Solar Sizzle

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Solar Sizzle Page 7

by Joan Bramsch

  "I'd rather not say.” She smiled self-consciously.

  He chuckled in appreciation of her plight. “My full name is Shawn Timothy O'Brien. Now, can you deny me the pleasure of knowing your given names?” he entreated. His comic grimace showed he was bracing himself for the worst. His antics brought peels of tinkling laughter to Casey's lips, and the vibrations started all over again for Shawn.

  "It's not as bad as all that!” she retorted. “I was christened Kathryn Celestine."

  At once his face took on an expression of extreme pleasure. “Kathryn Celestine!” He repeated her name softly, almost reverently. “Your parents chose a most appropriate name. Heavenly woman! And you are that, sweetheart ... and more."

  Casey couldn't respond to his words. She could only sigh and move with him and the music, savoring the moment.

  Later, the two joined Casey's family. They shared their happiness with the other couples at the table. She'd been right, she decided silently. Shawn fit right in. He could take the teasing directed his way as well as hand it out. She couldn't remember the last time she'd laughed so much. In family tradition they were constantly changing partners for the next dance.

  Finally the last dance was announced. Mike took Tina by the hand and led her to the dance floor; John did the same with his wife. Then Shawn escorted Casey to the dimly lit area and into his embrace. Her hands crept around his neck, her fingers seeking the dark curls at his nape. Shawn sighed contentedly, wrapping her in his strong arms. His warm touch caressed her lower back, sending exciting messages all along Casey's spine. Her breasts rubbed softly against the wide expanse of his chest, bringing the smoky peaks to hard ripe buds of desire.

  "Let's get out of here, Casey. I want to be alone with you.” His whisper warmed and enticed her. His obvious arousal throbbed between them. Several quick darts of his warm moist tongue along the outer rim of her ear accentuated the appeal of his words.

  All she wanted to do was grab his hand and run for the nearest exit, but what would her family think? As it turned out, the problem was solved before she returned to the table.

  "I hope you guys aren't planning to continue this party together,” cautioned John, sending a message of outright longing over to Maureen. “It's time this lovely creature and I were home.” He cradled his wife in his arms.

  "Don't let us stop you, brother-in-law,” interjected Mike, holding tight to his Tina. “Some of our friends are going with us over to Tina's house for a little more partying. We just called her folks and they said it was fine with them."

  He turned to Shawn and smiled devilishly. “You won't mind dropping Casey off at the house, will you, old buddy? I'd hate to ask my pint-sized sibling to take a cab home ... all alone."

  Casey was about to take her younger brother down a peg or two, but Shawn interceded smoothly, playing the straight man to Mike's matchmaking. “It would be my pleasure, Mike, that is, if the little lady doesn't mind."

  Casey was completely jangled and lowered her thick lashes over her starry emerald eyes, but she managed to murmur softly. “I don't mind, Shawn ... if it isn't any extra trouble for you."

  "No trouble at all,” he crooned into her ear as he drew her tightly along his side with a firm hand around her waist.

  Maureen, Casey noted with exasperation, seemed to be holding her breath ... again!

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  Chapter 5

  The ride to Casey's home took less than an hour. The couple filled the time with small talk about the evening's events.

  "Connie seems like a very nice person,” Casey observed. “When are she and Tom getting married?"

  "In three months. But Tom would sure like to make it sooner,” he replied. “He really loves that woman."

  "Isn't Connie sure?"

  Shawn chuckled. “Oh, she's sure, all right, but she's planning this gosh-awful humongous wedding, and that takes time.” He frowned momentarily. “I think she's getting a bad case of bride's nerves, though. She's been jumpy as a cat this week."

  "Maybe she just missed Tom.” She knew how much she missed Shawn when he wasn't around, and she didn't even love him!

  "You could be right, but I think there's more to it than that,” he countered. “I know Connie pretty well, and something's really got her on edge.” He smiled and squeezed Casey's hand. “I'm probably borrowing trouble."

  They laughed together when they recounted again for their own enjoyment the antics of her dancing brother and brother-in-law.

