Jupiter and Her Moons (Mended Universe Book 1)

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Jupiter and Her Moons (Mended Universe Book 1) Page 3

by BL Mute

  “He broke up with me.” I shrugged. “I mean, it was kind of mutual.”

  “What do you mean?” He lost the edge to his voice and started working the dough through the crank again, pulling out perfectly cut noodles at the end.

  “He’s gay.” I sighed, then leaned against the counter, abandoning my own ball of dough.

  “I could have told you that, J baby.” He spoke as if it wasn’t a big deal. Which it wasn’t—not to him.

  My dad was a firm believer in doing whatever made you happy, even if society didn’t agree. He always said, “If you aren’t breaking the law, I don’t give a shit what you do.” I loved that about him.

  “I could have told myself that.” I laughed. “I guess I just didn’t want to believe it.”

  He laughed with me, then dropped the noodles into boiling water. He walked to my side and hugged me, then kissed my cheek. “You’ll be fine, J. He just wasn’t for you.”

  “I know, and I’m not sad we broke up. I’m just sad he couldn’t tell me sooner.” I turned out of his hold. “I feel used.”

  He washed his hands and dried them with a towel before going back to the pots on the stove and stirring. “I understand that. Don’t dwell on it though. Look at why he did it. We’ve all met his dad.”

  My dad was right. Matt’s dad was the biggest douche of them all. A mega douche if you will. I wouldn’t want him knowing I was gay if I were his son either.

  I just smiled. “I love you, Dad.”

  He smiled again too with his eyes crinkling at the sides. “I love you too, my J baby,” he said, then walked to the dining room table and started setting up for dinner.

  We always had dinner together. Almost every night, unless Peyton and Chance demanded my attention, I spent it with my dad. We would read comics and play games, cook and talk—we did it all. He was the only parent I really had since my mom basically lived at the hotel running it. All the way from the age of five up until now, he was it.

  We sat at the table and ate until we felt like gluttons. My dad made the best homemade spaghetti. We talked more and laughed even harder.

  My dad was my rock and always had been. I knew I could always count on him, and I did. He was the perfect parent.

  “You were really close with your dad?” the stranger asked.

  I nod. “I was. I remember from the age of five up until I was around ten, he would take me on ‘dates.’ We would go to the movies, then get ice cream at Joe’s parlor.” I smile at the memories. “I loved my dad so much.”

  She smiles. “It’s always nice to have a good parent.” She takes another sip of her drink, then changes the subject. “What about Matt? That’s why he wasn’t affectionate? Because he was gay?” she asked.

  “Yep.” I take another bite of my fries.

  “You just let it go that easy?”

  I sigh. “No. There was more to it, but in the bigger picture, it doesn’t matter as much, so I’m only giving you the CliffsNotes.” I smile and laugh.

  She nods her head. “I see.” She types something on her computer, then turns back to me. “So where is James now?” She waves her hand around. “I mean in the story.”


  It had been two weeks since the party and my breakup with Matt. I would see James around school, but I never stopped to talk to him. I liked James—it was instant attraction, but I didn’t want anyone thinking I broke things off with Matt to be with James.

  It was a Friday and my birthday was in three weeks, and then a couple of weeks after that, I would be graduating.

  Peyton and Chance texted me saying they were hanging out at the park and wanted me to come, so I did.

  I pulled up and parked next to Peyton’s old red Mustang and stepped out. They were on the swings passing a joint between them. The small park was nothing special. Hell, nothing in Harper Valley was. It had two old swings on rusted chains, a metal slide, and a bench. The place was covered in grass other than right below the swings. It had small pea gravel there.

  After passing the joint back to Chance, Peyton shouted as she kicked her legs, sending her into the air. “Jupiter! I’m flying!”

  I stopped a few feet away from the old run-down swing set and laughed.

  “She’s already three sheets to the wind.” Chance laughed, shaking his head.

  “Of course she is.” I laughed.

  Peyton pushed her feet into the ground and sent small rocks scattering, trying to stop. “We’re going to have a picnic.” She smiled.

