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Poisonous Dream

Page 25

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Her nerves are definitely healing. They aren't at one hundred percent, but if Mako doesn't use them much and allows them more repair time, they...should be back to normal," Daniel explained before he choked, a tear rolling down his cheek.

  Normal...Daniel's gift healed me.

  "I guess it did, sweetheart," Father whispered.

  I began to cry; Father comforted me. I could hear Daniel's sobs Ryder and Marcus exchanged words of pride and comfort.

  "I'm so proud of you, Makoto. Shh, don't cry," Father soothed, rocking me in his arms.

  I heard the door open, followed by the sound of heels clicking across the floor before a hand slid gently against my cheek. I opened my tear-filled eyes to see Mother.

  "Are you crying cause you're happy?" she inquired, clearly trying to see why I was in Father's arms.

  I nodded quickly, stretching my arms to hug her. She pulled me into a hug, letting me cry on her shoulder while I was on Father's lap. He eventually let me sit on the bed with Mother, walking over to Daniel and pulling him into a hug.

  "Thank you," Father whispered, low enough for just the two of them, but my sensitive ears caught the two words.

  Once I calmed down, I explained to Mother what happened, demonstrating for her and Father. Ryder and Marcus had excused themselves, but Daniel stayed at Father's request.

  "Amazing," Mother whispered, astonished by this new development. Her eyes glowed a light gold as her hand trailed down my legs, doing another assessment to ensure what Daniel saw was accurate.

  "Your leg function will be good as new if you make sure you rest them. You can still use your magic to control your leg function if you really need to use your legs, but it would be good to leave them alone and continue therapy," Mother concluded, giving me a wide smile.

  I nodded, returning her loving smile. Father pressed a kiss on my forehead before he rose from his seat next to me on the bed. He gestured for Daniel to come forward. Father placed his hand on his shoulder.

  "I haven't gotten a chance to say how thankful I was to have you working non-stop to save my daughter. Since the moment you and your fellow knights materialized in the medical center, you all went straight into action to ensure Rosalina was stabilized and even after, you didn't rest. I overheard you two were having issues down on Minato, but from the way both Makoto and Midnight look at you, I can see she loves you just like the others. I know when you love someone, it's difficult to put your emotions on the back burner and focus on your duties as a knight. But you are young and have only started this journey. All of you will make mistakes and may not always be happy with one another, but I want you to always remember the love you have for my daughter and that love I see in her eyes when she looks at you and the others, will never falter."

  Daniel nodded, smiling at Father.

  "I've made a few mistakes and instead of being forward with Mako and Midnight, I brushed it to the side, thinking it would solve itself. I know better now and this experience showed me that I can't be dwelling on the past. I won't run from my fears, but face them. I love your daughter, Arthur Heart, King of Heila. She's saved me from my dark past and helped me face my inner demons. Most importantly, she proved to me I should never give up. That there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. She's our shining light, and I'll ensure that myself and the others don't lose sight of that light again," Daniel proclaimed, taking a step back and giving us a deep bow.

  "Rise, Daniel Moore. You know your Princess is on a mission to ban bowing across the galaxy," Father huffed, prompting Mother and me to laugh.

  "I'll do it! I swear," I emphasized.

  "I wouldn't be surprised. She's our daughter after all. Took a certain someone's stubbornness," Mother hummed.

  Father turned to face her, his cheeks tinting to a light red. "I'm not stubborn. She took that from you," he mumbled.

  Mother rolled her eyes, a playful grin on her rosy pink lips. "Whatever you say, honey. She took more of your personality. She took my beauty." Mother winked, giving me a quick squeeze and rising to her feet. She walked over to Father's side, her hand sliding around his waist as she faced Daniel.

  "You boys have grown into fine men. I'm very pleased you were chosen to protect our daughter, the Princess of Heila who is loved dearly by many. No matter what trials are ahead, remember to work together and always talk to one another when you're in a dilemma," Mother encouraged.

  Daniel nodded his head. "Thank you, your Majesty," he replied, about to bow when I huffed, crossing my arms.

  Father and Mother laughed while Daniel blinked, blushing.

