Poisonous Dream

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Poisonous Dream Page 26

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I allowed the fridge to close, walking over to the shelf and grabbing a clear glass. I shook the carton of milk, noticing the sticky note on the side of the white and blue carton. I raised it to eye level, squinting to read the beautiful handwriting.

  The Princess' milk. DO NOT TOUCH or I'll extinguish you— K. Akiyama

  "Kai," I whispered, already beginning to feel worried about the phoenix shifter. We'd waited all day and late in the night on Kai's status and the medical team explained how Kai was doing. I knew Lily was staying asleep so she wouldn't have to worry about him every second. We promised we'd check in on him when we had a chance, but after Hope's eventful night with Azriel and all the other events that happened last night and this week, we had no spare time visit our Phoenix shifter.

  I returned my gaze to the lovely pink sticky notes, reading the neatly written calligraphy that looked beyond fancy for a sticky note.

  I was filling my glass with milk, placing the carton on the counter and raising my glass to my lips when I sensed another presence, sensing someone was watching my movement.

  I turned my gaze to see a pair of gold eyes staring at me from behind the kitchen island. I raised an eyebrow as the eyes widened before the golden-haired girl's head disappeared.

  I sipped my glass of milk, pretending to not have noticed the little girl whose head began to creep up again. I side glanced to see her eyes staring at the glass of milk in my hand.

  I finished half the glass and I placed it on the counter. I went over to the cupboard, opening it and getting a smaller glass. I poured milk into the second glass, making sure there was enough left over for Makoto in the morning before placing the carton back in the fridge.

  I grabbed both glasses, turning to see the little girl was hiding again. I grinned, walking to where she was without her noticing.

  I knelt down behind her little frame. She wore a beautiful white nightgown with, little gold stars plastered all over the bottom half. Her blonde curly hair was tied in a ponytail, only a few gold locks out of place and resting on her on her face and behind her ears.

  I could definitely tell she was an angel spirit from her soft yellow aura which on further assessment reminded me of Daniel and his older brother Michael who I met at the hot springs.

  "Do you want some?" I asked, making my presence known.

  She shrieked, quickly shuffling and turning to face me. She looked scared for a few seconds before she glanced at the two cups of milk in my hand. Her lips formed a wide grin as she stood up.

  I rose to my full height, presenting her with the glass. She was ready to take it from me, but paused.

  "Hmm. Daniel told me once I shouldn't take stuff from strangers," the little girl announced.

  I grinned at her innocent face— gold eyes rose to meet my gaze, showing her confusion.

  "My name is Midnight. What's your name?" I asked softly, making sure my voice held more emotion than I usually liked to express.

  "Freila Moore. I'm a princess and like dolls. I want a pet unicorn, but Father won't get me one," she introduced before she pouted in dismay.

  I grinned. "That's because unicorns are rare and they aren't pets anymore. Apparently, there is a unicorn shifter out there," I soothed.

  She gasped in shock. "Really?" she whispered, as if my revelation was some type of secret, which warmed my heart.

  "Yup. My host is going to meet one. If she does, I'll tell her a beautiful princess named Freila says hello," I confirmed.

  She jumped up and down, clapping her hands. "That would be awesome! Can I have milk now?" she questioned, eyeing the glass of white liquid in my hand.

  I nodded, giving her the small glass.

  She drank the contents with ease, finishing it in less than a minute. She sighed in relief, lifting up on her tiptoes to place the glass on the kitchen island.

  She turned to face me, bowing.

  "Thank you very much, Midnight. I was thirsty," she admitted.

  "Your very welcome, Freila," I replied, finishing my glass before taking hers from the counter and heading to the sink to wash them. When I was finished I yawned, ready to go back to bed.

  I noticed Freila eyeing my legs, curiosity apparent on her round face.

  "Why do your legs glow?" she questioned, walking up to me and poking my legs.

  "I'm using my magic to walk. It's easier on Makoto," I replied.

  "Who's Ma-ko-to?" she questioned, struggling to say Mako's name correctly.

