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Fake It_A Fake Marriage Baby Romance

Page 80

by Mia Ford

  “Seth is out.” Dex chuckled. “I think he had too much pie and crashed hard.”

  “Good.” I sighed. “Maybe he won’t wake us at three in the morning.”

  “Yeah, right.” Dex laughed. “Not with those presents under the tree.”

  “I was just thinking about our first Christmas Eve here in this house,” I said.

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Mmhmm,” I replied, drinking my eggnog. “The night that started all of this.”

  “The best night of my life, even if I didn’t realize it then,” he replied, kissing the top of my head. “That Hazelnut liqueur though, I’ll never be able to drink it again.”

  “Oh, god.” I cringed. “I think I just vomited in my mouth a little.”

  We both laughed at the thought of that night and sipped our drinks, sitting comfortably next to each other. I couldn’t help but feel extremely happy for the time I was getting to spend with Dex. I knew he could have made another choice and be somewhere across the world right now. Instead, he chose us, he chose to stay here and build a life with Seth and me, something that I would never ever take for granted. Things were so perfect it was hard to remember all the lonely nights I spent in this house, pining for Dex and feeling completely heartbroken. Everything was so familiar but at the same time felt completely different with the bask of love that now covered our lives. Dex pulled me in and squeezed me harder, kissing my head and obviously thinking about the same thing as me.

  The sounds of Christmas music played lightly in the background and though we sat silently, we did it together, feeling how close we had grown. Dex went from the man I couldn’t keep my hands off, to the man I loved, and ultimately to my best friend, though I’d never tell Natalie that. I finally had a real family like I dreamed of long before Seth ever came into the picture. It was more than I could have hoped for and I never, not even for a moment, took it for granted. I knew, with my father’s death, Dex’s parent’s deaths, and everything I went through over the last six years that you should be happy and really cherish the people you love because you never know when it could be gone in the blink of an eye.

  “You know,” Dex said, leaning his head down toward me. “Your mom is still at the Mission, we could do a little fooling around, maybe rekindle that old flame from six years ago here on this couch of love.”

  I laughed loudly at the thought of us being so brazen and bold, not to mention drunk as hell, six years ago on this very couch. I laid my head against Dex’s chest, feeling his breath and his heartbeat against my ear. I had never felt more comfortable with anyone in my life than I did right then in Dex’s arms. He set his glass down and pulled me into his lap, squeezing me tightly and gently kissing my lips. We stared into each other’s eyes for several moments until something popped into his head. He smiled coyly and moved me back next to him before standing up and walking toward the tree.

  “I have a gift for you,” he said excitedly.

  “But it’s not Christmas.” I laughed.

  “You get to open one early,” he said, tossing a small wrapped box at me.

  I caught it and smiled at the terrible wrapping. Dex made sure to get all the presents wrapped professionally, telling me how bad of a wrapper he was. I didn’t really believe him until looking down at this small box that had been wrapped tightly in too much red paper, taped up like a mummy, and had a crooked bow on top. It had to be my favorite thing to unwrap and I didn’t even know what it was yet. I shook my head, giggling as I pulled the bow off and fought the tape wrapped around it. I ripped the paper off and pulled the top off, looking down at another small box, this one a little more familiar. It was velvet and square and opened just like a ring box.

  I slowly cracked it open, my hands beginning to shake, gasping as I looked down at the largest diamond ring I had ever seen. It sparkled in the light of the tree and I looked over to find Dex kneeled on the floor in front of me. Immediately, tears filled my eyes, not fully comprehending what was happening at that moment. There was a huge diamond ring shaking in my hand and the love of my life was down on one knee, it was all too real.

  “Casey Nelson,” he said, reaching out and taking my hand. “You have given me a life that I never expected. You have filled my world with love, laughter, friendship, and the most amazing little life I could have ever imagined. Moving you into the penthouse was not enough. I want to know every day that I am waking up to my wife, the woman I vowed to spend my life with forever. I want to know that Seth can look at his mom and dad and see pure love, pure bond, and a strong unbreakable family. So, as I kneel here in front of you, I am asking you to please say yes. Say yes to spending the rest of your life in my arms, as my wife, and I as your husband. Casey Nelson, will you marry me?”

  I clasped my hand over my mouth as tears rolled steadily down my cheeks. I nodded my head yes and smiled, laughing and crying at the same time. Dex took the ring from the box and slid it on my finger, pulling me to my feet and wrapping his arms around me. I could feel his heart beating fast in his chest and I could not even start to control my own. He pulled back and kissed me deeply as the sound of clapping came from the front door. We finished our kiss and looked over to find Andrea, Natalie, and Brandon standing in the doorway, holding a bottle of champagne and a dozen roses.

  “Congratulations,” they all said in harmony.

  I smiled big and looked back at Dex.

  “What? You didn’t think I could ask you to be my wife without everyone did you?”

  I laughed and pulled myself into him, feeling his warmth surround me. This was the best Christmas I had ever had and couldn’t wait to spend my life as Mrs. Dexter Canton, the happiest woman in the world.

