Book Read Free


Page 5

by Beth Ashworth

  “If her signature is on that contract, you can go in whenever you damn well want. She’s agreed that we can have full control over the expansion. I’d say to get in there next week so you can start the groundwork,” Sean replies, his attention drawn back to his phone.


  It’s sooner than I thought.

  “Are you nervous about seeing her again?” Sean’s eyes lift and study me closely. “You seem jittery all of a sudden.”

  The back of my neck feels clammy and I realise I’m tapping my foot, but immediately I switch off any emotions I’m feeling. I don’t show signs of weakness. Ever. I need to stay rock solid, despite the nausea swirling in the pit of my stomach.







  I’m going to see my ex-wife after almost seven years. I have a million questions plaguing my already overwhelmed mind. What does she look like? Is she still the same? How will she react when she sees me?

  The world feels like it’s about to drop out of my arse, but I’m holding onto the welcome knowledge that I’ve got the upper hand in all this. She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s signed up for business suicide with this deal.

  And I’m smug as fuck.

  Monday is when the plan commences and Libby learns exactly who the new Alex Lewis is, and I’m going to enjoy every fucking minute of it. I’m sure she’ll be kicking herself when she sees me, and maybe even more when she realises what I have in store for her.


  Benedict’s waffling away in the car, and I’m doing everything in my power to ignore him. I probably should’ve listened to Kelly and taken a driver. At least now I’d be preparing myself and not having to listen to my solicitor’s boring drivel.

  “How far are the offices?” I interrupt Benedict when I feel my head slump back against the leather headrest. He’s literally boring me to fucking tears right now.

  “We’re almost there,” he explains. “But anyway …”

  Blah. Blah. Blah.

  I’m about ready to punch him as we pull into a small compound and Benedict navigates his Mercedes into an empty space. He kills the ignition, but I’m already out and getting my suit jacket off the hanger on the backseat.

  “A bit keen, hey?” He nods at me straightening my tie.

  “Professionalism,” I murmur, moving to tighten my cufflinks. “First impressions are always important.”

  And today is definitely not an exception. I’ve even gone for my lucky, dark red tie to match my suit. It was my grandfather’s and it always makes me feel in charge and in control when I’m wearing it. Doing the old man proud, I am.

  Benedict puts on his jacket and stands next to me. “Well, this is the main office,” he says, stating the obvious as he waves at the tall, glass skyscraper. “Libby’s company is on the twelfth and thirteenth floor.”

  I swallow sharply and walk toward the building. “Let’s go.” I don’t let on that I’m suffocating within the confines of my suit, but I am. Inside I’m a nervous wreck, and I feel the bile stirring in my stomach. But I have to focus. I have to.

  “We’re early. We are not supposed to be here till four. Want to run through anything before we go in?”

  “No,” I say checking my watch. “We are only fifteen minutes early, and I always say it is better to be early than late.” I walk through the automatic sliding doors and over to the reception desk. “Alex Lewis and Benedict Carlisle to meet Ms. Elizabeth—” I trail off, realising I don’t have a fucking clue what last name she’s using.

  The company was registered under her maiden name on the documentation I saw, but I don’t know if she’s using that or if she’s maybe married again since? I’m thinking so hard I’m about to give myself an aneurysm. The thought that Libby could have moved on and found someone else hadn’t even crossed my mind, but now it is and I’m not sure what impact this could have on the plan.

  “We are from A L Investments and here to meet Ms. Elizabeth Lewis,” Benedict smoothly replies for me. “She should be expecting us.”

  Lewis? Wait ... what did he just say?

  “Okay, here are your visitor passes. You need to take the lift on the left, which will take you up to the twelfth floor. I’ll let the reception upstairs know you’re here.” The receptionist smiles and pushes two lanyards across desk. I nod and place it around my neck, still completely at a loss for words.

  She kept her married name.

  Elizabeth Lewis.

  “Alex,” Benedict hisses. He pulls me into one of the two glass lifts. “Are you alright?” he asks, hitting number twelve on the panel.

