A Walk In The Wilderness

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A Walk In The Wilderness Page 21

by Nancy Hopper

  “I’d suggest Delilah then, perhaps. But you choose. Perhaps you’ll get a sense when you look at them, who’d do the best for you. All of David’s horses are good. There’s not one here that will hurt you. Would you like some help saddling up?”

  “I should be fine, if you’ll let me know where to find things.” Caitlin answered.

  “Would you like some company, or would you rather be alone?” Jana asked curiously.

  “Company would be lovely, if you’re free to go.” Caitlin answered immediately.

  “Great. Just let me finish this one stall, and we’ll do it. I can show you around a bit. There is some great riding, for miles around.”

  The girls had great fun together, and spent the entire afternoon out exploring. Delilah was very enjoyable, and Caitlin was pleased as she could be with her.

  When they returned to the stable, Caitlin put her horse away; and then she couldn’t help looking with curiosity at the other horses stabled there.

  “Which one is David’s favorite?” she asked Jana curiously.

  Jana grinned at her. “The big blood bay back in the corner. His name’s Danson. But he rides the others, too. So, are you David’s friend, or more?”

  Caitlin blushed. “Well, I wouldn’t know quite how to answer that. We have become very close friends.” She answered shyly.

  Jana laughed. “Forgive me, Caitlin, but I did see him out walking with you when he was home last time. There’s more than friendship burning in his eyes. And it’s about time. That man needs a woman, I say.”

  “Really, Jana? Why?”

  “He’s lonely.” She answered immediately. “He’s always alone when he’s home, except for his mother. Works on his music day and night, no social life. I know he keeps very busy when he’s on the road, but he’s very solitary when he’s here. Grace is a lovely woman, but she is his mother, after all. He needs a great deal more than a mother. David’s a man of great passion, any fool can tell it, in the music.”

  Caitlin smiled. “Well, he’s a good man. He’s been a great friend to me.”

  “Well, it’s been a terrible waste up to now, I can tell you.” She said suggestively.

  Caitlin just raised her eyebrows, and smiled.

  “How long have you known him?”

  “Oh, not a terribly long time.” Caitlin replied nonchalantly. “I suppose that I should get back to Grace, and see how she’s doing.” She ended the conversation quickly. “Thank you so much for all your help and your company. We’ll have to do it again, some time.”

  “Sure. You’ll probably be quite sore tomorrow, but the best way to work that off is to ride again.”

  “Yes. Perhaps I’ll be able to, but I don’t know yet.”

  “See you, then.” Jana said with a smile.

  “Yes. Goodbye.” Caitlin answered on her way out. Jana had made her a little bit uncomfortable. She seemed awfully interested in David and in their relationship.

  She supposed it was just curiosity, and yet she had the feeling that Jana might even be a bit attracted to David, herself. She told herself it didn’t matter, and went on to the house without taking on that burden.

  Grace was delighted that she’d had a good afternoon’s ride. She was cheered to see Cait’s rosy cheeks and bright smile. She was looking the picture of health and happiness. “My goodness, between the horses and the swimming, you’ll be in the peak of health in no time.” She commented. “You look like a different young woman than the one who got off the plane that first day.”

  Caitlin chuckled. “Well, Grace, you don’t leave one much choice. I get fed so well here, I’ll need to ride and swim myself half to death just to keep the pounds off.”

  “Well, darling. You needed a few pounds. Really, you were too thin and peaked. I’m well pleased to see you looking as you do. And so was David. Thank goodness, I wasn’t in hot water with him over your condition.”

  “Speaking of food, I should probably get ready for dinner.” Caitlin sighed.

  “Don’t fuss, dear. It’s just you and I, and you’ve had quite a workout, I can see.”

  “All right. Thank you.” Caitlin agreed.

  Grace watched her go with a fond smile. What a girl she was! She clasped her hands over her heart and thanked God for sending such a lovely girl for David. And she prayed fervently again as she did daily now, that David would have the sense to marry her.

