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Page 13

by Black, Selena

  Steam obscured her view through the glass door of the shower cubicle and she walked across to open it. He was facing away from her, so didn’t realize she was there and it gave her the chance to ogle him as he stood under the pounding jets. Her gaze slid down from broad shoulders to tight buttocks and the flush of arousal came on when she remembered digging her nails in the taut muscles of his ass while he fucked her to an orgasm the night before. The sight of water running down his naked skin was one of the sexiest of her life and she couldn’t stop the smile lighting up on her face.

  “Planning to run out on me?” she said loudly to be heard over the rushing torrent of shower water.

  The sound of her voice made him turn quickly and the surprised expression on his face morphed to a wide smile.

  “Nope, Miss Sanderson,” he replied. “You looked like you were enjoying your sleep and that cute face is far too pretty to disturb.”

  “Are you almost finished?”

  His smile grew wider as he stepped forward and she was too slow to avoid him grabbing her wrist. She loosened the towel to let it drop to the floor before she was pulled into the cubicle and under the water.

  “I thought it was men who were supposed to sneak up on women in the shower to leer at them,’ he teased her.

  “I was not leering at you,” she squealed and laughed. “Well…, not much anyway.”

  Her words were ended by a kiss and she shuddered as solid muscles pressed on her soft curves. Matt’s hands slid to her hips then round to grab her ass. She gasped as the rough touch sank in her flesh and was aware of the effect their wet, naked bodies being pressed together was having on him.

  “Can’t control yourself around me,” she joked when the kiss ended

  “”You noticed that, did you?”

  “Umm…, how am I supposed to miss it,” Brigitte went on and glanced down.

  She turned to deliberately rub her naked hip on his cock and the thrill of bringing it to life wasn’t lost on her. Matt’s lips came down on hers again as they stood under the cascade of shower water, but he backed her out from under it until she was trapped against the tiles. The cool of the ceramic played on her skin as the kiss became more intense and it made her shudder.

  “Is this how you normally start your day,” she joked when they broke apart.

  “I wish,” Matt replied.

  Brigitte winced as she banged her head against the wall, but the kisses sliding across her exposed neck brought out the heat of excitement and she found herself succumbing to the idea of shower sex. She wrapped her hands around Matt’s neck to pull his head down and got what she wanted when he kissed lower. His lips and tongue began to ravish her breasts in a similar fashion to the previous evening and her mouth opened wide as she basked in the delicious enjoyment of the onslaught.

  Forcing her hand in between their bodies to get to what she wanted, she gasped at how hard Matt’s raging erection now was. She gripped around it tightly to feel the constant beating pulse of the throbs before running her fingers along the thick length. The urge for another close look filled her mind, but her lover was in no mood to give up her breasts and she remained trapped against the tiles.

  When he lifted his head, she let go of his cock for a second to reach for the bottle of shower cream on the shelf in the corner of the cubicle. He watched as she poured some in her hand before grabbing for his erection again. The touch of her slippery palm stroking up and down his erect length made him rock his head back and he groaned as he was flooded in hot pleasure.

  “You do that good,” he groaned.

  “What are you going to do with it when I’ve got it all nice and clean,” she teased him.

  She gasped as his head lunged forward and his lips found hers. The flare of passion grew stronger as they kissed and she worked her hand along his erection to a faster rhythm. She knew that she was building his lust to the point it would be unleashed on her, but it was what she craved. The fantasy in her head was of being spun around and held in place as she was fucked from behind.

  The reality of it actually happening was even more exhilarating than she imagined and she gasped as she pressed her face on the cool tiles. The touch of Matt’s stiff shaft slid along the crease of her ass and he pushed so forcefully against her that her butt cheeks parted. Hard flesh rubbed on puckered skin as he gripped her hips tightly. One of his hands then came up to sweep her wet hair aside. It exposed her neck and she groaned as she was engulfed in a flurry of kisses.

  She forced her ass back against Matt’s crotch to give herself some space, but the added bonus of his cock rubbing so roughly on sensitive skin made her tremble. She leaned forward to bend over and knew she was presenting herself to him. It was an invitation he wasn’t about to refuse and his hands grabbed at her ass cheeks to spread them. When his slippery erection came between her thighs from behind, she held it against her pussy to enjoy the beating throbs of his desire for her. It made her gasp as he worked his hips to make his cock rub against her.

  “Wash the soap off,” she urged him.

