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A Walk In The Wilderness

Page 11

by Nancy Hopper

  She had often wondered when David’s affection would shift from herself to some other woman. Would this be it? Would it be all right? Or was she going to lose her son in an unsatisfactory way?

  She smiled. “Do you enjoy David’s music?”

  “Very much.” Caitlin answered immediately. “He’s incredibly talented. Phenomenal, actually.”

  “He started to play when he was about five. David’s father began giving him a foundation, but it didn’t take long for us to realize that he needed to study under a master. He made his first commercial recording when he was only twelve. Needless to say, we’ve been very blessed because of his talent.”

  “My! Did it sell well?”

  “Seventy thousand copies the first year. Which is moderate. But it has sold many more than that in the last two years, given his recent rise in popularity. It has been very gratifying to see David begin to reach his potential, and become famous beyond the United Kingdom’s borders. But oh, how I miss him! That part of the price is dreadful for me.”

  Caitlin smiled. She could only agree, at that moment. She could imagine how Grace must feel. David did get under one’s skin. He was a delightful companion, and Caitlin missed him already.

  By the time that they’d reached home, Grace was certain that there was very little to tell about David and this girl. Although she spoke of David with affection and respect, there were no apparent romantic overtones in her attitude. Grace was greatly relieved.

  Caitlin was stunned when the Bentley turned in from the road, and stopped before a ten foot wrought iron fence topped with sharp spears. The estate beyond, defied the imagination. James interacted with a computer pad, and the double gates slowly swung open. They drove through into a manicured park that was breathtaking. Caitlin simply stared out the windows with round eyes.

  Emerald lawns, shapely trees and manicured shrubs were artfully arranged. There was a stone fountain on either side of the drive just beyond the entry arch. She tried to appear prepared for the richness of the estate, but she could not. As they approached the house, she simply stared.

  It was a mansion of field stone and brick. There was a circular drive, and a massive, covered portico over the entry. It was three stories tall, and it was simply magnificent. A very large fountain splashed musically outside the covered entry.

  James pulled up, and stopped the car. When her door opened, Caitlin stepped out, and looked around her in wonder. Grace led her inside, and showed her through the main rooms. The house was richly and impeccably decorated. The large, rear windows looked out over a small lake.

  Then, Grace took her to her room, on the second floor. It was so beautiful that Caitlin was humbled. The area carpet was in soft lavender and cream tones with a floral motif, over light Maple floors. Everything else was in embossed ivory satin brocade, except for a floral needlepoint rocking chair and a few decorator pillows.

  There were French doors that opened to a small balcony, and an en suite bath done in ivory with lavender accents. Everything was soft, and beautiful. There was a bench at the foot of the bed. All of the furniture was of rich, burgundy-toned cherry wood.

  Even the balcony was beautiful. The floor was of stone tile, and there was a chair and table in wrought iron to match the rail. A potted tree and chaise would make it a very comfortable space for relaxation.

  “I hope that you will be comfortable here, my dear.” Grace said hopefully.

  “Oh, my. It’s too wonderful for words! I hardly feel that I belong in such a room.” Caitlin said slowly.

  Grace smiled. “Accommodations are made for the comfort of people, my dear. It is required that the room meet your requirements; not the other way around.”

  Caitlin smiled and blushed. Grace returned the smile.

  “I’ll see how the evening meal is progressing. You settle in, and refresh yourself. You may come down whenever you feel ready to eat.”

  “Thank you so much.” Caitlin said faintly. Living David’s lifestyle was going to take a bit of getting used to, despite her background in hospitality. She found Grace to be an odd combination of genteel formality and manners, yet warm and down to earth in so many ways.

  James appeared with her trunks and put them down near the huge walk-in closet. Caitlin looked inside, with wonder. There was a full length mirror, a built-in bureau; a padded bench; floor to ceiling shoe storage; and an ironing board. It was almost a dressing room.

  “There you are, miss.” James said evenly. Caitlin turned around to find his blue eyes roving her figure. Then he looked away, and he left hurriedly without another word.