  “What?” I scrunched my forehead.

  “A picnic,” Chance replied. “We brought the stuff because we knew we’d have the munchies.”

  “Ah. Alrighty then.” I laughed.

  “Oh!” he yelled. “And Peyton invited James.”

  Just at the mention of James’s name, butterflies took flight in my stomach and every nerve ending in my body tingled. My heart started to race, and a smile spread onto my lips.

  “From the look on your face, I take it as that’s okay?” he questioned me.

  “Shut up.” I kicked his feet as he swung forward, sending him into a slow spiral.

  “He could be good for you, Jupiter.” Peyton’s voice broke through my thoughts. She had a serious tone rather than her previous playful one.

  I just grinned at her and shook my head.

  “I’m serious, Jupiter. Why don’t you invite him to the lake for your birthday?”

  “The lake? What?”

  She smiled wide. “For your birthday, we are going to the lake.”

  She hadn’t told me about her plans before mentioning them, but that’s how Peyton worked. She was always planning something for any occasion. Chance and I would just roll with it. “Fine. I’ll invite him.”

  She clapped her hands together. “Good.” She jumped from the swing and came to stand next to me. “You ready to tell us the truth about Matt yet?”

  I rolled my eyes. “The truth? I gave you the truth—we broke up.” I shrugged.

  “But why?” Peyton grabbed my hand and pulled me to the ground to sit in the grass with her. Chance followed suit. “We all know he was a douche, but you held out with him for five months. What changed?”

  I glanced at her and then to Chance. Peyton looked curious, but Chance looked back at me with knowing eyes.

  I let out a deep breath. “Don’t go blasting it, but…” I rubbed my hands together, debating if I should tell them. “He’s gay,” I finally let out.

  Chance grinned. “I knew it.”

  “How? And why didn’t you tell me?” I asked him.

  He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. “I’m gay, J. I have gaydar or whatever. And I didn’t say anything because I’ve been in that position, and it wasn’t my place to say anything. I know how hard it is to come out.”

  I nodded. Peyton just leaned back and lay in the grass. “Well, not my business, so I won’t tell anyone, but wow,” she said.

  I lay down next to her. “Wow is right.”

  “At least he’s been less of a dick the past couple of weeks. Maybe telling someone helped.” Chance shrugged, then lay back with us.

  A deep vibrating sound pulled my attention to the parking spots to our left. James let his bike run for a second before turning it off and pulling his helmet off and walking to us.

  “Hey, James.” Peyton propped herself up on her side and batted her eyelashes. “I invited Jupiter—hope that’s okay.”

  James just shook his head with a smirk before lowering his body to the ground next to mine. “More than okay.” He looked at me and winked.

  I just smiled.

  We all sat and talked for hours as the sun went down. My stomach hurt from laughing, and my cheeks were sore from smiling.

  Peyton and Chance exchanged a knowing, mischievous look, then said their goodbyes with a smile. They loaded into her old Mustang, so it was just James and me left. They both gave me a wink and thumbs-up before driving off. I couldn’t help but laugh at their attempts of playing

  Once the Mustang was out of sight, I stood and took a spot on one swing, then started kicking my legs. James followed and sat in the other, swaying slowly.

  “So, what’s your story, Jupiter?” he asked, breaking the silence.

  “My story?” I put my legs down to stop my swinging.

  “Yeah. Like…” He stood from his swing and walked behind me and started pushing lightly. “Who are your parents? What do you want to do after school? What’s your favorite color?” I looked behind me, and he smiled.

  I turned my head back in front of me and thought for a second. “Grant and Amy Taylor are my parents. My mom is okay; she works a lot. And my dad is a huge, stern teddy bear.” I laughed. “After school I’m not sure what I want to do. My mom wants me to work with them at the hotel, but I’m not sure I want to. She’s so consumed by the job, and I don’t want to turn into that.”

  He just nodded and continued to push.

  “And my favorite color is yellow.” I looked back at him one last time before jumping from the swing.

  I had thought since I wasn’t swinging too high, I could land it no problem, but I didn’t. My knees gave out on the impact and sent me stumbling. I fell into the grass just past the gravel and just lay there. I was so embarrassed.