  He grabbed for the showerhead to bring it down from its mount. When he handed it over, Brigitte was quick to aim the water between her thighs. The strong jets pounded her skin and she let out a gasp while she washed the soap away. She didn’t want to give up the delicious sensation of the water pummeling her and held the showerhead in place as Matt worked the tip of his erection to her pussy. His hands gripped her hips tightly as he thrust forward to fuck all the way inside and suddenly she was trapped in place to be used. His muscular midriff slapped against her butt as he threw himself to a punishing rhythm and it was clear that he wasn’t planning to last long. They were in the midst of a morning quickie, and while Brigitte never normally took things so far so fast it just felt natural with him.

  Brigitte brought the showerhead closer to let the gushing water jets beat against her clitoris and winced as Matt’s fingers sunk deeper in the flesh of her hips to pull himself onto her. It slammed his body against hers and she closed her eyes to revel in the pure joy of the sensation. Her legs trembled and she pressed herself against the tiles to hold herself up as their greedy lust for each other climbed to a high that overpowered them, culminating in a shuddering orgasm.

  “Fuck,” Matt groaned as he struggled to hold himself upright when his release came to an end.

  His hand slapped against the wall as he steadied himself and pulled his cock out. Brigitte saw the white trickling down her thighs and cleaned it away before handing him the showerhead. He returned it to the holder and they clung on to each other as they moved under the cascade. They eventually got round to actually washing when they recovered from their exertions then moved out of the cubicle to dry themselves.

  “I hope I don’t go downstairs to find your father sitting in the kitchen,” Matt joked when they walked through to the bedroom.

  “From what he said before he left, he’s gone for at least a week,” Brigitte replied.

  “So, what are you going to make me for breakfast then?” he asked.

  “Why don’t you make me something,” she replied.

  “OK, I will.”

  He was first to finish dressing and left the bedroom to make his way downstairs. Brigitte decided to give him some time to see what he came up with and could smell the coffee when she went down the stairs. She walked in on him making scrambled eggs and laughed as she sat at the kitchen table.

  “And there was you thinking I was only a pretty face,” he said.

  “I’ll have to revise that opinion then,” she replied. “I didn’t realize you were quite so domesticated.”

  “Too many years of living on my own,” he confessed.

  A smile broke out on Brigitte’s face and she couldn’t help asking a question she wanted to know the answer to.

  “So, there was no girlfriend waiting at home to cook you a meal?”

  Matt finished what he was doing and served up the scrambled eggs on two plates. He picked them up to go and place them on the

  “I wasn’t a confirmed bachelor,” he said as he went to get the coffee and toast he’d already made. “I’ve had a few girlfriends in my time, but I didn’t exactly live a lifestyle that was conducive to a lasting relationship.”

  “Poor man,” she said.

  “Nothing poor about it,” he went on in a matter-of-fact voice as he set the coffee and toast down on the table. “My own fault really and I can’t blame any of them for walking out on me.”

  “When did you go out with your last girlfriend?”

  “I’m guessing you won’t be surprised to hear it was a little over four years ago,” he said and couldn’t hold in the laugh although there was little humor in it. “What about you? You must have had a few admirers over the years.”

  “Not really,” Brigitte admitted and ate some scrambled eggs before going on. “I’ve had a few boyfriends, but nothing serious. I was always too busy with other things like college or my volunteer work.”

  “Is that still the case?” he asked.

  She lifted her gaze from the plate in front of her to look across the table at him, but wasn’t quite sure how to answer the question at first and remained silent as she kept eating.

  “I always thought I would meet someone and settle down, but…”

  “Not with someone like me?” Matt said to end the sentence for her when she didn’t.

  She lifted a hand to rub it across her face then poured herself a coffee.

  “Yeah,” she eventually admitted. “Sorry,”

  “You’ve nothing to be sorry for,” he told her. “If I was your father, I would advise you to stay well clear of someone with my history.”

  “That’s it though,” Brigitte went on. “Your past is behind you and you’re trying to make changes to your life. I’ve seen enough of you to know that your history doesn’t define who you are now.”

  “So, you think your father will be happy when I ask for your hand in marriage,” he said cheekily and smiled.

  “Hilarious,” Brigitte said and shook her head.

  Nothing more was said as they concentrated on finishing their breakfast. She knew that she was already falling for the man sitting opposite, but was all too aware of what that could do to her life. The smart thing would be to follow the lead of his previous girlfriends and walk away, but she wasn’t so sure she could.

  She got up to wash the plates when they finished eating and it was the start of a relaxing day at the house. Matt seemed in no rush to leave and she found she liked being in his company as they spent the day together.

  “I could get used to this,” he said as they sprawled out beside each other on the sofa to watch a movie later in the afternoon.

  “Yeah, I’m sure my dad will welcome you in with open arms,” Brigitte teased him and jabbed an elbow in his ribs.

  “He’s protective of his precious daughter then?”

  “I have to leave my cellphone on when he’s not around, so he can get in touch with me,” she admitted and laughed. “He worries if I don’t and scolds me like a little girl when he manages to get in touch.”

