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CW Boys: The Beginning (CW Boys #1)

Page 11

by C. Shell

  “You’re going to need to act like a jungle man again and climb out the window. I don’t want Jimmie catching you here until we have a chance to talk with him. The jerk’s imagination would get the best of him. He’d never believe that we weren’t humping like bunnies all night.”

  Dex stretches and lets out a loud yawn. My eyes track the sparse hairs beginning below his navel that traveled down to his boxers. My mouth goes dry as a sudden rush of warmth pulses through my veins. Happy Trail indeed. I’m happy just from looking at it.

  “Humping like bunnies?” He asks, his voice smooth as silk. “That sounds like a lot more fun than watching that McDreamy character all you girls drool over. We should give that a go next time. If I’m going to get blamed for something, then I, at least, should be able to reap the rewards.”

  And the arrogant Dex I know so well is back ladies and gentleman!

  My eyes roll as I climb out of bed and pad across the floor to flip on the radio. With the help of Maroon 5 blasting Moves like Jagger from my speakers, our voices should be concealed from anyone wondering by my room.

  “Stop being a pig.” Turning on my heel, I take the heap of clothes he discarded on the floor last night and toss them at his head. Moving faster than I thought capable after just waking, he catches them one handed and shoots me a devious smirk. I frown in return. “Hurry up and redress. I would hate for you to slip on your way down and injure your precious unthinkables on a branch.”

  Dex laughs, the sound slips over me like a warm blanket. “It can’t be that unthinkable if your standing there conjuring up thoughts about it this early in the morning.” Turning toward me his eyes darken. “I’m not stingy, baby. I don’t mind taking the time to play a game of show and tell with you.”

  My face along with other parts of my body flush with heat. It’s too early in the morning to be having this kind of conversation. A girl should, at least, get a cup or two of coffee before talking freely about a man’s penis. I shake my head but the image of him stroking his cock at Jimmie’s house the night of the party stays. Great, now it’s all I can think about.

  “Thanks for hanging out with me last night and all, but you’ve got to leave so I can get dressed.” Bypassing a mirror on the way to my closet, I about have a heart attack as my reflection flashes back at me. My hair came loose from the ponytail I had it tied in last night and is now sticking out in every direction. The crown of my head resembles a peacock’s feathers. I’m working to put it back in place when Dex comes up behind me. He pulls on the back of my shirt and I stumble into his chest. He hooks an arm around my waist and steadies me against him. Renewed excitement explodes inside of me.

  The softness of his voice tickles the back of my neck as he speaks. “I’ll leave and give you your space, but I’ll be back in an hour to collect you. You’re riding to school with us.” His head dips and his lips press an open mouthed kiss behind my right ear. Unable to resist, I rub against him, pressing my bottom against the prominent erection, tenting the front of his jeans.

  A low rumble escapes Dex as he pulls away and scrubs a hand down his face. “You’re killing me Jelly Bean. You can’t imagine the things I want to do to you.” He glances at my door then licks his lips as his eyes rake down my body. “I better get going.”

  I watch in a daze as he pushes off the wall and escapes out my window as soundlessly as he arrived. I clamp down on the part of me that demands I scream out his name and beg him to come back. I glance around my room with a frown marring my face. With Dex gone, the area feels empty and cold. I think back to all the times he either stood by me, made me laugh, or forced me to prove myself. Dex has been in my life for as long as I can remember. He’s the first boy to give me a silly nickname, a hug when I finally swam across Mr. Dipson’s pond without a rest, and kiss on the cheek when I fell off my bike and scrapped up my hands and knees. A powerful emotion, one I’ve never felt before squeezes at my heart.

  I can deny it till I’m blue in the face, but the fact remains, the same. I want Dex. I want anything he’s willing to give and then some. I’m royally screwed!

  Chapter Thirteen


  The moment I pulled into the school parking lot I knew something wasn’t right. Easing out of my truck, I scan the different groups of students hanging out near the entrance. Murmurs float through the air, but nothing solid that I can make sense out of.