  I blow out a sharp breath. I’m so fucking relieved. Libby hasn’t changed her marital name in seven years. She may have moved on, but she definitely hasn’t married again.

  Leaning back against the glass wall, I feel my usual courage and control slither into my veins, recharging and snapping me back into my customary persona. “Get the fuck off me,” I bark, batting Benedict’s hands away. He startles and I straighten my suit, fixing him with a glare. “I was surprised, that’s all. Don’t take it the wrong way.”

  Who am I kidding? I completely froze down there. The word hypocrite springs to mind as the lift coasts to a stop and opens on the twelfth floor.

  “First impressions,” I remind Benedict again as an efficiently dressed young woman waits to greet us from the lift.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Carlisle,” she says to Benedict as we stride toward her. “Will you please follow me to the boardroom.”

  When we walk past, she nods politely at two very pretty girls sitting at a long white reception desk. They catch my eye, but so do the giant metallic silver letters hanging on the sterile white looking wall behind them.

  SB? Sexy Bum?

  I grin and follow behind the sound of high heels clacking against the neutral stone flooring. Taking in my surroundings, I find myself thinking that everything just seems so clinical and modern. The place reminds me of my own immaculately designed offices, but without the personal touches.

  We walk along a winding hallway, the walls filled with elegant lingerie and swimwear sketches, until we reach a set of frosted glass doors.

  The young woman knocks on the glass and opens the door for us. “Elizabeth will be joining you shortly,” she smiles, beckoning us inside.

  I keep my expression passive as I enter, despite the sudden assault of inquisitive eyes from around the large glass table stretching the length of the room. Virtually every white leather seat has been taken, apart from three near to the front.

  At least people appreciate punctuality for meetings.

  “Benedict, it’s good to see you again.” A man stands from the table and makes his way toward us. He shakes Benedict’s hand and waits to be introduced.

  “You too, Daniel.” Benedict grins and turns to me. “Please meet our CEO of A L Investments, Mr. Alex Lewis.”

  “Please, call me Alex,” I say, warmly shaking his hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Alex. I’m Daniel Thomas, director of sales and marketing here at SB.” He then gestures at the group of people still eyeing us suspiciously. I’m guessing these people have superior titles in the business, which is why they all look nervous and a little threatened right now. “I’ll take you on a tour of the office later. I’m sure you’re interested to meet everyone.”

  I’m nodding just as the boardroom door opens behind me and a familiar voice flutters through the air. I hear footsteps echo across the floor, stopping directly behind me.

  “Sorry if I’m late, but I didn’t think we were due to start for another five minutes?” I keep my attention focused on Daniel with my back to Libby. “Benedict,” she calls, the tone of her voice filled with happiness and warmth.

  A spike of adrenaline hits my veins at the right moment, and I know it’s now or never that I make this big reveal.

  “Elizabeth, let me introduce you to our CEO.”

  Keeping my cool, I turn on the spot and watch as her eyes meet mine. The instant recognition flashes across her face like she’s just seen a ghost.

  Cue the smug looking CEO in three seconds ... Boom!

  I’m struggling to keep the smirk off my lips when I offer her my hand. “Hello, Elizabeth,” I murmur, “I’m Alex Lewis.”

  She falters slightly, so I take the opportunity to cast my eyes over her, and it’s not what I’m expecting. The years have been extremely kind; maybe too kind. It seems Libby has blossomed into an absolute stunner.

  She’s gone from blonde to brunette. I’m not sure what I think about the darker hair, but it certainly complements those aquamarine irises. Her complexion is still as flawless as it always was; that porcelain looking skin has haunted me even in my bloody dreams.

  “L-Lewis?” she stammers, reaching to grasp my hand. I’ve taken her completely off guard. She doesn’t have a clue what to do right now. “From A L Investments?” she asks, her voice wavering.

