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Camelot Overthrown

Page 12

by Galen Wolf

  Blodeuwedd flies in from the trees. “Who’s a big boy now then?” she says, landing on my shoulder.

  “Hi Blodeuwedd.”

  She hops. “You seem perplexed.”

  I indicate the raft.

  “So, it’s a raft?”

  “Yes, but I can’t sail and there’s a mile of water to cross.”

  “Got any skill points?”

  I sigh. “Yes, but I wanted to save them for something useful.”

  “Sailing is useful.”

  “Sure but there are things I need more.”

  “You’re stuck here if you don’t spend them.”

  With great regret I commit 30 points into sailing. It takes that to get me up to be able to sail rafts. I need even more for that for freshwater boats, but that’s all I’m prepared to spend for now. I have 20 skill points left, so I put them into Smithing.


  At least I can upgrade my armour.

  I look at the raft, dismount from Spirit and the horse, the owl and me step onto the raft. I begin to sail across to the far shore. I eye the water warily. Those Lake Serpents better be careful. I’m in a mean mood.


  Return to Silver Drift

  Spirit and I, with Blodeuwedd flapping about overhead, sail on the raft over a mile of choppy water to the north shore of the lake. When we’re about twenty yards away from the shore, the lake serpents attack and with my improved swordplay, I can hit them easily but I’m not doing any damage because they have armour at 300 and even with the two saints’ blessings on my sword, it just isn’t enough to hurt them.

  They tilt the raft alarmingly and I think we’re going to go in. Then Spirit pitches in and stamps on the thing causing it damage and the tentacle lets go.

  “Whoa, boy! You did really good there.” I stroke his nose and he whinnies. I think we’re getting on better. I’m really grateful for his help or we’d have been pitched into the lake and I can’t swim.

  Even so, it’s a trifle shaming that your horse is a better fighter than you are.

  I get to the forest and mount Spirit. It’s great to be able to ride him even though I don’t have a lance yet. I’m able to cover ground faster too on horseback.

  As we go through the gloomy trees, I’m hoping to hear the werewolves and when I hear their now familiar howl, I’m grinning all over my face.

  Three of them rush at me out of the trees, snarling, showing yellow teeth and amber eyes.

  I spur Silver at them. He rears up and clatters his hooves onto the first one. I twist left in the saddle and bring down my sword. I hit easily.



  The werewolf explodes in a shower of silver sparks. Now that is a neat effect, even if it only works on shifted creatures.

  I turn right and do the same to the werewolf on the right.

  The third wolfman starts to run, but I spur Spirit after him. I come up level and slash down with the sword and the werewolf explodes and that’s that.


  I notice I don’t get any reputation this time, but I guess that’s because I’m at maximum.

  This Star Silver is an awesome augment and I wonder why everyone doesn’t have it. I guess it must be a secret quest that Mercurius heard of somewhere, add that to the fact you need to be a miner of a certain level and a good enough fighter to get to the island in the first place, that might explain why Star Silver isn’t on everyone’s sword. And of course the quest isn’t repeatable.

  Even on horseback it’s a long ride home. I slaughter some fox-men for 300xp after I leave Tregundern. To be honest I eye the church there and long for the rapid travel ability. Roll on Level 10.

  I stop for food at the witch’s house and once again she’s eager to please and grateful for the pennies.

  I get waylaid by a Palug Cat in the Forest of Inglewood. This massive leopard like beast with sabre teeth is new to me. Luckily, my first blow is a crit and so’s my fourth. I get further xp for killing the Palug.

  The Star Silver doesn’t work against it because it isn’t a shifter. I guess the fox-men are hybrids rather than shifters so that’s why it doesn’t work on them either.

  I trot through the small village of Heskett that the Fangs of Koth had raised that day I got the copper ore. It looks fine now.

  I ask Blodeuwedd about the chances of it being burned down again.

  “I think it’s safer now the bad guys have been pushed further east. For now at least.”

  I’m pleased I had some part of that.

