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Poisonous Dream

Page 34

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "What do you want from me? One minute you're saving me and my knights by ignoring us and the next minute you’re fucking stabbing me with a damn blade! Now you kidnapped me! Are you finally delivering me to Blair Aspen?" I snarled, wishing I could move or use my magic, but the shackles that bound my wrists behind my back rendered me useless.

  "Again, King Aspen is unaware of your existence. He has a new play toy to help him obtain his ambitions. And I'm not kidnapping you. I'm borrowing," he replied.

  I blinked, raising an eyebrow at him.

  "BORROWING! Really? THIS, aka having me in this stupid piece of magic inducing metal after you knocked me out and took me from my own fucking garden, is NOT borrowing," I shrieked, flinching at the onset of pounding that rewarded me for my outburst.

  Jeffrey exhaled. "It's because you don't understand, Princess of Heila. In time, this will all make sense, but you have to go through this. You’re delaying," he replied.

  "Delaying what? First, you said we were playing around and taking too long to get to Heila. But of course, it made sense to stab me on the day we were going to leave. Now, you're telling me I'm delaying something? What am I delaying?"

  "You'll find out soon enough, but sadly I have to do this," he announced, approaching me. I tensed up, scanning his hands for some type of weapon.

  He knelt down to where I laid, his hand lifting my chin up to look into my eyes.

  "The less you resist this, the less pain you'll experience," he explained.

  "What are you doing?'

  "Taking your memories."

  My eyes grew wide at his answer. "No. Let go. I can't forget everyone! Dammit, Jeffrey!" I screamed.

  Yet again, he gave me a sad expression as tears formed in my eyes. "I'm sorry, Princess. This must be done. You can't face the darkness ahead without going through this. Again, you'll understand one day and you'll get your memories back when you complete the task I have for you and your familiar," he disclosed.

  Nightmare hissed, shaking her head, but couldn't move. Even if she was a Starlight god, when in familiar form, she was vulnerable to everything us shifters and other living beings experienced. If he was going to use magic on the both of us to erase our memories, it would affect her too.

  His grip tightened, holding my head in place. My eyes grew wide before I screamed, my head binding as my body burned.

  I screamed and screamed, trying to fight whatever power was pressing against the mental barrier in my mind. I called upon my spirits, for anyone to help, but they too were hit with whatever power this was; all of us losing the battle.

  My body shook against the floor as tears rolled down my cheeks. My eyes widened while I watched all my memories flash before me as if I was dying once again, but this time it went in reverse.

  EliaseAnne kissing me as we took our selfie.

  My meeting with Xavier.

  Being in the arms of feverish Kai.

  Resting on Father's chest during our family picnic.

  Daniel hugging me when I found out I could walk again.

  Kissing Marcus in the field of sunflowers.

  Kade sleeping next to me as Mother placed a blanket on top of us.

  Mother holding me in her arms as I cried.

  Ryder and I having passionate sex in the shower on Earthala.

  Knightwood-Rescue Day- Facility-The night of my sixth birthday.

  I watched everything until the moment I was born into the world.

  And then...there was nothing.

  My shoulders dropped as my eyes dulled. I stared at the pair of unfamiliar violet eyes, my body too weak to fight the onslaught of nausea, exhaustion, pounding, and confusion that hit me at once.

  My eyes rolled back and my body went limp. I felt like an empty shell, being cast away into the dark abyss.

  "I'm sorry, Makoto."






  Who am I?


  I watched the elevator doors close. I let out a deep sigh, tugging the hair tie holding my black hair. I smiled in relief at the loose sensation, letting my hand comb through my locks.

  I was summoned to the private medical sector of our base by my Boss. He said he needed to introduce me to a new recruit who was dealing with what I'd dealt with nine cycles ago.

  I bet she was afraid and confused about where she was. I didn't blame her. Everyone who dealt with those bloody rogues and lived to tell the tale was left erased of their pasts.

  It made our lives a living hell because ninety percent of the shifters were non-compliant in wanting to join our cause. That left us to take them to some type of safe haven and erase our existence from their minds.

  I hoped whoever this new person was, we'd have a better outcome.

  I opened the door, closing it before bowing deeply.

  "Officer Anna Cartier, reporting," I announced, staying in my bowed position.

  "Rise, Ann. Please meet your new partner," the low voice announced.

  I rose up, ready to roll my eyes at my Boss' attempt to partner me up, yet again. I worked with only one other shifter and they were complicated as fuck. I didn't have to time to train someone new.

  My eyes locked on a familiar brunette— dull blue eyes avoided my gaze as she stared at the floor. Her complexion was a sickly pale, making me afraid for her wellbeing. She looked weak which was a common result of being attacked and poisoned by the rogues.

  "Mako?" I questioned, utterly confused.

  "Do you know her?" Boss questioned, his violet eyes narrowed in suspicion.

  "Well, I met her at the beads shop in Minato. We merely said Hi and I helped her find some beads. I don't know her background or anything. What happened? Was this the work of those bloody rogues!" I demanded.

  Mako flinched at my raised voice. Aww shit. I need to keep my cool.