  James rushed to my side and squatted next to me. He had a grin stuck to his perfect lips, and it made me want to hit him and kiss him all at once. “Are you okay?” He was trying so hard not to laugh.

  “I’m fine,” I let out in a huff, trying to hide my own smile. “I wasn’t expecting to fall.” I busted out laughing, and in turn, he did too.

  I threw my head back, letting the laughs consume me. When I lifted it back, James was in front of me and he wasn’t laughing anymore.

  In one quick motion, he pressed his lips to mine. My breathing turned to a gasp as my eyes closed on instinct. Stars burst behind my lids, and my hands found his hair. His hands moved to my hips and gripped me hard. My mouth opened and his tongue didn’t wait to ask permission; it just invaded my mouth and teased my own.

  We stayed locked on the grass with the moon glowing in the sky for what seemed like a lifetime.

  He finally pulled away from me and licked his lips with a smirk. “Sorry.” He swiped a finger under his bottom lip.

  “I’m not.” I sat up in the grass and licked my lips too.

  He chuckled. “I’ve been wanting to do that since the first day I met you.”

  I just stared at him with a grin.

  “I like you, Jupiter. And I want you to be mine.” He looked down again, then back up with a sheepish smile. It was cute seeing this tall, sexy, alpha kind of male all flustered.

  I wanted to make sure I heard him right before I answered. “Yours?” I questioned.

  He nodded. “Mine.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  He smiled, then inched back to my side and wrapped me in his arms.

  For the next few hours, we talked. I invited him to the lake, and he agreed. He told me about how he lost his mom a few years ago to cancer, and how his dad was a lawyer, and that’s why they moved here from Texas, so he could open his own firm.

  In those few hours I got to know James more, and he got to know me. I didn’t know it then, but that was precisely the moment I started falling for him.

  Three weeks had passed, and it was finally time for our weekend at the lake to celebrate my birthday.

  Peyton and Chance came to my house that Saturday morning and woke me up with squeals. My birthday was the following day, but since it fell on a Sunday, we were celebrating today.

  I gathered my bag and went to the kitchen where my parents were. “We’re heading out.” I hugged my mom, then my dad.

  “Peyton.” My dad leveled his eyes with her. “Take care of my J baby.”

  Peyton smiled and saluted him with her hand. “You got it, Grant.”

  We all turned to leave, but my mom grabbed my arm. “Wait.”

  I turned back to her. It was almost odd seeing my mom. She spent most of her time at work, including weekends, so her standing in the kitchen in pajama pants and a tank was weird.

  “Your father has something for you.” She smiled and nudged my dad with her elbow.

  He reached into the pocket of his plaid pajama bottoms and pulled out a small velvet box, then handed it to me. “This is from me, for your birthday. I can’t believe you’re eighteen.” His eyes twinkled.

  I grinned at him. “I’m not eighteen until tomorrow, Dad.”

  I looked down and opened the small box. Inside was a delicate silver chain with a charm the size of a quarter. It had purple hues with flecks of white that sat on a small silver back. It looked like a galaxy.

  I pulled the chain from the box and studied it closer. A wave of happiness and nostalgia washed over me. My body relaxed and a smile crept onto my lips.

  My smile widened as I spoke. “I love it, Dad!”

  He smiled back at me. “Flip it over.”

  I grabbed the charm and flipped the cool metal in my hand. On the back there were words. My J baby, my world, happy 18th. Love, Dad

  Just a few simple words, but they meant everything to me. “Thanks, Dad,” I whispered as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

  My dad and I had always been close, and the thought of growing up, of turning eighteen and moving on, made me feel nervous. What would I do without dinners with my dad every night? Without our talks? I knew he would still only be a phone call away, but I wasn’t sure I was ready for all of that.

  “Let’s put it on before you leave,” he said.

  I nodded, then turned and lifted my long blonde hair so he could clasp the necklace around my neck.

  Once it was in place, he turned me around and gave me a quick kiss on my head before shooing me, Peyton, and Chance out of the door.