  Chapter 21: Dex

  Standing at the front of the church, I couldn’t help but look around at everyone and wonder what they were thinking. I knew no one ever thought they would see the day when I settled down with a wife and family. Hell, I never thought I would see the day when I settled down with a wife and family but here I was, standing at the front of a church, holding my son’s hand and waiting for his mother to walk down the aisle. At first, Casey wanted to have Seth give her away but he said he wanted to be the best man, so her mom decided to walk her down the aisle. I couldn’t wait to see Casey in her gorgeous wedding gown. She had been so excited since the day it was delivered. She hid it in her walk-in closet until my sister could pick it up to keep at her house. One of the local designers offered to design and create the dress of Casey’s dreams and though she was shy about the attention at first, she quickly found herself excited by the opportunity.

  The music began to play and I watched as the bridesmaids walked toward us, smiling and cooing at Seth in his little tuxedo. He looked like a little man standing beside me with his shiny shoes and perfectly done hair. As the music changed, the crowd in the church stood and turned toward the doors. The attendants pulled open the wooden double doors and I stared out at Casey, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her dress fit tightly on the top, draping over the edges of her shoulders like cloth blowing in the breeze. It then moved down to her waist where it shot out in a skirt of large billowing fabrics. She looked like a princess marrying into a royal family. Her veil was pinned gingerly in her hair which was piled high on her head in a mountain of delicate curls. She was looking down at her mother nervously as they took a step onto the red carpet lining the walkway. I watched her hands shake as she looked at the staring crowd. Finally, as her eyes moved forward, she met my gaze and all the nerves in my chest just fluttered away.

  From the smile that quickly developed on her lips, her nerves were cured as well. I grabbed Seth’s hand and looked down as he giggled at his mom walking up the aisle. I couldn’t believe just how lucky I was to be able to marry this gorgeous woman. She was the sweetest, kindest, sexiest, and most loving woman I had ever met, and I was going to get to call her my wife. She didn’t care about money or my name, she only cared about our family, our connection, our love, and our eternal bond. Her des
ire to grow our family was strong and determined. Just when I think I couldn’t be any more attached to this family, I find myself gazing down at them, my heart filled with love and admiration.

  As Casey reached the front of the church, Andrea handed her over, kissing me on the cheek and lifting Casey’s veil. The two exchanged quiet words and I could see the emotion on Andrea’s face, thinking about her late husband. The ceremony was short and we opted for traditional vows since Casey was too shy to speak in front of such a large crowd. Everyone laughed as Seth pulled our rings from his little tux pocket and handed them to Natalie, who was the maid of honor. As I slipped the small diamond encrusted band over Casey’s fragile small finger, I looked up into her eyes to let her know how serious I really was. I would love this woman and our son more than they could stand. I would ensure they had everything in life that they needed and wanted. I would make sure that the things of the past stayed in the past, never disrupting our lives ever again.

  “By the power vested in me by the state of New York,” the pastor said. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  We looked up at each other in excitement as I placed my hand around her cheek and pulled her in close, pressing my lips firmly against hers. As we turned, I picked up Seth and we raised our hands in the air in triumph. The crowd clapped and laughed as we exited the church and headed out into the city air. We did it. We finally got where we knew we should have been all along and it felt amazing.

  After the ceremony, we took about a million pictures at the church before heading over to the reception at the hall inside Canton Commons. It was decorated so elegantly and I was really impressed with what Casey put together. The flowers were all a dusty pink, the tables were covered with lace and satin, and the whole place had a deeply romantic feel. Candles were strewn across all the tables and the main lights were turned down low. In the center of the room was a dance floor with our initials lit up across it. Seth immediately ran out onto the tiled floor and started to dance in his adorable four-year-old style.

  As soon as we walked in, the festivities began and I swept my new bride off onto the dance floor for our first dance. She looked up at me with her gleaming eyes and I couldn’t help but pull her close and kiss her lips. She grasped my hand tightly but I kept her attention on me and not the hundreds of eyes watching us. When the song was over, Casey had a special dance with Seth and the two dazzled the crowd with a sweet slow dance to Somewhere Over the Rainbow. There wasn’t a dry eye in the entire place, especially since everyone knew that dance was in place of her father-daughter dance. Then Andrea and I took the floor as she volunteered to stand in for my mother for the mother-son dance. To my surprise, the emotions weren’t easy to keep in and as soon as I saw Natalie begin to cry, tears overwhelmed me.

  The rest of the evening was a blast with champagne flowing, music bumping, and good company to share our love and happiness with. Though I was having more fun than I could remember having in years, I couldn’t wait to leave and take my new wife on our honeymoon. She was absolutely stunning in her gown but I really wanted to get her out of it and make love to her. I watched her move across the room, greeting the guests, laughing at jokes, and snickering to Natalie about whatever it is girls talk about. She would gaze over at me from the other side of the room, lust covering her face. I knew then, she was just as ready to get to our honeymoon as I was.

  About an hour before we were scheduled to leave, Andrea kissed us goodbye, holding on to a dead asleep little boy. He partied himself completely out and between the cake and excitement, he would have a good night’s sleep. I could tell Casey was struggling with leaving Seth and I hugged her tightly as she watched the limo pull off with them inside. She took a deep breath and turned toward me, her eyes twinkling in the city lights.

