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New Additions (By Design Book 5)

Page 5

by J. A. Armstrong

  “Mr. Klein,” Candace said calmly. “I want to thank you for taking the time to travel all the way to New York. If you had called, we would have been happy to entertain your family for dinner. There are no fatherless children in this family. There are fathers who have been taken and there are fathers who have chosen to leave their children. No child is fatherless here.”

  “Two women cannot make a life for….”

  “In this family, in this state, and in this country, Mr. Klein, we value every child and we applaud every family that seeks to nurture their children.” Cheers erupted from the crowd. Mark Klein attempted to scream in defiance, but his cries were drowned by applause.

  Candace watched as the defiant young man was escorted physically through the back door. She turned to Spencer and Jameson with a broad smile. Spencer held out his arms and Candace accepted him gratefully. She turned back to the crowd.

  “I’d like you all to meet my campaign manager, Spencer,” she said. “Who just happens to be my handsome grandson. Wave to the people,” she whispered in Spencer’s ear. Spencer complied happily, sensing the shift in everyone’s mood.

  “Oh boy,” Michelle chuckled.

  “What?” Melanie leaned in and whispered.

  “I think you just might be looking at a future president,” Michelle said.

  “Your mom is impressive,” Melanie agreed just as Candace beckoned the rest of her family to come join her.

  Michelle laughed as she waved to the crowd and leaned closer to her girlfriend. “I wasn’t talking about Mom.”


  Laura walked sullenly into the kitchen. She saw Candace standing at the stove and attempted to leave without detection.

  “Too late,” Candace said without turning. “Have a seat,” she instructed the young woman. Laura reluctantly complied. “I take it mini-Jameson is finally asleep?” Candace inquired.

  “Jonah just put him down,” Laura said. Candace nodded and pulled two mugs down from the cabinet. “I’m sorry,” Laura muttered.

  “Why? You don’t like tea?” Candace quipped.

  “No,” Laura snickered at Candace’s good nature. “About my family.”

  Candace let the apology lie while she prepared them each a cup of tea. She set a cup in front of Laura and pulled out a chair for herself. “The thing about family is that there are two kinds,” Candace said as she took a sip from her cup.

  “What do you mean?” Laura asked.

  “Well, there is the family that you are born into and there is the family that you choose. Sometimes, if you are lucky it all lines up,” Candace explained. “Other times, they remain two separate entities.”

  “You have a wonderful family.”

  Candace beamed with pride. She did and she knew it. “Yes, I do,” she agreed. “But, it is not perfect,” she went on. “You notice that my mother is markedly absent from most events.”

  “I assumed that was because she is not well,” Laura said.

  “Mmm. Yes, that is part of the reason. But, the truth is it has been that way my entire life. After Jonathan and I split, well, the rift just grew deeper. I suppose it should have hurt more than it actually did,” Candace confessed. Laura’s curiosity was evident and Candace continued. She took another sip of her tea and slowly placed the cup back on its saucer. “The truth is, I have always considered Pearl my mother. That was a choice I made early on. Lucky for me, it stuck,” Candace said with a smile.

  “I don’t understand my mother,” Laura confessed. “She’s not like my father, but she never speaks up. How can she even love him? Isn’t that awful? That I think that about my father?”

  Candace considered her response for a moment. “No. It isn’t awful, it’s just honest. I’ve wondered that about my parents more than a few times,” Candace laughed.

  “Why your mother loved your father?” Laura asked.

  “No. How my father ever got involved with my mother,” Candace clarified with a chuckle. “Laura, you are not your parents. I told you once, a while ago, our children come through us, they are not us.”

  “I remember,” Laura said. “Couldn’t prove that by Spencer,” she laughed. Candace tipped her head in confusion. Laura laughed harder. “I think the apple is pretty near Nana’s tree.”

  Candace smiled. She adored Spencer, but she could see many sparks igniting in his young eyes. “Ah, well, he has a fair dose of a lot of his family. Rick was fiercely protective, so is Jameson,” she said. “And, so is Pearl.”

  “So are you,” Laura interjected.

