Poisonous Dream

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Poisonous Dream Page 27

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "In order to get information on how to heal you, I had to give some of my flame in return. It was the best option between the two choices presented. I guess I should thank them for giving me the second option," he explained.

  My heart dropped at his revelations, automatically feeling bad that my phoenix star knight was in pain because he wanted to help me. His grip tightened around my waist as he pressed himself against me.

  "Don't feel bad. Please, Princess. It's not that bad. It will go back to normal. I just...I couldn't see you like that much longer. I couldn't continue to watch everyone's distressed regarding what happened and during your dormancy. Daniel wouldn't stop training. Marcus looked so lonely in the fields while Elias and EliaseAnne looked depressed in their room in the psychiatric ward. Ryder's been trying to not let all the emotion get to him, but he could barely keep up and was risking himself going into sensory overload every day. And you being dormant and Midnight's nightmares and struggles. I couldn't...I couldn't take it anymore," Kai confessed.

  "Kai," I whispered, my voice trembled as I tried to compose myself.

  "I love you so much. We all love you and your spirits. When you're not happy, we’re not happy. When you’re sad or upset, so are we. I thought when we'd arrived at Heila our struggles would all be over and we'd finally get to celebrate completing our mission and bringing you home to where you belong. Instead, chaos happened and the simple thought of seeing those blue eyes filled with tears and the challenges you'd have to face, my motivation to find a way to help you grew."

  He took a deep breath before he continued.

  "Daniel needed a certain file that would give him enough information to try and heal your legs using his gift. But the file was locked in a secure place and the people involved didn't want to grant us permission access that information. I gave some of my flame and was warned that I'd feel really weak on and off for a few weeks and I should rest. I didn't want to worry you guys...but I guess that failed. Worried Elyion is more of a pain in the ass than his regular nuisance," Kai mumbled the last part.

  I smiled, turning in his embrace so I could face him.

  I removed the cloth so I could press my forehead against his.

  "Don't be mad. Don't hate me. I'm sorry, Princess," he immediately apologized, not waiting for me to reply. He opened his mouth to continue, but I cut him off, my lips smashed into his.

  I wasn't mad. I needed him to understand that, which started with calming him down. I trailed my tongue along his bottom lip before meeting his confused gaze. "I'm not upset, Kai. Don't apologize. I just don't like that you put yourself in such a weak state on my behalf. I know it's your knightly duty and I'm proud to have you as one of my star knights. I just don't like seeing you in pain," I admitted, wanting to be honest with him.

  "I know. But neither do we like seeing you in pain. Seeing you cry and struggle with your therapy sessions. I tried, Mako. I really tried. But if I had to go back and face the same decision, I'd do it again without hesitation," he declared, giving me a serious look.

  "Stubborn," I mumbled, giggling at his sad face.

  "I'm not."

  "You are." I laughed.

  "Maybe," he replied, looking away.

  I felt Lily enter my mind, lingering at the edge. Hey, Lily? I have an idea.

  "I know and yes. It can be done. You can't train today though," Lily pointed out.

  Hmm. I'll hide in here and pretend I fell asleep.

  Lily giggled. "Fine with me," she replied.

  "Kai?" I purred.

  "Yes, Princess?" Kai asked, his eyes struggling to stay open.

  "Let's take a nap," I recommended.

  "I'm not sleepy," he mumbled.

  "I'll stay with you the entire time," I suggested.

  He narrowed his eyes at me in suspicion. "You’re planning something," he accused.

  I grinned, pushing him against the bed so I could lay on top of him. My hands ran through my brown locks and I gave him a seductive grin. "Am I?" I whispered, feeling his hardness against my entrance. As much as my body begged to enjoy Kai after our close attempts, I knew this wasn't the time or place for us to have sex.

  He grinned, his tired eyes trailing down my body.

  "If we nap, do we get alone time later?" he questioned.

  "Anything you want," I replied, lowering myself to give him a kiss on his neck.

  He groaned, his hands resting on my hips. "Fine. Just don't leave me," he agreed. He pulled me into his arms as I relaxed on his chest.

  "I'll be right here and I'll never leave you, Kai Akiyama," I replied confidently.