  “Quite right,” Matt teased her. “I hope you realize I’m going to be the same.”

  He groaned as her elbow sank into his ribs again.

  “I don’t need two dads, thank you very much,” she protested. “You’re not old enough anyway.”

  “I’m twenty nine,” he told her.

  “Oh god, that’s ancient,” she said in mock horror and put a hand over her mouth.

  “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up youngster,” he complained. “All that will get you is a spanking.”

  “Oh daddy, will you really?” she said and burst out laughing.

  It turned to a squeal when his palm cracked on the side of her butt.

  “Do you want more?”

  “No…, no,” she said and used her hand to cover her butt. “I promise I’ll be a good girl.”

  She liked the way his arms came around her to hold her close and shivered as memories of the passion they shared the night before flashed through her head.

  “I better get going,” Matt said when the movie ended and they got to their feet.

  He walked out of the lounge and she followed to watch as he put on his shoes and jacket. They came together before he left and the kiss was passionate before they said their goodbyes. She opened the door for him and he was about to walk out, but stopped in his tracks.

  “What’s your number?” he asked when he turned to look at her and they swapped their details.

  “Bye,” Brigitte said.

  “Make sure your phone is switched on, so I can get in touch,” he joked as he walked out.

  “Missing me already, are you?”

  “Of course,” Matt said over his shoulder and she saw the smile on his face when he glanced at her.

  He waved his hand as he stepped out of the gate to set off towards home. It was getting dark when he arrived on his street and he decided to finish his day by having a drink in the bar near his apartment. The place was quiet when he walked in and made his way over to order a beer. When it was served, he paid then walked across to sit in one of the booths. His mind was on the day he enjoyed as he sipped at the beer and he didn’t see the man that came in the bar a short while after him.

  Matt stared out of the window to the street and a smile broke out on his face as thoughts of Brigitte ran through his head. He found himself hoping that what happened between them was the start of something good, but the sense of contentment he was feeling drained away in an instant when he became aware of the figure standing beside the booth. He was suddenly on edge and knew he was at a disadvantage when he turned to see who was looming over him.

  “Relax,” Lincoln Holt said and held up the beers in his hands. “I only want to talk.”

  Matt stopped trying to struggle to his feet and his expression hardened as Eddie Millar’s right hand man slid into the seat across from him.

  “What if I don’t want to talk,” he spat out.

  Lincoln let out a laugh and slid one of the bottles across the table.

  “Is that any way to greet an old friend after such a long absence?”

  “Sine when were we friends?” Matt said and lifted the bottle he was holding to take a drink.

  “Acquaintances then, if that suits you better,” Lincoln said in a slightly mocking voice.

  A comment that Brigitte made sprung into Matt’s head and it made him scowl. She’d said his past was behind him. As he stared across the table at Lincoln Holt, he knew that it wasn’t true. It just caught up to him and he didn’t like that one little bit.

  “What do you want?” he asked in a quiet voice.

  “I told you already,” Lincoln said. “To talk.” He kept his eyes on Matt as he lifted the bottle to his lips for a drink of beer.

  “I’ve nothing to say to you.”

  Lincoln ignored the comment and went on speaking.

  “How was prison?”

  “Thanks for the concern,” Matt answered sarcastically. “It’s touching to know that you care so much.”

  “If you can’t do the time,” Lincoln mocked and a smirk played on his lips. “Don’t do the…”

  “Fuck you,” Matt interrupted angrily. “Those guys I put in hospital weren’t interested in me. I was being targeted to send Eddie a message.”

  “They chose the wrong guy to pick on.”

  “Yeah, maybe if they’d gone after you, we wouldn’t be having this conversation,” Matt snapped.

  “Are you wishing me dead?” Lincoln said.

  “I don’t remember you doing much to help me four years ago or Eddie for that matter. Why should I give a shit about you?”

  Lincoln let out a spluttering laugh as he pulled the bottle of beer from his lips.

  “What the hell did you expect us to do?” he exclaimed. “You left those pricks alive to testify against you. That’s what cost you your freedom.”

  “I know that,” Matt said. “But the organization has pl
enty of contacts in the police and judiciary. Are you telling me it couldn’t have been arranged to get me a slap on the wrist?”

  “That’s water under the bridge now,” Lincoln said.

  “Yeah, four year’s worth of fucking water in my case.”

  “You’re out now,” Lincoln went on.

  “Yup, I’m out of everything.” Matt said.

  “Is that what this bullshit government program is about?”

  Matt narrowed his eyes as he stared across the table. The man opposite knew too much for his liking and it was obvious that he hadn’t been as out of sight as he thought he was since being released from prison.


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