  On Instinct, I turn to Nate, to ask if he has an inkling of why everyone is staring at us. Before I can get the words out, he places his cell phone in front of my face. The screen is lit up with an array of Twitter messages from some of our classmates.

  Cindy5564: The CW Boys will have their hands full today.

  Basketballking23: If I knew Addison was so easy to get with I would’ve paid her more attention. Call me Addy!

  Shygirl: Poor Addison. She doesn’t deserve to be called those names. A guy can do those same things and no one would care. Not fair.

  Monkey69: Who do you think did the deed? Props to whoever has the balls to take on the CW Boys.

  Fuck me! I retrieve Addison from the car and keep her close to my side. A primitive need to protect her takes hold of me. She flashes me a concerned glance. I give my head a small shake to tell her, no, and being the smart girl she is, she keeps her questions to herself. For now, at least.

  A dozen or more pair of eyes tracks our movements as we grab our backpacks and stride towards the East wing doors. Jimmie slides up next to me. “What the hell is going on?” He straightens to his full height of five feet and nine inches and glares back at anyone who dares to look in our direction. “Did one of you do something stupid and forget to tell me about it?”

  “Not this week,” Nate answers. He cocks his head and shoots me a troubled look. Sweat trickles down my back. I push down my unsettled nerves and clear my head.

  Out of habit, Nate and I position Addy between us as we walk. Nate’s hand cups her elbow as mine rests on the small of her back, and together, we guide and protect her as we move through the school. The hallways are overfilled with students, making our progress down the hallways slow. A hush falls over everyone as Addison’s locker comes into view.

  My blood runs cold at the sight before me. Some dipshit fucked with Addison’s locker, littering it with unwrapped condoms covered in a sticky white substance that look like cum, but clearly isn’t, and opened tampons with red gunk smeared on the ends of them. As if that wasn’t bad enough, written on the top in large lettering are the words- Whore, slut, bitch, fugly, skank – all the things our Addison isn’t.

  “Who the hell did this?” Jimmie roars. Slamming his backpack to the floor, he strides forward and begins tearing down all the offensive garbage. Once he’s finished the floor beneath him is littered with condoms making the hallway resemble something out of a whorehouse.

  A shocked gasp escapes Addy’s lips as she stares at the battered lockers in disbelief. Ignoring that we have an audience, I pull her against my side and stroke her trembling arm as I let out a hard breath through my nose. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Nate rolling his shoulders. My friend is itching for a fight. The problem to that is finding out who the lucky bastard will be. When someone fucks with one of us, there is only one way to deal with the fallout. Whoever that someone is, they have to pay for what they did, and I’m not talking about money.

  Another small sound leaves the back of Addy’s throat, one that sounds a lot like a whimper. It makes every goddamn muscle in my body tense. As I glance her way, I notice the tears pooling in her eyes, making her lashes glisten like diamonds. I wrap my hand around her neck and yank her to my chest. There’s no way I will let whoever did this see her fall apart. I keep her face hidden as I eye the crowd around us with a murderous glare. A few stupid pricks try and take a picture. Jimmie is on them in a heartbeat, snatching up their phones and threatening to smash it if they don’t scurry away like the rodents they are.

  “Shows over. Go to class or back whatever rock you climbed out of
.” I yell. My voice holds firm and unyielding as I scan the crowd. “If I see any of those photos or videos surfacing the web, I will hunt you down and make you regret ever being born.”

  With the threat of violence hanging heavy in the air, the crowd dissipates. Snickers are heard as everyone scatters until only the four of us remain. My chest rises and falls as I take in ragged breaths. I don’t ever remember feeling this reckless. A dry chuckle leaves me as I rake a hand through my hair. “I want the bastard that did this.”

  No one fucks with my girl and gets away with it.

  My girl. God I love the way those words sound.

  “They’re calling me a slut and whore? How cliché. I haven’t done…,” her voice trails off and she points an accusing finger at her locker. Her bottom lip trembles and damn if I don’t want to lean forward and try to kiss it all better. I wish it were that simple.

  “Dammit, I’m not any of those things,” Addy yells, her voice gaining strength.