  He nodded, allowing his amber eyes to close. It wasn't long till he was asleep.

  "Kai?" I whispered.

  He didn't reply, still asleep.

  I placed one last kiss on his lips before I relaxed and yawned, feeling slightly tired myself. I think I'll take a nap as well. I trust you, Lily. Just no sex. I didn't want to wake up completely exhausted and sore.

  Lily giggled. "Yes, no sex. Just a little something-something," she hummed.

  I groaned. You sound like Lexi. Don't let her dragon spirit ways rub off on you.

  "Yes, ma'am," Lily confirmed.

  I let my mind drift, letting Lily take over and prayed this plan would help ease Kai and Hinotori's pain.


  I opened my eyes, needing a moment to orientate myself. It took me a little longer to take control, wanting Makoto to have a few minutes to go into a deep sleep before I took her place.

  With what I had planned, I didn't want the chance of her being half awake and draining her magic instead of my own.

  I let my hand brush along Kai's flushed cheek as he slept. I frowned at his short breath, the fever still having a toll on him. I'd assumed his random drop of flame had to be due to him giving a large amount for something magically taxing. I didn't think he'd have done it to get the information needed for Daniel to heal us with his gift.

  Just the thought made my heart swell with love for our phoenix shifter, and the kindness he held for us and the other knights.

  "Kai?" I whispered, wanting to confirm he was asleep. He didn't stir as I used my thumb to rub his cheek. Asleep.

  "Hinotori?" I called, hoping he wasn't too deeply asleep. Kai stirred, his eyes squeezing shut before relaxing. I was ready to try again when his eyes slowly opened, glowing amber eyes met mine.

  Hinotori tilted his head in confusion.

  "My dreams must be playing tricks on me or I'd say Lily is in my arms." He grinned.

  "You're not dreaming, silly." I giggled.

  Hinotori and I had the least amount of time together compared to the others. We both didn't mind too much, but I'd definitely missed him.

  "Hello, my beautiful Queen," he joked.

  "And hello, my King," I replied, leaning up to share a kiss.

  "I've missed you."

  "Me too."

  "You're not mad either, right?"

  "About you using your flame for the good of my host? No, I'm not mad, but I don't like the position you've put yourself in. But I'm here to help."

  Hinotori gave me a weird look, taking a few more seconds to think about my words before he grimaced.


  "I haven't said anything," I pointed out.

  He shook his head. "It's draining on you," he replied.

  "What is?"


  "Hinotori. I'm not budging on this. You know how dangerous it is for your flame to be so low! Your body isn't used to the sudden drop and you could die!" I argued, my voice going higher than normal.

  "It's...not that serious," he mumbled.

  "Hinotori. There are not many of us phoenix shifters left. You have to be living under a rock to not hear about hunters and mages kidnapping our kind and taking their flame because of its power and strength. You didn't give it to someone who'd use it for bad, right?" I questioned.

  He quickly shook his head.

  "No. The person will use it to he
al phoenix shifters who suffer from such," Hinotori replied.

  I let out an exhale in relief, allowing my hand to brush against his cheek, noticing how hot he felt. "Please love, let me help? I don't like seeing you like this," I confessed, my voice showing just how heartbroken I was to see him suffering like this. I'd been worried sick yet I didn't want to add to Mako's stress.

  Hinotori’s shoulders slumped at my expression.

  "Okay. Only a little...you have to stop me if I go over," he stressed.

  I nodded in compliance, pulling the hair tie that was on my wrist, sitting up to tie my hair into a messy bun.

  Hinotori's eyes roamed my body, making me blush at his intense heated gaze.

  "Mako said we can't have sex..." I trailed off, feeling my face burn from my random comment.

  His grin widened as he sat up. "Oh really?" he countered.

  "Yes...because...ugh. This is embarrassing. Just no sex. You're just gonna make me sick," I defended.

  Hinotori chuckled. "If my memory proves to be working, you kissed me when you summoned me, love. You're doomed," he reminded.

  I gawked at him, completely forgetting. "Aww fuck," I swore before I began to giggle.

  He joined in, chuckling at my realization.