  “I’m the very man,” I smile, shaking her hand. “I’m the Alex Lewis from Alex Lewis Investments. It’s nice to see you, Elizabeth.” A subtle wink is enough for her to break the contact between us. “I know you’re already familiar with my solicitor, Benedict Carlisle, but I’m pleased to finally meet you in person. I look forward to working with you.”


  If only she knew what a bastard I plan on being.

  Libby’s staring at me completely dumbstruck. Is she surprised that I’m here? Most probably. I’m sure that little mind of hers is churning all the possible ways she can pull out of this deal. Shame the get out clause costs more than the investment we’re putting in. Now, if I had an evil laugh, this would be the perfect opportunity to unleash it. The games are about to begin and she has no fucking clue. I’ve held onto this grudge for too long, and it’s about time I had a chance to repay my ex-wife for her kindness seven years ago.

  Daniel interrupts us and breaks Libby’s stunned stare. “Let’s sit down.” He moves back to his seat and points at three empty chairs at the head of the table. “Elizabeth, Alex and Benedict,” he says, motioning with his hand.

  This should be fun.

  Clearing my throat, I step to one side and wave her forward. I wait for her to strut dangerously close by before murmuring loud enough for just the two of us to hear. “After you, Libby.”

  She sucks in a sharp breath, but keeps moving to her seat. Following closely behind, I settle into the surprisingly comfy leather chair beside her, my eyes unmoving as she places her notepad on the table and starts to smooth out her clothes.

  I’ve affected her—it’s that fucking obvious and I love it. It may even be easier than I thought to get under her skin ... or under her clothes.

  Although, it would be a waste to take off the stuff she’s got on because it’s pretty bloody hot. The black shirt dress and belt look really good on her. It’s short and fitted, so there’s nothing not to like. At least her style has changed since we were married. Her baggy jogging bottoms and hooded jumpers are nowhere in sight. She’s finally showing off that body. I’m not going to complain if she keeps wearing these short dresses and fuck-me shoes when we meet. Because of course, I really need more images of my ex-wife adding to my visual wankbank.

  Stop thinking.

  Must stop thinking.

  It’s not even been ten minutes and I’m already horny and hard as hell.

  “Right, gentlemen,” Daniel starts as Benedict takes a seat to my left. “I was going to tell you about the company before we show you our proposed ideas for the expansion. Is that alright?”

  I’m nodding, but I’m confused why this douchebag is leading the meeting and not Libby. The fact they have proposals for my expansion is already enough for me to think about. Whatever they’ve come up with is a waste of time. I’m not using it. It’s my way or not at all.

  My plan.

  My proposals.

  My decisions.

  I can already tell this Daniel bloke is going to give me problems, but I’m happy to tell him he’s met his match. I don’t stand for bullshit from anyone.

  “Shall we take you round?” Daniel asks once he’s finished, and I’m ironically about to keel over the table from boredom.

  His presentation was shit, so naturally I jump at the opportunity to escape. “Of course,” I reply, pushing back and standing.

  I catch Libby fidgeting on my right and chuckle under my breath. About halfway through the presentation, I spotted her starting to lose interest as well, her old habits slowly appearing. Thirty minutes was always her max. If something went on for longer then she’d just zone out. It’s nice to see she hasn’t changed I decide while she rolls her pen around on the table with the palm of her hand.

  “Daniel, it’s quite late,” she eventually murmurs, looking up at the clock on the far wall. “I bet most of them have left for the night. And I’m sure Mr. Lewis has other places to be.”

  “It’s Alex,” I mutter, pulling some fluff from my jacket.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Lewis, did you say something?” Libby replies, straightening her back. I sense the venom dripping from her words. She’s biting back discreetly in a way that won’t draw attention from the others. She’s being sneaky, but I like the game she’s trying to play.

  “Yes, I did. I was just thinking about getting some dinner and I wondered if anyone wanted to join me?” I ask the table and turn to Libby.

  Her eyes narrow and she shoots me with a dagger fuelled glare. A chorus of acknowledgements erupt from around the table, startling her back to the reality of where she is. She needs to be careful if she wants to stay under the radar. I’m sure the rest of her office would have a field day if they knew the history between us.

