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Bear with Me (Shifters of Yellowstone Book 1)

Page 4

by Dominique Eastwick

  “I will explain the situation to her at dinner this evening.”

  “I appreciate it. We like Quinn. She is always good at keeping the humans away from our young. Only Jenny is more loved.” Lars walked behind a building and returned in elk form. A majestic animal. With a bow, he moved to his pack. Three of the females blinked at him before bowing their heads in respect.

  Brutus checked his cell phone and found as always when he was in the Mammoth area, he had limited service. He walked into the hotel, found a landline, and called the cave.


  “Rennie, it’s Brutus. I need you to get me a reservation for two for tonight at the Lake Hotel.”

  She paused for a second. “I’ll head up there.”

  No worries about getting a spot. One of their people managed the dining room. “Also, make sure we have a few scouts out on the deck.”

  “Of course, Alpha. Is there anything else?”

  “Yes, I want everyone else to stay far away from the dining room. The last thing Quinn needs is to be bombarded by all the bears. She is uncertain as it is. I need her to feel as normal as possible.”

  “O-kay.” The way she drew out the word told him the whole clan was likely to be sitting around them observing and listening in.

  “I mean it, if I see one bear—no, one shifter who isn’t supposed to be working there tonight—inside that dining room…” He left it up to her to imagine what would happen. Because, his current, calm state, was nothing like what would happen if anyone disobeyed his order and ruined his chances with Quinn.

  Quinn wrapped her shawl around her shoulders. Strange she should be so nervous on a date where the choices were all in her hands. Shauna had filled her in on the whole mating thing. She basically had the engagement ring before the first date. All she had to do was say yes. He would never cheat, he would never look at another woman as long as they both lived. His whole world now revolved around her and her happiness. But she didn’t sugarcoat anything. A beta was equal to a queen and came with a great deal of responsibility. It was her job to be the soft to his hard, the voice of reason when he needed it, and she would bring motherly love to a clan.

  She could argue with him when others wouldn’t. He would listen, but it didn’t mean he would bend. She had to understand the power she would wield within the clan but, more importantly, the others would be there to support and take care of their alpha. A great deal to take in for a woman just now accepting Brutus wasn’t a figment of her imagination or a side effect of her shaken brain.

  He pulled his black Jeep Rubicon up to the hotel. After an hour and a half of silence between them, she was ready to run. But the smile he gave her as he crossed in front of the vehicle showed a touch of nerves. “Thank you,” she mumbled as he opened her door.

  “It is I who need to thank you for giving me and my people a chance.” They walked past two scouts she thought she remembered from the cave. “They’re here to ensure we aren’t disturbed.”

  How must it feel to have protection from everyone all the time? For good or for bad. A bison lingered in the distance. “Is he a…?

  “No just a normal smelly animal.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “That he is smelly?” He tapped his nose. “They like to roll in their urine.”

  “I know that.”

  “Shifters do not.”

  They followed the hostess to a table in the back of the dining hall. “It’s nice to have you with us tonight, Brutus.”

  “We will start with two salads and a bottle of white wine.”

  “Yes, sir. Shall I alert the kitchen?” the tall, beautiful woman asked with a friendly grin.

  “Probably a good idea.” Brutus held out Quinn’s chair before taking his own.

  “What are you alerting the kitchen about?”

  “I tend to eat more food than the average person.”

  “I see.”

  “No, you don’t, but you will.” His smile made her knees weak. When the waiter returned and she’d made her selection, he ordered the trout platter for four.

  “Will that be all, sir?” The waiter didn’t even bat an eye.

  “For now.”

  They chatted about the park, her job, and what she did in the winter months when the park closed. When their food arrived, she stared at the large platter placed before her date. “I thought perhaps when you ordered dinner for four, the menu meant some chichi small portion, not literally a dinner for four. You can’t eat all that.”

  He leaned in. “I sometimes eat two of these.”

  She choked on a laugh. “Your grocery bill must be through the roof.”

  “Good thing money is no object.”

  “If you are trying to impress me, that won’t work. I don’t care about money.”

  “I didn’t think you did, but wanted to assure you you won’t go hungry.”

  “Good to know.” She smiled, taking a bite of delicious grilled salmon. “Why me?”

  He placed his fork down. “I don’t know. Something in you called to my animal spirit. Even before we touched, I was attracted to you.”

  “Please. I think you have me confused with Jenny.”

  “The skinny ranger? I don’t think so. Bears like women with meat on their bones, and you have exactly what I prefer.” He reached for his glass, but his eyes never left her cleavage. “Then when we touched, my world shifted. Yellowstone could have erupted and it wouldn’t have been as earth-shattering as your touch.”

  The fork in her hand fell with an echoing clink on the china. His eyes watched hers and she couldn’t catch her breath. He handed her the fallen utensil and refocused on his food. She wondered how hard it must be to know your other half had just passed you without noticing. Why would fate give him someone like her who didn’t have the instant attraction he did? No doubt she was attracted to him, but if he had approached her, she would have thought him out of her league.