  "She's frightened that's for sure. Whoever took her memories, it happened not too long ago. Her eyes are still dull as if she has no life," AnneMarie lectured, her serious toned voice showed hints of worry.

  "She was found unconscious by one of our trackers. He was trying to find more leads on Aspen and discovered her body on the ship back here. She doesn't know who she is and all her memories have been wiped. I believe she'd be the best fit to be partnered with you. She's strong and has a high magic caliber. She's been healed of her physical injuries, but she'll need time to adjust, as you are well aware," he instructed.

  I nodded, feeling sorry for Mako. I remembered how happy she was in the bead shop, smiling brightly and practically bouncing her feet when I said I'd help her find the right beads for her lovers. I glanced at the bracelet on her right wrist— the same beads nicely assorted into a charm bracelet with silver stars. She made something? Maybe that would help her remember. Hmm...

  I took a few cautious steps, noticing how Mako tensed at my approach.

  "Mako?" I asked hesitantly, unsure what name she’d wanted to go by.

  "Is that who I am?" she whispered, her voice trembled with fear. She still looked at the floor, avoiding my gaze.

  I glanced up at my Boss who looked sorrowful— something I didn't see often.

  "Do you like that name?" I asked.

  "Yes," she replied.

  "Okay. We can call you Mako for now. I'm Anna, but everyone calls me Ann." I used a softer voice to introduce myself. I stood in front of her, offering my hand to her. She eyed my hand, looking unsure of what to do.

  "You shake hands when someone introduces themselves and outstretches their hand like this," I explained, demonstrating the action.

  She lifted her hands, staring at them before she outstretched her left hand to greet mine.

  It made me wonder what her dominant hand was. I noticed the beautiful marking on the back of her hand that grasped mine. It was in different colors, something that was a rare sight to see.

  Adding the markings that trailed her legs that were e
xposed thanks to the simple pink sweater dress she wore. Boss must have let her choose what clothing she'd be comfortable in, most people going for a color that appealed to them the most.

  There was a knock on the door, a man poking his head in as he quickly bowed.

  "I'm sorry for the interruption, sir. Just delivering the hybrid pet," the man in a lab coat announced. He shuffled in the room, gently laying a bundle of white fur onto the two-seat sofa to our left. He nodded again, apologizing for the intrusion before he scurried out.

  I turned to see Mako stare at the little white fur ball.

  "Is that yours? Is she sleeping," I questioned taking a step to approach what I assumed was a familiar of the sorts.

  I froze at the wave of power that hit me, Mako moving from where she previously stood to where the familiar rested. She scooped her up before turning and glaring at me, cradling the familiar protectively.

  "Mine!" she snarled.

  I blinked in astonishment, unsure how she knew the familiar was hers. I glanced at Boss. He was eyeing Mako carefully, but didn't seem concerned.

  "You may have the familiar, Mako. She was found with you so I'm assuming she was always yours," Boss confirmed.

  I turned my attention back to Mako who relaxed, glancing at her pet. She stroked her softly, cuddling her to her chest. It broke my heart to see how lost she looked.

  Her eyes had already begun to pool with tears. I slowly approached her, lifting my hands up in a defensive manner. She eyed me, but didn't lash out her power like before.

  That wave of magic demonstrated she was stronger than a good ninety percent of the officers here. I didn't know what rogue was able to take her out, but she must have been at a major disadvantage.

  I crouched down, looking up into her blue eyes that analyzed me carefully. "I won't hurt you. You’re safe here. I'm going to teach you everything you need to know to feel comfortable here. It will be a slow process. It also will be difficult. We don't speak much English here, but I'll teach you the language. No one will hurt you and I'll always be by your side. Your familiar will stay with you as well. Does that sound okay?"

  She looked to be deep in thought. After a minute, she gave me a slow nod.

  "Good. Why don't you name your familiar? She has a name, right?" I suggested, hoping this would help calm her down.


  "Nighty? That's a nice name," I approved.

  She nodded again, curling up into a ball before she began to cry.

  I rubbed her back. "I know it's hard. Don't worry. I'll be your friend and partner here. You won't feel sad or lonely for long," I reassured her.

  When you had your memories erased you felt like an empty shell. Everyone reacted differently, but most victims felt impending loneliness and desperation. It was as if you were trapped in a new world and didn't know how to escape or function.

  Maybe it was because we'd met in the past, but I felt like it was my duty to train her. I'd help her adapt here and if she was up for what was to come, she could be my partner.

  "Come. I'll make you a nice warm bath and we can just talk. Nighty can come too. I'll tell them to make her a nice bed to sleep in while she recovers," I encouraged.

  I helped her up, continuing to rub her back to calm the sobs that escaped her.

  "Anna," Boss whispered.

  I stopped at the door, looking over my shoulder to meet his gaze. His expression was hard to read as if he was unsure as to why he'd called me.

  "Yes, Jeffrey?" I replied, using his real name. It sometimes helped him recall his train of thought, but I rarely used it and when I did, we'd have to be in private. I didn't mind Mako hearing it, seeing as she was clueless about how everything worked in this place.

