Arabian Sands
Page 40
Scorpions, 123; Umbarak stung by, 319
Scott, Captain Robert Falcon, 278
Second World War, 37–8
Sedge. See Qassis
Semitic race, 92
Shaghham well, 217
Shahara, the, 47, 82
Shahin, 289–90
Shanin, 137
Shakhbut, Sheikh of Abu Dhabi, 263–4, 266, 271, 281; authority over tribes, 271
Shammar, the, 68
Sharaifi, the, 327
Sharja: 275, 327–8; R.A.F. aerodrome at, 276; arrival at, 275
Sharja, sheikh of, 327, 328
Sheep: 92, 175, 245, 304; Barbary, 34
Sheppard, C. H. J. British Resident in Mukalla, 201, 203–4
Shibam, 204, 211; stores bought at, 212
Shield, Qarra, 81
Shihr, 201
Shilluk, the, 34
Shanan, 152
Shisur, 65, 100
Shrines, offerings left at, 205
Sib, Treaty of, 273
Skink, 162
Slaves: 77–8, 105, 125, 238, 240–1, 323; price of, 282–3; caravan of, 284
Snakes: 123; Bedu bitten by, 88
Somaliland, French, 30
Somalis, the, 22, 25, 276
Special Air Service Regiment, 38
Spiders, 123
Spirit, evil, possession by. See Zar
Springtime, rareness of, in the desert, 258
Staiyun, of the Duru: 173–5; offers to guide Umbarak in Oman, 299, 300–1; returns to encampment, 302
Stick: Qarra throwing-stick, 80; camel-stick, 124
Stocks, Umbarak’s companions put in, 241
Sudan, the, 31, 109
Sudan Defence Force, 37
Sudd, 34
Sulaim, of the Mahra, a Rabia, 197
Sulaiman bin Hamyar. See bin Hamyar
Sulaiman bin Kharas. See bin Kharas
Sulaiyil, 207, 219, 238, 240
Sultan, of the Al Hiya, 307ff.
Sultan, of the Bait Kathir: 51, 56–7, 61, 78, 80, 81, 127; personality of, 51; points out trilithons, 90; and proposed crossing of the Empty Quarter, 111, 114; on the crossing, 124; refuses to go on, 131–2; brooding, 178
Sumeria, 92
Sword, Qarra, 81
Syria, 37–8
Tagrud, 291
Tahr, the hunting of, 274
Taif, 75, 265
Taj Mahal, 99
Tajura, 30
Tamarinds, 47
Tamarisk, 111, 200
Tamis well, 208
Tamtaim, Salim, of the Bait Kathir: 49, 51, 61, 65, 83, 85; age and vigour of, 49, 78; at prayer, 55; as arbitrator, 112; reunion with, at Bai, 178
Tamudic script, 90
Tarim, 74, 210
Tawi Harian well, 307
Tawi Yasir, 314
Temperatures: in summer, 89; in the sands, 140
Tents, Arab, 88, 97, 169, 214, 312
Tharaud well: 71; fighting at, 217, 218, 280
Thesiger, Wilfred. See Umbarak
Thomas, Bertram: 42, 46, 77, 179, 254, 298; Arabia Felix, 34, 48; remembered by Bait Kathir, 50, 52–3; on trilithons, 90; on Umm al Samim, 118; and crossing of the Empty Quarter, 121–2
Thunderstorms, 256
Tibbu, the, 35
Tibesti Mountains, 35ff.
Ticks, leathery. See Dhafar
Tieroko, Mt., 36
Tihama, the, 75, 105, 242
Timkat, 18
Toadstools, edible, 267
Tracks, recognition of, in desert, 65–6
Trenchard, Marshal of the R.A.F Viscount, 39
Tribulus. See Zahra
Trilithons, 90–1, 190
Trucial Coast, the: 68, 77, 211, 243; fighting on, 124; authority on, 272
Trucial Oman Scouts, 272
Truffles, 267
Tubaiq range, 243
Tumuli, 25, 89–90, 190, 253
Turks, 92
Uainat, seized by Italians, 32
Umbarak (the author): 91; extra food given to, 151; difficulties of concealing, in hostile country, 155, 160–1; faces starvation, 157–8; poses as a Syrian, 173, 175; trouble in Bait Khawar on way to Mukalla, 196–7; unrecognized by Rashid in European dress, 202; telegram to Ibn Saud, 239; interrogated by Amir of Wadi Dawasir, 240; release of, 242; chases raiders, 285; finds they are friends, 286; obstacles to his entering Oman, 295; in disguise among foothills of Oman, 309ff.; attack of fever, 322
Umbrausha, a camel, 56, 57
Umm al Hait, the, 87, 108, 111, 128
Umm al Samim quicksands: 110, 118, 146, 174, 182, 296ff.; path across, 302
Uruq al Shaiba, the, 116, 118, 144ff., 158
Uruq al Zaza sands, 227
Uvarov, Dr., 42, 76, 182
Villiers, Commander Alan, 276
Vines, 17
Von Wrede, Adolph, 296, 298
Wad Medani, 34
Wadi. See under individual names of Wadis
Wahiba, the: 48, 175, 320, 323; desire to cross their country, 302, 306; funeral feasts of the, 304; contrasted with the Duru, 313
Wahabis, 271
Wall of Dhaufar, 43, 45, 49, 180
Walia Riqaiya, 205
Ward, Rowland: Records of Big Game, 20
Water: the carrying of, 85; scarcity of, 88–9, 126. See also Camels, watering of
Water-skins, 85, 212
Watts, A. F., Political Officer in the Hadhramaut, 204, 210
Wellsted, J. R., 273
Western Aden Protectorate, 196
Western Sands. See Empty Quarter
Widgeon, 179
Wind-turrets, 276
Wingate’s Gideon Force, 37
Wolves, 199, 235
Yahahif, the, 306, 311
Yahya, Imam, 228
Yam, the: 103, 203, 204, 225; raided by the Manahil, 186, 207; massing to attack the Saar, 212; raiding parties of, 216; possible danger from, after crossing Western Sands, 220, 280; meeting with, 237–8; killer of bin Duailan from, 243; attacks on the Mishqas, 243–4
Yamin. See Ghail ba Tamin
Yarmuk, battle of, 98
Yasir, of the Junuba: 295, 314; asks Imam for permission for Umbarak to cross Oman, 315–16
Yemen, the: 44, 68, 77, 91–2, 185–6; encouragement of raiders by government, in, 185; Imam of, 280
Yisbub, 179
Zaghawa, 35
Zahra: 123, 128, 130; as camel food, 138, 142, 144
Zamakh well, 205, 212
Zanzibar, conquest of, by Oman, 273
Zar, 109
Zarzura, 38
Zayid bin Sultan. See bin Sultan, Zayid.
Zifr wells, 236
Zuaqti watercourse, 301.
* This folding map is not in the Penguin edition.
1. See map on page 40.
1. See map on page 40.
1. See Plate 10.
1. See Plate 6.
1. See Plate 8.
1. See Plate 9.
1. See Plate 7.
1. See Plate 10.
1. See Plate 12.
1. See Plate 5.
1. See Plate 13.
1. See Plate 15.