Solar Sizzle

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Solar Sizzle Page 6

by Joan Bramsch

  Her crafty mind took that moment to remind her of what she'd been missing for the last few years—romance. And suddenly she was famished. Well, why not? she asked herself. It was time. But with Shawn?

  She thought about all the times during the last several days when she'd been prodded to snip at the man. He seemed to take a fiendish delight in getting her riled. He also enjoyed her laughter, she suspected, remembering times when she'd caught him watching her, and he always wore a delighted grin. Now she finally knew the reason why she wasn't better able to defend herself against his teasing attacks. It was because her emotions kept stumbling into her usually quick wit.

  His personality was as strong as hers, she realized. He gave her something to push against. And he seemed insistent in giving as good as he got! Could that mean he respected her as an equal? she wondered. She shook her head to banish her unsettling thoughts, reminding herself that he'd be here for only a short time. And he was a business associate. And she had to remember what Jessica had told her.

  Oh, if only she could forget all that and look upon a relationship with Shawn simply as a lark. It could be such great fun. She moaned aloud when she thought about his blazing kisses, the way he'd molded and arched her body against him that first night. Making love with Shawn could be mind-boggling!

  Just then her stomach gave an unladylike growl reminding her that it had been a long time since her last meal. “You, I can feed!"

  Just then Tina and Mike came out the door and hurried toward the car. She was only two inches taller than Casey but outweighed her by at least fifteen pounds simply because the girl had one of the most sexy voluptuous figures Casey had ever seen. A basic Italian body, Mike had commented languidly, soon after he'd begun dating Tina. Her black eyes and long raven tresses only added to her olive-skinned beauty.

  She doted upon Mike, Casey knew, although Tina was not above giving him a taste of her Italian temper when he had it coming. What a family they would have, she thought, smiling. Their kids would be champion soccer players before they entered Kindergarten! Tina had a business degree in computer programming. She would be a good helpmate for Mike when the time came for him to share leadership in the company. And they loved each other so much it brought tears to Casey's eyes.

  I wonder what Shawn is doing right now? interrupted her heart.

  Mike opened the driver's door so Tina could be seated next to him.

  "Hi, Tina.” Casey squeezed the girl's hand with warm affection. “Mmmm, you smell almost as good as my little brother.” She laughed merrily when Mike muttered something under his breath about a skunk. “Ready for a big night, honey?” she asked her future sister-in-law. The formal announcement of their engagement was only a few weeks away when they would all celebrate Tina's twenty-third birthday at a special party she and her mother had been planning all month.

  "As ready as I'll ever be.” She gave Casey a little peck on the cheek. “I had to work until six tonight. What a rush! But Daddy wants Mama's new billing system to work perfectly and he won't let anyone punch in one byte except his brilliant only child.” She rolled her eyes and giggled.

  "He trusts you."

  "Besides, Doc gets it free!” chortled Mike, up to his old teasing tricks again.

  Casey thought it was a comment Shawn might make to her if the opportunity presented itself.

  "Oh, you meany!” cried Tina, giving lie to her words when she cuddled against his strong body and pinched his leg.

  The ride was uneventful to the stately Chase-Park Plaza Hotel located across the wide boulevard from the city's famed Forest Park. The world-class Zoo and several other attractions were located there including the flying saucer, futuristic shaped Planetarium. Traffic had thinned considerably after the usual rush hour crush, and soon Mike pulled into the curving drive in front of the mammoth old hotel. The doorman was quick to help the ladies from the car while Mike turned over his keys to the valet for parking. Coming around to the entrance, he gallantly offered each of the women his arm as they made their way up the sweeping staircase to the heavy glass doors.

  "I'm sure a lucky guy,” he remarked proudly. “I get to escort the two most beautiful women in St. Louis tonight.” He gave his sister a wink and then glanced over at Tina and blew her a kiss. “Let's really have a good time."

  Casey saw the special visual message her brother sent to his sweetheart, and was caught off-guard by the bittersweet feeling invading her heart. I wish Shawn were here tonight to see me, she thought.