  “But it won’t last,” she says.

  “Why not?”

  “Well, Heskett might be safer, but the dark influence is now going north towards Lanercost. Seems they’ve changed their strategy.”

  “They’re still aiming for Camelot ultimately though?”

  “Oh, yes. Of that you can have no doubt.”

  I don’t go to Camelot, instead I cut straight east across country using lesser used roads until we get to Croglin and then climb up the mountain.

  I bind at Croglin village square. It’s halfway between Silver Drift mine and Camelot, more or less, so it seems a good compromise. Then we ride up the mountain path until we’re on the moor, then after a few miles, it’s really nice to see the Mine. The training dummies and the archery practice targets are outside and Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub are training. They’re Level 4 now. Nearly as good as me!

  Thorvald and his miners come out. “Great to see you back, boss.”

  Henry sidles up to me and says something to Spirit in horse language. Spirit snorts. Henry comes close and buts me with his nose. “So you’ve replaced me?”

  I sigh. “It’s not like that Henry. Horses for courses, you know.”

  “Or mules. Beasts of burden, eh?”

  “Don’t be bitter, Henry, it doesn’t suit you.” Then I remember he’s pretty much always bitter about something. He says, “Anyway, good to see you back. This Thorvald is an idiot. The way he runs things is dumb.”

  Thorvald smiles. “Wanna come see what we’ve done?”

  Thorvald is a Level 6 miner and the others are Level 4s. It seems the minerals they can dig improved in the same order as a player putting skills into mining when the level.

  Thorvald can dig nickel now and the others are up to tin.

  I follow Thorvald into the mine which they’ve extended. It goes at least twice as far now into the ground. They’ve carved out chambers.

  “See, this one is the ore store, boss.” Thorvald points.

  I follow his finger and see neat piles of tin and nickel ores. “There’s a good amount there.”

  “We’ve been going to Camelot with the ore because it’s better prices than Alston.”

  Blodeuwedd chips in. “You get more for your goods, the further you transport them.”

  I knew that, still she’s meaning to be helpful.

  “But look here,” Thorvald says, and I follow him to another chamber that has a pile of coins in the middle. I go over and see they’re marks. There must be 700 or so.

  “Good, eh?”

  I scratch my head. “This is from the automated trips?”

  “Well, not automated. I take them and do the bargaining.”

  “How many trips was it?”

  “About five.”

  “You were quick.”

  He beams. “I got them boys working hard.”

  I scratch my head. The gleaming coins are lying here in the middle of the cave. While I’m pleased Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub have got to Level 4, there’s no way they could protect this money from player characters.

  Blodeuwedd says, “Why didn’t you put the money in the bank, Thorvald?”

  “Bank?” The miner blinks, his eyes bright in a face covered with grime.

  It’s a good point and it’s not his fault. I should have set up the bank account so the money cou
ld be deposited into it as soon as we made it.

  I turn to Blodeuwedd. “Where’s the nearest bank?”

  The bird squawks, “There’ll be one in Alston village.”

  I determine to go there with the ore because as the village has recovered since it was freed from evil influence there may be a trader who’ll take the ore.

  Before I do that though, I use my forge to upgrade all my equipment from iron to steel. This doesn’t require any extra ore, but does require reforging and purifying the iron into steel. I’ve got the skill now so that’s cool. All it costs me is time and I need a new sword mould as I’ve used it for the maximum five times. The other moulds are nearing the end of their useful life so moulds are on my shopping list for the trip to Alston.

  “Want me to come with?” Thorvald asks.

  “Nah, I think we’re good. Can you help me load up the mules though?”

  Thorvald and the miners load up the mules; the soldiers clearly think it’s beneath them to help so they keep on training. Then Thorvald waves as I set off with my mule train, riding Spirit, Henry, Bessie and John in a line. Blodeuwedd sits on my shoulder. I cast a wary glance to the east and see the black shimmer of evil influence is still there.

