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Savage Collision: A Hawke Family Novel (The Hawke Family Book 1)

Page 5

by Gwyn McNamee

  Her eyes meet mine, and that adorable blush races up her neck from her chest. “Damn, I didn’t realize it was so late.”

  “I don’t mind.” I smile at her and reach out to take her hand in mine across the table. I gently run my thumb across her knuckles and she shudders, sending quivers down my arm and straight to my already-strained cock.

  She bites her bottom lip and glances away. “I hope you don’t have to get up early. I would feel awful keeping you up.”

  Christ, if she only knew.

  “Actually,” I say, pulling her hand to my mouth and pressing my lips to her knuckles, “I do. I have to catch a plane to San Diego in the morning for my brother’s law school graduation ceremony. It isn’t until next Friday, but my whole family will be flying out for it, and we have a lot planned this week.”

  “Oh.” She casts her eyes down, then away again.


  As horrible as it sounds, I’m pleased to see the disappointment in her eyes at learning I’ll be gone for the next week. That’s a really fucking good sign, the best I can really ask for right now.

  I wait for her eyes to return to mine. “But, I would love to see you when I get back. I get in late Friday night, so maybe dinner on Saturday?” I brush my lips over her hand, and she shudders again.

  She smiles at me and squeezes my hand gently. “Yeah, that sounds great.”

  “Good.” I release her hand and motion for Michael to come over to the table. “Michael, can you please tell Gabe I need him to drive Ms. Eriksson home?”

  Gabe usually joins me for dinner on Friday nights, but tonight, he spent his time at the bar talking with Stephanie, one of his go-to girls. I’m sure I’ll be seeing her leave his condo tomorrow morning while I’m on my way to the airport.

  Lucky bastard.

  Danika glances around in confusion. “Oh no, I can take a cab. I took one here.”

  “Please, it’s no trouble at all. I insist. Gabe is already here anyway. This way, I know you got home safely and won’t be worrying about you all night.” The thought of her taking a cab, alone, dressed like that makes my skin crawl. I know exactly what every man who sees her will be thinking; the exact same thing I am. And while I may have some self-control when it comes to Danika, I don’t trust any other man to get within ten feet of her, except Gabe. He may be a player, but he’s also loyal as fuck and would never do anything to interfere with a woman I’m interested in.

  Letting out a reluctant sigh, she nods her agreement and stands when Michael returns from speaking with Gabe.

  She turns back toward the table and offers me a smile and my heart flip-flops in my chest.

  Be careful, Savage. This one will hurt you.

  “Goodnight, Savage. Thank you for dinner.” She leans down and kisses me gently on the cheek, her warm breath lingering against my skin before she pulls away. Goosebumps spread down my arms and my already painfully hard dick throbs against my pants.

  I want to grab her and yank her down into my lap so I can devour her mouth, but I restrain myself, instead smiling at her, telling her how much I enjoyed our evening with as much composure as I can muster.

  I track her progress across the restaurant to the bar, where Michael introduces her to Gabe. He tosses me a wave over his shoulder, and she glances back at me before disappearing out the front door. The moment she vanishes from my sight, my heart sinks and I bite out a curse.

  This woman could break me—easily—and I am more than willing to let her.

  I lean back in my seat and run my hands through my hair with a groan.

  Angelo drops into the seat Danika just vacated and raises his eyebrows. We’ve known each other for years and our post-dinner, closing-time chats have usually been very lighthearted and relaxing. Tonight, the look on his face says this one will be anything but. Probably because she’s the first woman I’ve brought here in over four years.

  “What?” I ask before draining my wine glass.

  “How did it go?”

  Twirling the empty glass in my hand, I give him the play-by-play of the last several hours, including Danika’s slips of the tongue and adorable blushing incidents. “So, great, I guess.”

  “You guess?” he asks skeptically. “It sure sounds like it couldn’t have gone better, so what am I missing?”