  “I suppose I am. Most of us are when it comes to someone we love deeply. We just each show that in different ways. Spencer,” Candace chuckled. “He’s as likely to strap a tool belt around his waist and set about fixing things as he is to ever want to run for office. He thinks Jameson hung the moon.” Laura nodded. Candace finished her tea and rose from her seat. She laid a gentle hand on Laura’s shoulder. “Don’t apologize for things you did not choose or create,” she said. “There is enough in life that comes of our own choices to deal with. Expend your energy on those,” Candace offered her wisdom. “People can change Laura, just like families change sometimes. The have to choose that. Don’t forget that.” Candace rinsed her cup and placed it in the dishwasher. “I’m heading up. Get some rest.”

  Laura nodded. “Candace?” Candace stopped and turned back. “Thanks for letting me choose this family.”

  Candace smiled. “Don’t thank me too soon,” she teased. “And, don’t forget—we chose you too.”


  “That son-of-a….”

  Candace opened the bedroom door and discovered Jameson cussing at the television screen. “How many times have I told you that Fox is not a channel about animals,” Candace joked.

  Jameson grimaced. “That little, obnoxious shit.”

  Candace looked at the television screen and snickered. “Which little shit are we talking about?” she wondered.

  “How can you be so calm?” Jameson asked.

  Candace clicked off the television and shrugged. She began unbuttoning her blouse and laughed lightly when she caught Jameson staring at her cleavage. “Jameson?”


  Candace lifted her eyebrow. “Which little shit were you going on about?” she asked. Candace deliberately took her time unbuttoning the last few buttons and slowly began peeling the blouse from her shoulders. “You okay?” she asked Jameson.

  Jameson grinned evilly, catching onto Candace’s game. “Why are you in such a good mood all of a sudden?” Jameson asked suspiciously.

  Candace realized as she watched Jameson watching her, that for the first time in many days, she was in fairly good spirits. It had been a long day. At certain points, it had been a trying day. Something had shifted within Candace. Jameson had been right. Candace needed to get back to work. Laura was also correct. Candace was blessed with the family she had both been given and the family she had created. Numerous worries and irreplaceable loss lingered in the back of her mind and heart, but life was marching on. It had to. Candace had witnessed that need in Spencer earlier that day. He needed his family to be present, fully present. Sitting with Laura, walking into the bedroom to find Jameson preparing to do battle with anyone who might dare insult Candace, it reminded Candace that they were all alive. Rick was gone. She could not change that. It was not a decision that anyone needed to take ownership of. Rick’s death was part of the cost of living life. It was a painful cost, but it was not a debt that Candace needed to make good. Her responsibilities lay in the challenges and the triumphs of living. That is where the people she loved remained.

  “Well?” Jameson asked.

  “What?” Candace feigned innocence as she tossed her blouse over a chair.

  Jameson smirked. “Why, Mrs. Reid, are you trying to seduce me?”

  “Is it working?” Candace asked.

  Jameson laughed and pulled Candace down onto the bed with her. She kissed Candace passionately. “I don’t know,” Jameson pla
yfully questioned. “What else you got in your war chest?”

  “War chest?” Candace asked.

  Jameson tapped lightly on the swell of Candace’s breasts. “Yeah, what well laid plans do you have for seduction, oh fearless leader?” Jameson cracked.

  Candace flipped their positions and straddled Jameson. She pushed Jameson to lie flat and pinned her arms over her head. “Are you issuing me a challenge, Ms. Reid?”

  “Yes, Senator, I suppose I am,” Jameson replied. She had missed this side of Candace, the playful yet commanding woman that Jameson was certain could have made millions fall to their knees had she wanted to. Jameson looked up at Candace in complete admiration. Candace Reid was not merely attractive—she was captivating. Jameson let her eyes methodically roam over Candace’s body as it towered above her. She felt her chest constrict from desire and emotion when Candace moved to unhook her bra. “Jesus,” Jameson groaned.

  Candace sported a mischievous grin. “Something you need?” she asked Jameson.


  “You called for Jesus,” Candace reminded Jameson. She dipped her head and nipped lightly at Jameson’s neck. “I wondered if you needed something,” she said. Jameson nearly growled. Candace’s tongue was swirling around her ear sensually. “Tell me,” Candace challenged.