  Alston’s looking much better. I ponder whether I should sell the Star Silver and enquire to find it’s going for 1000 marks a lump. Even so, it’s very rare so I decide to keep it. I sell the tin and nickel the miners mined and buy some more 5 x moulds for weapons. There’s a trader for beer and oats. Then I open a bank account. The Holy and Apostolic Bank has branches all over King Arthur’s realm and so I can deposit or withdraw from each and all of them. When I take the money Thorvald had accrued, adding the money from the recent ore sales and taking away our purchases I’m left with 665 Marks which I deposit.

  A good day’s business concluded I ride back. I’m a quarter mile away from Silver Drift Mine when I see smoke. I shield my eyes to see better. “Smoke?”

  “Looks bad,” Blodeuwedd says. I turn to the mules. Henry looks concerned and Bessie beside him. John is watching a flower. “You guys stay here,” I call to them then spur Spirit towards the mine.

  I see a party of Dwemmers and hobgoblins but there are bigger beasts with them. My guys have killed some of the boggarts but Cuthbert and Dibble are dead.

  Thorvald and the miners come out of the mine, mattocks in hand, ready to join battle. I yell at them. “Find cover, go!”

  Thorvald once again looks like he wants to fight but I glare at him and shout, “Really, go!” The miners are more worth to me alive, especially since they’ve levelled.

  Spirit snorts and I go low as he gallops to the enemy. Grubb is shooting his bow at the Dwemmers, but he’s bleeding copiously. Spirit slams into the line of Hobgoblins, kicking out at them as he rears up. I slash them with my steel longsword.

  I hit the first in the back for an autocrit of 726. Lovely big numbers, that’s what I like. They turn, a Hobgoblin sergeant slashes at me.


  I strike back and hit for 192. He goes down in four strokes, so I reckon he’s got about 600 health. The Hobgoblins and their sergeants aren’t touching me. I turn to see Thorvald and the miners fleeing over the heather. Grub is now dead. But it could be worse. Then one of the bigger creatures comes round an outcrop of stone from the east. I scan to see it’s a Mountain Troll. He’s big. Let’s see how this goes.

  I dig my heels into Spirit, but he knows what he’s doing. He even seems to be enjoying himself. We charge. The troll puts up a spear and I give the lightest touch so that Spirit veers right and avoids the spear tip. I slash at the troll backhand and hit him for 12 only. This could be harder. I might have to rely on my Nightmare Guard on my shield.

  We turn and I knock the spear from his hands. He pulls out a club from somewhere in his inventory and swings.


  As I’ve got 350 health, I’m not so worried, but with him hitting me for 12 and me hitting him for 12, this could take some time. Luckily my next blow is a crit for and his isn’t. I take a sip of health and am unhappy to see the blue liquid is now finished. I throw away the crystal bottle. I should have got some more health potions.

  We slug it out and then eventually, as it statistically must the Nightmare Guard triggers and he flees. I turn to see the Dwemmers and boggles are going into the mine. Thank the Lord we managed to get the ore and money to Alston before this happened. The oats and the beer are still on the backs of the mules. I shout up to Blodeuwedd who’s flying overhead, “Take the mules back to Alston, can you?”

  “I’ll do it,” and she flies off.

  All three of my soldiers are dead. Still, I’ll be able to clear up these boggles and Dwemmers without too much trouble. Then a troll emerges from the mine. He must have been rooting around in there when I arrived. He’s like the other one but bigger. A scan confirms him as a Troll Sergeant.

  I charge.

  Spirit hits him, doing some damage and I slash down. I hit him but do no damage.

  He swings his spiked club at me.



  I reach for my potion bottle but it’s empty. No time to pray here to regenerate anything. Spirit hits him and I see blood on the troll’s forehead where my stallion’s hooves hit him. But the troll is going for me. He hits me again.



  One more hit and I’m gone. I turn to flee. We gallop but the troll hurls his spiked club and to cap it all, he gets an autocrit because I’m showing him my back. Something that’s against the laws of Chivalry. I probably deserve the 390 damage.


