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Poisonous Dream

Page 29

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Midnight had told me about her nightly milk drinking adventures with the princess who loved unicorns. I promised to greet her after the competition was over. Midnight said she'd gotten Daniel to talk to Freila, which made her entire week and left Midnight in a really good mood. I was disappointed that I’d missed it, but I was pleased that Daniel and Midnight were beginning to get along— maybe even begin to fall in love as well.

  After my moment with Stryker back on Earthala, I was open to the idea of being more intimate with the other spirits, wondering if what Stryker had said would come true one day.

  I wanted to get this over and done with so I could start celebrating being home with my loved ones and that started with facing this milestone.

  Cecelia's black eyes locked on mine for three seconds till she rolled them.

  "This is such a waste of time," she mumbled to herself, my sensitive ears picking it up.

  "Can we kill her by accident?" Hope suggested.

  "It would be a simple swift kick to her legs, knocking her over to smash that ugly face of hers onto a rock and allow her to bleed to death. It wouldn't be hard," Midnight proposed.

  "Messy, but worth it," Hope replied.

  Remind me to never let you two fight in the same anything. I've forgotten how scary a combo you two were back at the facility.

  Hope was one of the spirits who when she took control, gave off the complete innocent look, but could kill you in seconds if you pissed her off. Adding Midnight when Hope needed to switch only guaranteed our win in the arena and was discouraged by The Owner because he liked our matches to go as long as possible for entertainment reasons.

  "GET READY. Your scores will be monitored and displayed on the board. The King and Queen of Heila, as well as the King of ArchAilennia, are present. Be wary of your actions," the referee reminded, raising her hand in the sky.

  I glanced up to the boxed tower that was tall enough to see the majority of the arena. I saw Father and Mother sitting in their designated throne spots. Kade and my star knights crowded in one corner peering down at me while Daniel's father and stepmother were on the other side of my parents, looking bored.

  Daniel's father was 6'5, having long ash blond hair that reminded me of a Viking. He was well built for his age and had wider shoulders than Father, but his aura didn't compare against my father who was already withholding a good chunk of it.

  Daniel's stepmother was short, only standing at 5'2 with the heels she was wearing. You could see she had an attitude from her body language and her scrunched face only contributed to it.

  It made me realize where Cecelia got her traits from and I wondered what her biological father was like.

  I noticed my star knights concerned faces; my eyes stopped to focus on Daniel who looked pissed for some strange reason. I knew he'd had a moment with his father as I entered the preparation room for assessment, but I never got a chance to question what happened.

  From how tense he looked and that his eyes were darker than normal, proved that his conversation didn't go to his liking. I gave him a small smile; my mini gesture made his shoulders relax ever so slightly as he returned my smile. I turned my attention back to the battlefield, needing a second to center myself.

  I opened my eyes to notice Cecelia's eyes glowed a bright gold— her angel spirit taking over. She noticed my stare, returning it with a smug look.

  "Are you afraid, princess?" she whispered the last word for my ears alone; the others too far away to pick up her beginning attempt to belittle me.

  "Of what? I see no competition here. But I guess I should try to put on a show. You know, to make you look good and all. Plus, I haven't been exercising lately. I apologize in advance for my rusty performance," I replied, feeling Hope at the edge of my mind, wanting to take over.

  "Hmph. If it wasn't for your little disability stunt we would have this over and done with. Just admit you were afraid to face someone as powerful and beautiful as me, future princess, of ArchAilennia. Don't worry, I'll make sure to spare your legs. I can at least cripple those arms of yours so you can actually know how it feels to be worthless," she gloated, narrowing her eyes.

  I bit my lip, losing hold of my power for a split second, which was rewarded with gasps from the other contenders as they turned to face us. I didn't fight Hope any longer allowing her to take over as I lingered in the background with Midnight.