  I laid on my back, making sure my hair was out of the way from my neck. Hinotori climbed on top of me, licking his lips.

  "It may hurt," he warned.

  I shrugged. "Physical pain is the least of my concern," I replied. I already knew how it felt to get your flame taken away from you. It could go two ways: a painful experience that left you weak for days or a pleasurable one, which still left you exhausted, but would be damn worth it. I, of course, enjoyed the second option and let's just say machines weren't as compassionate.


  I blinked out of my daze, looking up to see Hinotori's concerned face.

  "Have you had your flame taken before?" he questioned.

  I bit my lip, unsure whether to tell him or not. He gave me a look, knowing if I hadn't I would have replied him immediately. "Yes," I finally said.


  "Facility. I don't want to talk about it," I admitted, looking away.

  Hinotori sat on his knees. "I'm not doing it," he announced.

  I rolled my eyes. "Hinotori Akiyama, hurry and take my damn flame or I swear I'll make sure you never enjoy this body of mine," I huffed.

  He gawked at me. "That’s...blackmail!" he accused.

  I grinned. "Lexi said blackmailing any male with no sex does wonders in arguments. See, I've automatically won."

  "I didn't...even answer yet," he stuttered, his cheeks growing red.

  "Uh huh," I replied.

  We stayed silent for a moment before I continued.

  "Hinotori. It's in the past. It was painful and I don't like talking about it. Doesn't mean I don't want to share my flame with you. I'll tell you when to stop and if it's too much for me to handle, I'll let you know. I just want you to be better. Mako isn't saying anything, but she's really worried...and so am I. Please?" I begged, blinking my eyes.

  Hinotori looked like he was struggling to answer, closing his eyes for a moment. He nodded in approval, moving to hover over me as I relaxed my head against the pillow.

  "I'll try so it doesn't hurt," he consoled, his hot breath against my neck.

  "Hehe. I feel like I'm in those movies with vampires. What was that silly movie the humans went crazy over with the sparkling vampire?" I pondered.

  "Twilight, love. And how do you even know that?" he asked.

  “Marcus was complaining about it back on Earthala when we went to the beach."

  "Eavesdropping," he mumbled, his lips brushing my neck.

  "Unintentionally liste-ah," I began, but gasped at the intense kiss he placed on my neck. I arched my back as my eyes closed at the shift in sensation. The once painful cold touch of his lips became immensely hot.

  His right arm snuck under me to hold me as I trembled from the wave of pleasure that hit me. I felt dizzy in seconds, but I fought to stay conscious, centering my concentration on my own flame and monitoring its decrease.

  Mako's body didn't demand for us to have a large amount of flame due to having four other spirits, each with their own levels of power. I could spare a little more for Hinotori's and Kai's sake and since I knew I wouldn't have to use my own phoenix powers anytime soon, it wouldn't put me in a sticky situation.

  I whimpered, my body growing weak as I struggled to not fall into a daze, a common state to experience when your flame was taken from you.

  "Hinotori," I warned, panting at the intense sensation that pulsed through me, while I pressed my legs together in an attempt to ease my arousal.

  Hinotori slowed his consumption, slowly weaning off before his lips released my neck. I let out a weak moan, Hinotori tightening his hold on me before carefully laying me on the bed.

  "Shit, sorry Lily. I didn't think it would be that hard to stop," he confessed.

  I didn't bother trying to open my eyes, needing the energy to catch my breath. "It's...fine," I panted, needing a few minutes to calm down. I didn't know it would be this pleasurable and I didn't want him realizing how close I was to cumming from the simple exchange.

  Just deep breaths and my body will calm. No sex, no sex.

  I heard the creaking of the bed. I felt Hinotori's lips brush against my ear.

  "Lily. Do you need my help with something?" Hinotori's husky voice asked.

  I froze at the touch of his hand on my thigh; the throbbing between my legs only escalated. "No..." I lied, biting my lip.

  "Lily. I don't need to be an angel to know that you're not saying the truth," he pointed out.

  I swallowed, opening my eyes and turning to see those amber orbs of his— the intensity of lust in his gaze turned me on even more.

