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A Sanguine Gem (A Marsden Romance Book 3)

Page 14

by Dawn Brower

  The room appeared to sway from side to side in a gentle motion. From the little information, he had available he deduced he'd been placed on a ship. What he didn't understand was why. He needed to explore his environment for more clues. The more he knew, the better his chances of extricating himself from these circumstances were. He moved around the bed and stopped when he realized the lump in front of him moved as he placed his hands on top of it. Skimming across the bed he could feel the moderate rise and fall of the person's chest as they breathed.

  Who did they throw in here with him?

  With as much care as he could muster he checked the person to make sure they were all right and to try to ascertain their identity. He skimmed the surface, and roamed over a person’s body, it didn't take him long to realize he had been getting familiar with a woman's body. As a small moan filled the room, he backed away from her to gain some distance. He didn't feel comfortable touching another woman's body other than his wife's.

  "Where am I?"

  "Gemma?" Liam said, realizing exactly who'd been thrown in the room with him.

  "Liam?" Bewilderment in her voice. "Where are we?"

  "On a ship I think. I don't know why though."

  Who could have put both him and Gemma on board a ship—in a room together? More importantly why? None of this was making any sense to him.

  "That can't be a good thing. Who would put us both on a ship?"

  "I don't know" Liam shook his head. "I can tell you my first thought was Alfie had escaped, but I don't think that is the issue now. He wouldn't leave you with me."

  "No, in his insanity he believes I belong to him. That still begs the question that someone kidnapped us and threw us here together."

  "How did you end up here?" Liam asked.

  "I don't know. I went to visit your parents and the last thing I remember was getting in the carriage to come home."

  As that information processed in his mind, Liam started to wonder what or who might be the culprits of their predicament.

  "That's odd. I had been on my way to visit my father when I got jumped from behind."

  "Do you suppose they had anything to do with this?"

  Liam pulled her into his arms and held her tight, breathing in her scent. At least, no matter what, they were in this together. He placed a light kiss on her forehead and pulled away from her. Having her in his arms was wonderful—but they had other pressing concerns.

  "I don't know, but I think we need to get some light in this room and explore a bit."

  Liam got out of the bed and began the slow process of discovering every aspect of the room. As he reached the desk, he ran his fingers across the surface until they landed on several items. One of those items was a box of matches, and the other was an oil lamp. With care, he opened the box of matches and struck one to light the lantern. He used the glow of the fire light to guide him in lighting it. Once the lantern was lit, he adjusted it, so a soft flush of light filled the room.

  With the room illuminated by the light of the lantern, Liam searched the room for clues. His eyes landed on a parchment folded in half and resting in the middle of the desk. Grabbing it, he opened the note up and read it hoping an explanation would be enclosed. After he had finished examining it, he looked over at Gemma, puzzled about its contents.

  "What is it?" She stood up and walked over to him.

  "It's addressed to you. Here read it."

  Liam handed her the note and watched as she read the words written on the page. He already played them back in his mind and wondered what it all meant.

  Dearest Gemma,

  By now you will have awoken and found yourself on board a ship. Please forgive us for our deception. I know this is not how you planned on making this voyage. It's not our intention to upset you or Liam. After a conversation I had with him a few days ago I realized you two needed help in solving your issues. You were taking a step in the right direction by arranging a surprise for him. Thor and I didn't believe it was enough and began to plan something on our own. Kidnapping you and forcing your hand seemed like a good idea. It worked for us after all. If Thor had never kidnapped me, I wouldn't have fallen madly in love with him. Our methods are a tad—underhanded, but our hearts are in the right place. We just want you both to be happy.

  I know you will be devastated to realize I am not going to be joining you on this journey. We will just have to make up for that when you return home. I was sincere in wishing to get to know you better. Take care of my son, give Lily a hug for me, and give Baby Will a kiss. I trust you will still deliver our package to Lily when you arrive. It's why Thor explained how important it was to you in detail. Some things can't be explained in a letter, and some things are better done in writing. We hope in time you will look back on this with fondness and realize we did you a good turn.

  You will be locked in the cabin until morning. The necessary items you will need are already in the room with you, including some food. The ship's captain will let you out (if you choose to leave the room) once the sun rises the next day. Use your time wisely.

  Tell Liam how much you love him and let the rest take its natural course.

  Love Always,


  P.S. Don't worry about the dinner party you planned. We took steps to dismantle it already. Janie and Pemberly were extremely helpful in assisting us with our subterfuge. When you return, we can plan a new one.

  "Your parents are responsible!"

  "Yes, that is clear. What I don't understand is this surprise she speaks of."

  Gemma nibbled on her bottom lip as she twisted her fingers together.

  "I did plan something. It has some similarities to where we are, but no, this is not how I wanted things to go."

  "So tell me what you actually planned."

  She stopped in front of him and rubbed her hands up his chest. Winding her arms around his neck she leaned back staring into his eyes. Her fingers twirled through the ends of his hair.

  "I wanted us to take the wedding trip you promised. I asked your father to arrange it. Of course, I didn't mean for us actually to leave for a few days."