  "Your family always seems to have a good time together,” observed Shawn, still chuckling. “I find that very refreshing."

  "We do enjoy one another's company,” agreed Casey, “but then you've not been around when we've staged a real donnybrook. We can get pretty loud.” She grinned. “But I love them with all my heart.” She hugged the huge trophy in her arms. “Our parents must have really had their hands full, raising us."

  "Seems to me you've all turned out all right. It's obvious your mother and father gave you the strength and pride to stand together.” He sighed wistfully. “I wish I'd had the chance to be a part of a family like yours."

  "It must have been very difficult for you.” Casey suddenly wished that he could be a part of her family. “I can't imagine what it would be like to be completely alone.” She glanced over at Shawn's handsome profile outlined in shadow by the dashboard lights. “Were you very lonely?"

  Momentarily he met her pensive eyes, then reached again for her hand to hold it warmly in his much larger one. “There was little time to be lonely in the crowded orphanage or at the Puka home, but still ... There were countless moments when I was surrounded by people and felt completely alone. Times when I knew in my soul that I had no one to call my own. Can you understand?"

  "I think I can ... a little.” She answered quietly, remembering her feelings earlier in the evening when she was with her two loving siblings and their mates. She had felt very much alone then.

  They drove on in silence, each with his or her own thoughts, until Shawn pulled into the driveway of her home. “I see you left the porch light on tonight.” He slanted a mischievous smile in Casey's direction. “It's a good thing because I don't think we're dressed for another wrestling match ... on the ground."

  He skimmed the back of his hand lightly along Casey's cheek, his eyes feasting hungrily on her warm full mouth. “I had something a little more gentle in mind."

  Casey's strength left her body in the heat of his intense gaze. Her mind told her it would be prudent to say goodnight right here but her heart had other ideas so that she was not surprised by her quiet words. “Would you like to come in for a nightcap?” She sounded breathless, knowing already what his answer would be.

  "If it isn't any extra trouble for you,” he replied, echoing her earlier comment. And that did surprise her!

  "No trouble at all."

  Together they walked to the house, Shawn holding firmly to Casey's small hand while he lugged the heavy trophy in his free arm. Once inside, Casey slipped her fur wrap from her shoulders and moved toward the stairway.

  "If you'll excuse me for a moment, I think I'll take this to my room,” she remarked casually. “You can hang your coat on the hall tree behind you if you'd like, and then you can light the fire in the fireplace.” She pointed with a graceful hand to the large comfortable room through the arch.

  "I'd like ... very much. What should I do with your golden trophy?"

  "Just put it right in the middle of the mantel,” she instructed, smiling happily when she looked with pride at the large piece. She started up the stairs, calling over her shoulder that the wood had already been laid. “Just touch a match to it. I'll get our nightcap in a minute."

  "Hurry back.” His murmured words were filled with emotion and brought a flush to her cheeks. “A fire is meant to be shared."

  Ten minutes later, Casey came to the head of the stairs. Shawn was waiting for her in the dimly lit hallway below. Feeling suddenly nervous she asked from the t
op step, “Did I hear the phone ring?"

  Shawn's fiery gaze roamed over her poised figure but he answered in a calm quiet voice. “Yes, it was Mike. He said to tell you Tina's parents have insisted he stay the night because, and I quote, ‘they aren't going to let me come to my engagement party in a body cast', unquote.” He chuckled softly. “I suspect there's quite a party going on over there and Mike might be a bit too happy to drive safely. He didn't want you to worry,” he added. “Said he'd see us at the game in the morning."

  "I'm glad he called.” Casey tried to ignore the obvious fact that she could now spend as much time as she wished alone with Shawn. Her brother was going to be away for the night. “I'll get our drinks now.” She began to come down the stairs toward Shawn, grasping the handrail for the support she needed as he watched her slow descent.

  Halfway down, his comment stopped her forward motion. “With legs like yours, it's criminal to wear pants.” His appraising gaze skimmed her slender form.

