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Barbarian: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators Book 6)

Page 14

by Anna Hackett

  A muscle worked in Corsair’s jaw. He cursed, then gave a curt nod. “Fine.”

  Winter turned back to the rock face. It wasn’t completely vertical, thankfully, and there were lots of ledges along it. She drew in a deep breath. She had to do this, for Dayna and Mia.

  Nero gripped her shoulder. “You can stay here with Corsair and the tarnids.”

  She glared at him.

  He smiled. “I knew that would be your response. And…I understand. I’m sorry that I ever made you believe I thought you were weaker. You’re one of the strongest women I know.”

  His gruff words sent warmth spreading through her. God, this hard-headed barbarian had gotten under her skin. She grabbed his hands, trying to find some words. No, not just under her skin but into her heart. Oh, God.

  His smile widened. “Finally, I’ve rendered you speechless.”

  She laughed. Her barbarian gladiator had made another joke. “It won’t last long. Enjoy it.”

  “I do want to protect you, Winter,” he said. “You’ve suffered enough.”

  “So have Dayna and Mia.”

  He gripped her hand. “I’ll be right by your side the entire time.”

  As the gladiators grabbed their weapons and supplies, the wraith leader stepped forward. “We cannot climb the mountain. We have already sacrificed too many to Catalyst’s lair.”

  “I understand,” Galen said. “Thank you for your help.”

  “If you see our people—”

  The imperator nodded. “We will free them.”

  Winter grabbed her small backpack, her medical supplies, and her knife. Their group moved to the base of the cliff. Raiden and Thorin went first, and started climbing. They moved up the rocks with speed and precision. Blue sped up the rocks, leaping from ledge to ledge with powerful jumps.

  “Ready?” Nero asked.

  Winter dragged in a deep breath and pressed her palms to the rock. It was close to burning hot under her skin. She pressed her boot into a crack and started up. Nero moved beside her, making it look easy, while she felt clumsy. Blaine and Saff moved past them, looking athletic and like they were having fun.

  “Race you to the top, Earth man,” Saff called out.

  “You’re on,” Blaine returned.

  Winter ignored them and stubbornly continued upward. Just as her muscles started to burn from exertion, they reached the top. Nero reached down and grabbed her arm, pulling her up onto a small plateau. Ahead, was the lowest metal cylinder of Catalyst’s lair.

  She looked up, taking in all of the structure looming above them. It looked like a piece of modern art. As she studied the building, she saw a door slide open on the lowermost cylinder.

  “Look,” she said.

  The gladiators all spun, drawing their swords and weapons. Several large robots stepped out of the doorway. They were all carrying large axes.

  Uh-oh. Winter guessed that Catalyst knew they were here.


  Nero reached up and drew his sword.

  He studied the incoming robots. They were fighting robots, like the ones they sometimes faced in the arena. Big, sturdy, with a humanoid shape.

  Around him, his friends all held their weapons, ready and waiting.

  Nero glanced back at Winter. “Stay back and stay clear of the fight.”

  She nodded. “Stay safe, barbarian.”

  “For freedom and honor,” Galen called out.

  Two things that had become vital to Nero since he’d come to Carthago. He raised his voice with his fellow gladiators. “For freedom and honor.”

  Nero rushed forward with his friends. The robots stomped toward them.

  Going in low, Nero swung his sword, smashing his weapon into the robot’s knees. Lore was beside him, going high. Nearby, Thorin gave a loud roar and crashed his huge axe down into another robot. Raiden leaped high into the air and came down swinging his sword. Kace was rushing forward, his staff spinning, and Galen was one step ahead of him with his sword raised. Saff and Blaine attacked the robot to the far left, working together with deadly accuracy.

  A robot swung its giant arms and Nero ducked. His fight partner grabbed something off his belt and threw it in the air. A second later, dark smoke exploded around the robots. They went still, the smoke clearly playing havoc with their systems.

  Nero kept fighting, attacking the robot’s knees again. Metal crunched, and one leg went out from under it. It crashed down on one knee, lights blinking. Nero spun and sliced the robot’s head off.