  She let him order her a dessert though she had lost her appetite. She couldn’t get her head around it all.

  “I need to ask you something,” he said. And I need you to hear me out to the end before you say no.”

  ‘Okay.” She pushed a piece of cake around her plate.

  “The doctor has requested you not work for seven days. I would like you to consider staying on grizzly lands for that time.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “I know you have your doubts, but there are other factors you need to understand. The elks are concerned that having unmated males sniffing around you could be cause for fights and not the environment in which to raise their children.”

  “So the elk alpha asked you to get me out of Dodge?”

  “They requested we ask you to stay on our lands until you have made your decision.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “The grizzly aren’t welcome to stay in their lands to make sure you are safe.”

  “But I don’t need your bodyguards.” She didn’t want them around her, either. She threw her napkin on the table in disgust, wanting her simple life back. This was getting ridiculous.

  Brutus tapped on the window and one of the guards appeared at their table. “Sir?”

  “How many unmated shifters are out there right now?”

  “We have twenty-three in the general vicinity.” He pointed out the window at a group of men in the parking lot then a few on the deck. “And another five we can smell in the distance. As long as you are with her, I think they will stay at bay.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Ma’am.” The guard nodded and walked out.

  She couldn’t see the full number he claimed were nearby, but when she made eye contact with two of the men on the porch, they postured and puffed out their chests, no doubt trying to impress her.

  “Do you wish to meet my competition?”

  She shook her head. She didn’t think one out there could be as impressive as Brutus, and none of them would care for her the way he did
. None of them would have the confidence and consideration to suggest she meet another even if it were the best thing for her. “Where would I stay?”

  He let out a sigh of relief. “Up to you. We can put you up in the hotel or you can stay at the cave.”

  “With you?”

  “Or without. There are empty rooms.”

  “If I accept you—not saying I will yet—perhaps staying in the cave will make the decision easier.”

  “So you are considering it.”

  “I am. I really am.”

  He threw down some cash and rose to his feet. “Shall we walk?”

  “I would like that.” As they exited, he dismissed the two guards and offered to hold her hand. The sweet gesture made her heart skip a beat. Hand in hand with him, she let fate take her where it may. Let something higher than herself lead the way. As they passed two males, she realized although they were handsome—some might say gorgeous—they did nothing for her.

  They reached the trail where she had been attacked the evening before. “When did they reopen the path?”

  “They haven’t but I promise to take care of any bear who wishes to attack you.”

  “Can you show me your bear? I mean, not simply the shimmery spirit but the whole furry animal.”

  He took a step toward the woods.

  She rested her hand on his biceps to stay him. “No, here, so I can see.”

  “Are you sure you are ready for that?”

  “I need to know what I’m getting into, all of it, the good, the bad, and the weird.” She raised a brow and crossed her arms. “Well?”

  He shifted, the glimmering bear surrounding him mimicking his moves until they merged into one and the hair began to cover his body and, in the next moment, a large male bear towered over her. “Wow.”

  He came down on all fours with a thud but didn’t move other than his nose twitching. She sidled up next to him and ran a tentative hand through his thick fur. “I didn’t expect it to be so soft.”

  He bumped her with his head before sitting down and lifting a paw to her. She pressed her palm to it, overwhelmed at its size. He allowed her a few more minutes to familiarize herself with his bear before rising on his hind legs and shifting again.

  “I’ve never been so close to a non-sedated bear before.”

  “Probably a good idea to still keep a wide berth from any of the wildlife unless I, or one of my clan, is with you.”

  “Will real animals know or care?”

  “Real animals, as you call them, will know you’re protected, but if they’re hungry enough or if a sow feels her cubs are endangered, she’ll attack you as quickly as she would anyone else.”

  “Even you?”

  “Even me.” He led them down the side of a hill to the well-hidden opening of a cave. “Unless we mate, do not attempt to come out here on your own. There are a large number of bears and my sentinels are always on high alert. They know not to hurt you, but they will detain you. I trust you, but I can’t put the safety of the group in danger. Someone could follow you.”

  They walked through the damp cave to the secret entrance. She followed him into the brightly lit receiving room. “How did you create this cave? How’s all this powered? Why doesn’t anyone seem to know it exists?”

  “One question at a time.” He brushed his thumb over her lips as if to quiet them so he could answer before she come out with a slew more. “The bison figured out how to harness the steam from the geysers in exchange for our help to maintain the plumbing system in their family estate. The bison are great thinkers, but not so keen on the doing part.”

  “And the security?”

  “That would be wolves. Their pack has only recently returned to the park, bringing with them new technologies. But they didn’t install it for us, just gave us the ability to create what we needed.”

  “In exchange…?”

  “You catch on quick. We help them with items that need a bit more muscle.”

  A woman she’d never met before came in, her eyes cast down. “Brutus, the beta’s quarters are ready.” “Thank you, Jovie. Can you call Asha and let her know Quinn will need an overnight bag from home?”