  My body shimmers and I see Spirit galloping off east. At least he’ll get away. Then I’m back at my binding point at Croglin, miles away from the mine. I only hope my scattered followers are safe.



  I’m in Croglin and I desperately want to get back up to the Silver Drift mine to see how my miners and my mules are. I know I’ve lost the soldiers so I’ll have to start again in that regard. And there’s Spirit too. I understand there’s a higher level skill in Riding that allows you to whistle for your steed, but I don’t have it yet. I’ll have to clap eyes on him before I can summon him to me.

  I’m about to set off up the mountain when I get a message.

  Mercurius: Hi, Gorrow. Are you able to come to Camelot with that star silver?

  I pause before answering. I’d promised him, I would. Then this happened. I consider putting him off.

  Gorrow: Some stuff happened. I really need to be up at Alston. When do you need the star silver?

  Mercurius: I’m with Adele now. We were hoping you could reforge her sword with it, as soon as really?

  I suck my teeth. I really would prefer to go to Alston, but he’s the knight I’m apprenticed to. Plus the codes of chivalry are against turning down a request to help.

  Gorrow: Okay. I’ll be with you as soon as I can.

  Mercurius: Great. I knew I could count on you. Adele says hi.

  Wearily, I begin the journey on foot to Camelot. I’m just at the city gates with all their bustle and the cries of the traders when I see someone I know. It’s Bernard the Alchemist, except he’s Level 8 now.

  “Gorrow, my old friend. How you doing?”

  “Good, good. What about you? Seems you’re progressing well.”

  Luc is with him. He dismounts from his horse and gives me a manly clasp. Luc’s with his knight whose name I don’t remember. The knight shoots him a glance and Luc’s back up on his horse. He waves as they leave.

  “You seem in a hurry?” I ask Bernard, who’s also preparing to move off.

  “Yeah. Lots of Dark forces mobilising up in Lanercost, north east of Camelot. Lots of guys from our side will be going up there.”

  “What are they mobilising for?

  “Well, if we knew that, Gorrow, we probably wouldn’t have to go. Maybe they’re just gathering for a big garden party or a music festival or something?”

  “Sarcastic as always.”

  He punches me in the arm. “Yeah, anyway. The boss is calling. Need to move. You should come along with us. Lots to do and stuff, plenty of xp and loot I should think.”

  I jerk my thumb towards the city gates. “Can’t. Got an appointment. Maybe later, who knows? You keep safe. Get lots of xp for me.”

  “Yeah, but it’ll be for me.” The alchemist winks, joins his party and they move off on the north road.

  I meet Sir Mercurius and Adele at the Knights’ Tower . The guards aren’t keen on letting me in, only being squire and all, but at a word from Mercurius, they uncross their spears.

  “Nice to see you, Gorrow. Have you got the star silver?”

  I nod and take out a lump from my inventory. It glistens in the daylight from the high windows. “Do you have a forge in the tower?”

  “Yeah, of course. I’ll show you the way.”

  As we walk down the circular staircase into the basement, Adele asks how I’ve been. I say I saw Luc but if she’s bothered, I can’t tell that from the twist of her lips.

  I don’t mean to but I tell her about the attack on my mine.

  “That’s terrible. Did you lose much?”

  “A little bit. The soldiers died, but I’m most worried about my mules and stallion, and of course the miners. I need to get back up there.”

  Mercurius overhears. “I didn’t know. You could have gone up there and sorted that out, then come back to do this.”

  “No, just when you called, you know, I wanted to help.”

  Mercurius stops on the stairs. “That shows you’ll be a great knight Gorrow. I really appreciate you doing this for us.”

  “Yeah, likewise.” Adele is smiling.

  The heat of the forge hits my face as I enter the circular room that houses the forge. It’s well ventilated with pipes leading out through the walls, but still it’s hot. There is a muscled dwarf blacksmith pounding steel with a massive hammer. Blacksmiths are nearly always dwarves in these games of course.


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