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Adien: The Sons Of The Apocalypse MC

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by Unknown

  she gives me a what the fuck look I clarify " well I was just thinking aren’t you worried that if you spread your legs he might fall in?" I tried to not laugh when she gets a puzzled look on her face.

  She has no idea what so ever. What the fuck I’m talking about.

  Then laughter erupts be hind us. She wasn’t listening to anything I just said. That’s apparent because when I turn to look she grabs my arm. She just broke rule number one. I grabbed her hair and started to beat her face off the wall.

  I got in a few good shots when an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me off her.

  As soon as I'm released I start to head right back over to the stupid whore. I fucking warned her. I did. But she didn't listen, Before I could make it two steps a hand wraps around my arm and pulls me back.

  " Caleb help Amber up and Brandon take Tessa out to the parking lot" Adien snaps

  As Brandon pulls me away I hear Adien " Who the fuck do you think you are whore? You don't own me. Were not together. Your fucking lucky she didn't kill you and I didn't let her. Let this be a warning to you...." that's all I heard before I'm out side.

  Chapter 5


  I’m sitting here in shock after listening to Tessa. I finally learned her name. when Derek taps me on the shoulder " there's some Shit going down out there with Amber you may want to go deal with it." he says only loud enough for me to hear.

  Groaning I stand up and rub my face in my hands. I don’t need this shit right now. I head out to the hall following behind an amused Derek.

  Turning the corner I stop a few feet behind Amber just as she says "my boy friend you were talking to him this morning slut and hes mine!" she yells.

  Then Tessa responds "listen here whore I'm gonna say this once and only once so listen good. one touch me again I will beat your face off the wall.” she pauses.

  “Two I can do what ever I want with who ever I want got it?"

  Then Amber reply’s " Just remember hes mine I will make your life a living hell if you don't stay away from him got me?"

  Then Tessa says " so when he goes missing do I come find you?..."pause"...well I was just thinking aren’t you worried that if you spread your legs he might fall in?" her voice is sticky sweet.

  Laughter fills the hall. I watch Amber grab Tessa's arm then all hell broke loose.

  Tessa grabbed Amber's hair and started to beat her face off the wall. I’ll admit Tessa got in a few good shots before I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her off Amber.

  I waited a minute before releasing Tessa. But I was going off half caulked because As soon as I release Tessa she starts to head back over to Amber. Before she made it two steps my hand wraps around her arm and pull’s her back.

  " Caleb help Amber up and Brandon take Tessa out to the parking lot" I snaps as Brandon pulls Tessa away from me.

  I turn to Amber " Who the fuck do you think you are whore? You don't own me. Were not together. your fucking lucky she didn't kill you and I didn't let her. Let this be a warning to you. I wont help you when you get your self into shit like this again. I don't give to shits about you. Your not my old lady."

  I don't even wait for her acknowledgment. I'm to pissed. Turning I storm off in the direction of the parking lot to meet up with Brandon.

  Chapter 6


  I hate mornings. Rolling over hoping to hide from the world a little longer. I over shoot and land on the floor with a thud ugh that hurt.

  Groaning I stand up and rub my poor ass. stretching long and hard before getting ready for school the weeks gone by quick. its been relatively uneventful if you don't include Amber glaring at me.

  Adien watching me like a hawk in a creepy hot kind of way. I know total contradiction but true. The schools announcement of a talent show next month that of course my best knew bud and partner in crime. My better half yup you guest it.

  Ella decided to sign us up for it. If I didn't love her I would have stabbed her in the eye with a fork no just kidding I would have stabbed myself in the eye with a fork as a way to get out of it smart right.

  Back to the problem. Ella the worst best friend. I'm kidding signed us up for this talent show and I had no choice but to go because I quote " I would help you hide the body because were sisters..." she told me when I found out that she signed us up for this stupid shit " so you can do this for me right?" she finished.

  So I of course being the best friend we all know I am nodded my head yes. Even thought I wanted to grab my hair and start blabbing to my self like a crazy person.