  “I need names. Who would do this?” A long silence descends on us. Nate’s question burrows under my skin.

  Breathing hard, I raise my head to find Nate staring at me. His eyes are hot with anger and something else. Worry? I harden my jaw and turn to face everyone. “It would have to be someone reckless enough not to care about their welfare. Or maybe they’re delusional enough to think we wouldn’t come after them.”

  Jimmie points at Addison, his clenched jaw working overtime. “Sis, have you made any enemies lately that you forgot to tell me about?”

  “Besides you guys, Cammy, and Daniel, I tend to stick to myself. I don’t hang with anyone who enjoys defaming lockers or calling me names,” Addy adds with an edge to her voice. I hate how her lip quivers as she speaks. It’s tearing up my insides to seeing her so upset. She’s trying to be strong and hold it all together, but I can see through her façade. I can always see the real Addison underneath the tough exterior she portrays to the world. If I could wipe away all the hurt she’s feeling and make her smile again, I would.

  Jimmie’s not helping matters, so I give him something else to do. “Find a custodian and get them to come clean this shit up. If they can’t get all the words off, then they should repaint the whole damn thing.” My hand circles Addison’s waist as I pull her to my side. I secretly high five myself when she doesn’t fight me on it. “Nate and I will walk Addy to her first class. We’ll start asking around to see if anyone knows anything.”

  Jimmie glances at me than at the arm I have wrapped possessively around his sister. His eyes blink long and hard as he takes it all in. My brain is screaming at me to release her, but I’ve never been smart where Addy is concerned. Now is no different. I’m showing my cards by holding her so close. I want Addy more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. If that means going through Jimmie to make it happen, then so be it.

  Collecting his backpack, Jimmie gives Addy a kiss on the cheek then darts off to the school’s central office. I nudge Addison with my hip. “Grab all the books you need for your next few classes. If the custodians fail to get your locker cleaned before lunch, you’ll be using mine until it’s done.”

  Addison sucks in a shuttering breath and she stomps away. While she’s busy exchanging books and sorting her things, Nate sidles up next me. I tip my head back as I settle against the wall furthest away from her so we can talk in private.

  “Dex,” he prompts. “You and I both know a certain crazy ass cheerleader with anger issues and a grudge toward our girl. Didn’t you say she made a threat against Addison if you continued to show interest in her?”

  The accusation in his tone is loud and clear. This is all my fault. I want to argue with him, but it’s pointless. Deep down I know he’s right. My chest rises and falls in heavy succession as my fury grows. I’ve never wanted Nate to be more wrong than I do now. I refuse to be the reason Addison’s life is falling apart. We have enough treacherous territory to cross to get to our ’happily after’ without adding Lacey’s craziness to the mix.

  I shoot him a dark look. “Lacey and I have third period together. I’ll talk to her. I don’t expect her to come right out and tell me she did it, but if I rile her up enough, she might drop some clues.” I groan to myself but cut it off when Addy glances my way. “Nate if she did this then we’ve got to be smart on how we handle her. Lacey might come off as aloof, but it’s all an act. The girl is just as mean as she is clever. I’ve seen professional fighters show more mercy than her.”

  Nates frown deepens. He’s clearly agitated and there’s no doubt I’m the cause of it. “Wonderful. Do you…” His voice trails off and he looks to the ceiling as he runs a hand through his hair. His jaw is clenched when he looks back at me. “I’ll cozy up to some of her friends during the day and see if they know anything. I doubt they’ll squeal on her, but it’s worth a shot. Meanwhile, we need to stick together and make sure no one takes this assault against us as a sign of weakness.”

  All talk of Lacey is put on the back burner as Addy crosses over to us with a handful of books stuffed in her arms. I flash her a disarming smile as my eyes lock on her body. Dressed in faded skinny jeans and a V-neck baby blue top that outlines her perky boobs, she looks downright edible.

  I slide one finger into the belt loop of her jeans and give it a hard jerk. Addy stumbles forward and before she can fall, I take her hand and haul her to my side. My lips brush her cheek as I speak. “Have I told you how sexy you look today?”