  "Train her well. Introduce her to the other one when you’ve deemed she's ready. After a few sessions, I'll determine whether you three are a good fit for what's to come," he ordered.

  "Yes, sir," I replied.

  I felt a strong sense of conviction; given the chance to train someone with so much potential. Her little display of power told me she would bring change to our realm. She'd help us rebuild and survive.

  I'd make her the strongest officer here and when she was ready to work as a team, we'd get our revenge against those rogues. One by one, we'd travel the realms and destroy their conquests.

  I knew I may have been putting too much pride in Mako, but something deep inside me told me otherwise. She'd be the key to saving us all. I could feel it.

  We'd work on bringing peace and harmony, and save our dying realm.

  Most importantly, we'd track the man himself and bring Blair Aspen down.

  ~In Stars We Trust~

  Coming soon…

  What do you get when your father’s a centaur and your mother’s a powerful magician?

  Turn the page for a sneak peek…



  What do you get when your father’s a centaur and your mother’s a powerful magician?

  A unicorn shifter…

  You’d think being the only known unicorn shifter in the world would have a few benefits. Like, people treating you kindly or getting special treatment from the council. Not in my case. I'd be lucky to get a piece of bread thrown at me.

  My name is Celestia Rainbow, and yes, my last name is fucking Rainbow.

  Shifters assume that I’m kind by nature, but trust me: I’m fierce, short-tempered and have the mouth of a sailor. Add in my stealthy fighting skills, advanced magic casting, and swift movement, you’ll soon realize I'm someone you wouldn't want to mess with. But everyone looks at my shifter side— my ditzy, peaceful half, sprinkling magic dust, and on a mission to end world hunger.

  Regardless of my dual personality, I’ve sworn to become a huntress at Aslan Academy. Now that I’m of age— my lucky twenty-fifth birthday just happens to coincide with the entrance exams —I’m ready to prove my worth.

  Too bad I’m grouped up with six sinful looking men.

  Time to prove to my community, classmates and this attractive bunch of weirdos that unicorns can kick ass too.


  “Oh, look who it is. Ms. Rainbow! Why don’t you cough up some glitter? Haha.”

  “I can’t believe she actually thinks unicorns exist.”

  “She’s mentally insane. No wonder her mother abandoned her.”

  “Obviously. Why else would Edwin be so consumed by his gatekeeper work? I bet he can’t stand her and just drowns himself in work, just so he doesn’t need to deal with her.”

  I sighed, putting my hands to my ears as I tried to block out the multiple whispers that reached my overly sensitive ears.

  Why wouldn’t they leave me alone? Why did everyone believe I was crazy? All the rumors are wrong. Everything they’re saying is wrong. Mommy didn’t leave me. Daddy doesn’t want to work all the time. Why can’t they understand what I am is truth and not lie. Why?

  I opened my tear-filled eyes as I turned around and ran into the forest. I could hear the lingering laughter— the mockery regarding my silent retreat.

  It made me wonder why I was still living. Why was I brought into such a world if I had no one to turn to?

  I was the only unicorn shifter in my existence, or so the records portrayed. Not like it mattered; no one believed me anyway.

  Even with the multiple voices and pointing fingers that were aimed in my direction or the kicks and shoves I received from my multiple enemies, I knew shifting into my unicorn form wouldn’t stop the bullying. No, it would only escalate it.

  I promised Daddy I would never show that side of me unless it was to defend myself and train. Only my master could see such a form, and he would train me when the time was right.

  But when would the time be right? When would I be able to prove my worth to the society who sees me as nothing but a burden? Breathing alone, was hard enough for many of them, let alone my entire existence.

  I continued to walk through the forest as I tried to calm down— allowi
ng my feet to guide me aimlessly. It always ended up this way; retreating back to the only companion I had: nature itself.

  I had no friends or relatives. My mom was far away; too far for a simple train ride to see her wondrous smile. My father was a gatekeeper, helping guard the gates of multiple dimensions to various worlds. Such a role was usually a birthright or achieved at a young age.

  Yet, my dad was a late bloomer— becoming a gatekeeper when I was six-years-old. Now, I was alone— having to defend myself in this isolated community.

  Being different didn’t mean you got treated special. All it resulted in was becoming an outcast.

  No matter where I turned, shifters young and old looked and whispered. Some didn’t hesitate to point and laugh. I was the laughing stock of the town, and I would always be, unless I proved myself worthy.

  I stopped in my tracks as I felt the first drop of rain fall from the sky. I looked upward; unable to stop my curiosity at the sudden change in weather.

  Drip – Drop – Drip – Drop

  The specks of water from the sky above began to fall one by one, till it began to pour. I stood still, allowing the cold drops of water to beat my flesh as my eyes pooled with tears.

  For a shifter well known to be happy and free, I was nothing compared to such myths.

  I was depressed at my circumstances that I sometimes wondered what was so great about living? My own council, who should cherish my existence, being the first unicorn shifter, discarded me entirely.

  As the councilman said right in my father’s face, ‘She is nothing but a mistake.’

  I tried to stop the tears from falling down my cheeks, holding back the sobs that begged to escape— to be heard by anyone willing to listen to my silent plea.


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