  Caught off guard by his words, she laughed musically to cover her nervousness, never realizing that the lighthearted sound was adding fuel to the fire of Shawn's desire for her. “How can you be such a throwback, Shawn? I'd be out of a job tomorrow and probably sitting in jail accused of indecent exposure if I didn't wear work clothes on the roof."

  She was dismayed to see the grim set of his mouth when he answered her rebuttal in an exasperated tone of voice. “I wasn't making a political or social comment, Casey.” He fumed quietly. “I was simply trying to tell you that you have very attractive shapely legs, and I like looking at them."

  Sorry for her flippancy, she smiled more provocatively than she might have intended. “Then I'll simply say thank you for the compliment."

  Audibly drawing in his breath at the alluring picture she made above him on the stairs, he ordered softly, his voice ragged with arousal. “Kathryn Celestine, come here!"

  Like one hypnotized, Casey was drawn to him. She lifted her hand to meet his outstretched fingertips, coming into his arms on the bottom step so that their eyes were on the same level. Tenderly he caressed her glowing face with hands so gentle they felt like a cool mist rising from a woodland glade. He leaned forward to kiss her, his mouth soft and pliant against her trembling lips. His breath warmed her skin. “I've been waiting to do this all evening."

  Her arms, now weightless, stole along his shoulders to encircle his neck. At the same time Shawn released his gentle hold and lowered his hands past her throbbing breasts, grown taut and full at his close proximity. His fingertips trailed to her waist and then rose slowly up her sides, pulling her closer to his strong body. His thumbs made mesmerizing circles at the edge of her thrusting torso, giving her the courage to draw nearer, like a moth to a seductive flame.

  "Kiss me again, Shawn,” she whispered boldly as she leaned still closer against his body.

  The kiss was one of exploration, tender, seeking, sweet, and when it ended, it left Casey wanting more. Her emerald eyes changed to smoky jade, and she had no words to deny his next action when he carefully removed the great silver pins from her hair. It took only a moment. Not wanting to move away from her, he slipped the hair ornaments into his jacket pocket and began to finger-brush her long silken tresses into cascading profusion around her shoulders.

  "You're a fiery red-haired vixen, Kathryn Celestine. You're fire and ice. Melt for me.” His command rumbled with desire and was not meant to be denied. “Melt for me and kiss me like you've kissed no other man.” His heart swelled with joy when he felt Casey's body begin to comply.

  Her sigh of surrender broke Shawn's tenuous control, and he crushed her to him in an explosive kiss. Her lips parted willingly to admit his pointed exploration of the hidden sweetness of her mouth. Her body pulsated with newfound emotions as she arched against his hips, aware of the throbbing thrust of his arousal.

  She grew dizzy when she met his continuing sensual attack equally with her strong response. Their hands began a deft discovery of one another's bodies as the tumultuous kiss went on and on, never waning in intensity or purpose. When Casey finally pulled gently away, both were breathless. She grinned, secretly delighted with her efforts, and could not resist asking her question when she met his glazed seeking eyes. “How was that?"

  "More than I ever hoped for.” His mind was a complete blank; his emotions filled to overflowing by his reaction to her kiss. He hadn't expected anything like this! “I'm not sure who melted,” he admitted ruefully, searching her face. “I think you might have been using some gorilla tactics.” He pulled her back into his arms, intent on kissing her again, determined to use every weapon in his considerable arsenal of experience.

  Sensing his intentions, Casey deftly slipped away from him, laughing provocatively. She needed a little time before she tried that again! “I've just discovered a secret weapon, I think. But now I'd better get our nightcap.” She walked toward the kitchen. “Did you start the fire?"

  "Oh, yeah!” he replied, morosely. His voice sounded as if he were in pain. “I started the fire ... and you've just thrown gasoline on it!"

  "Shawn!” She intended to sound outraged but couldn't quite carry through with the effort because they both collapsed, laughing, against the kitchen counter where he had followed her. He really was fun! she decided happily.

  He gallantly accepted her direction to take two brandy snifters from the top shelf, well out of her reach, while he continued to shake his head in disbelief. “You know, you're the only woman I've ever met who can make me laugh ... and at myself, at that."