  Caitlin stared after him with terror gripping her throat. Her heart was pounding. She felt sullied by his stares, and terrified of his obvious appreciation. He lived here on the grounds, she recalled David telling her. He was within the high, wrought iron fence.

  Caitlin clasped her hands, and forced herself to calm down. He would not dare touch her; he worked for David, and he had a wife. He had simply been looking. Though inappropriate, it meant nothing. Nothing! She had to believe that. She sat on the bed, and collected her wits. Then, she changed into a long, floral dress, and went downstairs.

  “David, she’s coming down now. Hold on, and I’ll get her for you.” Grace was saying. Caitlin found her hostess on the phone in the hallway, and went curiously to see what was happening. Grace handed her the phone with a smile.

  “Hello?” she said softly, blushing despite herself.

  “Cait? How is it going?”

  “David, everything is fine.” she assured him with surprise.

  “How is the room?”

  “Oh, David, it’s simply matchless.” she said enthusiastically.

  He chuckled. “Good. How is everything else?”

  She was quiet for a moment. All that she could think of was James and his bold stares. “Fine. Everything is fine.” she said quickly.

  “Then, why do I hear that sound in your voice?” he asked quietly.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” she denied innocently.

  “Yes, you do. Don’t take me for a fool, Cait. Now tell me what’s put the fear in your voice.” he insisted.

  Caitlin felt tears spring to her eyes. David was insistent. He sounded nearly harsh. How could she tell him? Oh, it was awful!

  “Cait.” he said evenly. “Out with it. You don’t fool me a bit. Already I know you too well.”

  “David, there’s nothing. I’m just tired.”

  He sighed. “Honey, there’s nothing that puts that strained tone in your voice except a wayward man. Now, why don’t you tell me what the trouble is?”

  “It was nothing.” she denied insistently.

  “It was James. It had to be. What did he do?” David decided sharply.

  “It was nothing. Just … you know, a … look.” she explained in a panicky voice.

  “Don’t worry, he’s not man enough.” David assured her evenly. “I’ll take care of it. Cait, you have nothing to fear in my house. Just lock your doors at night, and I’ll take care of James.”

  “David, no. I’ve only just come.” she objected.

  “Stop worrying. I have my ways.” he soothed. “I can take care of him without making too much of it.”

  “Oh, David.” she sighed.

  “Hush, now. What do you think about Mother? Are you two getting along all right?”

  She smiled. “She seems very nice. And she’s been very kind.”

  “That’s good. I can tell that she is pleased with you, so far. Is there anything that you need?”

  “I can’t think of a thing.”

  “All right. Now, Cait, pay attention to me. Mother is going to force feed you if you won’t take care of yourself. And she’s a tiger, so you’d better be a good girl in that respect.”

  Caitlin couldn’t help chuckling. “Coming from you, that’s frightening.” she assured him.

  “I’m a pussycat next to her, so do yourself a favor and give her no trouble. I will probably be home for a few da
ys before I go to France, after all.”

  “Really?” Caitlin asked, her heart leaping.

  “Yes. Mother’s been a bit testy because she’s seen so little of me. Besides, I’d like to see for myself that you two will do well together. Skyler’s asked for a few days off, too, and so it appears we may get the time.”

  Caitlin was quiet. “David, I do think your mother wonders ...”

  “Why? What has she said?” he asked quietly.

  “Oh, nothing. I think she suspects something. It’s just the way she looks at me, sometimes.”

  “I don’t wonder. You’re very pretty, Cait. I know my mother well, though, and she’ll not judge you quickly. Let her look you over a bit. And again, don’t worry. She’ll see the story before too long. Let me handle Mother. You just relax, and be sure to eat.”

  “Wondering about you just may put a bit of spice in her life. It's been very predictable, and that’s not always a good thing. Feel free to share with her as much or as little as you want to. She’s a good sort, really. You’ll be friends in no time. Call me if you need anything at all, will you?”

  “Sure.” she agreed.

