The Kaiser
Page 1
The Kaiser
Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for brief quotations in a book review.
Chapter 1
Emily would do anything. That's what they all said.
She was little more than a glorified go fer, anyway, running across town to fetch props for the shoot and two dozen hot coffees, or lugging cameras and equipment and trudging after the photographer. There was also making sure the models had exactly what they wanted, when they wanted, and how they wanted it. That was the worst part of the job.
"I said half caf decaf mocha latte!"
Emily ducked as the tall, nude figure threw the full coffee towards the wastebasket but missed, the cup tipping over and leaking out onto the floor.
"I'm sorry," Emily apologized, kneeling to mop up the mess.
"Forget it." The woman snorted—Emily thought the tall blonde's name was Jessica—waving her off. "Maggie!"
A short, pudgy woman hurried in from the front of the trailer. "I'm sorry, sweetie, Chloe was having problems with her straps."
Emily slipped out of the trailer, leaving one of the coffee trays for the girls and took the other, going to find the crew.
"Argh! This is a latte!" Ty grimaced, handing it back to her and waving her off. "Not mine."
"I'm sorry," Emily apologized again, knowing that she couldn't fix her mistake now unless she got back into the car and trekked the three miles to Starbucks.
Jack, one of the crew, looked over from where he was setting up the tripod. "Ty, we'd better get the girls out here while the light is good. Where is the artist? Wasn't she supposed to be here by five?"
Jack came over and grabbed a coffee, smiling at her and winking. "Black. I'm easy, baby."
She smiled back, her eyes dropping to the sand. Her watch said it was 5:32 a.m. and the sun was just coming up over the horizon.
"Do you want me to get the girls?" Emily asked with a sigh, glancing back at the trailer where the models were changing.
"Fucking Kaiser's coming out here," Ty murmured, fiddling with his camera. "I hate shoots when he shows up."
Emily's eyes widened and she looked between them. "The Kaiser? Warren Kaiser?"
"Speak of the devil," Jack murmured, pointing over Emily's shoulder with his eyes.
Ty sighed, fumbling his camera, but not looking back. "Shit."
"He likes the swimsuit shoots," Jack whispered to her as he passed.
"Gentlemen!" Warren Kaiser looked as out of place on a morning beach in his suit and tie as a poodle in the pound. "Let's start the engines, shall we?"
He strode toward them swinging a finely crafted cane than sank into the sand as he walked. He dug the point of it in when he stopped short, leaning on it and crossing one foot in front of the other.
"I'll go get the girls," Emily murmured, avoiding the tall man's eyes as she moved carefully around him, noticing the exposed bottom of his shoe as she passed.
"Testoni!" Emily gasped, staring at the feather images hot stamped into the soles.
The man was standing on the beach, unmindful of the sand that the toe of his fifteen hundred dollar shoe was resting in.
"God bless you!" Jack snorted.
"Good eye." The voice drew her gaze up and she saw the man with the cane and the salt and pepper hair looking curiously down at her. His eyes were dark and questioning.
Jack nudged Emily's shoulder with his. "The girls—Jessica."
"Going," she mumbled.
Normally they set up the portable beach cabanas, but this was going to be a five day shoot, and there would be different models every day, so Kaiser had sprung for a trailer.
Inside, there was a flurry of activity, girls everywhere in various states of undress, the costume women tucking and folding and taping.
"Jessica?" Emily asked, looking for the tall blonde in the midst of bodies.
"She's in the bathroom!" one of the girls said, holding her arms above her head, her breasts bare, as one of the costumers taped them together.
"Jessica?" Emily asked, knocking on the door. No one answered, but she heard the distinct sounds of vomiting. She knocked again. Nothing.
Making her way back through the flutter of activity, she discovered outside that Jack had found a chair for Mr. Kaiser. He sat, his cane propped against the arm, his hands folded over his chest and his legs stretched out, his fifteen hundred dollar Italian shoes crossed in the sand.
"Jack," she whispered, motioning to him. "I think Jessica's got the stomach flu. She's in the bathroom throwing up."
"That's not the flu!" He laughed, rolling his eyes. "That's Dunkin Donuts reversing gears!"
"Oh." Emily flushed, noticing Mr. Kaiser watching them, smiling at her naiveté, his head cocked in her direction.
"Emily, come here!" Ty called. He was looking through his camera towards the surf.
"I'll get her," Jack said, nudging Emily toward the photographer as he headed for the trailer.
Emily waited patiently while Ty fiddled with the camera. He glanced over at her, frowning, eyeing her up and down.
He pointed. "See that towel out there?"