  "You can just call her Mako and she's my host. I was just thirsty and wanted milk," I explained.

  "Ah. Are you her spirit? Is that why your eyes are a pretty dark blue?" she asked.

  I nodded. "Yup," I replied.

  "You're so cool," she replied.

  "Thank you. No one has said that to me before." I grinned, wondering if this was what it would be like to be a child.

  It made me wish I had gotten the privilege to enjoy a childhood. From the way Father, Mother, and Kade had welcomed us with open arms, I knew it would have been an amazing experience.

  "Has anyone said you're really pretty?" she questioned.

  "Yes. I've been told that," I replied.

  She nodded with a wide smile. "You'd be the perfect princess. You’re kind, drink milk and like unicorns!" She hopped around me, her curly ponytail bouncing with each jump.

  "I'll inform Mako about that. Shouldn't you be sleeping, Freila?" It was three in the morning, she shouldn't be awake at this time.

  "I can't sleep. I've been asking to see Daniel all day long and Stepmother won't let me. Cecelia's snoring is annoying too," she grumbled, crossing her arms.

  "Cecelia?" I questioned.

  "My step sister. She's a B.I.T.C.H!" Freila stomped her foot.

  "Aren't angels not supposed to swear and how old are you?"

  "I'm eight and I can swear if I spell it out. Marissa told me I could. But don't tell Father," she whispered the last part, giggling.

  I like her.

  "She's a cutie," Hope announced, yawning as she entered my mind.

  She is. Innocent, but not so innocent?

  "Anyways. Cecelia is annoying from the moment she wakes up allllllll the way till night when she finally sleeps. Then when she's asleep, her snoring can wake the dead. The DEAD. I've come up with a plan to get my room moved when I reach nine cycles. I'll finally get my beauty sleep," she proclaimed, putting her hands on her hips with a determined expression and glancing at the ceiling.

  "That sounds like a good plan. Do you want to go try to sleep?" I encouraged.

  She crossed her arms, looking deep in thought for a few seconds. "I guess I can try. I'll try to find Daniel tomorrow," she vowed.

  "When was the last time you've seen Daniel?" I asked.

  "Uh. A few cycles ago. I don't really remember it, but I miss him and my older brother Michael. Stepmother won't let me see them. It makes me sad," she confessed.

  I walked up to her, crouching down to move her loose locks behind her ear.

  "Daniel was busy helping Mako. She was really sad and Daniel made her feel better. That's why you haven't seen him," I defended.

  She looked at me with wide eyes. "Daniel helped Mako! Is she happy now?" Freila questioned.

  "Yes. She's very happy. She's still healing so Daniel's helping her out. But he did a really good job. He heals anyone who needs it," I explained.

  I could see Freila's happiness as she practically squealed in delight.

  "Daniel's so cool. Marissa told me all these stories about Daniel and Michael. They use their healing magic for good! Is Mako the Princess Daniel was destined to save with the other knights?" Freila asked.

  "Yup. But that's between you, me and your family. No one else knows," I replied, placing a finger on my lip in a 'shh' gesture.

  Freila nodded quickly, placing her pinched fingers on the end of her mouth and moved them to the other like she was closing something with a zipper. "My lips are sealed," she vowed.

  I nodded, rising up to my feet
. "Do you know how to get back?" I asked.

  "I do...but..." She trailed off, fidgeting on her feet as she looked down to the floor.

  "I bet she doesn't want to walk alone," Hope pointed out.

  I gave Hope a mental nod in agreement. "Want me to walk you back?" I proposed.

  She immediately jumped up and down. "Yes, pretty please. I don't like being alone," she confessed, her shoulders slumped as she frowned.

  "Me neither. Let's go," I whispered, offering my hand.

  Her little hand went in mine as we made our way down the hall and she directed me to her room. The moment we reached the door I could hear a loud noise.

  It sounded like an engine, no TWO engines. The noise was far worse than even Marcus' snoring that we all made fun of. Freila let go of my hand, plugging her ears with her fingers.

  "See what I mean," she groaned, rolling her eyes.

