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Momma's Got a Brand New Jag: BBW Shifter Romance (Seaside Shifters Book 1)

Page 7

by Del Mar, Dinah

  They collapsed in a smiling heap and Joven rolled off to one side, spooning her. Rina could feel the quickness of his breath and heartbeat. He kissed the back of her neck.

  “You are amazing, Rina.”

  She turned her head to face him and smiled. “You’re not so bad yourself.”


  They went to the bathroom to clean up together and Rina was amazed at how natural everything seemed. Jeremy had always been weird about showering together so she’d always had to wait her turn after sex to get cleaned up, since Jeremy had always wanted to rinse off immediately, like he couldn’t wait to get the smell of her off of him. In contrast, Joven had seemed puzzled when she asked him if he was going to rinse off, saying that he wanted to smell the scent of her on him for as long as he could. How fucking hot was that?

  Afterward, they cuddled together in bed. Joven had been a gentleman and was laying on the dreaded wet spot.

  “I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he said as he pushed a strand of hair over her ear. It had come loose from her ponytail during sex—her whole ponytail was wrecked, really, but he thought Rina looked beautiful regardless. Rina winced like she was in pain.

  “What’s wrong?” Joven asked.

  Rina sighed. “It’s just…my ex, you know, the one I’ve mentioned before—he always acted like I couldn’t do better than him, and he always implied that he was settling by being with me. Like I should have kissed his ass 24/7 because he was dating down, or whatever.” She put her head on his chest as he stroked her hair. Joven listened carefully, because he wanted to make sure that whatever he said to her would truly reassure her.

  “Do you remember what I said to you about him? On the plane?” Joven asked her.

  Rina thought for a second and giggled as she nodded. “Yeah, you said he was an idiot.”

  Joven shook his head. “No, I said he was a fucking idiot,” and Rina laughed.

  “Your curves have been driving me wild from the moment I saw you on the plane,” he said, and she blushed. “I mean that, Rina. You’re stunning, absolutely gorgeous…and I hope you’ll spend as much time with me as you can while you’re here on vacation.”

  “Try and stop me,” Rina said teasingly as he kissed her again.

  Rina fell asleep with her head on Joven’s chest, and Joven watched over her as she slept peacefully. He knew that he wanted her to be his mate, and tell her more about his kind so she could make the decision to be with him or not. He just hoped she wouldn’t be scared off. Joven eventually drifted off into a restless sleep as he held Rina into the night.

  Chapter 14

  Rina had agreed to give Benji carte blanche with her makeover on the one condition that she be allowed to keep her ponytail. He’d had been surprised and mimicking being stabbed in the heart.

  “Do you doubt Benji? You were the one that said you wanted a big change, and honey, what’s bigger than changing your hair?” He stood behind her and put his hands on her shoulders as they looked at the mirror in front of them. Rina’s thick hair was down as he coaxed a brush through it. “I could do a lot with this,” he said. “You’d look great with a wavy lob, and they’re very hot right now.” He fanned his face in an exaggerated way.

  “A lob?” Rina was confused. Wasn’t that a tennis term?

  “Oh yes, honey. A looooong boooooob,” he said, stretching out the vowels for emphasis. “They’re very hot right now,” he repeated, along with the same fanning motion.

  Rina frowned. “Look, I’ll meet you halfway. Maybe we could just change the color or something? I really want to keep all of this length,” she said.

  “Rina, honey, are you sure?” He looked at her doubtfully.

  Rina thought about last night with Joven and how he had grabbed her ponytail as he slammed his hard dick in and out of her pussy, fucking her from behind until she’d cum. She wanted to leave the door open for him to do that again. Benji was still staring at her with the same doubtful expression.

  “Oh yeah,” she said with a smile. “I’m sure.”

  Benji shrugged. “Suit yourself, honey. Benji is going to make sure you look fabulous no matter what!”

  Before Benji started working on her hair, the photographer, Eric, had taken a few photos of her for the ‘before’ photo they were going to use on the website, then said he’d see her in a few hours for the ‘after’ shots.