  Jameson closed her eyes and turned her head to give Candace full access to her neck. She wasn’t sure how to answer. At the moment, she wanted to feel Candace everywhere all at once. She could feel Candace’s confidence rising to the surface. Candace had let Jameson take control of their sensual dance for days. They had spent most nights wrapped in compassionate embraces. Truth be told, Jameson reveled in Candace’s closeness regardless of whether passion or compassion ruled the moment. She loved Candace’s forthright nature, the way Candace could take control and make her quiver with nothing more than a few words.

  Candace covered Jameson’s mouth with her own and Jameson moaned into their kiss. Jameson could feel Candace’s breasts brushing against her and it ignited a rolling fire in the depths of her core. Candace was relentless. She pulled back and coaxed Jameson to open her eyes. “Tell me,” she ordered Jameson.

  “I want you,” Jameson replied.

  Candace smiled inwardly. Even after more than two years together, Jameson often struggled to give voice to her needs and desires. Jameson trusted Candace. Candace knew that. Jameson’s hesitancy was born of something that Candace found completely endearing, shyness. Few people would have believed that possible. And, Candace found it fascinating. Jameson could take control of their lovemaking with complete assuredness. But, when the tables turned and Candace took the lead in their dance, Jameson still blushed, and not only from desire. Still, Candace also understood that Jameson loved this game. It challenged her.

  “What do you want, Jameson?” Jameson struggled to formulate a response. Candace let her hand drift downward and then slowly up Jameson’s T-shirt. She faintly brushed her fingertips across Jameson’s nipple and smiled when Jameson’s eyes closed instinctively and her lips parted. “This?” Candace asked.

  Jameson moaned as Candace’s fingers began a more insistent exploration of her nipples. Candace ran her tongue over Jameson’s lips. She tugged on the bottom of Jameson’s T-shirt and prompted Jameson to sit up so that she could remove it. Candace took the opportunity to wrap her legs around Jameson’s lap while Jameson sat facing her. Jameson’s face was flushed by the heat of desire. Candace tossed the T-shirt away and pressed herself tightly against Jameson. Jameson’s arms held her close.

  Candace breathed into Jameson’s ear. “Jameson,” she began breathily. “Since you can’t seem to tell me what it is you want from me. I am going to tell you what I am going to do.” Jameson felt her heart begin to thunder wildly in her chest.

  Candace moaned softly and continued. “I am going to taste every inch of you until you want to beg me to stop.” She leaned closer and allowed her lips to barely brush against Jameson’s. “Starting right here,” she said. With those words, Candace claimed Jameson’s mouth in a possessive kiss that sent a series of small shudders through Jameson’s body. “And then….here,” she told Jameson as she gently sucked on Jameson’s neck.

  “God!” Jameson cried out loudly.

  “Fraid not,” Candace said. “But feel free to ask for his help all you want.”

  Jameson thought she might die from anticipation. Candace’s kiss was lingering on her throat while her hands mapped out the flesh of Jameson’s abdomen. “Candace…”

  Candace was beginning to feel dizzy with excitement. Jameson presented a wonderful contrast of strength and tenderness, sensuality and timidity. Jameson’s body was lean and muscular yet soft and supple beneath Candace’s fingers. Most nights, Candace would fall asleep tracing delicate patterns across Jameson’s skin. She never tired of touching the woman lying beneath her now. She savored every taste, every sensation that being close to Jameson evoked. Jameson’s hands wound themselves in Candace’s hair in an attempt to urge her on. Candace pulled away slightly and waited for Jameson to open her eyes.

  “Tell me, Jameson,” she repeated her request.

  “I need to feel you,” Jameson said urgently. “Please.”

  Candace lowered her head and traced a circle with her tongue around Jameson’s nipple. Jameson’s back arched instinctively. “This? Is this what you want?”

  “Yes,” Jameson confessed her need. Candace circled the pink tip again and then covered it with the warmth of her mouth. “Oh, God,” Jameson choked.