  I let out a deep sigh and place the glass on the table before dropping my face into my hands—anything to avoid looking him in the eye when I tell him. “She doesn’t know.”

  I knew she wouldn’t find anything when she researched me. I pay my lawyers a lot of money to keep my personal business out of the papers.

  He releases a long breath and whistles before he gives a humorless chuckle. “Then, my friend, you have a major problem.”

  Understatement of the fucking year.

  I lie in bed staring at the clock on my nightstand, mentally counting back two hours to figure out what time it is in California. 2:00 a.m. here means midnight there.

  Fuck. Do I call him?

  Not if I don’t want to look desperate.

  It’s only been two days since I saw him last.

  Calm your tits and give it a little time.

  I roll onto my back, sprawling across the bed, and stare at the ceiling fan, watching the paddles spin round and round until I get dizzy and have to clench my eyes shut. Sleep has been elusive since my dinner with Savage. If I get any at all, it’s fitful and short, and I end up having to bust out BOB to fulfill my middle of the night needs the Savage sex dreams create.

  After his buddy, Gabe, dropped me off at my apartment on Saturday night, I tried to go to bed immediately. I figured after three bottles of wine, I was wasted enough to crash right away. But, instead, I spent most of the night replaying every word we said to each other and thinking about every heated look he threw at me. Mostly, though, I thought about how his eyes and his mouth looked when he told me he wanted to bury his face between my legs and stick his tongue in my pussy.

  Who the fuck talks like that? Savage Hawke, apparently.

  My pussy clenches and my clit throbs just remembering that look when he said it. I have no doubt that man would know exactly what to do if I ever let him between my legs. I press my thighs together, but it’s no use. Two nights of masturbating thinking about Savage have not been enough to ease the deep ache he put there.

  Work hasn’t helped either. I thought maybe concentrating on my story on top of my daily assignments—really exhausting myself and staying late—would help keep my mind off that man, but it was futile. Flashes of his smile, his strong hands, the brush of his lips against my skin, the smell of his cologne when I kissed him goodnight, they just kept coming until I finally gave up and gave in to the fantasy.

  I glance at the clock again—2:09 a.m.

  Nine minutes? Fuck. It felt like nine hours.

  Mentally slapping myself, I reach out and grab a pillow, pressing it over my face to muffle my frustrated scream.

  Don’t give in. Don’t give him the power.

  Who the fuck am I kidding? I love men who display their power. Strong, powerful men are a fucking drug to me and I am a hopeless addict…as long as they don’t want more than a hard, fulfilling fuck. The whole relationship thing is just not in the cards. Not after seeing what losing my dad did to my mom. I can’t ever rely on someone like that for my own happiness.

  Once I get Savage out of my system, I’ll move on, like I always do. He doesn’t seem to be the type who will be willing to just be friends with benefits so it may be a one-time thing, but something tells me it will totally be worth it.

  Admitting that helps any reluctance fly out the window and I grab my cell phone off the nightstand along with the card that came with the roses he sent—the one with his cell phone number scrawled in neat cursive along the bottom.

  You are probably going to regret this.

  The beeps as I press the numbers into my phone are exceedingly loud in my silent bedroom. I enter it as a new contact, but instead of hitting “Call,” I
open a message box and type the first thing that comes to mind.

  < Hey! What are you doing? >

  Jesus, that was lame.

  I wait, not so patiently, and within seconds, those three little dots appear and my stomach does somersaults. The three dots are slow torture. Whoever invented them knew exactly what they were doing to people.

  Oh, crap! I never gave him my number! What if he doesn’t even know it’s me?

  > I was wondering when you were going to use that number I left you. I’m just getting into bed. <

  The image of Savage, naked, sprawled across a huge bed, assaults my brain and I clamp my thighs together again with a frustrated whimper.

  Goddamn this man and what he does to me.