  "I like the idea of taking a trip with you" Liam smiled.

  "Me too. Even though your parents went about this in a mad fashion, I'm glad they did."

  "You are? Please elaborate."

  "When I left Marsden House I was coming home to you. I have been putting something off because of my own fears and doubts. While I was there, I came to a decision to let it go and just be honest with myself and tell you what's on my mind."

  "You doubt me? I know I gave you a reason to. I hoped that I put that to rest."

  "It's hard to let go of feelings you have been carrying around for a long time. You dismissed my feelings as nonessential. It left me devastated, and it took me a while to crawl out of that despair. The idea of opening myself up to the possibility of revisiting those feelings did not appeal to me. It's the reason I have fought you every step of the way. My instincts screamed to put distance between us."

  "I'm not running away now," Liam whispered. "I've been chasing you for days."

  "I know. I'm done trying to escape the inevitable."

  "Is that so?" Liam raised an eyebrow. "What do you want to do now?"

  "It's time to open up and say the things I've been burying deep inside me. I've been the queen of denial for several days. No matter how scared and uncertain I've been, there is one blaring insurmountable truth."

  Gemma placed her hands on both sides of Liam's face. She rose on her tiptoes and placed a soft kiss on his lips and took a step back.

  "I love you. I never stopped. It's time to quit fighting something I can't control. Trusting you and believing you love me is the only option I have. You have always owned my heart."

  Liam smiled when she finished saying the words he'd been longing to hear. This is what his mother's letter alluded to. She knew that Gemma still loved him and was giving her a way to express it—albeit an extreme measure, but he found it ende
aring his parents' cared about the outcome of his marriage.

  "I love you. I don't know how many times I need to say it for you to believe me, but I will keep saying it until it sinks in, and you do."

  "I do believe you. Only someone that loves me would put up with the emotional upheavals I've put you through."

  "I'm happier than words can express. Since we've discussed everything, how do you suggest we use the rest of our time locked inside this room?" Liam wiggled his eyebrows.

  "I don't know," Gemma took a step back and tapped her chin. "They said we had everything we need here. Do you suppose they left us some cards? Lily taught me how to play whist a few years ago…"

  She couldn't be serious? Whist? Liam could think of a million things he'd rather do than play cards. Honestly, there was only one thing he wanted to do at that moment. It involved them getting naked and loving each other all night long. He couldn’t wait to strip her of her clothes and love her as he craved to. If she wanted to play cards, perhaps they could make it more interesting… a game of whist where the loser had to forfeit pieces of clothing to the winner. Now that was a game he'd willingly play. Somehow, he doubted Gemma had that in mind when she suggested whist. He stared at her with disbelieving eyes until she finally began to laugh so hard she had to hold her stomach by wrapping her arms tight around the middle.

  "You should see the look on your face. I don't think I've ever seen you look more surprised. This even tops when I told you I loved you for the first time."

  "I don't find it so funny. You know what I want to do."

  "Yes, I do. Which is why I suggested cards. Which maybe we can do later because I want to do exactly what you have on your mind."

  "Oh, you can read my mind now?"

  "No. I just know we are for once exactly in the same spot wanting the same things, and I want to take advantage of it."

  Liam agreed with her. He reached for her and pulled her back into his arms. Gemma tilted her face up towards his and he pressed his lips to hers. Once her mouth opened, he took advantage and tangled her tongue with his. Their passion ignited, and he pulled her as close as possible as their tongues dueled for control. Gemma's fingers trailed across his neck and up to his hair, and she seized strands of it in a tight grip. Liam pulled back and could see a slight blush begin to creep up her cheeks. Leaning down, he traced the red stains with butterfly kisses down to her neck stopping only when he could hear her moan of pleasure. He took a step back so he could look at her flushed with passion.

  "I love you, but I absolutely adore looking at you in moments like this. I look forward to loving you for the rest of my life, and I plan on taking my time and savoring each moment."

  "That has to be the sweetest thing you have ever said to me."

  "I mean every word." Liam's gaze held Gemma's. "My family has a tradition. Well, it started with my parents."


  Liam laughed and pulled her back into his arms, "No. Well yes, there is that, but it’s a different tradition I'm speaking of. When we were children, my parents used to tell us a fairy tale. At the time, we didn't know they were telling us their story. I'd like to do something similar with our children."

  "That's a lovely tradition. At what point would we start our story? Once upon a time a gentleman saved a lady from a nefarious villain?"

  "No, our story goes back even farther than that." Liam shook his head. "I'd start with once upon a time a gentleman foolishly ran away from the only lady he would ever love..."

  Gemma's face softened into a delighted smile. Liam never wanted to cause her heartbreak again. From this moment on he would do his best to ensure her happiness. Leaning down, he kissed her again to finish what they started mere moments ago, loving his precious sanguine gem…

  Read further for an excerpt from A Marsden Romance Book 4: A Hidden Ruby


  “I no longer wish to live… Without my love, I have nothing.”