  In the end, Rina had compromised on her hair length. She’d agreed to trim off an inch and a half since Benji reassured her frequent trims were necessary for healthy hair. With her long shifts at the hospital, Rina knew she neglected her hair more than she pampered it. The color though, she’d left entirely up to him.

  With her emphasis on needing something low maintenance, Benji had opted for giving her a balayage instead of an ombre, and the subtle golden caramel highlights looked great on Rina, especially with her hair swept up into her usual ponytail. It had taken him hours to color her hair, and Rina had passed the time reading magazines in the salon. She’d texted Joven a few times, but he’d replied sporadically. She figured he was busy with work or some therian business, so she tried not to be miffed about it considering the night they’d had.

  For makeup he’d had her eyebrows waxed into perfect arches, gotten a flawless mani-pedi, been waxed to within an inch of her life, and had false lashes applied,. Cely had suggested lash extensions, being a huge fan of them herself, but Rina didn’t want to deal with the upkeep, so falsies were a suitable compromise. Benji had given Emily, the makeup artist, directions for Rina’s makeup look and the final overall look was stunning. Rina rarely wore a face full of makeup, usually just mascara and lipstick or lip balm, so Benji had decided to go with what he called an ‘old school Hollywood glamour’ look for Rina’s shoot, with a smoky eye and dramatic lips. The dress he’d picked out had been something Rina wouldn’t have ever tried on before, let alone bought for herself, but she had to admit she loved it. It was a peacock blue swing dress with a sweetheart neckline and a shelf bust. Somehow it managed to be cute, sexy, classy, flirty…all of those things and more, all at the same time. It also highlighted what Rina thought were her best features, and downplayed the ones she didn’t like as much. She’d told Benji he was a genius once she was dressed and her hair and makeup were done.

  He beamed and rolled his eyes. “Shut up. Benji knows!”

  Rina had laughed and given him a huge hug. She had some time to kill before Eric could get to the shooting location so she went to meet up with Joven. Cely and Kris had gone to lunch and might go shopping together, but said they’d see her later and that they wanted to hear all the details. Rina had blushed reading the text, assuming they meant they wanted to hear all the crazy sex details, but realized they could also have meant the photoshoot. Maybe.

  Joven was waiting in her hotel room once she got back from the salon. She walked in and placed her purse on the dining room table.

  “So, what do you think?” She gave a little twirl as she stood in front of him.

  Joven stared silently at her, and she started to worry that he didn’t like her new look.

  “What’s wrong? Do you not like it? I can have Benji change my hair back if—” He crossed the room in a few powerful strides and kissed her passionately as he held her in his strong arms, pressing her up against his muscular chest.

  “You look amazing,” he said. “But I’ll think you’re beautiful no matter what. The important question is ‘do you like it?’,” he said.

  Rina nodded. “I love it,” she said. She smoothed out her dress. “Benji will kill me if I mess up this dress before the shoot, so how about we walk to the shooting location together?”

  Joven nodded and they left for the shoot.


  Rina was nervous. Shopping with Benji yesterday had been a walk in the park compared to this. Hell, even her nursing boards had stressed her out less. She hadn’t realized there’d be so many people around at the shoot.

  In addition to Eric,
there had been his assistant, and three grips, all busy doing various things to ensure the shoot came together without a hitch. She was sitting next to Joven on a beach towel underneath a giant beach umbrella, fanning herself and sharing a bottle of water. He was wearing a pair of board shorts that left little to the imagination. She flushed, and tried not to think about last night. She didn’t want to get her pretty dress messy.

  Benji and Emily were sitting underneath a second umbrella, also on a beach towel, just past Eric in case her hair and/or makeup needed touching up. Benji had given Eric general instructions, saying that he trusted his ‘artistic vision’. Rina hoped Eric would be able to translate that into something that made her look glamorous and sexy.

  “Okay, Rina, we’re ready!” Eric waved her over with a smile.

  “Guess that’s my cue,” Rina mumbled to Joven as he gave her a kiss and told her to have fun. “You look beautiful, and I’ll be right here if you need me for anything,” he said.