  Only reason I don’t is because people will worry aka Ella and I still wouldn’t get out of this nightmare. I would rather cuddle up to a freaky demonic clown or even Adien. Well maybe the last part is more fantasy then nightmare but I would so jump on that.

  Okay, okay you caught me. I wouldn't do that for real. I mean come on I don't know where Amber's been or who maybe or may not be stuck inside her.

  As soon as that thought registered. I hit my knees laughing to the point I just might wet my self.

  Tonight Ella and I will be going to a party and we decided to get all whored up together. I have decided on a purple baby doll style dress it's tight around my breast coming down in a v between my breasts before it falls loosely down my body to mid thigh.

  Slipping on black ankle high heeled boots. I let me hair fall freely down my back in soft brown waves. I complete my look with light eye shadow, mascara, and eye liner. nothing else I like to make my eyes pop not color my self in like some people.

  Ella went with a tight jean mini skirt with fraying around the bottom it came to mid thigh, a red loose baby doll top.

  I love this top. It was a tight style tank with red wispy fabric over the tank. The top cupped her breast snugly. The wispy fabric was loose and just above the top of her skirt.

  she slipped on brown cowboy boats and she left her long blond curly hair down falling to about mid back. Just a little shorter then mine. Next she applied mascara eyeliner light eye shadow and light pink lip gloss.

  She looked hot. If I was into girls I would so do her and I told her just that " I would so do you to Tessa" she whisper yells and blows a kiss my way.


  This week has been a long one. Shit with the club. Then of course watching my walking fantasy and trying to decided how many times I want to hit that before I move on.

  Then if i’ll want to hit it more then once. I look her up and down and I know for damn sure I can play with that body for hours.

  laughter draws me out of my memories. I look in the direction and see Tessa dancing with one of my brothers. I watch as she turns her back to him and he puts his hands in her hips as she sways her hips to the music gently rubbing her ass against his cock.

  I look at his face and see pure lust and I see red standing up I'm caught off guard when I hear a thump and I look down to see Amber whimpering on the floor. I completely forgot she climbed into my lap and started kissing my neck. With out sparing her another glance I turn to head over to Tessa.

  When I notice her and what the fuck was his name... Jake? Josh? No I got it John the new recruit gone. Anger consumes my body. I start to tremble with anger.

  No I don't love her. No shes not my old lady. I don't have one of those and probably never will. But she’s mine. At least until I get my fill and everyone here knows it or at least I thought so.

  I turn and scan the room and still come up with nothing. And like he knew something was wrong my second Brandon pops up next to me " where is she?" I ask Brandon

  He doesn't need any clarification on who I'm referring to. he points in the direction she went I follow his finger to the house and stalk that way. I better not find her and that soon to be dead prick in a room Brandon falls in step behind me and in no time were in the house but what I see stops me dead.


  Walking into the house I turn to see John I think that’s his name following me. Flashing him a smile I head to the bathro
om hoping he would get the hint and leave me alone.

  I don't even turn to check if he stopped following. I take a few minutes in here. I wash my hands check my make up.

  I hope its been long enough and John has moved on. Opening the door I run right into Amber who immediately starts to have a conniption fit about Adien.

  A thought comes to mind and I just voice it like always " have you peed on I'm yet?" I ask with a strait face.

  Amber stops mid rant " what?" she asks looking lost

  " I asked did you pee on him yet? You know marked your territory, staked your claim, you know the usual?" I ask like its the most normal thing in the world. I watch as Amber's face scrunches up in confusion.

  " Just stay away from him slut" she screams at me. We were so wrapped up in our selves and this fight we didn't notice that someone turned down the music or the crowed growing behind us.

  I couldn't help but raise a eyebrow and reply " no problem. But if I were you I would go out there and stake my claim that way every other whore would know hes yours." she opens her mouth to respon.

