at all.


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