  “Have fun!” he yelled from our door once we climbed into Peyton’s car. “I love you!”

  “I love you too!” I screamed back, then Peyton pulled onto the road.

  The lake was only thirty minutes from my house, so with Peyton’s driving, it didn’t take us long to get there. We pulled onto the gravel road and followed it to the campsite. Once we parked and stepped out, I took a minute to study our surroundings.

  There were metal pole barricades that separated the gravel parking spaces and grass. Just about seven feet from that, the grass turned into sand and dirt and butted up against the water.

  It was nothing spectacular, but it was nice. Peyton and Chance immediately stripped down to their bathing suits—Peyton in a pink bikini and Chance in some checkered swim trunks—then ran into the water.

  I just shook my head and grabbed the tent bags from the trunk and started setting them up. I found a flat spot in the grass away from the water but close to the firepit and started organizing the tents poles into piles. Without directions, it was harder than I had thought.

  The rumble of James’s bike sounded behind and made me instantly smile. I waved at him, and he climbed off his bike.

  Over the past few weeks, he and I had grown closer and closer. We hung out almost every day and made out even more. We had been on a few dates, and he had even taken me for rides on his bike. Everything between us was going perfect. He was loving and sweet, funny and outgoing. I was falling in love, falling quick, but I didn’t mind one bit.

  He walked up slowly and examined the piles of poles I had laid out and separated. “Need some help?”

  “Please,” I said, offering him some poles.

  In no time, the tents were set up.

  “Did you bring a tent, or are you bunking with me?” I looked away when I asked him. I didn’t want to seem too desperate.

  “You didn’t tell me to bring one, so I guess I’m stuck with you.” He winked.

  My jaw became slack. “Stuck with me?” I tried to hide my smile.

  He nodded with the smirk I loved so much on his face.

  “Okay. Fine.” I crossed my arms over my chest and
shrugged, acting like what he was saying was no big deal.

  Before he could reply, I darted for the water, leaving a trail of clothes behind me. Once I managed to slip out of my shorts, I was down to nothing but my bikini and could hear James’s footfalls behind me. As I turned to look behind me to see how close he was, his arms grabbed around my waist, turned me, and flipped me over his shoulder.

  “Got ya!” He laughed and continued running as I squealed.

  His laugh was infectious. I was bobbing over his shoulder, demanding he put me down, but he didn’t listen. My own laughter consumed me.

  Once we finally made it to the water, he walked in until it was to his waist and just said, “Fine,” then dropped me.

  It felt like I just slipped into an ice bath. My warm skin from the sun was now cold, and my hot blushing cheeks were extinguished, along with my hot thoughts. I went to the surface and broke through the water. James was staring at me with a mischievous smile.

  I pushed the hair from my face and slicked it back. “Oh—” I raised an eyebrow at him. “—it’s on.” I jumped and wrapped my legs around his center, then leaned back, pulling him under the water with me.

  Once we were fully emerged, I untangled my legs and started to swim away. He reached out and grabbed my ankle, pulling me back. I opened my eyes under the murky water and prayed it wouldn’t lead to a fucked-up case of pink eye.

  James had his eyes open too with bubbles in his cheeks. He framed my face with his hands, then leaned in and kissed me. Water invaded my mouth, but I didn’t care. He broke the kiss, then moved his hands from my face and placed them on my back and lifted us from the water.

  My whole world stopped turning when I looked into his eyes. They were the perfect shade of green. Grassy rolling hills and precious emeralds couldn’t match their color. His eyes trailed from mine to my lips before he crashed them back to me.

  They were soft and demanding all at once. I raised myself and wrapped my legs around his waist again, not wanting the moment to end. His hands explored every inch of me before resting softly on my ass and squeezing.

  I was so lost in that moment, so lost in his taste. When I heard Peyton coughing obnoxiously, I wanted to slap her. James’s and my moment was over. I broke away and looked to the shore where Peyton stood and glared at her, then turned back to James. The serious and sexy look was off his face and replaced with his smirk—the smirk I loved and hated.


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