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Vampire Princess Rising (Winters Saga Series Book 2)

Page 7

by Jami Brumfield

  “Thank you for allowing me an audience.” Celestia smiled with wickedness behind her eyes. When she spoke vampires on both sides of the room sat up straight, hanging on every word. They all knew something was up, just not the specifics. Rebecca’s wolves in the audience also paid close attention. She wondered if Gabriel told them what was going to happen. She doubted it. She didn’t think he had time to soften the message. Rebecca’s wolf was alert, her body readying itself for battle as time stood suspended. Francesco nodded and Celestia went on. “I have evidence in this folder that implicates Violet and her generals in the plot to massacre the werewolf pack. Evidence to prove she was even preparing for another attack.” She held up the folder. It was thick.

  Rebecca briefly wondered why her ally hadn’t let her see the folder before the meeting. But she didn’t have more than a few seconds to wonder because Violet, who was at the same table as her, stood up abruptly. Her chair flew backward and bellowed, “Lies!”

  Rebecca watched as Violet’s vampires formed a strategic line behind Celestia, waiting for a moment to pounce. It was obvious there was little love lost between them. Celestia, always prepared, also had her own reinforcements that doubled up behind Violet’s people. Rebecca’s pack members were half-standing, half-sitting. Anger radiated from them. She felt their emotions. It was an alpha thing. She could feel what her betas felt. It was something that could make the alpha and her host stronger or weaker. In this instance she grew strong off their anger and vengeful thoughts. There was a certain level of power in those emotions, but it wasn’t good power. It made her shudder.

  “You can deny the evidence all you want, but it is up to the council and the Protectors to determine the truth of my accusations, not you.” Celestia handed the folder to Josephine, head of the protectors. She took it with shaky hands, fully aware of the implications this move caused. It was odd seeing Josephine phased by anything, but this exchange made her nervous. Rebecca was guessing Lucky hadn’t told her what was about to happen either.

  “If we wanted the wolves dead we would’ve finished the job.” Violet shot a glare Rebecca’s direction. Gabriel and Lucky stepped toward Rebecca to add a layer of protection, but with the anger fueling her body she would be surprised if she needed any help at this point.

  The rest of the wolves that were sitting in the audience were now standing, eyes ready. All they needed was an order. Rebecca realized in that moment how powerful her pack really was. One word and the wolves would go into action, attacking any vampire they came across. The fact that vampires were accused of massacring their pack, some of which were family to the rogue population, only enraged them further. That rage pulsated in Rebecca's body. Every cell, nerve, and fiber at ready.

  Images of the death and destruction her alpha shared with her played back in her mind. So much blood and senseless death. ‘Give the order.’ Siren demanded, exhilarated by the idea of the impending fight.

  ‘Steady.’ Gabriel soothed. ‘We’re outnumbered.’

  ‘I know! I’m not stupid, Gabe! But she threatened the pack.’ Rebecca felt herself being swept away on the anger and vengeful emotions flowing around her.

  ‘No, she didn’t. You’re allowing the emotions from the betas and your alpha control you. You’re stronger than that.’ Gabriel pulled Rebecca's attention for a moment. In that split moment, he flooded her with faith and hope, reminding her there was another way.

  He had so much trust in her, it pulled Rebecca back from the edge. She looked at him and something deep down locked between them. He gave her strength. He made her better. Rebecca turned her eyes to her pack and with a stoic face she shook her head slowly. It was a signal they all understood. They stood down but stayed ready in case needed. ‘Thank you.’

  Gabriel smiled and nodded. ‘That’s what I’m here for.’

  It wasn’t until after she gave the order to stand down that Rebecca realized all eyes were on her, looking for her reaction. Celestia eyed both Rebecca and Gabriel. Did she see the silent exchange? It didn’t matter. A level of respect slid behind Celestia’s crazy eyes. It was gone almost as quickly, but Rebecca saw it.

  ‘You’re a fool!’ the wolf snapped.

  ‘No, you’re the fool.’ Gabriel snarled at her. ‘This is not the place for a battle and you know it.’

  ‘I don’t need you fighting all my battles, Gabe.’ Rebecca chided him telepathically. Two voices in her head were already too much. Three made it difficult to think straight.

  “In light of the evidence I have turned over, it calls into question Violet's leadership. I would like to request an investigation and speedy trial. The vampires will need a new queen and I'm ready to take command back."

  "The vampires will never bow down to you again, Celestia!"

  "Regardless of the outcome of the trial I think you have laid down a challenge, Violet, and I accept." Celestia grinned coldly. Her eyes were so empty, void of life.

  "Challenge?" The confusion in Violet's eyes was obvious.

  "I would've waited for the trial to take place but since you challenged me, I have every right to answer that challenge. I request an election to be held within the vampire community. Let the people decide who shall be the queen." Celestia took center stage again. She was sinister and methodical, which made her dangerous.

  Josephine looked up from the folder she was examining and nodded when she locked eyes with Francesco.

  “To challenge a vampire queen’s power you’ll need to attain half the council’s agreement. Do you feel you have this?” Francesco asked.