  Finding release has never been a problem for me, nor has finding a partner to do it, but ever since I met him, nothing seems to satisfy my soul-aching need for him. My dalliance with Max was wholly unfulfilling and after going through a Costco-sized box of batteries in the last two weeks, I’m surprised my poor, abused BOB is still functioning.

  But I need to keep cool. I can’t let him know what he has done to me, how much I’ve been obsessing over him the last two days, and every single day since we met.

  < How is your trip? >

  > It would be a lot better if you were here. <

  I grin as I consider my response. Flirting via text message isn’t usually my thing. Usually I’m direct and just ask where we can meet to get down to business, but with him two thousand miles away, what other choice do I have?

  < What would be happening if I was there? >

  Almost immediately, my phone rings in my hand, startling me and making my heart jump in my chest.

  Fuck, it’s him!

  I can’t not answer it, but now I feel a little stupid for texting him in the middle of the night. Shit. I take a deep breath and hit “Accept.” Trying to sound nonchalant is impossible at this point, but I give it a shot anyway, “Hey.”

  “Hey, yourself,” he replies, his deep voice sending chills down my spine and doing nothing to disperse the annoying throb between my thighs.

  “What’s up?”

  What’s up? Really, Danika? Are you ten? He’s in bed at midnight, what the fuck do you think is up, besides maybe his dick?

  He chuckles softly before responding, “My dick.”

  Moisture pools between my legs. God, I bet his cock is hard and thick just like the rest of him.

  Is he touching himself?

  Jesus Christ…

  Watching a man stroke his own cock is just about the sexiest thing I’ve ever experienced and imagining Savage doing it has my body begging for it, despite knowing he’s hours away.

  I slide my hand down between my legs and find my wet core. I’ve been practically dripping since meeting Savage, and with the visions in my head right now, it’s more like a tidal wave.

  The slow glide of my finger over my clit has me biting back a groan. He doesn’t need the ego boost of knowing what I’m doing right now. For all I know, he’s just joking about having an erection.

  If it is a joke, he is one sick bastard.

  I grip my cock in my right hand while I hold the phone to my ear with my left. It was rock hard the second she texted me. There is only one reason someone texts you after midnight—because they are horny and thinking about you.

  Score one for Team Savage.

  Her sharp intake of breath lets me know she heard me and that she’s still there. I patiently wait for her response. Is she going to bite? Or will she pretend to ignore the invitation I’ve just offered her?

  I’m a phone sex virgin and have no fucking clue what I’m doing here. Not being in control, not being able to anticipate her response, throws me off-kilter. Waiting for her reply is killing me.

  She clears her throat and I smile, imagining her flushed face and breasts. I’ve already come to love seeing the spread of that red, and knowing I’m the one who put it there. I only hope my words had that effect on her. Given the way she reacted to me at dinner, I would place my money on yes.

  “Really?” she asks in a quiet, breathy voice.

  She took the bait!

  “Uh-huh.” I stroke my cock slowly, desperately wanting her to join me in what has become my nightly activity since I met her. “What’s up with you? Why are you still awake at 2:00 a.m.?”

  Shit, that wasn’t sexy at all. Way to shoot yourself in the foot.

  Her chuckle echoes through the phone and I picture her beautiful smile, directed at me.

  “I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Oh, and you thought talking to me might bore you enough to render you unconscious?” I lace my comment with sarcasm, hoping she’ll understand I’m only joking.

  Silence meets me and I’m suddenly worried I’ve stepped too far. Shit, Danika, don’t disappear on me.

  “Oh, shut the fuck up, you arrogant prick. You know what I meant and you know damn well you are the reason I can’t sleep.”


  My heart lurches into my throat at her confession, and the throb in my cock resurges. “Actually, no, I didn’t know that. I can hope, but…”

  She huffs and I can practically see her rolling those gorgeous blue eyes at me.

  “Oh, come on, look at you…” She trails off and I close my eyes, wincing slightly, because she has no idea what her words actually mean. She can’t know, because I haven’t told her.