  It was just like being in the arena. The only thing missing was the roar of the crowd.

  A robot loomed up out of the smoke, raising a giant axe. As the weapon slammed down, Nero rolled to the side.

  Boom. The blow sent rock flying up. The robot lifted the axe, and Nero jumped to his feet. A dark figure leaped over Nero and attacked the robot.

  Galen fought with power and skill, dodging the robot’s swings. He swung onto the robot’s back and with a hard swipe of his sword, opened up the robot’s head, sparks flying.

  If Galen ever went back into the arena, he’d be a force to be reckoned with.

  Nero saw another shadow dart past him. Blue. The man leaped onto another robot and tore the machine’s chest open with his bare hands and a chilling roar.

  Turning, Nero saw Lore attacking another robot. Nero waded in to help. As Lore attacked from the back, Nero skewered the robot with his sword.

  “Nero!” Lore yelled. “Behind you.”

  Yanking his sword out, Nero turned. Another robot, far larger than the others, lumbered out of the building. As it walked, the ground vibrated beneath it. It towered over them and lifted two massive arms. Whirling blades were attached to the ends.

  Grimly, Nero studied it, looking for weak points.

  He saw it zero in on Lore. Nero’s partner bounced on his feet, holding up his sword.

  As the blades whirled, Lore danced between them. He slashed at the robot several times. The last time, he wasn’t quite fast enough.

  One of the spinning blades caught him, slashing him across the chest. Blood sprayed.

  Lore, face twisted in pain, fell to the ground. He reached out a hand, touching the robot’s foot. Flames ignited up Lore’s arm as he used the power he’d been born with. The robot didn’t seem affected, but Nero saw the metal of its foot turning bright orange as it heated up.

  Nero leaped over a downed robot and rushed in. He ducked under the sharp blades, and drove his sword against the softened, hot metal of the robot’s foot.

  The metal collapsed, and the robot started to fall over, teetering for a second.

  Drak. Nero grabbed Lore and dragged him out of the way. “Watch out!”

  He saw Saff and Blaine glance up and leap out of the path of the falling robot. The machine slammed into the ground, blades still spinning and kicking up dirt.

  Lore stayed sprawled on the ground, his chest bleeding profusely.

  “Made a drakking mess of yourself,” Nero growled.

  Lore winced. “Madeline is not going to be happy.”

  A small figure darted over to them. Nero lifted his sword, then cursed.


  “I told you to stay back,” he ground out.

  “I’ll help him.” She was already opening her backpack.

  A mechanical sound, and Nero spun. The robot was trying to drag itself toward them, those dangerous blades still a risk.

  “Go,” she told him, already swiping a cloth at Lore’s bloody chest.

  Nero turned and attacked the damaged robot. Protect Winter. The words echoed in his head. Like a machine, he tore into the robot, slicing at every weak point.

  A moment later, Nero straightened, panting. The blades were slowly stopping, the blinking lights now dark.

  He spun. Another smaller robot was advancing on Winter, axe raised.


  At his shout, she turned and saw the robot bearing down on her. Instead of running, she threw herself over Lore’s prone f

  Drak. Nero burst into a run, pushing his body for all the speed he could muster. He leaped at the robot, swinging and slashing.

  He wouldn’t let it touch Winter.

  He sliced the machine’s arms off. One. Then the other. Its axe fell to the ground. His mind a red haze of rage, he kicked the robot, and it tumbled to the ground. He hacked one of its legs off at the knee, and then jumped onto its chest. He raised his sword, aiming it down, gripping the hilt with both hands. He jammed it into the robot’s chest. He raised his sword and then kept stabbing. Over and over.

  “Nero?” Galen’s voice. “Nero?”

  He ignored his imperator and kept attacking. He had to destroy it. He had to protect Winter.

  “Nero, it’s destroyed.” This time it was Winter’s voice.

  He paused and blinked. He stared down at the twisted, mangled metal beneath him. It barely resembled the robot it had once been.

