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Alien Romance: Her Alien Beast: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Space Beasts Book 1)

Page 5

by Alyssa Ezra

  She must have fallen asleep completely at one point, because she woke with a start to find Storm Kar carrying her across the terrace and down a flight of steps carved into the rock.

  “You looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you,” he said softly. “I hope you are not offended.”

  “It’s okay,” she said sleepily. “Is the festival over?”

  Storm Kar nodded. “I hope you enjoyed it.”

  “Very much so,” she replied. Lying in his strong arms made her feel fuzzy inside and a pleasurable tingle danced along her skin. “Um, you can put me down now. I’m awake enough to walk.”

  “Yes, I am sorry,” Storm Kar said quickly, setting her down carefully, like she was made of porcelain. “Jedediah is waiting to take us back to the citadel.”

  It was dark now and stone touches set up around the terrace were burning brightly. Storm Kar’s red eyes were sultry beacons in the dark and his ravaged face was smothered in shadows. The sight of him and the closeness of his powerful body ignited a sensual hunger that sent wild heat through her bloodstream.

  “I should go and thank Pevas,” she said briskly, stepping back a little and trying to fight the call of her body. “I’ve had a really amazing time today.”

  She looked out across the terrace and saw a few Phoenix People sauntering around, but most had now disappeared.

  “It’s best that we don’t disturb him,” Storm Kar said carefully. “It is time for the ceremonial orgy, which is traditional at Phoenix People celebrations.”

  Simone widened her eyes and felt her cheeks flush. She was glad it was too dark for him to see her clearly. “Oh, I see. Yeah, I guess you’re right, but I will have to thank him sometimes, or is it them? Never mind. I should thank you too.”

  “There is no need,” he said. “I am just happy that you had a good time.” He paused and looked levelly at her. “I am not the monster you think I am,” he said, a strange note entering his voice.

  “I never said you were a monster!” she retorted, and then relented. “Sorry, I don’t want to get into an argument.”

  He nodded his head slowly and their eyes met again. A spark of electricity shot through her and she moved closer to him, drawn by some magnetic force. His scent, rich and smoky filled her senses and her yearning to be held by a man became intoxicating.

  He seemed to sense her longing too, and bent his head closer to her face. Her mouth brushed against his invisible lips and she suddenly pulled back.

  “We’d best get going,” she said suddenly, her heart smashing like an enraged tiger against the bars of her rib cage. “I’m exhausted and could really do with my bed.”

  He remained motionless, a simmering vortex of desire in the dark. “Yes,” he said in a neutral voice after a long, pregnant silence. “We should be going.”

  Taking up a burning touch from a nearby holder, he led Simone in silence down the steps to the waiting Podderer.

  Chapter 6: The Savage Heart Unmasked

  “Come on! Get the lead out of your butt! I’ll race you to the nearest island!” Simone yelled as she pulled off her buckskin dress and ran toward the water’s edge.

  “Wait a minute will you!” Storm Kar called out after her. “The Infernal Islands can be hazardous!”

  Simone grinned as she stepped bare foot into the warm waters of the huge caldera lake that he had brought her to. “Well, if they are called the Infernal Islands then they must be hazardous. Don’t be such a wuss. You’re a big strong man, you should be able to protect me.”

  Storm Kar scowled as he hurried over to join her. He had slipped off his own clothing and was now clad only in a leather thong. Simone pretended she wasn’t turned on by the way his toned, muscled body appeared tanned and magnificent in the midday sun.

  A week had passed since she had first woken up in that strange building and he had taken her to the festival of the Phoenix People. Neither of them had spoken of that intense moment of intimacy they had shared as they were leaving, and Simone thought she had her feelings under control. Seeing him now, coming towards her, she suddenly realized that might not be the case.

  “I will protect you with my life Simone,” Storm Kar said with all serious, “but you must be aware that we are now on the edge of the Mystic Folk territory and the land becomes more hostile in these parts.”