  “Impossible!” Violet snarled as she tossed her black straight hair behind her shoulder.

  “She has my support.” Rebecca’s voice was barely above a whisper.

  “What was that?” Francesco asked, unsure if he heard her right.

  Rebecca looked at her wolf pack. They heard her and the shock playing out on their faces was evident. Rebecca cleared her throat. ‘Don’t do it!’ Siren gave one more plea. “I said, I support her request.” There was no mistaking her words this time. She was loud and forceful.

  There were multiple gasps across the room, from the audience to the council members. No one spoke for what seemed like an eternity. The silence did little to unnerve Becca.

  “Do we have a second?” Francesco asked.

  Windy seconded Rebecca’s motion. Francesco called a vote. Nine of the thirteen council members agreed to let an election be held. The numbers surprised Rebecca. She had expected more resistance, but Celestia was positive that once she had Rebecca’s support she would have the councils. It surprised her that she was right.

  Lucky moved behind Violet along with a couple other protectors. Josephine gave the signal and they took her into custody.

  “Violet you are under arrest for suspicion of attempted genocide,” Josephine stated. “The election will take place in two weeks.” She turned to Violet. “If you are guilty you will be sentenced to death.”

  Rebecca sunk deeper into her chair. She prayed she made the right choice. Violet had always seemed amicable toward her. It was surprising she was involved in massacring her pack. But if she was innocent she would be freed. Then it would be up to Celestia to get elected. Deep down she prayed her ally didn’t get the crown.

  Catherine approached Rebecca after the meeting. “What were you thinking, supporting Celestia?”

  “Celestia wants to create a truce between the wolves and vampires. I would love to see peace. I made my decision because of that, and that alone,” she lied. There were so many more factors at play. The biggest was her hold on Savannah.

  “After what she did to your sister you think you can trust her?”

  “No.” It was the truth. She didn’t remotely trust Celestia. But if Violet was guilty of killing off her pack she was just as bad, or worse than Celestia was. “But my pack is weak. We’re rebuilding. We can’t afford another attack from whoever broke us a month ago. If two vampire factions are battling it out between themselves they won’t have tim
e for us. That will give me time to do what I have to do to become stronger.” What she had to do was create more wolves. She didn’t want to do it, but the alpha was right, she had no choice. Not if she expected to survive this war. Even her wolf had to admit there was logic in her explanation.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing because there’s no turning back once you make a deal with the devil.”

  Chapter Ten


  Hunter ducked as a vulture swooped low toward his head. When he looked up he saw Sundae standing beside him. He looked around at the landscape that surrounded them. The sky was dark and splashed with oranges, reds, and pinks but there was no sun. Fire exploded from the rocky red ground randomly. “You have a dark mind, Hunter.” Sundae smiled her appreciation.

  A woman who resembled his mother stood before him, holding the book close to her chest. Her blonde curls and sapphire blue eyes were something they both shared, but the face was different. She was not his mother.

  “I see you found my book.” She smiled sweetly. “Are you from the Matthew’s bloodline?”

  Hunter nodded. “I’m Hunter Winters, but my mother comes from the Matthew’s line.”

  She made a book stand from nothing and placed the closed book on the stand. “My name is Bethany. It is nice to meet you.” She placed her hand over the book and the pages flipped from back to front without her touch. The book remained open on the code page. “How can I help you?”

  Hunter looked at Bethany and Sundae. He didn’t know what was going on but decided to go with it. “I’m having trouble unlocking the text.”

  “If you are a Matthews you’d be able to unlock it with little difficulty.” Bethany looked at him confused.

  “Yes, but the problem is my mother bound my powers.” He offered shyly. Being spellbound was embarrassing, especially by his mother.

  “No witch would do that to their own children.” She closed the book quickly. “Which means you are not who you say you are.”

  “She would if she feared for her child’s safety. If she believed it was the only way to protect him,” Hunter answered. He didn’t know his mother’s true motives, but he hoped they were similar to those reasons he just listed. He needed to believe she did it to protect him. Otherwise none of this made sense.

  “He speaks the truth.” Sundae offered her help.

  Bethany barely looked her direction. “And I’m supposed to believe a dream weaver?”

  Sundae shook her head. “No, but you should believe him. Your blood runs in his veins. You can feel it just as your book feels it.”

  “Show me your power.” Bethany held out her hand.

  Hunter shook his head. “I already told you I can’t—”

  “Give me your hand, young one.” Bethany interrupted him.

  Hunter moved forward and placed his hand in hers. An intense electrical current shocked him, similar to the book only stronger.

  She smiled. “You are from our line.” She embraced him in a fierce hug. “Tell me, are you related to Rebecca?”

  Hunter tried to speak, but she was hugging him so hard his voice was cut off. “Yes. She’s my sister, so is Savannah,” he told her when she finally released him. “That’s who I’m hoping to help with this book.”

  “What is wrong with Savannah?” Bethany asked, curious.

  “She was turned into a vampire.”