  Hope opened our eyes, as she smiled sweetly. "Well, Cecelia? I guess we'll find out who cripples who. I wouldn't want to break those pretty nails of yours. So your limbs will have to do," Hope replied sweetly, crackling our neck. I noticed the flicker of fear in her eyes as she growled.

  Hope laughed, flicking her hair as she crossed our arms, waiting for the referee’s signal— the female angel looking confused and stunned by our exchange. She quickly composed herself before she blew a horn.



  I hid in the tree above, crossing my arms over my chest as my right leg that rested on my knee swayed up and down. I tilted my head to the side, watching the battle from above.

  As soon as the referee signaled the beginning of competition smoke bombs went off, blurring our sight. I didn't hesitate, summoning my strings to guide me to higher ground, turning my aura off completely.

  I could already hear the clashing of weapons around me, but I focused on my mission. I wouldn't be foolish to fight blinded and I'd made the right move as I looked at the fights going on below.

  I closed my eyes, already envisioning my plan. I would need five more minutes for everything to be in place, but I doubted I’d stay hidden for long or I’d be disappointed by this group of royal adults.

  I was watching a black-haired demon tackle an angel shifter, both of them duking it out with fists instead of using their gifts the gods gave them, which made me groan. I thought I’d have some fun during this competition, having not gotten any training time since the facility.

  Of course, it was a good thing, but the way that bitch of an angel shifter tried to insult Makoto pissed me the fuck off and we all knew I didn’t swear unless someone pressed a nerve. I could feel the tension coming from the box tower where our family, knights, and the remaining audience watched, taking a quick glance to see Azriel’s displeased look. He must have taken over when I’d taken Makoto’s place and he looked far angrier than Daniel had. I quickly looked at the others, noticing their grimaces expressions, wondering if they were truly upset about Azriel’s gift beginning to influence their moods.

  I wanted to ponder on the dilemma a while longer, but my sense of urgency spiked. I slid off the branch I was sitting on, landing on the ground and my body springing into the air to evade the multiple arrows directed my way.

  I dodged every one with ease, only using my air power instead of summoning my wings. I wouldn’t need them unless I fully shifted and I didn’t know if that was necessary yet.

  My eyes began to search out the owner of the arrows that continued to trail after me as I practically danced out of the way, feeling like I was a ballerina on the battlefield.

  I bit my lip, needing to focus a little more energy on my plan while I continued to dodge the assault of arrows that rained on me in waves.

  “This is more than one shifter,” Midnight pointed out, a feeling of anger with a hint of fear flickered through me.

  I realized. Makoto?

  “Yes, Hope?” Makoto answered.

  “I want to shift,” I announced. From the nerves that began to trickle through me, courtesy of Midnight, I knew Cecelia must be using her gift and if I was going to face nine shifters I might as well go all out.

  “Be my guest. I’ll need to be unconscious, though. Please no killing and, Midnight, relax. Hope won’t let anyone control you,” Mako soothed.

  Midnight mentally nodded, our shared nerves began to fade at Mako’s confident words.

  “Thank you, Mako. Won’t let you down,” I affirmed.

  “I know. Be good. I’ll get the play by play fr
om the boys and Kade is apparently videoing it,” Mako revealed.

  I outstretched my hand to make a barrier around me, giving some room for me to shift. The onslaught of arrows pierced the gold barrier, but wasn’t enough to cause immediate damage.

  “I’ll make sure to give them a show. I gotta make Rose and the others proud,” I mumbled, glancing to my left. I noticed a large amount of power being gathered and aimed in my direction. I have to make this quick.

  “Good luck and be safe.” Makoto faded from our minds, going into a deep slumber.

  Midnight send vibes of encouragement, making me smile at her moral support.

  I let go of the hold on my magic as I felt my back burn. I flinched at the pain, biting my lip, but allowing my wings to outstretch. I hadn’t used them in cycles and of course, their stiffness and the pain of spreading them out was my punishment. Fuck…I really need to summon these bloody things more often.