  "Totally from your side," Mother whispered to Father.

  "Hmm...maybe," Father replied, grinning at my sour expression.

  "We'll leave you two alone," Mother announced, slipping her hand into Father’s and heading to the door, tugging him along.

  Father looked over his shoulder. "We'll have Father-Daughter time later this afternoon. Just relax, okay?" Father encouraged.

  I smiled excitedly, nodding my head as my arms fell back to my sides. "Okay! Thanks, Mom and Dad. Love you," I replied.

  They both looked back to give me wide smiles.

  "We love you too," Mother replied.

  Father nodded in agreement. They exited my room, leaving Daniel and I alone.

  He walked up to the bed. I rose up; he rewarded me with a questioning look.

  "Didn't your father say—" Daniel began, but I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a fierce kiss. He responded immediately, pressing his soft moist lips against mine as his hands roamed down the sides of my waist to settle on my hips.

  I leaned back, planting a kiss on his nose. He chuckled before we shared a look. Daniel pulled me into his arms.

  No words could express how thankful I was for him and his gift. I knew I still had to rest and try to follow instructions until this approaching competition and any other challenges that we'd be forced to face. But regardless of what the future held, the Starlight gods bestowed upon me a group of men who loved me unconditionally and would fight alongside me.

  This challenge was the hardest to face, but as I stood there in the arms of one of the men I loved, I realized it was worth it.

  Thank you, Starlight gods, for blessing me with a family who’s loved me for cycles and men who through rain and shine, stuck by my side and are still willing to take on this journey to face the darkness. Give us patience, wisdom, and guidance on this path, and wherever my sixth knight may be, please guide me to him so I can give him just as much love as my five star knights. In stars we trust.

  "This is stupid."

  "You’re only saying that cause you can't do it. Now concentrate, Rosalina," Father scolded.

  I groaned, but sat up straight, centering my magic to create the arrow in my right hand. I readied my bow, pulling the arrow back as my eyes narrowed at the target.

  "Arrow of light, hit thy target," I commanded.

  I let go of the arrow, watching it dart through the sky toward the target. Before it reached the target, the arrow faded. I groaned.

  "Fuck this shit!" I exclaimed.

  "Rosalina Mackenzie Heart. Did I hear you swear?"

  I flinched, turning to see Mother walking toward us, Kade right next to her with a big ass grin on his face. I groaned in frustration.

  Fuck shit shitty arrow piece of magic arrow crap! I heard my spirits sigh in my head.

  "Talking out loud," Midnight announced.

  "She always chooses the best times to talk out loud," Rose announced.

  "It is amusing," Lily agreed.

  "Hmm, aren't we going to be in trouble?" Lexi pondered.

  "What time is it?" Hope groaned, sounding exhausted.

  "Go back to sleep, Hope. Mom's about to scold us. At least you have an excuse to run away," Midnight mumbled.

  Kade laughed while Father snickered; Mother crossed her arms prompting both of them to stop.

  "But, Mom. The arrow won't hit the silly target! It keeps disappearing! What k
ind of voodoo magic is this?" I complained.

  Kade walked over to me in my wheelchair, patting my head. "You’re still cute when you're frustrated," he commented.

  I pouted, beginning to blink my eyes causing him to fidget, while he raised his hands in defense.

  "Okay, I'm sorry. Don't give me that look," he urged.

  Mother sighed, walking to us. She greeted Father, giving him a quick kiss before turning to face me and Kade.

  "Did you listen to your father's instructions?" she questioned.

  "Yes. Father said I have to focus my magic on an image of the arrow. Once it's materialized, I can aim it at the target. I have to concentrate, aim, fire and voila. I'm an archer." I lifted my hands up to be extra dramatic.

  Kade laughed at my explanation, causing me to glare at him.

  "I'm sorry, but that's NOT what Father explained." Kade chuckled, shaking his head.

  "You weren't even here," I accused.

  "I don't need to be. Father’s teaching is right up here." Kade winked, tapping his temple before walking in front of me, taking a deep breath.

