The Poisoner's Handbook
Page 35
toxicology laboratory of
wood alcohol campaign
wood alcohol studies
Gettler, Alice Gorman
Gettler, Joseph
Gettler Boys
Gimbel, Lee Adam
Gin Fizz
Ginger Jake (cocktail)
Goetz, Lillian
Gonzales, Ruby
Gonzales, Thomas
Gorman, Gertie A.
Gosio’s test, for arsenic
grain alcohol
regulation of
wood alcohol compared to
Gray, Judd
Green, Hershy
Gregory, Menas
Griffith, D. W.
Gross, Barbara
Gross, Barbara (daughter)
Gross, Frank
Gross, Freddy
Gross, Frederick
Gross, Katherine
Gross, Leo
Haines, Walter
Harger, Rolla
Harris, Charles
Harvard Club
Harvard University
Helpern, Milt
carbon monoxide and
cyanides and
homicidal overconfidence
arsenic and
carbon monoxide and
Hoover, Herbert
Marie Curie and
economy and
election of 1928 and
Prohibition and
Hoover City
Hotel Margaret
Hotel New Yorker
Hotel Pierre
Howard, Tom
Hunter, William T.
Hussman, Edna
hydrogen cyanide (HCN)
hydrogen sulfide and hydrochloric acid test, for arsenic
hydroxyl radical
Hylan, John F. “Red Mike,”
illuminating gas
carbon monoxide and
fatal accidents from
India Wharf
influenza epidemic of
inheritance powder
Interborough Rapid Transit Company accident
Jack and Charlie’s
Jackson, Annie
Jackson, Fremont M.
Jake Leg epidemic
Jamaican Ginger
Jones, Charles
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Journal of the American Medical Association
Kallet, Arthur
Kettering, Charles
Kilgallen, Dorothy
Knickerbocker Athletic Club
Kodak Company
Kriesberg, Daniel
La Guardia, Fiorello H.
Lamy, Claude-August
Larice, Albina
as gasoline additive
poisoning symptoms
sugar of lead
tetraethyl lead
lead acetate
Legal Medicine and Toxicology
Lewis, Ralph
Lewisite gas, in World War I
Lind electroscope
Loftus, Willie “Poor Man,”
Luciano, Lucky
Lyon’s Poisoned Cheese
MacDonald, Quinta
Madcap Madge (film)
Maggia, Amelia
Mallon, Typhoid Mary
Malloy, Mike
Mandell, Harry
“The Man Who Reads Corpses,”
Marino, Tony
Marsh, James
Marten, Edward
Martland, Harrison Stanford
Creighton case and
forensic medicine department at New York University and
as medical examiner
Norris and
radium and
workplace safety and
mass spectrometer
McCarthy, James
McGrath, George
McKee, Joseph
McKinley, William
Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
mercurous chloride (Hg2Cl2)
mercury (Hg)
as additive to industrial alcohol
cinnabar and
consumer products containing
detection in human tissue
Gettler’s investigations of
industrial use of
medicinal use of
mercurial tumors
mercurous chloride
mercury bichloride
mercury salts
as pesticide
as poison
poisoning symptoms
scatter effect of
methyl alcohol. See wood alcohol (CH3OH)
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Meyer, William
Midgley, Thomas, Jr.