  “And you hope this book can help?”


  “It will help for what you desire most. But there are limits. Changing a vampire back to human isn’t something I know how to do. Perhaps the book has been updated with new information from another witch down the line, but I cannot verify that since I’m not the last to record in the book.”

  He understood the rules. He was sure helping Savvy was his first concern. “Can you help me unlock it?”

  “Yes. It will be tricky since you have no use of your powers. But a little blood magic should help you break the code. Read every third line and drop your blood on the page. That should unlock it.”

  Hunter smiled brilliantly and hugged her. “Thank you, thank you so much.” He turned to Sundae. “Let’s go back.”

  Sundae smiled and took his hand. “You will awaken when it’s time. For now you have time to spend with your blood relative if you like.” And with that she disappeared.

  Chapter Eleven


  After the meeting Rebecca called the pack members to the far pasture of the South Mountain property. Persephone lit the campfire. It was after midnight and the fire put wicked shadows on her pack members’ faces. According to Siren, the initiation into the pack was different for werewolves and humans. She endured multiple tests that measured her courage, stamina, and strength. Devon was born a werewolf and it was assumed he would already possess those characteristics because they would have been passed on through DNA. In the case of a human, trust and respect must be earned. In the case of a werewolf it is given freely until they do something to lose it. In Rebecca’s mind that belief was a little backward. Typically if an unknown wolf was looking to join a pack it meant they were exiled from their original pack. Generally, exile means you did something to lose that trust and respect.

  Rebecca still felt anxious when she thought of all the tests she faced. The snake pit and the night in the mountains were probably the worst of all but a secret part of her was thankful she went through them. They taught her she was stronger than she ever imagined and made transitioning into an alpha easier than she would have thought.

  Devon was brought to the campfire, his bare chest revealing an abundance of tattoos and scars. The pack was allowed to add markings to his skin with war paint to help him in his initiation. Because he knew very few people he only had a few supportive markings. The abundant scars on his body made him look like an enforcer, just like he claimed to be for his pack, but she wouldn’t know because Joseph hadn’t found time to call her back. His green eyes were covered by a red silk scarf, his hands tied in front of him, though he gave little resistance. She had a feeling he’d resist when she branded him with her pack mark, but that was part of the initiation and it wouldn’t happen until he passed the tests. She set up a three test initiation despite Siren’s demands that he be tested for a week, one test every day.

  Devon was officially the first wolf she’d be bringing into the fold that was not a member of Tomas’ pack. She went easy on the rogues because most of them were secretly told they were still members despite the exile. The fact she was the alpha was a simple technicality, one that most thought was unfairly enforced.

  Gabriel stood at Rebecca’s side. He always gave her strength. She signaled Brick to remove the scarf. Rebecca could see the muscle in Devon’s jaw ticking. He wasn’t happy about this formality but he would follow the ritual. Unfortunately, since he was the first one to be officially initiated what she did with him tonight would set the pace for all others that came after.

  “You were born a wolf, which gives you an advantage. In this test, an advantage will be taken away to even the playing field. Your hands will remain tied and in your human form you will hunt these woods and bring us an offering for dinner. Go.” Devon, with his wrists still bound took off into the wilderness.

  The rest of the wolves cheered at her first task choice. The excitement would continue throughout the night. She had no plans to sleep as she assumed the other two tests would carry them into dawn.

  Chapter Twelve


  Savannah stared at her reflection in the antique mirror, thankful she could still see herself, despite the terrifying truth that was hidden below the fake skin lotion. Minute after minute she looked for any sign of aging. Any sign of life. The only thing that made her feel alive was anger and she held on to that emotion with every fiber in her body. She had to. If she didn’t, she didn’t know what would happen to her, to her humanity. In the last month she’d done horrific things, things she would’ve never done as Savvy, the determined teen that was
ready to face any challenge she came across with a positive attitude. It was laughable at how naïve she was. Those self-help books did little helping in this life. Instead, they seemed to hold her back. The eviler she was, the stronger she looked here. It was her new mantra and it reminded her of the dangerous mess her life had become and the things she had to do to survive.

  “How do you keep a positive attitude in this mess?” she asked her reflection. Tears stung the back of her eyes as her mind briefly touched on all the things she’d lost. Homecoming seemed so long ago, almost a lifetime ago. It truly was another life. She was a new person—no, a new…thing now. She had to say goodbye to the girl she once was so she could survive in this new dark life she found herself in.

  Knock, knock. Celestia’s unusual knock on her bedroom door broke her from her thoughts. Savannah wiped the blood red tears from her face and plastered on a dazzling smile. The last thing she needed was Celestia knowing she was breaking her.

  “Come in, Mother.” Her voice was weary.

  Celestia floated into the room with a cold smile. “Hello, darling daughter. How is the princess fairing today?”

  “Fine.” Savannah took one last look in the mirror and turned her body toward Celestia. Celestia hated it when people turned their back on her.

  Celestia waited, expecting more, and went on when Savannah had nothing else to say. “Are you ready for school tomorrow?”


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