  After they checked their wraps, Casey complimented Tina on her white gown, a long, flowing Grecian design which fell softly from the empire’ waistline giving the illusion of modesty, but failing nonetheless to veil her voluptuous figure.

  When they entered the Starlight Room, they were greeted by many of their business friends. Wending their way to their table, they found Maureen and John already seated, enjoying cocktails and acting as if they were the only two in the room. Again, Casey wished to see Shawn, crazy as it may have seemed.

  Her sister threatened to outshine them all with her new gown bought especially for the evening. It was a pencil-slim forest green crepe and the design as it hugged her youthful figure belied the fact that she was the mother of a six-year-old child. John looked equally dashing in his tuxedo.

  After Mike seated the women, he went around the table to shake hands with John. “By golly, John, we're the best looking bunch in the whole joint tonight."

  His brother-in-law heartily agreed, looking over the huge crowd. Everyone was celebrating and that meant the drinks never stopped flowing.

  "It never changes,” confirmed Maureen, looking happily around her at the jovial crowd. “We belong to a group of people who play as hard as they work."

  "Well, we only go around once, m'love.” John gave her a kiss meant to fluster her, and did. “Let's enjoy it while we may, darlin'. Mom's got Katie and you and I have the whole night ahead of us."

  His sensual whisper brought a flush of anticipation to Maureen's beautiful face. Her green eyes sparkled with her love. “If we keep drinking like this, we're all going to have such big heads in the morning that we'll have to cancel the game,” she warned unrepentantly, tipping her glass to her smiling lips.

  Mike proclaimed that nothing would stop the match but Casey didn't join the teasing banter. She sat back in her chair, very aware that she was alone this evening with two loving couples, and she wished again to see Shawn. He seemed to enjoy her family so much. She smiled to herself because she knew he could also hold his own during their hilarious ribbing sessions and he had, she supposed, the O'Brien will-to-win, much like the McDermott clan. Yes, he'd fit right in. Probably be the life of the party if he were here tonight. But, of course, he wasn't.

  After dinner, Matthew Flynn, the president of the organization, stepped onto the stage and spoke into the microphone. “Welcome, my friends,” he began. “This is the twenty-seventh annual presentation awards banquet of the Greater St. Louis Construction Association.” He smiled warmly. “Tonight is particularly special for me because I have the honor of awarding the trophy of excellence to the family of one of my dearest and sorely missed friends, Michael J. McDermott, Sr.” A wave of applause gave unanimous approval to his words. “Would Casey McDermott please step forward?” He shaded his eyes against the light, trying to spot her in the audience.

  Casey stood, feeling the eyes of her family and the crowd upon her. She smiled nervously, then smoothed her dress and walked proudly and gracefully to the stage.

  Mr. Flynn gave her a fatherly hug and a chaste kiss on the forehead. “Folks, I'd like you all to meet Casey McDermott, the eldest child of my dear friend Mike, and the president of McDermott Construction Company. She's a structural engineer and has guided the company's new thrust into energy conservation work with intelligence and foresight.” He turned to make the presentation. “Now, Casey, on behalf of all of us here, please accept this coveted trophy as a sign of our great respect and esteem.” He handed the gold award
to Casey.

  Everyone in the room stood. The whistling and clapping ovation lasted a full minute and brought tears to Casey's already bright emerald eyes. They were paying tribute to her father as well as to his company's continued success. She favored the audience with a dazzling smile that brought a few more whistles from the back.

  "I want to thank you for this great honor you've seen fit to bestow upon our family,” she said. “Many of you know that our father began his company over thirty years ago. Since his passing last year, my brother Mike, my sister Maureen, together with her husband John, and various other cousins and in-laws have joined me in expanding our work into the energy conservation field."

  She paused, a twinkle coming into her wide eyes. “Those of you who may not have known Mike, Senior, personally might remember him as the happy man who annually did a sprightly Irish Jig sometime during the evening of this banquet.” She was rewarded with waves of laughter at this information.