Miller, Nathan
Mincio (steamer)
Minnick, Gottlieb
Mitchel, John Purroy
Molineux, Leslie
Molineux, Roland
Monaghan, Frank
isolation of
medicinal use of
Mors, Frederic
confession of murders as orderly at German Odd Fellows home
disappearance of
evidence against
in Hudson River State Hospital for the Insane
in psychopathic ward of Bellevue Hospital
Muller, Ralph
Murphy, Red
mustard gas
National Automobile Show
National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness
National Research Council
New York Academy of Medicine
New York City
Anti-Saloon League and
automobile craze and
Black Hand Society and
coroner system of
influenza epidemic of
medical examiner system
typhoid fever outbreak of 1915
New York City Women’s Federation
New York Stock Market
crash of
economic downturn of 1930s and
New York University
nicotine (C10H14N2)
as additive to industrial alcohol
chemical structure of
detection in human tissue
extraction from tobacco
levels of
as poison
poisoning symptoms
nightshade plant, atropine from
Norris, Charles
annual analysis of deaths
application for medical examiner
arsenic cases and
autopsies and
carbon monoxide and
cars for medical examiners
Citizens’ Budget Committee and
cyanide fumigation crusade
death of
as department head in forensic medicine at New York University
ethyl alcohol and
forensic chemistry laboratory of
forensic medicine standards and
funding of department
illuminating gas fatalities and
influenza epidemic of 1918 and
legacy of
Martland and
as New York medical examiner
offices of
Prohibition and
prosecution of poisoning cases and
radium and
relationship with police
research interests
Riordan case and
sense of purpose
staff of
standards of
tetraethyl lead investigations
thallium and
treatment for exhaustion
wood alcohol and
Norris, Frances Stevens
Norris, Joseph Parker
100,000,000 Guinea Pigs (Kallet and Schlink)
opium, medicinal use of
la, Mathieu
“Our Experiment in Extermination” (Norris)
Pasqua, Francis
Patrick, Albert
The Periodic Table of the Elements
Pershing, John
Pfaltz & Bauer
phosgene gas, in World War I
Pickford, Jack
Pickford, Mary
plant alkaloids, detection of
Blue Man case
Creighton cases
Freindlich case
Gross case
Jackson case
lack of punishment for
Mors case
Prohibition and
prosecutions for
Shelbourne Restaurant and Bakery case
Thomas case
Webb case
poison ivy, Gettler’s studies on
poison sumac, Gettler’s studies on
police, Norris’s relationship with
Postal Lunch
The Postman Always Rings Twice (Cain)
potassium cyanide (KCN)
poudre de succession (inheritance powder)
enforcement of
Gettler and
government’s poisonous additives to denatured alcohol and
Hoover and
illicit alcohol and
Norris and
official start of
opposition to
repeal of
repeal of New York’s enforcement law and
Roosevelt and
violence and
Prudential Life Insurance
Prussian blue test
Prussic acid
ptomaine poisoning
Racquet Club
“Radioactive Substances in a Body Five Years After Death” (Gettler, Muller, and St. George)
radium, calcium and
radium (Ra)
alpha particles and
Byers case and
consumer products from
detection in human tissue
discovery of
Gettler’s investigations of
Martland and
medicinal use of
as poison
poisoning symptoms
radon gas
Rat Dynamite
Red Hook neighborhood
reduction test, for arsenic
Reed, James
Reinsch’s test
for arsenic
Gettler’s investigations of
for mercury
Republican Party
Rice, William
Rice University
Rinehart, Mary Roberts
Riordan, J. J.
Riordan, Patrick
charges against
as coroner
Hylan’s reappointment of
items left in office
use of chemistry professors for toxicological analysis
Rockefeller Foundation
Rogers, Will
The Room with the Little Door (Molineux)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
consumer protection laws and
election as president
Prohibition and
as reform-minded governor
Rough on Rats
Runyon, Damon
Ruston, John
salicylic acid, Gettler’s studies on
salt (NaCl)
Schaub, Katherine
Schlink, F. J.
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Schultz, Otto
Shelbourne Restaurant and Bakery
Sherry, Louis
Silent Spring (Carson)
silver nitrate
Simpson, James Young
Smith, Alfred E., Jr.
Smith, Alfred E., Sr.
Smith, Moe
Smoke (cocktail)
Snyder, Albert
Snyder, Lorraine
Snyder, Ruth
Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children
sodium chloride (NaCl)
sodium cyanide (NaCN)
Southside (cocktail)
cocktails created for
end of Prohibition and
profits of
Prohibition and
risk and
Special Formula One
Standard Oil Refinery
Stas, Jean Servais
Stevens, John Austin
St. George, A. V.
from Asian vomit button tree
Christie and
industrial use of
medicinal use of
Studies in Pessimism (Schopenhauer)
sublimation test, for arsenic
sugar of lead
industrial use of
medicinal use of
arsenic and
carbon monoxide and
cyanides and
economic downturn of 1930s and
illuminating gas and
mercury and
New York Stock Market crash and
nicotine and
Norris’s annual statistics on