  “I know, I know, but you’re the one who wanted to come swimming here,” Simone protested, noting how his eyes roved over the curves of her body showed off by the skimpy bathing costume she wore.

  He quickly moved his gaze back to her face and she smiled inside. A week ago, she’d be offended at him looking at her in that way, but now she didn’t mind so much.

  “I only agreed to do so because you demanded to see more of the Vision Land,” he countered. “Your curiosity is insatiable. We’ve already been to the Crystal Mountain, the grottos of the Ether Fish and the Temple of Infinite Dreams. I am running out of ideas of what to show you next.”

  “That’s why I thought we’d just spend the day enjoying the great outdoors,” replied Simone. “I love swimming and this place is truly beautiful. Come on, we’ll race to the island once and then I’ll be happy.”

  Storm Kar released a mock sigh. “I live only to serve you,” he drawled, “though all this sightseeing is interfering with my duties.”

  “Hey, don’t blame me for that,” she said, punching him playfully on his upper chest. She had to fight the urge to run her hand along his smooth skin. “You’re the one who started all this, remember?”

  A secret smile danced across his lips, softening the fierceness of his face. “Yes, I did start this and I don’t regret it, even if you do decide to go back to Earth.”

  The soft words made the hairs on her back stand up and for a second, they shared a moment of connection. She had gotten used to his looks over the week now, and with his long, silky black hair tied back into a ponytail along his broad back, there was a kind of rugged handsomeness about him. Simone felt the same stirring urges she’d had at the settlement of the Phoenix People and had to bring her emotions under control again.

  To cut the tension, she suddenly splashed his face and he barked a laugh in surprise.

  “Come on! Let’s race!” she giggled, and plunged deeper into the water.

  “You’re such a firebrand!” he retorted and came after her.

  She ignored him, now focusing all her attention on the small, obsidian island directly ahead of her. Noticing the jagged rocks and spindly dead trees on its shore, she could see why it was called Infernal. Similar black islands dotted the lake, but they were much farther out.

  Getting into a rhythm, she surged ahead, enjoying the thrill of the race. She had always loved swimming and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d swam this intensely.

  At high school, she’d been in the swim team, but jealously from her other teammates who were part of the popular clique and weren’t as good as she was, had forced her to eventually quit. For a long time afterward, it had made her depressed and angry, but now felt so inconsequential. She was light years away from Earth on a world she was steadily falling in love with.

  What about Storm Kar? Her inner voice asked. Are you steadily falling in love with him too?

  If she’d been asked that question a week ago, she would have given a resounding no, but now she wasn’t so sure. Dean was the only man she’d ever loved, she was certain of that, but Storm Kar’s attention and obvious affection for her was making her wonder if it wasn’t possible for them to make a go of it.

  Being with him these last few days had made her realize how much she was missing out of life, but could she really make such a big commitment, especially with someone like him?

  Not wanting to dwell on that, she concentrated on her swimming. From the corner of her eye, she noticed he was lagging behind and she thrilled at the prospect of victory. With one final push, she reached the black rocks of the island and heaved onto the shore.

  Her lungs burned with the exertio
n and she had to lie down on the ground to get her breath back. This sure had been a lot easier in high school, she thought. She started to recover and sat up, looking out across the lake. Storm Kar swam towards her, his sleek body sharking through the waters.

  Watching him sparked a wave of desire that started in the pit of her belly and worked down to the wet heat between her legs. She surrendered to the feeling, too tired to fight it. She imagined him holding her in his arms, trailing kisses along her body before thrusting into her with savage lust.

  She bit her lip, shocked by the intensity of her arousal and had to stop herself from slipping her hand between her legs to caress her throbbing need. Fortunately, he was still too far away to notice this erotic drama raging inside her, and she took several breaths to calm her fiery libido.

  A low, guttural growl came from behind her and she froze where she was. The growl came again and, heart pounding, Simone turned around. Hunched on the rocks a few feet away was the hulking shape of a shaggy, grey furred beast. It was roughly simian in shape, with huge black tusks and spikes along its squat head and hunched back. Eyes of feral yellow glared at her.

