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Vampire Princess Rising (Winters Saga Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Jami Brumfield

  She placed her hand on his muscular chest. “Gabe, please…I’m tired and I don’t have the energy to—”

  She didn’t get the opportunity to finish her sentence because Gabriel stole her breath away when he crushed his lips to hers. It was all the invitation she needed. She reciprocated by kissing him back. She felt his need and it mixed with her need as the kiss deepened. When she opened her mouth to allow him in, he let out a deep groan that drove her mad with desire.

  He broke from the kiss for a moment, eyes locking with hers, looking for any sign of refusal. All he saw was desire. “You drive me mad, woman.” He picked her up easily and set her on the counter as he eased in-between her legs. Their bodies connected at their most intimate parts. The only thing in the way was their clothes as he crushed his lips to hers again.

  Rebecca felt herself spinning out of control. One hand was on her back, pulling her closer to him and the other at the nape of her neck, entwined in her hair, as he deepened the kiss.

  ‘Gabe, we can’t do this right now.’ Rebecca thought in his mind, but the fight was not in her. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  ‘I hear your words, but also feel your need. If you tell me to stop, I will,’ he responded roughly as his lips burned a trail down her neck, focusing on the tattoo that marked her as his. Her fingers gently traced the Japanese script tattoo on his neck.

  Her body felt another wave of desire. She wasn’t sure if it came from him, the wolf, or her. Does it matter? When his lips seized hers again, she opened willingly and they both allowed a growl to escape.

  “Eww, Gabe and Becca are kissing in a tree, k I s s I n g. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage!” Willow’s voice broke the mood.

  “Get out the diapers! Get out the pins! Gabe and Rebecca just had twins!” River finished Willow’s song and they both burst into giggles.

  Rebecca and Gabriel reluctantly broke apart and he gave her a hungry grin. ‘Later.’ He promised in her mind. Then he flipped a switch and was the big brother Willow and River loved as he chased them out of the room and up the stairs. They screamed playfully the entire way up to bed and Rebecca couldn’t help but smile at how good he was with his siblings.

  Rebecca shivered in the cold empty kitchen as she chastised herself for allowing things to go that far with Gabriel. She made a promise to herself she wouldn’t get involved with guys until she found a cure for Savannah. She needed to remind herself of that and decided a cold shower was a good place to start.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Savannah’s long lost dead father was standing next to her sister’s ex-boyfriend Lucky and both were staring at her with strange curiosity. “I said, I never knew the two of you were working together.” She repeated her last statement, the statement neither one of them managed to answer. “How long has this little partnership been going on?” She felt betrayal from Lucky, which was either a hindrance to the feelings she was developing for him or a good thing if she planned to fix things with her sister.

  Understanding lit Lucky’s amber gold eyes and he managed a chuckle while shaking his head. “No, your father called me to see if I could open the lab. We aren’t working together.” He reassured her.

  His denial did little to alleviate her inner conflict. Being in close proximity only reminded her how alive he was beginning to make her feel. “So the Authority ran the lab?”

  “No, the Convent of Souls ran this lab, but the Authority confiscated it in a raid. That’s why the Protectors would have access to it.” Her father explained.

  “Convent of Souls?” Savannah looked at them completely confused.

  Lucky smiled. “Looks like you have a lot of explaining to do, Mr. Winters.” He produced a golden key and put it in the lock. After speaking some words from a language she didn’t understand the lock glowed and unlocked.

  “I thought only witches could use magic?” Savannah said after watching Lucky use his own type of magic. She felt it thick on the air. It ignited with something deep inside her. It was like he spoke magical words that unlocked something in her soul, hidden deep in her psyche.

  “That’s debatable,” Maverick said. “If you believe what the Authority tells you, then yes, only witches can use magic...” Lucky cleared his throat.

  “Witches and Protectors who have specific spells they were taught from witches.” Maverick corrected himself and continued, nodding at Lucky. “But the Convent believes magic is something all supernaturals have access to.”

  So the water magic she used earlier was not as strange as others would have her believe.

  “You and your sister should still be able to access your powers since you were bound while the infections changed your DNA. Hunter’s spell on the full moon should have unlocked that part of your DNA that makes magic accessible to you.” Her father finished.

  “But I was told—”

  “You were told you wouldn’t have access to the witches’ power now that you’re a vampire.” Maverick interrupted her as he held out his hand, and fire ignited in his palm.

  Savannah stared wide eyed at the fire that would have killed any other vampire in minutes of touching his skin. She shook her head. “I don’t understand. You weren’t spell bound when you became a vampire, were you?”

  “Yes, I had my brother bind my powers before Celestia sired me.” He grinned. “I wanted to make sure I was completely set up to protect you three when the time came. It was my final promise to your mother.”

  That enraged Savannah. “So you did have something to do with her death?” Celestia had told her he did, but she prayed that wasn’t the case.

  He closed his eyes against the pain that flashed behind his eyes and lowered his head in defeat. “Unfortunately, I did play a part in your mother’s death but not in the way you think.”