  “Yes, Alpha.” The other woman gave her a bow and moved into what looked like a communication center.

  They passed a few more people in the hall but not one looked at or acknowledged her. The evening that had been so promising and made her think there could be a future suddenly lay bleak and lonely before her. No way she could live here if no one would talk to her. She wasn’t one of them, and they made it clear they didn’t want her in their domain.

  “Here are my rooms, should you need anything.” He pushed open the door to the chamber she had been in before. He studied her face then gave her a quick smile before moving down the hall to another open door. He waved her inside. “These are your rooms.”

  As she walked in, she froze. The room was absolutely something out of her dreams. The king-size bed had bears carved into it. Open French doors beckoned and she followed the sound of water outside to find they were located behind a waterfall.

  “Which waterfall is this?”

  “Unnamed, but we call it Kodiak.” He joined her on the balcony. “This is the only room in the cave that opens to the outside.”

  “Why don’t you use it?”

  “Because it’s the beta’s.”

  “You say that like it explains everything.”

  He led her inside to a large comfortable sofa. “Okay, let’s talk about hierarchy.”

  “You are the alpha, so big head honcho.”

  “I have been since my father died. The beta is a strong female who is the mate of the alpha. That would be you if you choose to stay. Scouts, sentinels, hunters, and guardians are all strong men and women who have various jobs within the clan. Most shifter families work the same. Omegas are the weaker members who require more protection but fill equally important roles. They are the caretakers.”

  “That didn’t answer my question. Why aren’t you in this room if it’s the best?” She spread her arms pivoting in her seat to take in the expanse of the room.

  “Because the best is for the beta. She enables the line to carry on. Without her, the alpha is an empty leader.”

  “So you would stay in there, and I in here? Like in some Regency novel, where you’d come to my room whenever you want to have sex and then return to yours when we’re done?” That sort of arrangement would be a deal breaker and he could take her right back to Mammoth now if that was what he thought a relationship should entail. She was about to tell him as much when he cupped her cheek, the touch leaving her speechless.

  “Not at all. If you permit it, I would move in here with you. My parents made the other room an office and sitting room. Later a playroom for me and my sister.”

  “So, it’s my choice?”

  “You have all the power.”

  She rose to her feet. She had to get away from him—he made it all so tempting. “I can’t.”

  “What? Why?” He stood but didn’t make a move to touch her again.

  “Your people…they can’t even look at me? It’s as if I am invisible.”

  His brow furrowed. “Who? Who offered you such an insult?”

  “The women, and they didn’t insult me,” she rushed in, not wanting anyone to get into trouble.

  He visibly relaxed. “They are omegas. Unless and until you accept me, they won’t talk to you. Do not take it personally. They’re just shy. If you were to say hello to one of them, she might jump out of her skin.”

  “That is not what I saw. I saw a bunch of women not happy with my presence.”

  Brutus got up and threw open the door. “Jovie, Nevia, and Bella.”

  Three women ran into the room, heads bowed, two visibly shaking. He gave the tremblers a reassuring touch before returning to Quinn’s side.

  “Is something wrong, Alpha?” A dark-skinned woman, their visitor from a few moments before, asked. Quinn was struck by her absolute b
eauty, her short hairstyle giving her an exotic air Quinn could never hope to achieve.

  “Stop fretting, Jovie. Nothing’s wrong. Quinn, this is Jovie.”

  The woman met her gaze with a tentative smile then Brutus gestured to a blonde, curvier woman. “This is Bella. And, finally, Nevia.” He laid a hand on Nevia’s shoulder, but the girl didn’t look up or acknowledge Quinn.

  For lack of anything else to say, Quinn said, “It’s nice to meet you.”

  A long silence followed her greeting until Brutus stepped in. “Jovie, would you please tell Quinn what you said to me this afternoon when I was leaving.”

  The least fearful of the three looked up. “I asked if we shouldn’t get this room ready just in case.”

  “In case what, Jovie?” Quinn asked.

  Jovie lifted her chin and with pride said, “In case you said yes, as we hoped you might.”

  “You did say yes, didn’t you?” Bella took a step forward then backed up again.

  Brutus raised an open hand in a gentle gesture of reassurance. “She is still thinking, as a good beta should. Bella, what did you say to me?”

  Bella blushed but took a deep breath and announced, “I said, if he wanted you to say no, he should continue to wear the ratty old flannel he had on.”

  “And then she proceeded to tell me my wardrobe needed a serious overhaul, I needed to shave, and I could use a haircut.”

  “Nevia? That is your name isn’t it?” Nevia had been the only who hadn’t spoken or engaged.

  “It is, ma’am,” she said behind a curtain of chestnut hair.

  “And what did you say to him?” Quinn did what came natural—she took a step towards the other woman and brushed the hair behind her ear. Even being the smallest of the three, Nevia stood a head taller than her.

  Voice soft and unsure, she said, “Please make her understand we need her.”

  “But I’m human.”


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