  She had to smile. She’d always secretly been afraid that any woman in David’s life would detract from her time with him. But somehow, Caitlin was different. She was so sweet, so lovely and so selflessly giving. Grace wanted her to stay forever, and she wanted her for David.

  Just knowing Caitlin, and thinking about her with David, made Grace realize that she had been very selfish. David needed a wife, not just a mother. She knew that her years were limited, and certainly David needed someone for himself. Oh, but what a difference it would make, if only David chose the right woman! Caitlin was that one, Grace was certain.

  David was in France for two weeks. He enjoyed the country, he enjoyed the people. It was a beautiful place, and the tour would have been easy and pleasant if not for Skyler.

  His attitude seemed to deteriorate as the days went by, though David was amazed that it was even possible. The man seemed to be in a rage all the time, and he was obviously developing an absolute hatred for David. He was barely civil when they had to speak, and his looks were pure daggers.

  David just continued to pray for the man, asking God’s mercy and grace in the situation. He didn’t know what else to do. He daily spoke forgiveness for Skyler’s treatment of him, and asked the Lord to bless their relationship. But it seemed to be of no avail. Skyler was set to hate David, and his prayers seemed not to change that.

  Before they left France, Skyler finally confronted David. They were alone at the airport. David was heading home, and so was Skyler.

  “So, you still have Caitlin.” he said tightly.

  David gave him a steady, wary look. “Yes, Skyler.” he answered him quietly.

  “Do you love her?”

  David gave him a look that needed no interpretation.

  “You don’t have to be that way, I just wondered.”

  “It’s none of your business.” David answered evenly, looking elsewhere.

  “It is though, you know. I love her. I asked her to marry me. That makes it my business.”

  David sighed. “Skyler, I don’t want to fight with you. Go home to Connie and forget about Caitlin. I’m sorry for you, but she just doesn’t love you. It wouldn’t be fair to subject her to Connie, at any rate.”

  “Does she love you?” Skyler asked

  Sky … I don’t know.” David floundered. “Why don’t you just let things take their course? No matter what happens, she doesn’t want to see you. Can’t you just accept that?”

  Skyler snorted. “Why did you have to come between us?” he demanded.

  “You know very well why. I intervened to keep Connie from hurting her.” David answered shortly.

  “And now?”

  “Now I’m still intervening to keep you and Connie from hurting her, aren’t I?” David asked pointedly. “Skyler, leave Cait alone. Just stop this.”

  “Did you really have her that night I discovered you in her room?”

  David sighed. “No. Of course not. We just switched rooms to ensure her safety. You know very well that Cait isn’t that kind. She wouldn’t have had me on first meeting, any more than she would’ve had you.”

  “Well, that’s good to know. And now? After all the time she spent with you here?”

  David gave him a long look, and smiled tiredly. “Skyler, I don’t sleep around with women. I’m not bedding anybody who’s not my wife. And Cait’s never slept with anyone. She’s just a nice, young girl. I’m sorry if it upset you, for me to bring her to Paris. I thought that it would be best for her to get over her fear of you. And she’s never traveled. She was thrilled at the idea of coming along.”

So you’re telling me that there is nothing between the two of you?”

  David smiled. “No, I can’t say that.” he denied. “But it’s never been the way that you suspected.”

  Skyler sighed heavily. “David, listen to me. I wanted her. I loved her. But she doesn’t want me. If she loves you, be good to her. She deserves better than me, anyway. Just don’t play her for a fool, or I’ll kill you.”

  David shot a very surprised look at Skyler.

  “I’m not done yet. It was wrong of me to put her in a situation where Connie could come after her. I didn’t think Connie would find out. Marry Caitlin and get her out of the way, so that Connie will calm down. I don’t want Connie to hurt her.”

  “You might have let Cait know that.” David suggested quietly.

  “She pissed me off.” Skyler snarled.

  David shrugged.

  “Just so you know, there will be more fireworks on this tour. I’m going to tell Connie that I’m never going to marry her, and that I want out. She could … she will no doubt get quite violent.”