  “All right. I have to go, but I’ll talk to you again soon. Take care of yourself, Cait.”

  “I will, David. You, too.” she said shyly.

  “Bye.” David said, and hung up. He sat there staring at the phone for a long time. He was concerned, and he already missed Caitlin. He’d grown very accustomed to her company over the past week or so. He shook his head, and sighed.

  Grace was intensely curious about Caitlin after hearing one side of the conversation with David. She felt guilty for having stayed close enough to Caitlin to hear many of her words, but she simply couldn’t help herself. Nothing made sense! David was behaving out of character, and the girl was interesting.

  David simply had to have some feelings for the girl to send her here, and insist that she be put in a room next to his own! He was not one to take notice of single girls, and he was certainly not one to send them home to his mother. He was devout and as clean as the day was long. His voice on the telephone and something in his eyes at the airport had betrayed a certain interest in her, though he’d tried to appear nonchalant.

  Grace smiled. It could be just a close friendship; it truly could. She’d have to keep that in mind. It was certainly going to be very lively around the house for awhile, she suspected. She smiled to herself as she considered the prospect of finding out just exactly how much interest David had in this beautiful young woman.

  Grace studied the girl surreptitiously throughout the evening meal. She was lovely, with full, bonnie cheeks and a slender jaw. She had sensitive lips, though the lower one was full and sweetly curved. Her eyes were large and clear. Her nose was short and delicate. And her hair was incredible -- rich in color and full, a riot of fiery curls. She was slender and had shapely limbs, yet she had enough curves and endowments to be interesting.

  Grace sighed. She wanted David to be happy. Part of her had always wanted David to settle down and give her grandchildren. Yet, these past few years, she’d nearly given the idea up. It had seemed wise of David to avoid entanglements and obligations, with the path he’d chosen to take. Now, here appeared this unknown girl from Scotland! Grace wasn’t sure that it sat well with her. She pressed her lips together, and determined to be patient. Time would certainly tell her all that she needed to know.

  “Are you tired?” Caitlin asked considerately.

  Grace smiled. “Oh, I’m fine. But Caitlin, if you don’t eat something, I’ll be in trouble with David. Certainly you realize that I simply must give him a good report about that. Please, my dear, indulge me in this.” she begged.

  Caitlin smiled. “Oh, David. He’s convinced that I’ll blow away in the first good wind.” she sighed.

  “I’m not so sure that he’s wrong.” Grace pointed out. “Please, for my sake, dear. You know that he will be merciless with me.”

  Caitlin smiled, and blushed. She lowered her lashes, and nodded. “It is a wonderful meal. Please don’t think that I’m ungrateful. I’ve just had a very difficult time eating, this past week. I wouldn’t do anything to offend you, Mrs. Majors.”

  “Please, call me Grace. David has explained a little bit. Darling, he will be very cross with me, if he comes home and finds no more meat on your bones. Please try to take in some nourishment. At least some liquids. Cook always has a good pot of soup on.”

  Caitlin nodded. “I am certain that I will do better now that I am … here.” she said, stifling a shudder.

  Grace pretended not to notice, but there was very little about her young guest that her sharp eyes missed.


  Grace and Caitlin spent a quiet evening together, talking by the fire. David was of course the main topic of conversation, being their only initial link. After an hour or so, Grace was intrigued.

  There still was absolutely no hint of any romantic ideas or involvement with David, on Caitlin’s part. She began to feel comfortable enough to ask a few questions.

  “Tell me how you and David met.” she suggested with an encouraging smile.

  Cait smiled, and her cheeks developed pink spots. “That is quite an extraordinary tale.” she said dryly. “David actually saved my life. Not once, but twice. I had become acquainted with the man that David is touring with.”