  "Although we remaining McDermotts may have redirected our building efforts, none of us has lost sight of Dad's lifelong creed: ‘Every client deserves the best we've got!’”

  She touched the trophy with loving fingers, then gazed out over the crowd again. “I thank you with all my heart for the high honor you've given us this evening. Dad would have been very proud. Thank you.” She gave President Flynn a kiss on his wrinkled cheek before she made her way back to the table amid cheers and shouts.

  The orchestra struck up a lively ditty as if to pay homage to the man, now gone. Immediately a circle of their peers surrounded the dance floor, motioning to Mike and John to begin the dance. Casey slipped back into her chair when the two men threw their arms about one another's shoulders and made their way to the center of the floor.

  The crowd clapped the happy tempo as the pair began the traditional straight-backed dancing steps, surprising even their family with the high leaps and complicated footwork. When the music went into the last frenzied chorus, the two men swept Casey and Maureen from their seats and whirled them around and around until the music ended. The crowd went wild, and the four walked breathlessly back toward their table.

  Casey's face was flushed with excitement and she leaned against her brother for support. They were laughing deliriously when they heard a familiar deep voice beside them.

  "Very nice!” Appraising eyes swept over Casey.

  Mike shook Shawn's hand. He had a bright smile upon his face and a teasing light in his green eyes. “Hey, Shawn. It's good to see you. Looks as if they'll let anybody into this shindig these days."

  "Actually I was invited,” Shawn returned smoothly, “when I paid President Flynn a courtesy call the first day I was in town.” He turned his gaze back to Casey. “Good evening, Casey. You're looking especially beautiful tonight.” He took a step nearer. “Are you glad to see me?"

  She stood before him, looking up into his calm tanned face, trying desperately to quiet her clamoring heart. Her features softened with the emotions she was experiencing and Shawn's alert gaze narrowed perceptively.

  "As a matter of fact, I am glad to see you, Shawn.” She was breathless, but was it from the dance or his unexpected appearance? “I was just wondering why you didn't mention this afternoon that you were coming, that's all."

  "I wanted to surprise you.” He looked marvelously handsome in a black silk evening suit that Casey was sure he knew, accentuated his dark good looks. “Tell me, was it a pleasant one?"


  Her caution disappeared and with it, her reserve. Instantly she decided she was going to enjoy this time with him. She met his steady gaze with eyes that showed him how happy she was to see him, and then she smiled sensuously as if to punctuate her unspoken thoughts, unaware that her actions caused Shawn's heart to slam against his ribcage.

  The orchestra began to play a soft romantic ballad and he asked her to dance. She was just moving into his arms when a startlingly attractive woman came to his side and caught him by the arm.

  "There you are, Shawn. I couldn't find you."

  Unperturbed Shawn favored the willowy blond with a lazy grin. “You can't lose me that easily, Connie.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Let me introduce you to Casey and Mike McDermott."

  She immediately shook their hands. “I'm so glad I'm able to meet you before I leave. The McDermotts are all I've heard about since Shawn met you.” She seemed genuinely delighted. “He says you're the best we've got to bring to contract, and from Shawn, that's a real compliment."

  "Hey, the man knows good stuff when he finds it,” bragged Mike.

  "I'm happy to meet you, Miss...?” questioned Casey, somewhat overcome by the sudden appearance of this beautiful woman at Shawn's side.

  "Excuse me,” cut in Shawn. “Connie has been known to get carried away at times.” He directed an indulgent smile her way. “Casey, Mike, I'd like you to meet Constance Tabor, my personal assistant. She came back with me this week. I don't know what I'd have done without her."

  Connie smiled adoringly up into Shawn's face. “Oh, you'd make it, Boss,” she contradicted. “You always do."

  "But not so easily. I wasn't there half the time. What did they say at reservations?"