  Rina hoped she wouldn’t embarrass herself in front of all these people, especially Joven. She walked over to Eric and he explained how the shoot would go down. Once she said she understood and she was ready, he started taking pictures, saying “gorgeous” and “beautiful” or something similar with every photo.

  He stopped after he’d taken about fifty photos, telling her to take five to have her makeup touched up while he reviewed the shots. Rina was with Emily under the umbrella when Eric called Benji over to discuss something, then called Rina back over. “Is there a problem?” Rina asked.

  “It’s just…you look fabulous, you really do, but you look a little uncomfortable in the shots,” Eric said. “Would you mind if I tried something?”

  Rina looked to Benji, who smiled, and told her to trust Eric. She nodded, and Eric walked over to Joven, speaking with him briefly before Joven walked over to her and picked her up in his arms, like she was his bride and he was carrying her over the threshold. She’d never been picked up like this before in her life. “What are you doing?” she said. She hoped her panties weren’t showing, but Joven had been careful not to expose her.

  “Eric thought this might help you relax,” he said. She looked at him for a second, then realized that she did feel a lot more comfortable in Joven’s arms, and nodded at him before turning to face Eric. “Sorry, I think I’m ready now,” she said with a big smile.

  Eric began shooting photos again as he directed everyone on set. With Joven by her side, Rina found it easy to genuinely smile and laugh as he picked her up and rotated through different poses. Before she knew it, Eric had gotten all the shots he needed.

  “And that’s a wrap! Rina, you were gorgeous and lovely to work with. Joven, great to meet you and thanks for all your help.” Eric shook both of their hands and called Benji over to review the shots. Rina and Joven took the time to thank Eric’s assistant, the grips, and Emily before Rina asked Benji if they were free to leave. “Sure, honey. Benji will be in touch. You were hot!” he said as he fanned himself theatrically. Rina just laughed.

  The photoshoot had attracted a crowd behind them and Rina had been surprised to see how many people there were. Total strangers smiled at her and told her that she was beautiful and Rina was embarrassed from all the attention, but incredibly flattered and gracious. A little girl had looked up at her with a squinting face and asked, “Are you a model? Because you look like one,” and Rina had laughed and told the girl that no, she wasn’t a model, but she’d had fun taking pictures like one. The little girl had asked for a hug and Rina had given her one without missing a beat. Rina and Joven were almost back at the boardwalk when she saw Jeremy. He was headed right for her. And he wasn’t alone, either. The girl she’d seen from the video was with him, holding on to his arm. What the hell was he doing here?

  “Wow,” Jeremy said as he walked up to her. “You look…different,” he said finally.

  Different, she thought. Not pretty, or beautiful, or nice, even, just…different. God, what a prick.

  “Thanks,” she said sarcastically. “Great of you to notice.”

  The tall, slim girl from the video she’d seen held out her hand to introduce herself. “Hi, I’m Janelle, Jeremy’s fiancée.” She smiled at Rina, although Rina noticed that it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Well, at least she was pretending. That was more than Jeremy could be bothered to do, apparently. “You must be Rina. I’ve heard a lot about you,” she said.

  “You have?” Rina looked at Jeremy, but he was playing with his phone, sliding his fingers across the tiny screen. He looked up at her with a bored vacant look. “What are you doing here, anyway?” he asked.

  “I won a trip. Remember the one I told you about?” She gritted her teeth. It had been impossible for him to remember pertinent details about anything related to her when they’d been together, so she didn’t expect him to remember anything now. He gave her a vague nod. “Right.”

  “What are you doing here?” Rina asked.

  “We just got engaged and we wanted to take a celebration vacation,” Janelle said as she possessively wrapped herself around Jeremy’s arm.

  Rina glanced at her briefly before nodding and looking away. “Congratulations,” she said flatly.

  There was an awkward silence. Jeremy broke it. “Well, we’ll be coming by to get my things once we’re home,” as he started to walk away with Janelle in tow.

  “The hell you will,” Rina said.