  Simone jumped to her feet, and glanced at the water. She was about to make a run for it when the monster let out a thunderous roar and shambled closer. Its nostrils flared, as it smelled her and it snarled lunging out with its huge claws.

  “Get back!” Storm Kar’s voice suddenly rang out. Appearing out of nowhere, he rushed forward to protect her with his body.

  The beast roared again and made to attack him. Retreating backwards, Simone watched in stunned horror as beams of fiery energy shot from Storm Kar’s eyes. The blasts hit the beast in the shoulder and it staggered back, but it was down. Foaming at the mouth, it carried on with its lunge at Storm Kar.

  Simone screamed as the monster brought the alien to the ground. Storm Kar’s red eyes were vortexes of fury and they erupted into life again, hitting the monster straight in the face. The monster screamed in pain and the muscles of Storm Kar’s body tightened as he grabbed the creature by the throat and wrestled with it like a mad man.

  Though the brute was larger and more powerful than Storm Kar, it was cowed by the onslaught and pulled away. Badly burned by Storm Kar’s shock attack and its fur matted with blood, it bounded away across the rocks.

  Storm Kar let out a savage battle cry as he pulled himself to his feet. His eyes burned with fire and his face was a snarling mask of fury. He looked ready to go after it, when he suddenly remembered Simone.

  She cowered in terror, paralysed with fear at the sight of him to move. Instantly, the wild savagery that had overcome him vanished. He rushed to her side, his face full of concern.

  “Simone,” he said breathlessly, “are you hurt? Do not be afraid, the Tragger is gone. It won’t come back. Curse the Sky Spirit! I knew we shouldn’t have come here! All of this is my fault!”

  Simone couldn’t speak. She trembled like a newborn faun, too shocked to know what was going on. On a primal impulse, she clung to Storm Kar’s wet body and floods of tears cascaded down her face. Storm Kar embraced her in his powerful arms and nuzzled her hair.

  “It’s all right now,” he whispered gently. “You’re safe now.”

  She held him fiercely, desperate to possess every inch of him and knew that she’d never be safe again, but that didn’t matter now. She didn’t want to feel safe any longer. She wanted to feel alive again.

  * * *

  Evening descended over the Vision Land as they made their way back to the Mystic Folk citadel, and with it came the first growls of a storm. The purpled clouded skies lowered and there was a sharp tang in the air. Excitement pulsed through Simone as Jedediah brought them to the balcony.

  No word had passed between her and Storm Kar for a long time now. He had been scratched and grazed in the struggle with the Tragger and had fallen into a gloomy silence. She had sat away from him, lost in her own thoughts, preparing herself for what was to come next.

  As he had done every evening since she’d arrived here, Storm Kar walked with her to the quarters that had been especially prepared for her stay on his planet, which were just off from the dining chamber, though she’d missed the room during her initial exploration. As they headed toward the door of the well-appointed room with its scented candles and large fur covered bed, Simone’s heart raced faster.

  “I shall see you tomorrow,” he said as she opened the door and finally stopped to face him. “Again, I am deeply sorry for what happened today.”

  She stared up at him, seeing past the scars and feral twist of his face to the courageous soul within. When she remained silent, he lowered his eyes and looked completely crestfallen. “If you wish to return to Earth, I understand,” he said, each word sounding like it had forced from his throat. “I exposed you to terrible danger today and that is unforgivable. I don’t deserve your love after today.”

  She brought her finger up to his lips. “No more talking,” she whispered, taking control.

  His eyes flared with sparks of red fire. “Simone?”

  She reached up and pressed her mouth against his, holding him in a long, lingering kiss. Storm Kar stayed stock-still and she felt him trembling beneath her touch. She brought her hands up and put them around his neck and a shudder went through her as he finally slipped his hands around her waist. The kiss deepened as they both gave way to a wild insistence.