  “Elizabeth, are you joining us?” I ask again, my tone sharper than it was before. Ignorance isn’t ever appreciated and she knows this.

  Her eyes close briefly at the sound of my voice, and I’d bet twenty quid she’s reciting the exact same sentence over in her head; the one that I’d drummed into her for long enough after my mum had done the same to me.

  Libby swallows and opens her now fiery filled eyes. “That would be nice, Mr. Lewis,” she forces with a sickly sweet voice. “Do you mind if I speak to you in my office before we leave?” She gets up and gathers her things from the table.

  I had a feeling this was going to come to a head at some point, but I hadn’t expected it so soon. The only benefit to hashing this out now is that we aren’t going to let it fester for too long. The sooner we get it out the way, the sooner I can start implementing the plan.

  “Lead the way,” I murmur coolly.


  Following Libby out of the boardroom, I’ve got a mixture of feelings brewing in the pit of my stomach. Things are about to get ugly. It was obvious she was either going to be at a loss over the whole thing, or completely fucking pissed at me. And at the minute, I’d say she’s a bit of both.

  Reaching the end of yet another corridor, I spot the young girl from earlier working at a small glass desk. She jumps up at the sound of our approaching footsteps and nods uncertainly. “Do you need me to do anything before I leave?” she asks, holding her hands neatly in front of her.

  “Just go home,” Libby barks, walking straight past the girl and through a set of frosted glass doors. “It’s late and I need some privacy.”

  Is she pissy with her assistant because of me?

  Raising my eyebrows, I follow behind into what I assume is her office. It’s simple and clinical like the rest of the building, and lacking any sense of personality. There are no photos or plants, just glass furniture and white leather which seems to be the norm here.

  Libby waits for the door to close behind me before she attacks with her sharp, acid tongue. “What the hell are you doing here, Alex?” she demands at the top of her voice, throwing her hands wildly in the air in some sort of ‘I’m angry’ stance that does nothing but entertain me.

lding my arms across my chest, I cock my head to the side with a devilish smirk. “You don’t sound like you’re happy to see me?”

  “I’m not. Don’t play games with me. Tell me what you’re playing at, Alex?”

  I feign a wounded heart and clutch my hand to my chest. “You’re killing me here, Libby.”

  She takes the bait and it does nothing but piss her off more. “You,” she screeches, pointing a finger in my direction, “need to tell me what the fuck you’re playing at. Y-You can’t—”

  “Can’t what, hey? Invest in your company and take responsibility for overseeing the expansion?” I ask with amusement. “It’s too late, sweetheart. The deal’s done and dusted. You signed the contract. A L Investments are now a major stakeholder in your little lingerie company. And guess what? There’s fuck all you can do about it.”

  “I-Impossible.” Her face scrunches as she stammers through her words. “I’m going to call my solicitor. She’ll fix this mess.” Libby turns and picks up the landline from her desk.

  “Don’t count on it,” I sneer. “Do you seriously think I’d give you an easy way out? The forfeit on this deal alone is about double the investment we’re putting in, and I know for a fact you don’t have that kind of money. So guess what ... you’re kind of fucked.”

  Libby holds the phone in her hand and looks over her shoulder. “Why are you doing this to me?” The tone of her voice softens and she sounds almost desperate all of a sudden. “Of all the businesses to choose from, why did you pick mine?”

  The question stays in my head for a couple of seconds and I ponder my answers carefully.

  Because you deserve to suffer?

  Because my life can’t move on?

  Because I want to run you into the ground?

  “It’s simple. I’ve got money and it’s what I do. I didn’t handpick you from a pile. It’s purely business here.”

  Surprise lightens my features and I stun myself with my own bullshit comments, hoping that she’ll eat them up as easily as my own thoughts did.

  “I-I would never have signed that contract if I’d known. Is that why you sent Benedict to the meetings instead?” She slams the phone back into the cradle and turns. “You played me, Alex.”


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