  I gave her a sad smile. "I feel you. Totally can wake the dead."

  We both shared a look before we broke into soft giggles.

  "I'll see you around, Freila," I whispered.

  She gave me a sad expression as her hands fell to her sides. "But. I thought you don't like to be alone. Aren't you scared to walk back?" she questioned.

  I smirked, patting my shoulder.


  Nightmare landed on my shoulder, her tails waving wildly before settling around my neck. She stretched before glancing at Freila was open-mouthed and pointing at Nightmare.

  "Where'd she come from?" she questioned.

  I pointed to the top of the pillars. "She likes to hop on the pillars. She was on top of the fridge when we were drinking our glasses of milk," I revealed.

  "She's pretty. Can I pet her?" Freila asked.

  I looked at Nightmare who tilted her head.


  "That means yes," I translated.

  Freila reached out while I extended my hand— Nighty running down my arm and sitting in my palm. Freila took her time petting her.

  "You're so pretty. You're a perfect match for Princess Mako and Midnight," she hummed.

  Nightmare purred, her tails glowing a soft pink as she enjoyed Freila’s slow strokes.

  I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

  Freila noticed, stepping back before she bowed. "Thank you, Midnight. I'll be going to bed," she announced.

  I nodded, lifting Nightmare back to my shoulder where she repositioned herself; her tails wrapped around my neck once again.

  "Sleep well, Freila. Ask Marissa for some earplugs." I winked.

  She giggled. "I will," she replied.

  I turned around, ready to walk away.

  "Midnight?" Freila whispered.

  I looked over my shoulder to see her hesitation. "Yes, Freila?"

  "Can we drink milk together again? No one else has time for me," she whispered, looking sad. She looked like she was on the verge of crying, which made me just as sad.

  Hope felt just as disturbed by Freila's words.

  I walked back to her, kneeling down to look into her gold eyes that were pooling with tears.

  "How about this. At night I'll walk around and check if you're asleep. Only on days where you can't sleep can we stay up and drink milk. Okay?" I offered.

  She met my gaze, a wide smile forming on her small pink lips. "Okay! Night, Midnight." She gave me a hug, making me blink in surprise.

  I sighed, returning her hug.

  She pulled away, giving me a final wave before opening the door— both of us flinched at the loud rumble noise. Freila rolled her eyes, but gave me a smile before she walked in and closed the door behind her.

  I rose, letting my hands go through my brown locks that were out of their loose curls.

  "Mew?" Nightmare rubbed her cheek against mine.

  "I know. She's lonely," I replied, staring at the door while I tuned out the loud noise that somehow managed to escape the thick walls of the castle.

  I turned around, beginning to walk back as I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

  So sleepy.

  I turned the corner, struggling to drag my feet when I noticed familiar aura ahead. I lifted my head to see Daniel relaxed against the wall. He turned his head, giving me a smile as he pushed off the wall.

  "How long have you been there?" I questioned, yawning.

  "Since my sweet sister asked for some milk," Daniel revealed, giving me a relieved smile. He walked up to me, eyeing my black loose t-shirt and black shorts; my markings glowed a dark blue.

  "Oh. Hmm...sneaky," I mumbled, yawning again.

  He offered his hand to me. I didn't hesitate, placing my hand in his. We walked down the hall, heading back to my room.

  "She misses you," I pointed out.

  "I know. I've just been avoiding it," Daniel confessed.

  "Too much?" I questioned.

  Daniel nodded. "I'm not good at multitasking. I want to see her, but I wanted to make sure you guys were okay. Plus..." He trailed off, looking at the floor as we walked.

  I stopped, prompting him to as well by tugging his hand.

  He looked up to meet my blank expression.

  "You don't want to disappoint her," I concluded.

  He gave me a sad look. "When you shatter a kid’s expectations, they remember. It's better for me to watch from the distance," he whispered.

  "Even if she's lonely?" I replied.

  Daniel sighed, looking miserable. "I don't want her to be," he said in a tiny voice.