  Holding him tight, she let him hook his arms under her legs and carry her into the room, slamming the door shut with his foot. Parting from the kiss, he lay her down gently onto the bed. She smiled up at him and lifted up her dress invitingly.

  With eyes that looked like smouldering orbs, he clambered on top of her and began trailing kisses along her neck. She sighed with pleasure as her body responded to his touch. Very slowly, he began undressing her, kissing her bare skin as he pulled her clothes away. Soon, she was naked before him and he kissed her naval and lower belly before his eager tongue slipped between her legs.

  Simone arched her back and let out a throaty moan as he found her sweet spot. She stroked his long hair and undid his ponytail so that it fell free. It tickled her as it draped across her thighs.

  “Yes!” she gasped. “Oh yes!”

  His eager tongue brought her to climax quickly and she bathed in an orgasmic afterglow. When he came up to kiss her again, she pushed him onto his back and began peeling off his clothes.

  It was his turn to moan with pleasure as she kissed and nipped his sculpted body. With a ravenous lust, she moved down between his legs and took him in her mouth, making him shudder with intense pleasure.

  As they enjoyed each other, the thunder rumbled outside, and she heard the sudden downpour of rain on the transparent membrane that served as a window for the room. The wild unleashing of the elements heightened her desire and she ached for him to be inside her.

  Still savoring his taste, she eased her head away from his crotch and straddled him. Reaching down, she kissed him long and slowly, and they clasped their hands together, fingers intertwined.

  “I want you so badly,” he whispered throatily when the kiss ended. “You are my universe, my goddess.”

  She felt his iron hard shaft pressing into her, and still sitting on top of him, she positioned herself so he could enter her. She groaned as he filled her, and clawed at his hard chest. Fondling her buttocks, he thrust up into her, making her cry out.

  Remembering the wishes of the Phoenix People, she made love to him vigorously, desperate to savor his body and the splendour of sex. She climaxed again as she looked into his burning eyes and he squeezed her breasts just as he released himself deep inside her.

  Outside, the rain pelted hard, and exhausted and sated, Simone eased off Storm Kar and let him cradle her in his arms as she drifted off into deep, satisfied sleep.

  * * *

  “When we first met, you said that your destined mate was dead,” Storm Kar said as he trailed lazy circles along her back. “What did you mean by that?”r />
  It had been a couple of hours since they had first surrendered to each other, and the rain was still pouring outside. They lay under the warm furs of the bed with him spooning her. She held his strong arm across her chest and gently kissed his knuckles.

  “Let me ask you a question,” she countered, “How did you know to find me at the Nature Reserve on Earth?”

  “I didn’t,” Storm Kar replied. “The Great Spirits showed me that this place was important to you, and somewhere you visited once a year. Its relevance to you is unknown to me though.”

  “I used to go there with someone very special to me,” Simone said, closing her eyes. “It was the only man I ever really loved. I thought we were destined to be together for the rest of our lives, but I was wrong.”

  “What happened?”

  “He died,” Simone said numbly. “Four years ago, killed in an accident. My whole world ended with him. I told you that I was an outsider on my planet that I had never connected with anyone. That all changed when I met him. He made me feel special and understood what made me tick. I can honestly say that there was no doubt in my mind that he was my soul mate. When he died, a part of me died with him. I didn’t want to be alive anymore and I’ve just drifted along since then.”

  She felt him shift behind her and sensed a change in his whole bearing. “I understand,” he said in a gruff voice. “Your heart has been taken already. I had no right to force my attentions on you. I let my own loneliness blind me to your inner pain. After what has happened today, I will not force you to stay on my world longer than you want.”

  “You’re not mad?” Simone asked hesitantly.

  “Mad?” he chuckled. “We have made love. It was the most wonderful experience of my entire life. If you leave me now, I will always have that memory for all time. I thank you for that.”

  “That’s the thing though,” Simone said, opening her eyes. “I’m not sure I want to leave now and it’s exactly because of what happened today.”


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