  Rubina Leone St. John, the Duchess of Huntly meant those words. Without Noah… Her head fell forward hitting the palm of her hands. Tears streamed down her face. How could she go on without the only man she’d ever loved? If Paolo Fonte, Duca d’Sordillo, told the truth, her husband was dead.

  “Don’t be dramatic, Rubina.” He held his hand over his heart. “On my honor, I will always take care of you.”

  She lifted her head and stared at him through hooded eyes. What a fool. Did he honestly believe she’d willingly stay with him? Her heart would always belong to Noah. No other man would fill the empty void his loss left behind. Slowly, she stood and faced him. With all the strength she had left, she spit in his face.

  “You’ll never take the place of my Noah.” She returned to her seat. Rubina had better things to do with her time than deal with Paolo. He proclaimed to love her, but he’d kept her a prisoner for months in a tiny room. Only coming to visit her so he could stare at her while declaring his love. You don’t imprison someone you supposedly love.

  Paolo pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his face. “You’ll regret that.”

  “No, I only wish I’d have done it sooner.”

  He stormed over to her side and lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him.

  “La mia bellezza…” He stroked his fingers through her hair. “Such beautiful golden-blonde hair—so silky to touch.”

  Chills ran down her spine and her stomach rolled with queasiness as he touched her. Rubina was not his beauty… She never would be his in any way.

  “I don’t belong to you. I never have. When will you accept that?” She stared up at him in defiance.

  “Never?” He raised an eyebrow. “It is such a very long time, my love. You will learn to love me.”

  Rubina choked back tears. If Noah was truly dead—it didn’t matter. Paolo could do his worst. No matter how hard she tried, her feelings would remain the same. Her heart remained untouched by his false charms...

  “Ti odio.” She let every ounce of hatred pour out of her. Rubina didn’t want there to be any doubt how much she loathed Paolo.

  “No, you don’t.” His sinister laugh filled the tiny room. “My dear, you don’t really know what hate is—but you will.”

  “How did Noah die?”

  Rubina needed details to understand how he could really be gone. Her husband was a strong virile man, so full of life. She couldn’t truly believe he was—she gulped down a lump in her throat—dead.

  “If you must know, someone helped him along to his untimely demise.”

  “No…” Rubina gasped. “Please—tell me you didn’t murder him.”

  “I’ll tell you no such thing. I’m not about to start lying to you my dear.” He shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “It’s best you get acclimated to our long life together.”

  Rubina wanted to die. That would remain true as long as Noah was gone. She had something to take care of before she joined him again. Paolo Fonte’s life must end. He would pay for his sins—for hurting Noah. She would live long enough to see it happen. Once she sent him to hell, she’d allow herself to breathe her last breath. She could once again be with her husband. They could spend eternity in each other’s arms.

  “Sei un bastardo malvagio,” she exclaimed. Duca d’Sordillo was an evil bastard. “One day your cruelty will leave this world. On that day I will rejoice.”

  “Say what you want. your words mean nothing, but you will come around.” He grinned. “Until then, please enjoy the accommodations.

  He turned to leave. The door shut with a loud thud. Paolo turned the key, locking her once again in her tiny hovel. Such love he showed her. Rubina stared at the door with disgust. It didn’t matter. She had a reason to continue living. Once she found a way to end Paolo’s life her mission would be complete. He must pay for the atrocity he caused.


  Rubina grew weak. She barely sustained enough strength to lift up her head. Paolo limited her food to bread and water—barely enough to survive. He was
trying to get her to cave—give in to his demands. The evil bastard wanted her to willingly join him in his bed. It would never happen. To betray Noah in such a manner… No, she’d rather die. If she didn’t gain strength soon, she’d get her wish.


  Her body rocked back and forth, shaking from an unseen force, but she didn’t want to open her eyes.

  “Please wake up, Duchessa.”

  Rubina’s eyelids fluttered open to gaze into the dark brown eyes of a man she’d never seen before.

  “Who are you?” She stared at him, puzzled. Maybe he was a new guard Paolo sent to watch over her.

  “I’m here to save you.”

  Rubina shook and tears streamed down her face. She didn’t want to believe it was true. She didn’t know how long she’d been a captive in Paolo’s home. All she wanted to do was go home—see her father and brother again. They were all she had left in the world. If only Noah…

  Rubina cried harder.

  “Duchessa, we must hurry.”

  She tried to swallow a lump in her throat, but it was too dry. She let her gaze meet his again and voiced her fear. “Are you real?”

  He nodded. “I assure you, I am. Can you walk?”

  “I’m so weak…”

  “We will go slowly. I will carry you if I must.”

  He helped Rubina to her feet and led her to the open door. She was about to leave her prison. How long had she been locked away from the world?

  “Why are you helping me?”

  “I work for your brother, Conte Leone.” They made their way down the long hallway. He stopped at the top of the stone stairway. “My name is Arturo.”

  “Damian sent you?”

  Her family still believed she lived? Why had it taken them so long to find her? Paolo insisted the world believed her dead—as dead as her husband. No more Duke and Duchess of Huntly—no more beautiful love story.


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