  Jeremy turned to face her. “Excuse me?” he said.

  Rina shook her head. “You heard me. I’m throwing out the rest of your things as soon as I get home,” she said.

  “You can’t do that,” he protested.

  “Actually, I can, and I will,” she said. “Remember how you didn’t even want to be on the lease with me when we moved in together? My name’s the only one on the lease. So you can say sayonara to your shit,” she said as she folded her arms underneath her chest.

  Janelle gave her a dirty look. “Wow. Classy. I guess I should have expected as much from the woman who cheated on Jeremy and broke his heart.”

  Rina couldn’t believe it. Is that what Jeremy had told Janelle? She opened her mouth to argue, but then shut it, shaking her head firmly. It just wasn’t worth it. As far as she was concerned, they deserved each other.

  Joven had been silent by her side during the entire exchange, staring at Jeremy and Janelle as Rina spoke with them, but couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Jeremy,” he said as Jeremy looked up from his phone to eye him dismissively. “You’re a fucking idiot, and you never deserved Rina.”

  Jeremy eyed him suspiciously. “Who the hell are you?” he asked.

  Joven shook his head. “It doesn’t matter who I am. All that matters is that Rina is a catch, and you blew it.” He turned to Janelle. “Janelle, congratulations on the pregnancy.” She blushed furiously.

  “Wait. What pregnancy?” Jeremy demanded. “You’re pregnant?”

  Janelle nodded. “I was going to surprise you at dinner tonight,” she said.

  “You know I don’t want kids!” Jeremy said as he began to walk off without her.

  Joven took Rina by the hand and led her away as Janelle began to chase after Jeremy, saying that they needed to talk.

  Chapter 15

  “Is it true that she’s pregnant?” Rina sounded a tiny bit jealous, but mostly wistful.

  Joven nodded. “Therians had a very good sense of smell. But even I pale in comparison to a wolf or a dog.”

  “It’s not that I still want to be with Jeremy, because…well, you saw why, right?” Rina asked. Joven nodded as Rina fidgeted with a ring on her finger, twisting it back and forth. She sighed and looked at the ocean. “I just thought I’d have kids by now I guess,” she said sadly. Joven wasn’t sure to say to that. She hadn’t mentioned marriage and kids before to him.

  “How about I treat you to some ice cream?” Rina perked up. “There’s a place on the pier over there…” He pointed to the pier in the distance.

sp; Rina stiffened. “I don’t ever want to go there again,” she said flatly.

  Joven cupped her face in his hands. “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  Rina nodded. “Yes, of course,” she said.

  “Then trust that I won’t let anything bad happen to you,” he said.

  He watched her face run through several emotions before she finally nodded and they began walking toward the pier on the sand, hand in hand.

  Joven could smell her uncertainty, but also something else…resolve? He knew he was asking a lot of her to trust him at this juncture, but he had a feeling she’d like what she’d see when they got there. He hoped, anyway.

  He led her into the souvenir shop where Dylan had been working when she had met him two days ago. The bells hanging on the inside of the door gave a soft chime as they entered and a middle-aged woman behind the counter greeted them immediately. The store contained the usual touristy souvenirs and Rina tried to mentally catalog what she’d bring home for co-workers and family as she walked around. The glass case the woman was standing behind held jewelry, and she bent down to look with interest. One of the necklaces she saw caught her eye.

  It was a delicate gold chain with a tiny infinity symbol slightly off center, and dangling from the infinity symbol was a tiny sand dollar. Joven had been walking around looking at the myriad trinkets with mild interest, but came to stand behind her as she admired the necklace.

  “Why don’t you try it on?” he suggested.

  Rina was about to say no, that she was just looking, but the woman was already pulling it out of the case. Undoing the delicate clasp, she handed it to Joven with a smile, saying that it would look great with Rina’s skintone.

  Joven stood behind her and fastened the necklace. The woman directed Rina and Joven to a large glass mirror on the wall. Rina loved how the necklace looked, but wasn’t in the habit of buying expensive baubles for herself.


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