  I was about to argue when a wave of magic hit us, Kade re-opening his eyes. I leaned forward, tilting my head to see his focused gaze. His eyes glowed with intense magic as a bow and arrow materialized in his hand. He immediately aimed, taking less than two seconds to fire.

  The arrowed soared at an accelerated rate— hitting the target in three seconds flat.

  "Holy Starlight," I whispered in awe as my jaw dropped.

  "Damn," my four spirits replied, Hope, having fallen back to sleep.

  Kade lowered his bow and arrow, which began to dematerialize, fading into blue and gold sparkles. "What you’re forgetting is that you have to stay focused on the target and increase your magic energy the further your arrow reaches upon launch," Kade explained.

  I blinked, at his explanation. "Is there a cliff note version?" I questioned.

  Kade looked up, stroking his chin while he was deep in thought. "How about this. Create your bow and arrow," Kade commanded.

  I did what he instructed creating the gold bow and pink arrow. Kade cleared his throat before he pointed in a different direction.

  "Look! Nightmare has your last carton of milk!" Kade announced.


  I followed his gaze to see Nightmare, slowly turning to see what the commotion was. I gasped, noticing the small carton of strawberry milk I reserved for after practice in her mouth.

  "NIGHTMARE! My milk!" I called out.

  She ran, reaching one of the cliffs that had a target that was purposely stationed a few inches off the cliff. Nightmare jumped on the top of the target, dangling the milk in her mouth.

  I gasped in horror, watching the dangling milk in her mouth sway side to side.

  "She's going to drop it! Use your arrow to save it!" Kade ordered.

  "She wouldn't dare—" I began, but saw the look on Nightmare's face as she wiggled her nose— an indication she was about to sneeze.


  My body moved on its own, centering my magic that rushed straight to my eyes as I narrowed them on the carton of strawberry milk.

  I pulled back and fired without a second thought watching Nightmare sneeze— the glorious carton about to fall to its demise.

  The pink arrow hit its target, saving my carton of milk from death. I gawked, watching Nighty ruffle her fur before sitting down on top of the target. She waved her tails rapidly as they transition to a gold glow— indicating she was extremely happy.

  "Dammit! Nightmare. No bacon for you," I called out.

  She frowned, her tails going from gold to blue.

  I sighed. "Fine, fine. I won't take your bacon. But don't steal my milk! It's precious you know!" I emphasized.

  "Uh, well. I told her to do it, so." Kade shrugged.

  I slowly turned to glare at him. He noticed my gaze as I made another arrow in my hand. His face paled and he began running away.

  "Mom! Mako's trying to kill me!" Kade called out while I began purposely shooting arrows at him. I kept missing by mere seconds; he kept making magic shields to stop the arrows that didn't miss their designated targets.

  "MOM!" Kade called out.

  "DIE YOU MILK HATER!" I screamed, continuing to fire arrows in my wheelchair.

  "Shouldn't we do something?" Father questioned, eyeing us.

  "Hmmm...let them enjoy some sibling rivalry. Kade needs to see what happens when you upset a woman," Mother replied, sounding unconcerned.


  "Abuse. I'm calling Starlight Child Services," Kade mumbled.

  I rolled my eyes, yawning. "That only works when you're what, ten? Suck it up and stay still," I huffed, slapping the bandage on his cheek.

  "OW! Dad! Mako just slapped me," he complained.

  "You probably deserved it sometime in this lifespan," Father replied.

  "You guys are spoiling her!" Kade accused.

  I giggled, placing the last band aid on his arm. "There. You should be good in an hour," I announced.

  "What kind of arrows are you shooting? I can't even heal," Kade huffed.

  I shrugged, having no clue. "It's because her intent of you getting hurt was so powerful, the magic obeyed her every command," Mother explained, sitting behind us with Father who was laying back with his arms behind his head, with eyes closed.

  "Did Dad fall asleep?" I questioned. I used a pinch of magic to crawl to his side, peeking to see if he was truly asleep. I poked his nose but he didn't budge— his breathing continued at a slow pace.

  "That's a first," Kade whispered.

  I turned back to Kade who was eyeing Father. "Father doesn't nap?" I questioned.