  "I can get a flight out at midnight so I'm going,” she told him, grinning happily. “You're on your own, Boss. I want to go home."

  "If you keep Puka from working on that project, you'll be fired,” he promised, removing his threat with a warm smile.

  "Would I do that?"

  "Every chance you got! Have a safe flight, Connie.” He gave her a kiss on her cheek, then turned back to Casey. “Shall we have that dance now?"

  "Wouldn't you like to have a last dance with Connie before she leaves you?” Her face smiled but her insides knotted at the injustices of life. “Mike can escort me back to our table.” She began to walk away. A firm hand on her arm stopped her escape.

  "I want to dance with you, Casey.” His voice held a velvet edge.

  "My cab will be waiting for me anyway,” said Connie. “I'll call you Monday morning, Shawn, and we'll see you in two weeks, okay?"

  "Sure, Connie. See you soon.” He swept Casey's stiff body onto the dance floor without another word. As they circled to the music, he hissed against her ear. “Relax!” The gruff order only caused her to move away from him. “I'm getting the distinct impression you're jumping to erroneous conclusion, young lady. What the hell is going on in that pretty head of yours?"

  "I don't know what you're talking about.” But her mind was racing.

  "I told you. Connie is my personal assistant. Not my personal mistress.” He smiled smugly when he saw the flush of embarrassment stain Casey's cheeks. “That's it, isn't it?"

  "I couldn't care less what you do in your private life. It's really none of my business."

  He drew her near, secretly glad of her outburst. The woman was jealous! “I swear, Casey, it's a wonder your little nose isn't a yard long."

  Casey felt tears sting her eyes. She was upset, disgusted with herself. “Oh, Shawn,” she whispered, her voice breaking with frustration. “I don't know what's gotten into me."

  "Come on, baby, just dance for awhile and you'll feel better.” He held her close, enjoying the way her head felt, nestled against his chest. He dropped his chin and kissed her crown, breathing in the subtle fragrance of her perfume. When he felt her relax, he explained again about Connie. He told her that in three months she would become Tom Puka's wife.

  "She really is my able assistant, Casey, nothing more. You do believe me, don't you?"

  His lips were doing strange things to her senses as he smoothed his mouth against her ear causing thrills of excitement to course through her body. “Yes, I believe you, Shawn.” Feeling suddenly lightheaded, she leaned against him, inhaling the heady mixture of his cologne and masculine essence. Life, she decided, was once again sweet.

  They danced in silence, both just content to move with the soft romantic music. They forgot the rest of the world. Gently he pulled b
ack a little so he could look down into her star-glazed emerald eyes. “I've never enjoyed just holding a woman this much before, Casey. I could hardly believe my eyes when I finally realized it was you up on that stage.” He smiled approvingly. “You see, at first, I didn't recognize you."

  She returned his warm smile but had to contradict his words just to keep the record straight. “You seem to make a habit of that,” she teased, “but I'm the same person I always am."

  "I'm glad to hear it, Casey. Ah, but the packaging is simply breathtaking tonight.” He watched her cheeks turn pink. “And when you blush like that, it makes me a little crazy. Did you know that?"

  His honesty only caused the blush to deepen and Casey could say nothing. She just shook her head in disbelief.

  "How could your parents name such a warm soft female, ‘Casey'? I'll admit you can be tough and feisty, but you're also a beautiful woman."

  The tremor he felt in her swaying body made him hold her closer. She was actually vibrating with pleasure. And those vibrations were causing a serious reaction in his loins, he realized, feeling the heat of her body affect his aching manhood. Once again he was reminded of their intense mutual chemistry. St. Louis woman, he told her silently, I've got it bad!

  "Actually Casey stands for my initials."


  She didn't realize she'd interrupted some rather earth-shattering thoughts. “You know—K. C. I was named after my mother and it made things a lot less complicated."

  The world stopped quaking then so Shawn began guessing. “K ... Kathleen?"


  "A wonderful name for a bonnie lassie. And the C? Colleen? Cynthia? Constance?"


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