  “Thanks for the warning. It’s a smart move, Sky, but don’t you think you should wait until the tour’s over? There could be nasty publicity, and you’re in foreign countries until we’re done.”

  “I can’t take her anymore.” Skyler refused with a shudder. “She makes me nuts.”

  “What about Jamie?” David asked gently.

  “I don’t know. I can’t help it. I’ll pay what I have to pay, but she’s crazy.”

  “Have you thought about custody?”

  Skyler laughed shortly. “Me? With a kid? No, thanks. I’m not the type.”

  David shrugged. “Well. Good luck with Connie.” he said. He was grateful that it was time to board his plane.

  “Just where is Cait?” Skyler asked curiously.

  David smiled. “She said she had a job as a companion.” he said lightly.

  “Yeah, well. I’d like to have her as a companion.” Skyler snorted.

  David smiled his understanding. “Well, I’ve got to get going, or I’ll miss my plane. I’ll see you in Ireland in a few days.”

  “Yeah. Say hello to Cait for me.” Skyler tossed after him.

  David turned and gave Skyler an amused look. “What makes you so certain that I’ll be seeing her?” he asked.

  Skyler gave him a bored look. “You don’t fool anybody.” he told David. “You want her as badly as I do. You’re just lucky enough to have access to her.”

  David gave him a lazy smile, shook his head, and walked away.

  Caitlin did not go to the air field to meet David’s plane, for several reasons. First, she feared that Connie might turn up; second, it was the middle of the night; and third, David had forbidden it.

  Although Caitlin was awake, she didn’t get up. It was nearly two in the morning. She wasn’t decently dressed. And though her heart was pounding, she was reticent to go rushing out to see him. She felt that it would be better to wait.

  Still, she was in torment listening to him talk to Grace, and hearing him chat with James as he settled into his room, which was next to hers. Caitlin knew that the double doors against her north wall went directly into David’s room. It was the only place that they could possibly lead.

  She heard him talking to God, and she heard him flop on the bed. She heard him pacing, heard him shower. Then he came to the double doors with a look of speculation in his eyes, and twisted the knob. The door opened easily under his hand.

  David’s eyebrows went up. The doors had always been locked. He smiled to himself, and opened the door silently. There was no sound but for Caitlin’s breathing. He walked into her room, and made his way to the side of her bed. Looking down at her sweet face, he grinned. It was a sight for sore eyes.

  Her eyes were closed, but he was not sure that she was asleep. He tipped his head and watched her. If she was not asleep, it appeared that she’d rather be. So, he smiled and went back to his own room. He closed the door carefully behind him.

  Caitlin was actually nervous the following day, when she awoke and knew that she had to go downstairs. She was not sure why -- perhaps it was because of Grace’s opinion. Still, she was somewhat uneasy. She had wanted in the worst way to open her eyes and look up at David last night, to see him, hug him. Perhaps even be kissed -- but she hadn’t had the nerve.

  She need not have been nervous. She went downstairs to discover that David had not made an appearance yet, and it was noon. He did not make an appearance until time for dinner.

  “He sometimes does this after a long tour, my dear. He simply has to catch up on his sleep. Think nothing of it. He’ll be better this evening, and better yet tomorrow.” Grace comforted her. “What are you planning to wear to dinner tonight?” she asked gleefully.

  Caitlin smiled and blushed. “Oh. Perhaps some blue jeans and a tee shirt.” she teased. “Really, I don’t know.” she sighed. “I hadn’t thought about it all that much.”

  “May I suggest that it be sexy?”

  Caitlin blushed deeply. “You may.” she consented.

  Caitlin chose a midnight blue dress that had a beautiful, floral embossing. It was a bit above the knee and cut to show her cleavage. It was in Velvet, and simply spectacular. She had heels to match, and she took extra pains with her appearance before she went down.

  David met her at the bottom of the stairs, and watched her with pleasure as she descended. He took her hand and kissed it, before he pulled her into his arms for a hug. “Hello, Cait.” he said affectionately. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

  “It’s good to see you too, David.” she said with a smile.