  I didn't like how depressed he looked, my mind made up as I took a step forward, pulling him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

  "Maybe before the competition you can see her? I bet she'd be happy," I whispered.

  He nodded against my shoulder, tightening his embrace.

  I closed my eyes, relaxing in his arms. I felt something soft press against my neck, inducing a wave of pleasure through me. Daniel's lips lingered against my neck.

  "Midnight?" he whispered.

  "Yes, Daniel," I replied. I didn't know how I felt about his kiss, but I didn't hate it. In fact, I decided I liked it and deep inside me, I wished he hadn't stopped.

  "Thank you."

  I smiled, pulling back so he could see my happy expression. "You’re welcome. Can we go back to sleep now?" I asked, struggling to keep my eyes open.

  He smiled, nodding. He lifted me up, saying I should reserve my magic for training.

  As I began to fall asleep, I wondered how happy Freila would be to see Daniel, already envisioning her big gold eyes and pink lips that would spread into a wide smile as she jumped and giggled.

  Operation— Force Daniel to Meet Freila: In Progress.


  "Makoto. Go train."

  "See, that's exactly what I mean. Lay back down!" I ordered.

  Kai groaned, laying back down at my command. I sighed, grabbing the dry orange towel from the nightstand and soaking it in the bowl of cold water.

  I squeezed it out before turning and placing the cool cloth on Kai's forehead. He sighed in relief, giving me a weak smile.

  "Don't give me that cute face," he whispered.

  I sighed, lowering my lips to his, giving him a slow kiss.

  "You're all over the place, you know that," I whispered against his lips.

  "I need examples for your false accusations," he whispered, kissing me.

  I grinned, breaking the kiss as I giggled. "For one. You always call me Princess, not Ma-ko-to. Two, you’re not this clingy," I pointed out.

  "Hmm, I'm not clingy," he argued, his hand going through my hair and pulling me back down for another passionate kiss.

  I sat on the edge of the bed as we continued to kiss. Kai's right hand slid up and down my thigh. "Totally clingy. You're keeping my lips captive so I don't leave for training. Contradicting yourself," I hummed.

  "You're very observant," he replied.

  He sat up, the cloth I'd placed falling off his forehead. I leaned back to give him space and retrie
ved the towel, placing it back in the bowl of water to soak. I returned my attention to my phoenix shifter, curious as to what he was doing.

  He shuffled to one half of the bed, patting the bed for me to lay next to him. I tilted my head in disapproval.

  "I have to go train," I reminded.

  "Five minutes."

  I tried to keep my hard front, but looking at his exhausted eyes, which were cradled by dark circles and flushed cheeks, I couldn't ignore his request. I quickly squeezed the water out of the cloth before sliding into bed.

  Kai smiled, pulling me into his arms. I waited for him to settle before I placed the cloth back on his forehead.

  "No moving or I'll leave," I warned.

  "So mean," he mumbled, but stayed still.

  We laid in silence for a few minutes, a thought coming to my mind.



  "Why is your flame low?" I asked, my tone of voice showing my seriousness. I hadn't questioned it before because my mind was all over the place, but after finding out I could walk again and having a relaxing day with my family the next, I'd had enough time to think about Kai's situation and the possibilities as to why his flame energy was below average.

  He didn't reply, the silence growing as the seconds passed. I lifted my head to see if he was asleep, his breathing lower than a minute ago. I let out another sigh, leaning up and giving him a soft peck on his lips.

  I rotated myself in his arms, ready to slip out of his embrace when his arms tightened around me, my back pressed against his chest.

  "Kai?" I whispered, unsure if he was awake.

  "Will you be mad?" he whispered.


  "Is it something bad?" I questioned.


  "Then I won't be upset."

  He nuzzled his head between my shoulder and neck, inhaling deeply followed by a heavy sigh.

  "My Princess always smells nice," he whispered.

  "And my pumpkin spice star knight is changing the subject," I pointed out, slightly amused. Kai didn't normally dance around the bush with certain matters, but seeing as he was fighting a fever and wasn't in the right mindset, I didn't mind.


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