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Beautiful Template_Diva's Ink

Page 16

by Liberty Parker

  “Would you shut the fuck up! This is not my first rodeo, I know when I’m supposed to push, and when I’m not,” I grit through my teeth as another contraction hits me.

  Carson, not hearing what Levi and I were discussing says, “Push, Rainey, you’ve got this, baby.”

  “Yes, dear,” I say and hear Levi huff out some words I’d really rather not repeat anytime soon. They were tactless, and I’ll remind him of them at a later time. Twenty-seven, long grueling minutes later, my son makes his way into the world, kicking, screaming, and causing all kinds of a fuss.

  “What’s his name?” the nurse asks me after she brings him over to me after she’s done what she needs to do.

  “Tyler Mason James,” I reply, as I stare lovingly down at my son.



  There’s no greater joy in life than the

  love of your family and friends…

  I’m holding the newest member of my family in my arms while my sister is sleeping. I look all around me and can’t believe how much we’ve grown. I have two children, Emory has two with another one on the way, and this little bundle gives Rainey four, counting Trevor. My mom is happily married to Dr. McHottie and is off exploring the world. They’re currently on their third cruise of the year, Dr. McHottie retired and now they’re sight-seeing and enjoying the things you do in that stage of life. They make it home every couple of months since Mom can’t go that long without seeing her grandbabies, not her daughters. None of us girls take it personally though, we know how much our mother loves us, it’s actually amazing the way she took to becoming a grandmother. She dotes on all of our children and they couldn’t ask for a better role model than what she is. Life is good, I didn’t know it could turn out to be this spectacular, I thank the stars above every night for my good fortunes.


  Life is full of surprises, and the best one I ever received was the day that Ariel agreed to be mine. It’s not that I gave her much choice in telling me no, I wouldn’t have allowed that to happen, it’s the fact that she said yes, with no hesitation. We’ve had to deal with a few snide comments here and there, people thinking that because I’m a doctor I should’ve married a certain type of woman. Love is blind, there is no seeing anyone’s imperfections, even though in my opinion, she has none…she’s perfect to me, and for me. She’s given me life’s greatest joys in my children. Our home is happy, and my children, Devan and Duncan, and wife are healthy, what else could a man ask for?

  My mother has found happiness in Templeton, she’s going to stay there and has made a wonderful life for herself. She no longer hides behind a shell, and is outgoing, laughing all the time and bakes for all the local charities the club there has. My children, wife and myself love her, and adore her very much. My childhood may never be told in a fairytale story book, but my present and future will.


  I go over to the couch in the room where my family is welcoming my nephew into the fold. I rub my belly and look up seeing Marcus wrangling Shyann who very much wants to get down and go inspect her new baby cousin. I look over and see Dallas is still very much asleep in his carrier, he’s such a good baby, I’ve been blessed in that area. He and Shyann both have been happy babies. I hope this next one to join our family has the same mannerisms. We’re having another girl, and I’m excited to do all the things with her that I do with Shy.

  Marcus was my savior, and still is to a degree. He stood by me through my health crisis, took to fathering Shyann and Dallas like he was born to be a father and he continuously looks after me, and makes sure I never want, or need, for anything. The blessings of my family continue to grow, I can’t wait to see what, or who, our children grow to become. I have so many hopes and dreams for all of them, and I’ll be there for them through all of life’s struggles and be by their side for all of the good times to come.


  The best decision I’ve ever made in my life was to not allow Emory to push me away. The day I followed her, two hours away to that hospital, will be one I cherish, and fear, rolled all into one beautiful package. Finding out she was sick was one of the hardest things I’ve ever endured, but at the end of that battle, I got one of life’s greatest treasures…her. We’ve been through some really hard times but came out the victors, every single time. Nothing in life can stop us, get in our way, or cause defeat to the love and family we’ve built.

  My dreams and hopes are that everyone gets a chance to experience what I have. A love without strings, a life filled with joy and happiness.

  The End

  Don’t be sad, we’ll be seeing more of these couples in future books. Until then, live life to the fullest, enjoy each day, and love hard.

  ~Liberty Parker

  About Liberty

  Liberty has been an avid reader for most of her life. When she was younger she used to sit and fill spiral notebooks full of stories for her grandmother. As she got older, she took the jobs needed for raising her boys as a single mom until she met her amazing husband. She has stopped working in the last few years and started off by promoting authors, then she took up blogging and reviewing for authors. This has led her down the path of writing and creating characters and telling their stories. She loves getting creative and working behind the scenes with her characters and bringing her imagination to life.

  Find me on Facebook:

  Other Books by Liberty

  *Rage Ryders MC*

  Taken by Lies

  Taken by Rage

  Taken by Vegas

  Taken by Sadistic

  Taken by Chaos

  Taken by Temptation

  *Current Standalones*

  What Should’ve Been

  Charlee’s Choices

  *Diva’s Ink Trilogy*

  Blank Canvas

  Clean Slate

  Beautiful Template

  Rebel Guardians MC

  *Co-written with Darlene Tallman*




  Smokey & Bandit


  Capone…coming soon

  Check out my collaborated series in works with authors:

  Erin Osborne

  Kayce Kyle

  & Darlene Tallman

  Four MC-writin’ authors...Erin Osborne, Kayce Kyle, Darlene Tallman, and Liberty Parker…

  Four different MCs…the Wild Kings MC, the Soul Shifterz MC, the Rebel Guardians MC, and the Rage Ryders…

  Come join the Old Ladies Club and see what happens when a bunch of determined old ladies set up an online forum, building relationships that will stand the test of time, and a bunch of testosterone-filled, alpha bikers.

  **This book is intended for mature audiences, 18+




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