  Switch topics.

  “I’d rather look at you, or at least think about looking at you.”

  “Yeah? Why’s that?” Her voice is breathy and I can’t help but hope her heart is racing in anticipation the way mine is. It’s almost beating out of my chest.

  “Because just picturing the way you looked when you stormed into my office that day gets me hard as a fucking rock.”

  She doesn’t respond but I can hear her heavy breathing over the line, which tells me she at least hasn’t hung up on me yet.

  Take the leap, Savage, just tell her exactly what she does to you.

  “You have no idea what you do to me,” I confess, resuming the slow glide of my hand up and down my length. “I’ve jerked off too many times to count thinking about you over the last two weeks, and it’s only gotten worse since our dinner.”

  Another agonizing pause has me questioning the sanity of being so honest. I barely know this woman. I should keep my damn mouth shut. It’s one thing to casually joke about it and flirt over dinner, but this is very real. Maybe I took it a step too far.

  “I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one.” Her words are quiet but clear, and blood rushes in my ears at her admission. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, either.”

  Ding! Ding! Ding! Round one to Savage. Getting her to admit she feels something other than disgust for me is a major win as far as I’m concerned. Her body may have given her away at dinner, but to hear the words out of her mouth confirms everything I’ve hoped for.

  Now, I just need to ease into this. “What do you think about?”

  No way I’m jumping off this cliff unless she takes the lead. I’m not going to scare her away now, but goddamn, I hope she’s ready to leap because I sure as fuck am.

  She lets out a breathy sigh and I hear a rustle of covers.

  Dear God, please let her be touching herself under those sheets.

  “You…touching me.”


  I struggle to swallow against the sudden dryness of my throat. “Touching you where?”


  Images of her swollen breasts, impossibly long legs, and pale white skin against the darkened skin of my hands has me ready to come quicker than any porn I’ve ever watched.

  “Tell me what you’re doing,” I command, my hand setting a steady, slow rhythm up and down my cock. The brush of my own skin against my needy flesh does in no way compare to how she would feel wrapped around me, but if I think about that too much, I’ll blow my load right now.

  “Touching myself,
” she murmurs, and the visual of her, sprawled out naked on her bed, her hand between her legs, her pussy glistening with her arousal, has me groaning into the phone.

  “I wish I was there. I would bury my face in your cunt and lick you slowly before sliding my tongue into you and sucking on your clit until you scream my name, come all over my face, and beg me to stop.”

  A moan floats out from the phone at my words and her breathing becomes more of a desperate panting.

  She’s close already. Good, because I won’t fucking last much longer.

  My hand continues to pump my cock in a rhythm designed to keep me dangerously close to the edge. I don’t expect her to respond. Her throaty moans, gasps, and panting are enough to make me want to blow my load.

  “I wish I was sucking your cock right now.” Her words stun me momentarily and my hand stills on my cock before returning to a more intense motion.


  “Me, too. Sliding my cock into your hot, wet mouth right now would be fucking paradise.”

  She moans and her breathing picks up and I know it’s time to take her over the edge.

  “When I pull my cock from your sweet mouth, I won’t waste any time sliding it through your wet pussy and slamming into your tight, wet cunt.”

  A strangled cry alerts me to her release and I picture her body bowing up off of the bed while her finger swirls around her clit. “Fuck…”

  Her breathy curse pushes me over the edge and I roar as I come, shooting my cum all across my stomach and chest.

  “Did you come?” she asks a moment later, after I’ve finally descended from the heavenly high.

  “Uh, yeah, Danika, I have the evidence all over my stomach right now.”

  She responds without hesitation, “Show me.”

  I grin and hang up so I can access the camera on my phone. If she wants it, I’ll show it to her.

  After hitting “Send,” I wait a few seconds to give her time to examine the photo. I know what she’s seeing—my chest and abs coated in cum and my still-hard cock jutting out from the edge of white sheets, resting against my stomach.


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