  "Your father is always busy. Even when he tries to relax, he ends up diving into some type of work to keep him busy until he retires for the night," Mother explained.

  I frowned, looking back at Dad. "Is it his way to cope?" I asked in a hushed tone.

  Mother gave me a sad smile. "Yes. It's a good distraction. He's been so concerned these last four rotations, especially with the exam incident. He wanted to come and take you back himself, but we have to do everything secretly for your safety," Mother disclosed.

  "Ya, but of course that Leonardo guy fucked shit up," Kade mumbled.

  Mother gave him a look but she didn't scold him; her angel self didn’t like when we swore excessively. "We're still on the lookout for Blair's minions and anyone else associated with him," Mother shared.

  I relaxed on Father's chest wanting to hear his heartbeat. He stirred, placing a secure arm around me before he fell asleep again. I smiled, closing my eyes as I listen to the beats of his heart.

  As I drifted off to sleep, my sensitive ears picked up Kade's voice.

  "Did she fall asleep?" he whispered.

  "Looks like it," Mother replied.

  "Hmmm," Kade hummed.

  I could hear a shutter noise, but I didn't focus on it, struggling to stay awake. I gave up when I couldn't hear their conversation anymore. I stirred when I felt my body sway, opening my eyes to see Father smiling down at me.

  "Sorry, did I wake you?" he whispered.

  I shook my head, fighting my heavy eyelids.

  Father pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Go back to sleep, Makoto."

  "But, I want more family time," I mumbled, resting my head back on Father's chest.

  "We'll have tons of bonding time. But you can't function when you're exhausted. I also don't want a ninja walking the halls," he disclosed.

  "Ninja...hmm. I'm a ninja," I replied in a hushed tone.

  "Is sis talking in her sleep?" Kade asked.

  "No, she was awake. I think she fell asleep again," Father suggested.

  "I wonder if she will start sleepwalking around the castle now that she can walk," Mother wondered, sounding worried.

  "The guys will keep an eye on her. Plus, Kai had said Nightmare follows her around still," Kade revealed. he okay? I wonder how he's doing? Ka
i was still on bed rest. Mother was checking him out and encouraging him to sleep till his flame increased in level.

  "How is Kai doing? I heard his flame was low and he passed out during Mako's surprise party," Father questioned.

  "He's recovering. Still has a fever, but better than before. Karen's return has been delayed, but maybe she has some phoenix flame in storage. We can give him a little to boost him up," Kade replied.

  "That would help him significantly. I haven't seen Kai sick in cycles," Mother commented.

  "I'll contact Karen tomorrow and see what the holdup is. I don't like that's he's suffering and missing out. Rosalina’s probably worried as well," Father stressed.

  It warmed my heart to see his concern for my knights. I lifted my hand to cling to his shirt.

  "Mako?" Kade asked.

  "Thank you," I whispered to Father, the only words my foggy mind could think of before I began to drift off again. I heard a low chuckle, the noise seemed further away.

  "You’re welcome, my beautiful daughter. I'm beyond proud that the Starlight gods kept you safe and you grew to become a kind hearted loving woman."

  I smiled at his soft words, allowing myself to fall asleep.


  I opened the fridge, frowning as I scanned the contents. No milk. Hmm.

  I sighed, closing the black fridge, turning back to shuffle down the hall in my unicorn slippers. It was the middle of the night, and everyone was sound asleep.

  I woke up with the urge for milk; wondering if sleepwalking Mako was influencing my emotions to venture off around the castle for milk. I knew we'd finished the last carton yesterday afternoon after Kade's attempt to teach Makoto how to use magic arrows, one of the few weapons allowed in the approaching competition.

  Now here I was, at three in the morning looking for milk. I shuffled to the main kitchen, the guards giving me a nod in acknowledgment. They were aware of my sleepwalking tendencies, and since they didn't pay attention to my eye color, I bet they thought I was Mako in sleepwalking mode.

  I reached the main fridge, sighing in relief when I found a large carton of milk. I wished there was chocolate or strawberry, but after further investigation, this was the only dairy liquid in the fridge.


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