  Her eyelids flit close and she leans into me. “No, but a girl can never hear enough compliments.” She bats her lashes. “Have any others you feel like showering me with?”

  I want to devour her right here and now. My mouth latches onto her earlobe and I give it a little nip, causing her to squeak out a nervous laugh.

  Nate coughs into his hand, catching our attention and ruining the moment. “Unless you’re planning on staying for after-school detention, I suggest we head to class.”

  Addison groans and hides her face against my chest. Her cute cheeks are lit up like the fourth of July. My eyes pinch together as I stare Nate down. He gives me a shrug, not caring one bit that he just interrupted a rare moment between Addy and I. Knowing he’s right about not being late to class, I blow out a sigh and link her arm in mine.

  “Class it is, Jelly Bean.”

  She giggles and gives me a little nudge with her arm.

  “Lead the way, Spider monkey.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Jimmie, if you don’t back off right this second I’m going to tell mom all about your cheesy porn collection hidden in the top of your closet.”

  “Your threats no longer bother me, sis,” he retorts. I dodge to the left in an attempt to bypass his outstretched arm, but my clumsy feet slow me down, earning me an unglorified noogie.

  “What are you five?” I grunt. I try to finger comb out the tangles now clumped together in one big mess on top of my head. When I feel as if I’ve got all the strands back in place, I clench my fist and punch Jimmie in the shoulder for being such an immature douchebag.

  He stops mid-step and rounds on me. To his surprise, I’m ready for him. I stab a finger in his chest as I speak, my voice low and serious. “I get that you’re worried about me, and I love you that you care, but you’ve got to stop following me around like a bad virus. You’re my twin, not my shadow. It’s starting to creep me out.”

  Cammy curls a strand of hair around her finger and pouts her perfectly painted up lips at my brother. “He can follow me wherever he likes. Jimmie, after school I’m heading home to an empty house. My parents have gone to some resort for the next week. I might need help changing out of these clothes. Feel free to lend a hand or two.”

  I pretend to gag as I watch the two of them eye-fuck each other. “Stop making me sick at my stomach. I don’t want the image of you two doing the nasty stuck in my head. That’s beyond gross and disturbing on many levels.”

  Since the ‘locker incident’ -and yes that is wh
at I’m now referring to it as- happened the boys have me on a short leash. Their concern is duly noted, but as with most things, they’ve taken it too far. Whoever trashed my locker obviously has a few screws loose and for whatever reason has decided that I’m the enemy. Or maybe, someone got my locker confused with someone else’s. Either way, the guys sticking to me like glue is driving me nuts.

  “What class do you have next?” Jimmie’s curt question unnerves me. The jerk refuses to listen to a damn thing I say. I might be small, but I’m not helpless. The locker episode was nothing but a stupid prank. I’m over it already, so why isn’t he?

  “Gym, and I have it with Cammy, so I don’t need you to act as my personal chaperone.” I place my arm around my best friend and give her a gentle squeeze. “Cammy’s got me covered. She even knows karate. If someone tries to hurt me, she can do that chopping thing with her hands and kick at them until they run away crying like a baby.”

  Jimmie makes a move for me, but I evade his hands and dodge behind Cammy. She’s not much of a defense but with her chest pushed out, he will get a face full of cleavage before his hands ever reach me. Knowing my brother and his slutty ways, that will stop him in his tracks.

  I square up my shoulders and give Jimmie the stink eye. “I mean it, brother. Leave me alone and cool it with all the smothering concern. I need some space. You guys can spend all the time you want tormenting me later. Cammy and I are capable of getting to class without having our lunch money stolen or being picked on by the larger kids.”

  Disappointment settles over his face. My chest tightens at how much he reminds me of my father right now. That’s the same expression he gives me at home when he doesn’t think I’m looking. Jimmie shakes his head then gives me the briefest of nods. “Fine, but promise me you’ll stay near Cammy at all times. If there is any problem you find a teacher, then text one of the guys or me immediately.”


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