  "Laughter is good for the soul,” she returned cheerily, leading the way back into the warm cozy living room where she poured generous portions of Benedictine brandy into each glass. She handed one to Shawn before she took her place beside him on the large couch that faced the crackling fire. The flickering flames provided the only illumination in the room. The pair sat quietly, swirling their liquors in lazy circles, warming the heady substance while they watched the fire dance above the logs.

  Smiling, Shawn turned to Casey and gently touched his glass to hers. “A toast,” he announced, his voice giving promise to his words. “May the roof above us never fall in, and may we friends gathered below never fall out.” His eyes were dark coals, reflecting the firelight. “May our friendship last forever."

  "Forever,” she murmured, feeling the chill of denial grip her body. Forever was a long, long time. She reminded her heart to be careful of commitments, short or long-term. Her life was full enough without the risks and complications of someone special in her life. The only emotional commitment she'd made was to her work; personal attachments were reserved for friends and colleagues. And she'd been doing just fine—until Shawn Timothy O'Brien exploded on the scene. But now that old hibernating hunger—Romance—was beginning to stir until she could not ignore it.

  Shawn sat quietly, thinking. When was the last time he'd had a romantic interlude? he asked himself. It was before he'd come to the Mainland to negotiate the purchase of AEI. It seemed to him that since his takeover, all the days and nights had been filled with board meetings, research, and travel. He rarely took an evening for a dinner date unless his friend Tom and his fiancée Connie insisted he join them. Now, for the first time in over a year, he felt the need for a relationship, not a one-night stand, and the relationship he wanted was with Casey.

  He drew in a deep breath and smiled with satisfaction. Once again he was reminded that he was capable of romance; that the enthusiasm, the yearning was endlessly renewable when the chemistry was right. With Casey, the chemistry was more than right. It was explosive!

  Those first rays of romance, combusted by the kiss on the stairs—even before that actually—had been unbidden and unexpected. But it shimmered like sun on water and created the ache he'd been denying for months. If Casey was willing to join him, he could put aside the toughness, the gruffness, the self-protective covering. He would do it gladly. He wanted ... no, he needed to be close to another person. To Casey. But did
she need that, too? he wondered. He'd have to find out.

  A little later, Shawn drained the last of his drink and rose from the couch. Casey came suddenly to attention, afraid that he was preparing to leave.

  "Do you mind if I get out of this jacket?” He was already removing his coat. He took out his tri-fold wallet from the inside pocket and laid it on the corner of the coffee table, then draped his jacket over the back of a nearby chair. “The heat from the fire, both outside and in, has made me very warm.” He pointed to the blazing fireplace and then innocently at his empty glass.

  His words removed her greatest fear. She now knew she didn't want him to leave. Not right away. That gnawing hunger was beginning to take precedence over anything else.

  Leisurely he removed his silk bow tie and stuck it into his coat breast pocket with one hand while unbuttoning the first three buttons of his snowy dress shirt with the other. Casey watched him silently, catching a glimpse of crisp dark curls on his tanned chest. Unhurried he removed gold links, dropping them into his pants’ pocket, then rolled the shirt cuffs back once, twice, three times until his strong, sinewed, hair-shadowed wrists and forearms were revealed for her mute examination.

  Turning back to the sofa, he kicked off his shoes and kneeled before Casey, gently removing hers. She moaned with pleasure when he massaged her feet and toes; she could trace his firm touch all the way up to the crown of her head! Finally he sank, fully relaxed, onto the cushions and eased her slim pliant body around so she was lying across his lap, snug in his arms. He sighed contentedly.

  "Now that's more like it!"

  Casey relaxed too, visually examining his craggy features while her cool touch created patterns over his brow and down his tanned clean-shaven cheek to his firm lips. He caught her fingers between his straight white teeth, gently sucking and nibbling the sensitive tips. His eyes never left hers. Casey could feel the sensation caused by his dark hooded gaze ripple through her body. A little shudder scampered after it and she closed her eyes, savoring the feeling.


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