  “I don’t believe you.” She narrowed her eyes as she psychically sent all her anger toward him in a blast. He looked up and locked his eyes with hers as pain passed over his features. The fire extinguished in his hands as he crumbled to the ground.

  “Savannah, what are you doing?” Lucky looked between both of them. Savannah was staring down her father, who was on the ground in agony.

  “Savannah, I’m…sorry.” Maverick managed to squeak out of his mouth as he curled up into the fetal position.

  “You should be! You destroyed our childhood. You took away everything from us.” She crouched down beside him. “I hate you.” She spit out between gritted teeth. It felt really good to tell him how she felt.

  “Savannah, whatever you’re doing you need to stop.” Lucky placed a hand on her shoulder.

  She turned her angry eyes on him and shrugged him off. “This is none of your concern, Lucky.” She turned back to focus on her father. Anger rolled off of her in waves.

  ‘Savannah, you need to stop this now. He has suffered far more than you know,’ the compass spoke in hurried tones.

  “He hasn’t suffered enough,” Savannah answered it out loud.

  “Water…extinguishes…fire.” He managed between gasps. “I’m proud of…you.”

  Lucky took both of Savannah’s shoulders in his hands, stared directly into her eyes and softly shook her. “You don’t want to do this,” he whispered softly.

  Savannah stared into Lucky’s eyes, her anger subsiding slightly. He saw the tears that were moistening her blue eyes. The pain vibrated through both of them. “I can’t stop it,” she cried as realization hit her as to what she was doing.

  Lucky cupped her face in his hands. “This is not who you are,” he told her softly.

  His skin on her skin sent shivers through her entire body. As she stared into his eyes, she finally understood the connection between them. She recognized his soul. She saw a light of realization enter his own eyes as their gazes locked.

  She wanted to prove him right. Needed to prove to him and herself that she wasn’t evil. This was not who she was. She was better than this. Deep dow
n she knew it. Anger got in the way and made her forget for a moment. But now she knew the truth she saw it reflected in his eyes.

  She reached toward him, wrapping her fingers around the back of his neck. She boldly pulled him toward her. His lips connected with hers and an explosion of power surged through both of them. The kiss was sweet, innocent. A feather-light touch, but the power was undeniable.

  The shock made Lucky lose his footing. As he rolled backward Savannah went with him and fell onto his body. They fit perfectly together as they rolled down hill. They both held each other’s head for protection. His second arm wrapped around her waist and squeezed tightly. When it was over she was on top of him, staring into his eyes. His breath was rushed. “Are you okay?”

  “It’s not possible,” she whispered, still unable to believe the connection they made. “I won’t be her seconds.”

  He pulled her lips to his. She sank into his kiss as it deepened. When they broke apart he grinned. “You are not second to anyone. Rebecca and I are over.”

  “But it still happened, brief as it was she cared for you and you cared for her.” Savannah attempted to stand up, but he pulled her toward him.

  “What we had was a moment mixed with danger and duty.” His voice was raspy.

  “Which is what we have here.” She pushed against his chest. The last thing she wanted to do was move away from him, but she also didn’t want to get entangled in the love life mess Rebecca created for herself.

  He let her go and she rolled off of him reluctantly. “Not to mention I’m engaged.”

  “Shush, we have an audience.” He placed his finger on her lips. “We’ll discuss this later when we’re alone.” He grinned. Excitement blended with a twinge of desire darkened his eyes as he helped her up. “But first I think you need to tell us what you did back there.”

  Savannah shook her head, fully aware that her father was behind them, listening to everything they said. “I have no idea. Years of anger just rolled off of me and hit him with a devastating blow.” She didn’t want to talk about almost killing her father. Not after that amazing kiss and fascinating connection they shared.

  “You’re a water witch. From the way it felt you were boiling all the water in my body,” Maverick replied. His voice held a level of pride that she didn’t expect. “A fitting punishment for a fire witch. But believe me, daughter, no amount of punishment you can dish out to me is worse than how I already punished myself.”

  Savannah turned angrily toward him. She felt it bubbling up inside her again, only this time Lucky placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and she was able to pull back.

  “Your mother was my life, without her…” He looked down at the ground and rubbed his neck. “Without her I’m lost. But at least I can make it up to my children.”

  “You have no children,” she told him through gritted teeth.

  “If that is how you feel. But perhaps you should get the whole story,” he stated as he offered a hand to help her up the hill. She refused the offer and managed to get to the door to the lab without any assistance.

  “Okay, prove to me my anger is misplaced.” She crossed her arms over her chest. Body language made it clear she was going to be a tough sale.

  He opened the door and swept his arms out in invitation to enter the place of her conception and birth.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  It was late when the doorbell rang. Rebecca had just gotten out of the cold shower which did very little to cool the desire Gabriel had sparked in her. She was on her way to make a cup of chamomile tea to help her sleep when the bell disturbed her thoughts. Gabriel met her at the door. He motioned for her to stay back while he answered it. His overbearing protectiveness was endearing, but also irritating.