  “Definitely less painful,” Midnight mumbled, sharing my pain.

  I allowed the rest of my body to shift as my strings began to wrap around me— my wings wrapping themselves around me as my holy strings encased us in a holy cocoon. It would only be a few seconds till my shift was complete and would give me three seconds to dodge the blast of energy heading my way. I grinned, as my transformation finished one second early— my holy string shattering as I shot out of the sky; avoiding the large blast that destroyed my barrier with ease. I soared as high as the arena allowed me, spreading my large white wings that glowed.

  I relaxed, crossing my arms as I took a moment to enjoy the stunned faces below; unable to stop myself from taking a quick peek at the tower. My grin grew wider as I noticed King Moore’s shocked expression and his wife’s venomous glare.

  I bet Cecelia looks exactly like that right now.

  In my fully shifted form my hair glowed a light blonde, shifting to pure silver and the tips glowing a gold. My outfit shifted to a white jumpsuit; my cape and boots the only thing that still remained after my shift.

  “She does,” Midnight confirmed.

  I scanned below, my eyes stopped on the blonde who looked absolutely furious. Wow, if only looks could kill.

  “Hope, arrows,” Midnight warned.

  I smirked, already sensing the approaching threat. I easily avoided them before diving straight toward Cecelia. She panicked, slashing her hand in front of her and summoning a gust of wind.

  I immediately pulled back, dropping down to avoid another set of arrows.

  It continued to be a game of cat and mouse, multiple arrows and attacks from eight other shifters coming from all direction versus sweet little me. I began to get bored, my patience running on a thin thread.

  I wasn’t here to play dodge. I was here to fight and I was tired of being their prey. They wanted to know what it was like to be the hunted? I’d show them.

  My wings retreated, allowing my body to immediately drop to the ground, calling upon the wind to soften my landing before I darted across the ground.

  Midnight, you want to have some? I suggested.

  “Sure,” Midnight replied, taking over as I lingered, needing to keep watch at Mako’s request.

  I could feel her pent-up anger with the current fight and she needed an outlet. Taking out the small fry would do just that.

  She summoned her magic; creating a set of daggers with dark energy— heading straight for Royal One. His eyes grew wide, preparing to shoot another arrow toward me, but he was far too slow for my quick movements.

  I slid to the ground, outstretching my left leg to knock him off his feet while I slashed his arm while he was still in the air. He fell to the ground, scurrying to fight back, but I didn’t let him, flashing my hand to send a wave of energy toward him.

  He went flying, crashing into the nearest wall. I skidded to a stop, turning to see the board as Royal One’s energy points dropped until his bar was dark orange.

  “One orange, eight more to go. I’ll reserve the angel bitch for you, Hope,” Midnight stated out loud, her body already moving to royal two and three.

  Midnight dashed across the map without breaking a sweat, the last royal plunging to the ground after she shot him down with the arrow magic that Father and Kade had taught us.

  We’d spent the last two weeks perfecting the skill; all of us spirits each practicing and able to use specific elements like fire and ice to enhance the damage.

  Midnight groaned, her hand began to twitch. I immediately knew what was going on.

  “Midnight switch!” I commanded.

  “STOP!” Cecelia’s voice boomed.

  Our body froze as the magic thundered through us. Midnight took a steady breath letting her eyes close as she tried not to react.

  Shit, shit, shit. Not good.

  Since Samuel, Midnight had issues with fighting Archangels. Though her hatred for them was almost non-existent thanks to Daniel and Freila, the one percent that lingered was more than enough to trigger a bad reaction and I didn’t want to clean up the collateral damage she’d cause if she lost control.

  Cecelia grinned in triumph, beginning to walk forward. Our ears picked up the muffled commotion coming from the box that was only a few feet away from us; the audience getting a lovely front row seat of our confrontation.

  “Look at the sitting duck. Not so confident now, are you?” Cecelia purred, reaching our side.