  “Yes. On Skyler’s prior tour, we met, and asked me out. We dated a couple of times, and he developed a … a fixation on me.” she groped. Blushing, she looked up at Grace. “I don’t pretend to understand it, but it seems to be so. When Skyler came through Sterling this time, he was, of course, touring with David. He invited me to the concert. I had truly decided that Skyler was not anyone I wanted to be involved with, but he was determined that I was going to be. I accepted his invitation to go, because I wanted to see him again, to talk to him. I wanted to make sure that I still felt the same, and to resolve things. What I did not know is that he has a jealous girlfriend at home.”

  Grace nodded. She had heard some hair-raising stories from David, previously.

  “After the concert, Skyler had me come backstage. The girlfriend showed up and came at me with a blade. She is quite deranged. David intervened, and saw that I got home safely. It got more complicated when it turned out that David and Skyler were staying at the inn I worked at. David again insisted on intervening, and he ended up taking a punch from Skyler. Then, the girlfriend was even more upset. She showed up with a gun the following morning. If not for David, I feel quite certain that I’d be in a grave.”

  She shuddered, and Grace shook her head. “My dear.” she soothed.

  Caitlin looked up at her with stark terror in her eyes. “I wish that I’d been able to cope better, but I just can’t seem to. I can’t eat. I’ve had trouble sleeping. Skyler is obsessed, and he’s been making threats. I felt so bad, that David kept being in the middle of it; but he simply insisted. He wouldn’t let Skyler near me. And so, somehow, he talked me into coming here. I feel … very strange about it, but he was adamant.”

  Grace laughed. “No one can be adamant quite like David can.” she agreed with a wink. She asked the girl about her home and family. Before they said goodnight, they’d become fast friends.

  Grace was still very curious about David’s feelings for the girl, and about the girl’s response. She had more questions than ever. The girl was obviously quite near a nervous breakdown. If David had designs on Caitlin, Grace knew that Caitlin probably had no clue. He would wait until she’d recovered from this nightmare. That much made sense to her. She smiled to herself, and went to bed.

  Though there was little to occupy Caitlin, the days that followed seemed to pass quickly. Caitlin found that she was able to sleep soundly. She ate more with each passing day, and was very content. She swam, she read. She wandered in the gardens and the greenhouse. She saw nothing of James, which pleased her immensely. And, David called every few days. She was eating a bi
t, which helped her feel better. And, she was able to sleep much more soundly. After a few weeks, she found that she was taking on a bloom, and the trauma associated with Skyler Vaughn was fading.

  David had been right about one thing -- she did feel perfectly safe in his home. There was nothing, no one for miles around, and the ten foot fence enclosed a five acre tract around the house. There was nothing to fear. She saw nothing at all, of James.

  She took walks with Grace in the morning, and learned about tending roses. Grace found herself enchanted with her young guest as they became acquainted. She was sweet, unspoiled and unselfish. Her heart was gentle and innocent. She was naive. There had been no men. That was clear without asking.

  Caitlin found Grace to be caring, motherly and doting, but never stifling. She was an exemplary companion. When she and Caitlin discovered Cait’s aptitude for Horticulture, she had Herman, the gardener, fill Caitlin’s patio with potted trees and flowers, and even had him place an old fountain up there for her that had been stashed in the shed for many long years.

  Caitlin was delighted with the arrangement, and her balcony soon became her favorite place. Two weeks after her arrival, Caitlin had become a different girl than the one who had arrived. She was even rounding a bit. Just a little bit.

  One morning, Grace announced that David was on his way home. She was extremely excited at the prospect of visiting with her son. She watched Caitlin’s face carefully when she shared the news. She was perplexed when Caitlin simply smiled, and said that it would be nice to see him.

  Was there truly nothing between them? Grace wondered with chagrin. Had she simply been trying to read something into David’s protection of the girl?

  By now, Grace almost hoped that Caitlin would become a permanent fixture in the household. If she could choose for David, there would be no other choice. But of course, she should never let it show. David was not the kind to be led by the nose.

  David’s flight came in at an ungodly hour of the night. Though Grace didn’t go to the airport, she did wait up to greet him at home. James delivered him at about three in the morning. Grace embraced her son in the entry, and smiled as David kissed her forehead.


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