She nodded, shifting uncomfortably. Mr. Kaiser was still watching them and his eyes on her made her feel too small in her skin.
"Go stand on it," he said, looking through the camera again. "I need to get a reading, and I can't do it without a subject."
Emily trotted obediently out to stand on the towel. From this angle, she could see Mr. Kaiser looking at her, tilting his head to the side so he could see around Ty standing at the tripod.
"Hey!" Ty called, looking over the camera at her. "Take off your top."
"What?" she whispered, knowing he couldn't hear her.
"Come on!" He waved his hand impatiently, looking through the camera again. "Let's go!"
Emily glanced at Mr. Kaiser, who was leaning a little further now around Ty as she crossed her hands in front of her and grabbed the edge of her t shirt, wishing she had actually put on a bra this morning.
She held her t shirt modstly in front of her breasts, feeling the heat of her blush and found herself staring at the tips of Mr. Kaiser's shoes. She could feel his eyes on her, anyway, like a heat.
"More skin!" Ty called.
She glanced toward the trailer, hoping to see Jessica and Jack magically appear, but no such luck. Biting her lip and taking a deep breath, she dropped her arms to her sides, exposing herself. Her nipples immediately hardened in the breeze. She watched Mr. Kaiser adjust in his seat, uncrossing and re crossing his legs at the ankles.
"Thanks!" Ty waved her in. "Got it!"
Pulling her shirt back over her head and willing the flush out of her cheeks, she walked toward the photographer.
"You didn't take any pictures, did you?" Emily asked, watching Ty as he looked through the camera and then out to the horizon again.
He snorted. "Of you?"
Her blush deepened as the trailer door banged open behind them and Jessica pushed Jack out onto the sand.
"Fucking pervert," she hissed, weaving around him. "Next time, send in Miss Cauliflower for Brains—at least she's a gi
Jack was laughing as he brushed himself off and one of the other girls grabbed the trailer door and shut it.
"Let's get this show on the road," Jessica said, flouncing past Ty. "Where do you want me?"
"It's already been quite a show," Mr. Kaiser remarked, putting his hands behind his head and glancing over at Emily.
"Mr. Kaiser!" In an instant, the model's voice was thick with sweetness and now Emily felt like she needed to go do a food reversal.
"Emily, can you help me?" It was Maggie, sticking her head out the trailer door.
"Jack, find out where that damned artist is!" Ty called, waving Jessica toward the towel.
Emily saw Jack dig his cell phone out of his pocket, but it wasn't long before the henna artist showed up to start painting the girls. She was a dark haired woman, all soft curves and long legs, and dark blue black hair that hung to her waist. Emily watched, fascinated, as she painted patterns over each girl's skin, sealing the henna with some sort of glittery paint before sending them on their way.
Jessica came back in to get hers, and complained the whole time about having to hold still. Emily had to run to the refrigerator to get her an Evian twice, but she didn't mind sitting in the cool trailer and watching. Jack and Ty didn't seem to be missing her, although she knew that with all the girls out on the beach, she should probably go out there, too.
"Do you want one?" the black haired woman asked after Jessica left, turning her coal black eyes to Emily as she cleaned her syringe.
"Me?" Emily glanced toward the door, biting her lip, considering.
"You have lovely hands," the woman remarked, grabbing one and turning it over, running her fingers over Emily's knuckles. "Perhaps something here?"
Emily let her paint, watching as the syringe left a dark brown trail over her skin. It just looked like squiggly lines and dots at first, but eventually, she was able to discern a leafy, paisley pattern as the woman worked.
"It's really beautiful," Emily murmured, her blonde head bent close to the woman's dark one. "Have you been doing it long?"
"Since I was a girl." The woman glanced up with a smile. "There... do you like it?"
Emily held her hand out, admiring. "Yes... thank you."
"Emily!" It was Ty, pounding at the trailer door, making her jump up with a gasp.
"Gotta go." She headed for the door.
"Wait!" the woman called after her. "I need to seal your—"
Emily knew Ty's mad voice when she heard it, and her heart was beating fast as she shut the trailer door behind her.
"Where the hell have you been?" he hissed, and she hid her hand behind her back, careful not to touch the wet henna to anything. She followed him as he walked back toward his camera, grumbling something about Jack, who Emily didn't see anywhere. "Listen, I need you to help that guy bring in the boxed lunches."
Emily looked over toward the truck that had pulled up in the parking lot and headed for it, hurrying past Ty. She didn't see Mr. Kaiser's outstretched legs at all before she tripped over them, reaching to catch herself.