  I couldn't help but clarify " Its really easy all you half to do is walk out there to Adien..." I spat his name "... hike up your leg and piss on him but make sure you wipe your feet after okay?"

  As soon as I finish with the instructions the room erupts with laughter. Momentarily stunned I turn to find the room full of people and a very red faced Adien his hands were clenched so tight they were turning white.

  A weaker person would be afraid but me nope I fear only two things in life my mother and as wimpy as this is gonna sound spiders yup you heard right. Spiders those eight legged freaks of nature.

  Give me blood, guts, chain saw welding murder's, evil clowns, Amber with her legs spread showing off her black whole she calls a whoha.

  Anything but spiders and my mom. Let me explain why my mom puts the fear of god into me its not because she beats me or even yell at me I fear her crying. Yup I'm afraid to see my mom cry.

  " Hey babe" Amber screech's like nails on a chalk board. Making me wince and snap out of my mental rant. And back to the party and all the other shit going on.

  I watch as Amber try's key word here try's to throw her self at Adien who just push's her back and glares.

  " What the fuck Amber didn't we already go over this your trying my patience here and you know what happens to people who try my patience." he says in a deadly calm voice. Truth be told his calm voice gives me chills more so then his words.

  Amber whimpers and try's to reach out and touch him when Ella slaps her hand away while glaring at her. The words just pop out of my mouth " Ewe Ella go wash your hand you don't know where that disease infested hand has been."

  I have no word filter. What I think just pops out. I've always been this way. Amber turns to glare at me but Adien grabs her arm and drags her away.

  I cant help it. I shout out " keep a two foot distance. She may try to pee on you" as he drags her around the corner. His laugh is the only thing letting me know he heard me.

  I know what your thinking I hate Adien. To be truthful I don't even know Adien. There's this attraction to him. Okay more like drool all over my self, soak my panties, and loose all real thought when he’s around.

  I'm like a walking talking Adien induced zombie. I wouldn't mind taking a bite out of him. Snap the fuck out of it Tessa.

  Back to the problem at hand. Where my anger stems from is his whores and Amber being his number one whore. I feel this sting in my chest when I think about it and that makes me beyond mad.

  Shacking my head I walk over to Ella and grab her clean hand and drag her to the kitchen I march over to the sink " wash Amber off you and I’ll get us some yummy drinks."

  The good thing about this party is its not all beer because lets face it beer tastes like man piss. I prefer margaritas, twisted teas, tequila, and my best bud Jack Daniels yum.

  Grabbing two half and half twisted tea’s. I walk back over to Ella who was drying her hands. I handed her a tea before popping the top off mine and gulping it down.

  Next thing I know my bottles empty. My lower lip sticks out as I pout at my now empty bottle.

  Ella my best of the best friend. Just laughs and hands me a knew tea with a huge smile. I let out a little girly squeal. Okay now I know I'm drunk. I already had quit a few drinks before that one. But really I never squeal.

  Later that night I’m three sheets to the wind I find my self talking to Adien. And wow he’s a I don’t really know what he is.

  but I like him. We talk about a lot of stuff and I think were becoming close. In that that moment I realize I’m falling in love with Adien.

  Chapter 7


  Its been 2 weeks since the party Adien and I have gotten closer. I guess you can say I don’t hate the bastard to much. I only have thoughts of torturing him about ten times a day now instead of thirty I guess that’s an improvement right.

  I’ve been so busy I never got around to signing with the gym. At this moment right now I'm kicking ass in my small gym. My knee hits the bag over and over like I’m hitting an opponent. Bang, bang, bang, gut, gut, face.

  Throwing a couple jabs right, left, right, right, side kick, duck, left, right, left, left, round house kick stopping I take my gloves off and remove the tape from my hands. Grabbing my towel and whipping off I run. Yes I mean literally run upstairs singing weak by Seether.

  I quickly shower and dress. I need to get to the gym before I forget again. As much as I love my little gym. I need more.