  Gabriel opened the door and Rebecca smiled when she saw her guest. “Jackson!” She rushed to hug him. It wasn’t until he got into the house that she noticed his suitcase. “Is everything okay?”

  She took a moment to examine his face. His eyes were puffy and red. He’d been crying and was on the verge of crying again. She didn’t say another word, she just hugged him. Somehow she knew he wasn’t able to talk.

  She pulled him into the office. Gabriel followed them. She got him some water to drink and then sat on the sofa next to him. Gabriel looked uncomfortable. He wanted to talk, to fix things, to find out what had Jacks so upset but Rebecca knew her best friend and so she sat in silence, waiting for him to tell her what happened.

  He finished his water and managed a weak smile. “I did it, Becks.”

  Rebecca didn’t know what he was talking about, but she didn’t have to wait very long to find out.

  “I told him.” His voice was barely a whisper. She wouldn’t have heard him if she didn’t have super hearing. He didn’t need to say more. She knew what he was talking about. He told his father and it didn’t go well.

  “I thought you were going to have me there when you did that?” She took his cold hand in hers.

  He shook his head. “It just happened. He told me I was going to start dating some socialite named Cornelia. I told him I wasn’t interested and he started going on and on about my responsibilities as the last Carter in our line and how we needed to ensure the family name and…gift.” He chuckled as he shook his head in frustration. “It was the same old argument, Becks. I should’ve just left it alone, but instead I decided to fight back. So I told him I was gay and…well, as you can see, he wasn’t very happy about the news.” He indicated his suitcase.

  “Well, I’m sure he’ll come around sooner or later.” It was all she could think to say at the moment. Well, that and, “you can stay here as long as you need to.”

  “Thanks, Becks. I’m sorry to put this on you. I know you have a lot going on right now.”

  “Shush. You’re family and you know, no matter what, I’ll always be here for you. We’ll let your father cool off for a while and then we’ll go and talk to him together.”

  “Maybe. I’m not sure I really care if he does or doesn’t want me in his life. I don’t need him.”

  Rebecca saw the anguish on his face. Her heart broke for him. She knew how important his relationship was with his father. She knew he was broken inside. He would think differently later. She was sure of it.

  “We’ll sort it all out later. For now let’s get you into a room and settled for the night.” She squeezed his arm affectionately and offered a supporting smile as she brushed his sandy brown hair out of his brown eyes.

  “You really are an amazing friend.” He couldn’t help but grin.

  She and Gabriel got him settled in a room down the hall from hers. It didn’t take long to get him situated.

  In the hall, once Jackson’s door was closed, Gabriel grabbed Rebecca’s arm and pulled her toward him. “You really are amazing. You know that?”

  His breath was warm on her skin. His arms wrapped around her waist and held her against him. His emerald green eyes grew dark and she knew it was his look of desire. She’d seen it from his eyes many times.

  “Gabe, it’s late. We should go to bed.” She offered little resistance. Resisting him was getting more and more difficult. It was like there was a magnetic pull coming from him and keeping her close.

  “I would like nothing more than to join you in bed…” He wiggled his dark eyebrows playfully as a lock of dark hair fell into his eyes.

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it.” She playfully hit him in the chest. He snatched her hand up before she could pull it back and gently kissed her wrist. The feel of his lips on the inside of her wrist was like silk—smooth, soft, and sexy.

  Her pulse kicked into high gear and she felt herself begin to feel swept away on a wave of desire. It was amazing how he could turn her knees into jelly and make her shiver from a simple touch. He pinned both of her arms behind her back and pressed her against the wall. Danger and passion deepened his eyes.

  ‘I’m going to kiss you goodnight now,’ he warned her in her m
ind. His voice was warm and comforting in her head.

  “Gabriel…” She thought she was going to tell him no, but instead her breath was stolen when his lips found hers.

  She gave no resistance. She wanted him. She knew it. Her wolf wanted him. He wanted her and if she was honest with herself she was tired of fighting off what felt so right.

  He let go of her hands and deepened the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. His hands were at her slender waist, holding her solid against the wall and pushed his weight against her body, making it clear to her how much he wanted her. His lips left hers and continued their assault on her senses as he blazed a trail from her neck to her left ear. He nibbled softly on her earlobe and she let out a soft moan which caused him to growl and reclaim her lips. ‘You drive me mad, woman.’

  His tongue delved into her mouth and the world crumbled around her. Her knees threatened to give out, but that didn’t matter since he was holding her up against the wall to gain deeper access.

  It was Gabriel that pulled away first, which left Rebecca’s swollen lips pouting for more. He stared at her, smiled, turned her toward her bedroom, swatted her behind and said, “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Savannah followed her father and Lucky down a dark hallway to a metal cage. The caged elevator plunged downward at high speed. Savannah found herself holding on to Lucky during the descent. Any excuse to breathe in his scent and feel his strength.


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