  “Mmm,” Candace moaned and lifted her hand to play with Jameson’s other breast, switching back and forth. One moment her touch was light and teasing, the next forceful and demanding. A persistent ache had taken up residence in Candace’s center. She pressed herself against Jameson’s leg in an effort to relieve it, if only slightly.

  Jameson’s hands dropped to cup Candace’s backside. She guided Candace to move against her. The feel of Candace’s body moving in time with hers silenced any remaining tentativeness Jameson had been feeling. “I want to taste you,” Jameson said urgently.

  Candace felt a hot surge of desire pass through her chest and settle between her legs. She lifted her head, attempting to hide her surprise at Jameson’s declaration. Jameson’s fiery gaze conveyed the urgency she felt. Candace lifted herself and Jameson immediately took the opportunity to remove the last vestiges of Candace’s clothing. Candace started to lower herself again and Jameson stopped her abruptly.

  “No,” Jameson said.


  “You asked me what I wanted. I told you,” Jameson said. “I want you.” Jameson placed a searing kiss on Candace’s lips. She moved her hands to Candace’s hips and directed her higher.

  Candace understood Jameson’s intention immediately. She wanted to comply. She had intended to take Jameson slowly. In less than an instant, Jameson had turned the tables. Candace pressed down her need and lifted an eyebrow at Jameson. “Behave,” she said. “I’m not done with you yet.” Candace allowed her body to glide sensually against the length of Jameson’s. She reached Jameson’s jeans and released the button with one hand while the other raised to caress Jameson’s chest and hold her in place.

  Jameson looked down and met Candace’s gaze. Candace smiled lovingly as her playfulness abated. She lowered herself further and Jameson held her breath. Candace leisurely kissed her way across Jameson’s thighs. She had every intention of driving Jameson to distraction. Candace placed a feather-light kiss on Jameson’s center, delighting in her softness. Jameson’s body jumped in response. Candace replaced the faint sensation of her lips with the warmth of her tongue and tasted the length of Jameson’s need.

  Jameson’s hips rose in time with Candace’s teasing. “Please,” Jameson begged. Candace circled the length of Jameson’s need repeatedly, softly but firmly. “Please,” Jameson pleaded again.

  “What do you want, Jameson?” Candace asked.

  Jameson’s entire body hummed in exc
itement. The sound of Candace’s voice alone aroused Jameson in a way that continued to astound her. She craved release. She desperately wanted Candace to take her higher and then let her fall. Each time Candace lowered herself only to lift herself against Jameson again, Jameson’s desire to let go completely increased. Jameson could feel herself nearing the point of no return. Her heart and her body wrestled for some semblance of control.

  Candace continued her gentle and thorough exploration of Jameson. She kept her eyes locked on Jameson’s changing expression—desire, ecstasy, desperation—changing from one moment to the next. Candace watched as Jameson tugged at her bottom lip with her teeth. She took the cue and slipped inside Jameson tenderly.

  “God!” Jameson cried out.

  Candace’s fingers began a gentle probing that gradually deepened with each thrust. Every nerve in Jameson’s body responded. Her heart was skipping beats in an erratic rhythm. Her hips had found a will of their own, moving in a circular motion with Candace’s touch. All hope of gaining any control had vanished. No one had ever been able to command Jameson fully. She had never trusted anyone enough to let her heart and her body fall together. Candace could strip away any defense Jameson attempted to mount with the simplest of words or touches. Jameson watched Candace in rapt fascination. Desire, arousal, and love were evident in the sparkle of Candace’s blue eyes. Jameson felt Candace reach and take hold of her hand just as Jameson’s body lifted slightly from the soft bed. As always, Candace understood. She was Jameson’s anchor just as Jameson was hers.

  Jameson tried to suppress her inclination to call out to Candace. She thought she might be successful until she felt Candace’s tongue swirl around her need at the same instant Candace’s fingers stilled inside of her. Jameson’s eyes closed instinctively, colored lights dancing behind her eyelids, a kaleidoscope of colorful emotion and physical sensation encompassing her being. Slight quivers shifted to perceptible tremors. Without warning, Jameson’s body was pulled under by a powerful wave. She struggled to take a full breath, tossed about violently. Candace squeezed Jameson’s hand in reassurance.


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