  “I’m exhausted.” She laughed. “And I barely ate anything with so many people there.”

  “Me too,” I said, pulling her in close. “But not too exhausted to get this dress off you and pull you into my bed.”

  “Mmm,” she smiled, leaning up to kiss me. “That sounds like a perfect ending to a perfect day.”

  “Just a little bit longer.” I smiled.

  We went back inside and continued to dance and talk with the guests. From there on out, Casey stayed glued to my side, finally feeling free to let herself relax. Everyone was more than excited to talk to us but we were both so exhausted we could barely move. Finally, the coordinator came over and told us it was time to leave. We went back up to the apartment and changed into our honeymoon clothes, smiling at each other as we undressed. I wanted to take her right then and there but I knew the jet was waiting. When we got to the roof to catch the helicopter to the airport, everyone was standing up there cheering for us. I grabbed Casey’s hand as we walked through the crowd, stopping only for a moment to kiss and hug Natalie and Brandon before jumping in the chopper and heading off.

  I gazed out the window at the crowd waving goodbye as we floated higher and higher into the air. When we got to the jet, both of us went straight back to the bedroom and fell face first into the soft covers. Casey was out within minutes and I waited until we were high in the air before snuggling into the sheets. We both slept the entire way and were woken just before landing so we could buckle into our seats. Casey knew we were going to the South Pacific but she didn’t know what the details were so I was excited to surprise her.

  We took the limo to the port and I walked her to the gigantic yacht I rented to take us out into the warm ocean and land at our own private island. We would be alone at sea, waited on hand and foot by the staff, and able to relax and spend some much needed alone time together. In fact, I was pretty sure it was the first time we would be completely alone for an extended period of time. When we got on board, we looked around and noticed all our things had already been unpacked and stowed away for us. Once the ship pulled out of port, I shut the bedroom door and stared at my wife as she stood by the window in her white slip dress, watching the waves swirl around us.

  “Come here,” I said with lust in my voice.

  She turned and walked toward me, smiling and her eyes locked on mine. I ran my finger over her collar bone and pushed the small strap of her dress over her shoulder. As I moved the other, the dress fell to the floor revealing her round tits, her soft succulent skin, and her tiny white lace panties. She reached up and pulled her hair from the clips, letting it fall down over her shoulders. I pulled my shirt over my head and tugged her forward, pressing her warm skin against mine and feeling her nipples harden. I ran my fingers down her back, causing goosebumps to erupt on her neck and shoulders. I couldn’t wait to get ahold of this woman, to feel her wrapped around me, and to taste every part of her.

  I turned her and pushed her down softly on the bed. She scooted back and leaned against the pile of pillows on the bed, breathing deeply and looking down at the erection caught in my shorts. I reach down and set it free, watching her lick her lips as it bounced out of my boxers. I grabbed the shaft and stroked it gently while I crawled toward her and pulled her panties off her body and threw them on the floor. I leaned down and ran my tongue over her wetness, listening to her gasp as I pushed through her folds and swirled around her clit. She tasted so amazing and I knew right then I wasn’t going to hold back, not tonight, not ever again.

  Chapter 22: Casey

  I could feel his mouth moving over mine in a rhythm that was driving me absolutely wild. I leaned back to take it all in, knowing there was no need to rush this moment. His hands floated over my body in the same way his tongue was: passionate, hungry, and concentrated on making me feel immense amounts of pleasure. I ran my hands through his hair as I moaned loudly, heat bubbling in my stomach. Dex reached up and lifted my legs over my shoulders and pushed into me, moving his mouth wildly as my body writhed underneath him. I wanted to taste him, to feel him in my mouth. I tapped him on the head and looked in his deep eyes.

  “Turn around,” I whispered.

  He w
iped his mouth with a coy smile and moved his body around, rolling over on his back and pulling me with his. I straddled his face, placing my hands on both sides of his hips and lowered myself down, feeling his mouth against me. I moaned loudly at his tongue movements and reached over, grabbing his shaft and licking the tip. I dipped my head down, taking his cock in my mouth and smoothed my lips down to the bottom, sucking hard as I came back up. He groaned into my wet pussy but continued to lick as I bobbed my head up and down on his dick. He grabbed my ass cheeks and pressed my mound down into his face as I began to grind slowly against his lips. I could feel the orgasm simmering in my stomach but I held back, not wanting to explode just yet.

  I looked down at his glistening cock and held it at its base, driving downward and opening my throat, feeling every ridge and wrinkle as it traveled over my tongue and deep into my mouth. I held myself down on his cock, flicking my tongue and contracting my throat muscles. He growled underneath me as I slowly rose my head halfway before pushing down again. I could see him grabbing the bed beside my body as I started to suck harder and faster while grinding quicker on his lips. The reaction he was giving aroused me more than anything. I moaned loudly with his dick in my mouth, making him pump his groin, pushing it in and out in small bursts. I stretched my arms over my head, grabbing his legs and focused on moving my hips against his tongue while letting him fuck my mouth.


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