  “Did you catch up on your rest when you got home?”

  She nodded. “I did. Your mother spoils me rotten, you know.”

  David chuckled. “Good for her.” he said, laying a hand in the small of her back. “I suspect that you two are very good for one another.”

  “We certainly enjoy ourselves.” Caitlin admitted. “But we miss you.”

  David gave her a sly, pleased look. “Do you?” he asked with surprise. “That’s a good sign.”

  She gave him a look that chastised. “As if you didn’t know that you are missed when you’re away.”

  He smiled. “It doesn’t break my heart to hear you say it.”

  He pushed in her chair at the table, and took his seat. His mother was already seated and waiting for them. He met his mother’s expectant look with a raised eyebrow.

  “Just look at what David bought for me in Paris. I’ve wanted one for so long!” Grace said to Caitlin excitedly. She held out her arm and turned it over so that the lights from the chandelier glittered and dazzled over the diamonds in the bracelet that David and Cait had picked out together.

  Caitlin smiled, and met Grace’s eyes happily. “It’s lovely, Grace.” she complimented sweetly. She looked at Grace for signs of any other gifts from the jeweler, but there didn’t appear to be any in evidence.

  They ate a hearty dinner, and David certainly did his justice. He hadn’t eaten since dinner the afternoon before.

  “So, tell us about Paris.” Grace suggested when they’d finished their meal.

  David shrugged. “It was very mundane after Cait left.” he said. “I did my show every night, and ate and slept. That’s about it. I took some walks, thought and prayed a lot. I swam every day, and that’s all, really.”

  Grace gave him a scolding. “You didn’t see the Eiffel Tower?”

  “Sure. Cait and I saw it.” He looked at Caitlin and smiled. “And I think that Skyler has felt a bit of repentance.” he mused.

  “Really?” Cait asked suspiciously.

  “He wanted me to say hello to you. He let me know that he wants the best for you, and so he’s bowing out. He’s sorry for Connie’s torment, and he hopes that we’ll be happy. He told me if I didn’t do right by you, he’d kill me.”

  “He said all that?” Caitlin asked incredulously.

  “Pretty much. He’s going to dump C
onnie, and he expects her to get violent. I really think he may be coming to his senses.”

  “Well. That’s quite something.” Caitlin said slowly. “Did you tell him that there’s nothing between us?”

  David gave her a lazy smile. “He grilled me quite extensively about the extent of our relationship. He didn’t seem to accept the idea that we’ve not been intimate, though I told him the absolute truth about it.”

  Caitlin blushed. “So he knows I’m here?”

  “No, I don’t think so. He knew I’d be seeing you, though. He’s convinced that I’m still pursuing you.”

  She blushed harder, and Grace chuckled. “What did you tell him, then?”

  David gave his mother a bland look. “That it was none of his business.”

  Grace smiled. “I see.” she said lightly. Her eyes teased David, but she kept her lip buttoned.

  David talked most of the evening about the tour and all that had happened. Cait added some bits about Paris, and Grace told them stories from her youth when she had visited the city of romance with David’s father.

  David turned in early, still exhausted despite twelve hours of sleep. He told Caitlin that it was often a two or three day job to recuperate from a tour, especially when one added a bit of jet lag. Caitlin decided to walk up with him, and go to bed with a book.

  “I’ve been approached about doing a tour of the United States.” he said as they climbed the stairs.

  “Really? That sounds exciting.” she murmured. “It would last quite a long time, I suppose.”

  “Three months.” he confirmed. “But it would be quite lucrative.”

  “No doubt. Would Grace pine for you?”

  He laughed. “I’m sure that she would, unless you were here with her. You aren’t planning on leaving any time soon, are you?”

  “No.” she said slowly. “Actually, I’m delighted with my job.”

  He put an arm up against the wall, over her head. “Good. I was afraid that it would be a disappointment, after training for Therapy.”

  “Not at all. I chose that field simply because it’s fairly lucrative and because of the plethora of job opportunities.” she admitted.


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