  "Maybe." I glanced down at his swollen lips.

  He grinned, his hand sliding between my legs. I couldn't help spreading them wide enough for Hinotori to tease my entrance. He didn't delay, tugging the fabric of my panties to the side and coating his fingers with my wetness.

  "Fingering you doesn't count as sex." Hinotori winked.

  "It so d—" I began, but bit my lips as I held back a moan, arching back at the cold sensation of Hinotori's fingers sliding into me.

  He immediately picked up the pace, sliding in and out. My moans increased as my hips arched so his fingers slid into the perfect spot.

  "Hinotori...ah...can't hold back," I confessed, my heart raced as my body tensed up.

  "Cum for me, my Lilylusha," Hinotori's husky voice demanded before he sucked on the fresh hickey on my neck.

  I cried out as I came; my release gushed around his fingers as I trembled in pure bliss.

  He let his fingers linger inside me until I calmed, catching my breath. He pulled them out slowly, inducing another moan from my lips. I lifted my head to look at him, watching as he licked each finger, smiling at my flushed cheeks.

  "You taste marvelous, Lily," he disclosed, leaning to kiss me.

  I slipped my tongue into his mouth, his tasted mixed with my cum turned me on, making me wish we could do more. But I was fighting to stay awake. Hinotori broke the kiss and encouraged me to relax into the mattress. He rested on the other side pulling me into his arms.

  "You okay?" he asked; concern lingered in his low voice.

  I smiled. "I should be asking you that. How do you feel?" I countered.

  "Much better. Can actually think straight and don't feel like shit," he confessed.

  "I'm glad," I replied, feeling relieved.

  "You should sleep. I think I overexcited your body," Hinotori mumbled the second half of his sentence.

  I giggled, the soft sound barely audible due to my tiredness. "Yes, and that sounds like a good suggestion. As long as you’re staying with me."

  He pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I'll never leave your side."

  "Never? What if you were forced to?" I joked. I noticed a flicker o
f sadness flash in his expression, but before I could center on it he smiled.

  "I'd fight to never leave you and if they forced me, I'd rather die than live in this galaxy without you," he vowed.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but his words tugged at my heart. He pressed me against his chest, holding me tightly as if we truly were facing such circumstances.


  "Yes, Lily?"

  "That won't happen, right? You wouldn't be forced to leave me?" I asked, the fear already began to make my heart race.

  "I haven't seen that happen, my love. I can see the future remember?" he reminded me.

  "I remember. I was just worried for a second. Hehe, must be my foggy mind," I accused, closing my eyes while I enjoyed the rich scent of pumpkin spice.

  Darkness tugged at my mind, ready to claim me into the land of sleep when my ears picked up Hinotori's words.

  "No matter what the future holds, my sweet Lily, I'll never leave your side. I swear it," he vowed. That was enough to calm my nerves. One last thought flowed through my mind as I fell into deep slumber.

  Let his words stay true. In stars we trust.

  "Are you nervous?" Daniel questioned, eyeing me in the mirror as he finished the crown braid he was styling.

  "No," I replied confidently. I met his gold eyes, noticing the determination in my own turquoise eyes as I took a moment to appreciate my image.

  I was wearing gold and pink combat gear, the sleek two-piece having magic laced into the fabric to give us protection against anything that could physically hurt us. If the weapon was laced with magic however, it would do a bit of damage, but not enough to kill us.

  The gold and black tights were so smooth against my skin that I had to make sure I wasn't sitting there naked, the pink and gold weaved top made with the same fabric. It was a top that was low enough to show a bit of my cleavage, making no sense to me. Mother ensured it was made because of the cloak I'd have to wear for being an heir candidate. My family and the boys wanted to keep my guaranteed royal status on the down low.

  My eyes lowered to my royalty mark, lifting my finger to trace the rose design, stopping at the red line. I bit my lip as I wondered why I hadn't met him, worried he'd never appear. I'd been training for two weeks and had gone outside the castle walls with Daniel once to have a little date of our own. I hoped I'd miraculously bump into my sixth star knight at some point when I arrived in Heila, but no opportunity had arrived and I was doing my best to distract myself regarding the matter.


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