  He looked up. Winter stood in front of him, and Lore was beside her. His fight partner was smeared with blood, but a stark, white bandage crossed his chest, and otherwise, he looked fine.

  “I think you killed it,” Lore said with a smile.

  Nero stepped off the robot, and strode over to Winter. The savage urge inside him needed to know she was okay. The hunter in him needed to feel his woman’s heartbeat and her sweet warmth.

  He saw her eyes widen. He slid his sword back into its scabbard, then snatched Winter off her feet. He slammed his mouth down on hers.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Winter threw her arms around Nero and held him close as he kissed her. It was hard and punishing and, far too soon, it was over.

  “Wait.” Saff looked first at Winter and then Nero. “You two are—?” She waved a hand between them.

  Lore grinned. “Sneaky, my man.” He slapped Nero on the shoulder.

  Nero wrapped an arm around Winter. She looked up and saw Galen watching them, shaking his head.

  “When we rescued Harper,” Galen said. “I had no idea these people from Earth would turn all my gladiators inside-out.”

  “It’s called love, G,” Raiden said with a smile. “Maybe you should try it?”

  “Oh, no,” Winter hurried to tell them. “It’s nothing like that for Nero and me.” She looked up at him and saw his face was unreadable. “I’m just using him for sex.”

  She heard chuckles and saw raised eyebrows.

  She elbowed Nero. “Tell them.”

  Her barbarian just shrugged. “Yes.”

  Galen shook his head. “Perhaps we should just focus on finding Dayna and Mia?” His tone was dry.

  They all turned. The door the robots had used as an exit was still wide open. As the gladiators moved toward it, Winter felt a shiver of dread.

  It was like they were being welcomed inside.

  “Anyone get the feeling this is a trap?”

  “Yes,” Nero said.

  Blue paused in the doorway, sniffing. He scowled and shook his head. Galen gripped the man’s arm and looked inside. He went first, followed by Raiden, Thorin, and Blue.

  Winter stepped inside, and took in the round, circular room. Everything was sleek, metallic, and very modern. It looked like a large, open storage area. Bits of equipment were stacked against the walls. And robots. Lots of robots.

  They were currently all resting in rows, powered down.

  Suddenly, Blue stepped forward, his body vibrating hard. “Mia.”

  “She’s here?” Winter asked.

  The alien man nodded, clearly agitated. He walked around the room, sniffing. “Mia.” He reached a closed, curved door, and slammed his hands against it. It opened suddenly, and he pushed through it at a run.

  The gladiators followed. As they hurried through, they walked into a large room with walls of glass that overlooked the desert. Winter took a second to appreciate the beautiful view below. She could see the clear outlines of the setting suns in the distance.

  This room was filled with tables and chairs, and a kitchen area was located along the back wall.

  “This looks like living quarters,” she murmured.

  “Keep moving,” Nero said. Ahead, Blue was already pushing through another door.

  They moved down a long corridor. It was lined with a series of closed doors, and Raiden and Thorin slammed each one open. All were small, compact bedrooms. By the looks of the neatly made beds and lack of belongings, no one was using them.

  Blue led them out onto a walkway made entirely of glass. Winter gasped, staring down at the rock below and the darkening sky overhead. Night was falling.

  “Where is everybody?” she asked.

  “I detect several scents,” Nero said. “But they’re old. And there aren’t any other signs of recent use.”

  The walkway led them to a disc-shaped structure that reminded her of a flying saucer. When they stepped into this one, she saw Blue circling the room, sifting through things, and sniffing the air.

  This space was filled with computers. She moved over toward Blue, as the other gladiators fanned out, searching the room. Concentric rings of desks had high-tech screens built into them. The screens were on, all of them showing a screensaver with a logo in the center. It was some sort of flame.

  Suddenly, there was a huge bang.

  Winter’s heart jumped into her throat and she spun. A huge metal wall had slammed down from the ceiling, cutting the room in half. Galen, Raiden, Thorin, and Kace were on the other side.