  Pulling up to the gym in my baby. I look over at the gym. Your not going to believe the name Knocked Out. I know what a fucking odd name but its an attention getter. I smile. I think the name is what sold me. Bouncing over to Knocked Out and rushing inside and I fall in love for the second time this month!

  Walking around taking in the nice high quality black mats, the MMA style ring in the center of the floor, the variety of heavy bags ranging in weight 50lbs and up, tread mills, the locker rooms. All of it was top of the line.

  Marveling like a love struck fool or a sometimes in my case a woman who hasn't seen a tub of cookies and cream ice cream in a year. Lets just say that makes me sad I almost wanted to cry. I mean I cant go a day with out some ice cream!!

  I may even consider homicide to the person who separated me form the Delicious treat no joke!! I can picture it now judge: young lady why would you do such a horrendous thing? Me: they took my ice cream! Judge: what? Young lady do make a mockery of the court this isn’t a joke! He yells at me. Me: no joke they took my ice cream!!! I scream right back. The look of shock makes me laugh.

  Coming back to reality I notice its quiet like real quiet, I mean so quiet you can hear the trees growing. I don’t think anyone was even breathing. I know people are here I noticed them all coming in. looking around I notice everyone was staring.

  I look behind me and see nothing. Turning back to them realizing there staring at me I stare right back. What if there gonna act like a bunch of dumb ass’s then so will I.

  “Have you not seen a set of boob's before?” I ask with the most innocent look on my face.

  I watch as there mouths just pop open in shock. Making a huge smile appear on my face. Scanning the crowed I notice a few faces from the party and from hanging out with Ella and Adien.

  I do a double take when I see “Jesse?” I question then I smack my self in the forehead like a moron I mean obviously it's Jesse.

  Hes a member of Adiens club. just saying it makes me want to talk in a baby voice like “ Adiens little club its just so cute” as soon as those thoughts pop in my head I giggle like a little girl ugh.

  I watch Jesse walk over to me with a frown “whats up Tessa? Everything okay?”he asks worriedly. Jesse's gonna be our drummer in the talent show and me and Ella will be taking turns on guitar. I guess she also sighed Adien so he'll be performing as well.

  Back to Jesse “what no pssh...I’m here to join the gym.” I jester around us with
a sweep of my hand. I'm still a little star struck this place is amazing. I just hope I can afford it. I already spent seventy percent of the money from selling my Pontiac onto my Chevy.

  I hear a snapping sound and focus on Jesse “sorry” I mumble I just completely zoned out on him. Like I when I’m bored. Well I guess I was bored.

  I really want to get into this gym... there’s that snapping again I look at Jesse and laugh he just sighs “lets go get your application started.” he mutters before turning and walking to the office.

  “you work here?” I ask him “you could say that.” he evades. Shrugging my shoulders I follow along.

  Walking back to my car with the biggest smile ever. I mean who wouldn’t. I just got into one of the most sought after gyms.

  Jesse even got me a discount even though he didn’t tell me what the full price was but I bet its high and everything. I only half to pay 20 bucks a month.

  Now that I think about it this place is apparently really hard to get into so I bet the monthly charges is really fucking high. so what did Jesse give me a ninety nine percent discount or some shit.

  When I questioned it he just blew me off and gave me a duffel bag, a locker, and my own lock. Now I knew they don’t just give that shit out.

  But he just closed up and I didn’t push it I mean he was doing this for me who am I to smack him with my bull shit.

  Chapter 8


  Jesse just called and told me that Tessa was at the gym and signed up for a membership, “how much are you charging her?” I ask “twenty bucks a month. She doesn’t know you own it.” Jesse responds.

  “perfect lets keep it that way okay” I put authority in my voice “yeah of course.” Jesse was quick to respond “I gave her a duffel and a locker with a lock.” he informed me “good, good” I say hanging up.

  Ella told me Tessa had taken an interest in my gym. And was going try and sign with us. I immediately informed everyone that I didn’t want her to know that I owned it. That I don’t care if were full if we half to kick someone out do so she comes first.


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