"Whoa, there!" he said, grabbing for her, but she tumbled anyway, managing to turn and clutch onto his pants before she landed in the sand.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled, hearing the girls laughing behind her. She started brushing the sand off her shorts as she knelt, and that's when she noticed the smeared henna over the back of her hand.
"Are you alright?" he asked, and she knew he hadn't seen, didn't notice.
Panicked, she glanced down at his pants, seeing the stain on the inside of the leg. The material was a dark grey and the henna was brown, leaving a clear mark. "Oh god... your pants... I'm so sorry..."
"What did you do?" Ty asked, glancing over at them, frowning.
Still kneeling, she held out her trembling hand, the painstaking design now a dark smudge, turning her eyes up first to Ty and then to Mr. Kaiser, who was inspecting his pant leg now with a frown.
"That's a Fioravanti, isn't it?" Emily asked, wincing.
He nodded, his mouth set in a thin line.
"Oh my god!" Ty's hands were pressed to his cheeks, his eyes wide. "Emily, you're going to have to pay for that! What were you doing with henna on your hands!?"
"That's a three thousand dollar suit," Emily whispered, sure no one could hear her.
"Five," Kaiser corrected, standing. He reached into his pocket, digging out his keys. "I have a change of clothes in my trunk. It's the Porsche. Get them, please."
Emily took his keys, trying hard not to cry as she ran to his car. Careful to use only the hand without the henna, she retrieved a dry cleaning bag, slinging it over her shoulder as she ran back toward the beach.
"Where is he?" she gasped to Ty, who had gone back to photographing the girls.
"Trailer," Ty replied, waving her off.
Inside it was dark and cool and quiet. Everyone else was out on the beach, and even the henna lady had gone.
"Mr. Kaiser?" she called, making her way toward the back of the trailer. She saw a light on in the little bathroom. "Sir?"
"In here, Emily," he called and she startled, surprised, when he said her name.
She found him sitting on the edge of the toilet seat with his pants folded neatly on the sink, the stain showing.
"I'm so sorry," she said, edging inside and shutting the door.
"See if you can get the stain out," he instructed, holding his hand out for the dry cleaning bag.
She handed it to him and turned to the sink, feeling cold. Using soap on her hands to wash the rest of the wet henna away, leaving a ghostly pattern, she then started on the pants.
"You know a great deal about fashion," he remarked, standing and hanging the bag over the hook on the door.
"Fashion design major," she replied, scrubbing the stain. "Syracuse. Graduated last year."
"And you came to work for Kaiser?" He slipped off his suit jacket. "Probably thinking you could get your foot in the door?"
She nodded, sighed, rinsed the spot and noticed it had barely faded. "Something like that."
"And now you're basically the go to girl?" He shook out his suit coat carefully, leaving on his shirt and tie, while Emily watched him in the mirror.
"Basically." She turned off the water, drying her hands on a paper towel. "I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to get this clean."
He nodded. "I was afraid of that."
"I'm glad you had this suit in your car," Emily said, turning toward the dry cleaning bag and unzipping it. "It's—oh my god. Is that a Liana Lee?"
He smiled. "I thought you might appreciate that."
"She's my idol," Emily said, running her fingers over the lapel.
"You want to design men's suits?" he asked, reaching around her and slipping the jacket off the hanger and handing her his other suit jacket. "Here, hang this one up, will you?"
"Among other things," she said as she hung his other suit jacket up.
He straightened his collar, his tie, glancing at her in the mirror. "So, Miss Emily... what are we going to do about these pants?"
She bit her lip, meeting his eyes in the mirror.
"I'm not sure..." She shrugged. "With what I make, it would take me forever to pay you five thousand dollars."
"I understand that." His eyes moved over her. "Still, something like this... there is the matter of personal responsibility."
"It was an accident..." she pleaded, turning to face him. He raised his eyebrows at her and she sighed. "What do you think we should do?"
"Perhaps just a simple punishment is in order."
Emily stared at him, frowning. "What do you mean?"
"Turn around."
She did as he asked, heart hammering, facing the sink and the mirror once again.
"Bend over."
Her eyes widened, meeting his as he moved behind her, standing a full head taller.
When she spoke, she couldn't keep the tremble from her voice. "Mr. Kaiser?"
He nodded. "Yes. Bend over."
br /> "I'm sorry," she said, shaking her head, her stomach clenching. "I don't... what..."
She could feel his presence, the shadow of his body behind her like a weight, even though no part of them was touching.
"Bend over for your punishment, Emily."
Just the sound of his voice made her do it. It wasn't a request, it wasn't even quite a demand, it was more of a direction, a simple instruction that she was meant to follow—and so she did.