  “What the hell?” Blaine said from the windows.

  “Drak.” Nero moved over to look at the wall.

  Winter looked up. The ceiling was seamless, with no hint of where the wall had come from.

  Bang. Another wall slammed down, cutting off Saff and Blaine.

  “Winter!” Nero shouted. She turned, her gaze meeting his. He and Lore were already moving in her direction. Another wall slammed down, blocking them from her.

  Shit. Winter looked around and saw that she and Blue were trapped in a small, box-shaped space. She turned, bumping against the computer desk beside her.

  Blue went wild, slamming his body against the metal wall.

  God, this must feel like being back in a cage. “Blue? Blue, please calm down.”

  She approached him slowly.

  “The others will find a way out.” She kept her tone calm. “We won’t be stuck here.” She hoped to God she wasn’t lying. “Please don’t hurt yourself.”

  He stopped banging, his chest heaving. “Get out of here.”

  “We will.” She thumped her fist on the metal wall. “Nero?” She couldn’t hear anything coming from the other side, so she figured the walls were soundproofed.

  She moved along the walls, running her hands over the smooth, slick surface. She couldn’t find any joints, or seams, or doors. Nothing.

  Trapped. She stared at the metal walls, and her memories crashed in. The cold, threatening walls of the Thraxian lab. The freezing temperatures, the harsh smells, the pain. She doubled over, pulling air into her tight chest.


  Blue’s gravelly voice. She looked up and saw he was watching her, concern on his face. God, the man who’d spent a lifetime being imprisoned and tortured was trying to comfort her.

  “I’m okay.” She slammed a lock down on the memories. She turned in the tight space, trying to come up with some sort of plan. The only thing in there was the computer.

  She moved to the comp and touched the screen. The flame logo disappeared and alien text filled the screen. Great. Her lingual implant meant she could understand alien languages, but she couldn’t read any. She tapped a few more buttons and sighed.

  Then the display blinked, the symbols disappearing. Then, new words appeared on the screen. She went still. These words were in English.

  Touch the buttons on the screen in this sequence.

  Was this a trap? Winter worried her bottom lip, staring at the screen. She weighed up her odds and realized that she had little to lose and no other optio

  More words appeared. Quickly, before Catalyst catches you.

  Winter reached out and touched the buttons on the screen in the directed order.

  “Thanks.” A woman’s voice came through the computer speakers. “I can help you escape.”

  Blue growled and Winter blinked. She heard a distinct Southern twang in the woman’s voice. “You’re human?”

  “I am. I hacked into Catalyst’s system. I’m Ryan.”

  “I’m Winter. Are you from Fortuna Station?”

  “Yes. I was a systems specialist on the station. I kept all the tech systems running.”

  “You were taken by the Thraxians?”

  “Yes. Look, we don’t have a lot of time. I’m working to free you and your friends.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  “Once I get these walls to retract, you need to get to the next section of Catalyst’s place. The system shows that your friend Mia is being held there.”

  “Ryan, where are you? Are you in another part of the building?”

  There was a long pause before the woman spoke. “No, I’m not there. I’ll explain later.”

  Winter pressed her hands against the desk. “What about Dayna? My other friend? Is she with Mia?”

  “I’m sorry, Winter. Mia is the only human showing, apart from yourself and another of the gladiators who came with you.”

  Winter closed her eyes. Where the hell was Dayna? She pressed her hands together. For now, she had to focus on freeing Mia.

  “Okay, are you ready?” Ryan asked.


  There was a beep, and one of the metal walls shot back up into the roof. Winter swallowed a gasp.

  And came face-to-face with an enraged Nero. His face twisted in desperate anger.

  Winter ran straight to him, dimly aware of all the other walls shooting back up into the ceiling. The rest of their group crowded in close.

  Nero wrapped his strong arms around her, and instantly, she felt safe. “We have to go. I know where Mia is.”


  Nero stayed close to Winter, not wanting to risk losing her again.

  He didn’t trust this place of Catalyst’s, with its slick metal surfaces and technology.


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