  Midnight narrowed her eyes, rage beginning to boil within us as she bit her lip, struggling to get out of Cecelia’s hold.

  “You play dirty, yet your acting like you’ve won,” Midnight grumbled.

  “Hah, dirty? This is a fucking competition! There’s no rules when it comes to war, princess,” she snarled, lifting her hand and smashing it against our cheek. The impact was strong enough to send us flying into a bunch of trees.

  Midnight recovered quickly, using her fairy magic to create a barrier to cushion the impact, but by the time we could retaliate, Cecelia’s control took hold.

  “For fuck sakes,” Midnight mumbled, her breathing increased as she struggled to stay calm.

  Midnight, stay calm. I’ll take over the next time she hits us. Just take deep breaths, I coached.


  I hated the fear that leaked off the simple word of acknowledgment, making me so mad I concentrated on finishing my plan.

  Two more minutes.

  “This is so funny to watch. What a disgrace you are. I wonder how you were able to survive that so-called facility you were in. If all they taught you was to run and show off, then congratulations. You did an excellent job.” Cecelia laughed, reaching my side before strings held me still— the black threads tightened around my neck, wrist, and ankles.

  Midnight immediately changed her breathing pattern, taking a large inhale and holding her breath. If she was going to try and choke us, it wouldn’t bother us. Been there and done that. Those were beginner lessons of how to survive in the facility.

  “Aww, what to do with the trapped bird? I wonder if it’s true that you have a little hate with Archangels,” she purred into my ear.

  Midnight closed our eyes, struggling to stay in control of the power that practically pulsed off our skin. She’d snap if this continued.

  “You’re the coward. Using that fucking gift to win. Why don’t you fight like a warrior? Hmph, no wonder no one respects you,” Midnight huffed.

  Cecelia grimaced as she tsked. “I should just kill you. The gods wouldn’t have blessed me with this marvelous gift, if it wasn’t to use and abuse whenever I want.” She spread her arms out- the gesture made Midnight’s heart skip a beat.

  It reminded us of The Owner; his arms held wide as he laughed at the bloodbath we’d created. Midnight tried to fight off the panic that began to sink into our bones as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

  “Come forth my puppets,” she commanded, her magic leaking off her.

  The remaining royals slowly made their way toward her; all of them looking like they were struggling against he
r control, some closing their eyes as they grit their teeth.

  Once they circled us, she crossed her arms, tapping her chin as she pondered what to do.

  “Hmm. What to do? To kill you…nah, that would be boring. OH! I know. Why don’t you watch them kill one another? That’s what happens at the facility right? I’d love to see this trigger side of yours. That’s what was in your file? Right?”


  Our eyes widened at her disclosure. She laughed at our shocked expression.

  “Oops. Did I reveal my little dirty work? You see, I let one of the medical staff help me get a glimpse of your file to see what I was up against. You know, background checks and all. That’s why this scenario fits perfectly! Now you can watch these pathetic royals kill each other and you add it to your list of sins,” she rejoiced, clapping her hands.

  The royals immediately began fighting one another— punches to slashes, some of them using their elements and gifts to injure the other. I could see the fear on their faces as they fought, some of them crying as they stabbed the other.

  Midnight shut her eyes, trying to shut out the noise around us.

  I couldn’t take it anymore; the blood, screams, and cries, the shouts from the tower. This wasn’t the reason why the gods created us; they gifted us the power to stop wars, not start them. Yet, here was one of us, enjoying the cries of agony and finding great pleasure in their bloodshed.

  I fought the barrier that hindered us from switching— thrashing against it with my essence over and over again. Each failed attempt only increased my anger and frustration, motivating me to try harder and faster. After the tenth attempt, I finally broke through, Midnight retreating and giving me full control.

  “ENOUGH!” I commanded, my plan taking full effect.

  Everyone froze mid-fight.

  Cecelia flinched, looking confused as she glanced at the frozen figures.

  “What? What did you do!” she demanded.


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