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A Fake_A Pretend Girlfriend Billionaire Romance

Page 12

by Charlotte Byrd

  After I came into her, I collapsed and she held me and rubbed my back. I moved my face away from her breast, and drew a huge, loving smile on my face. “Sweetheart, do you want me to make you cum?”

  She gently rubbed the back of my head, so I could just feel her fingertips over me. “No, darling. I’m just glad I was able to get you to orgasm. That was my goal.”

  I quickly blinked my eyes because I couldn’t believe that a human being would turn down the chance to orgasm. I understood it only after she gave me a loving answer. “You don’t want to orgasm? Did I hear you right?”

  She giggled and smiled right back into my dark eyes. “No. I wanted you to orgasm. That was my goal. Sometimes, I do things completely unselfishly because I care about the other person. I care about you.”

  She cares about me. Wow! The question is, does she love me?

  Chapter 17 - Maya

  Tyler and I were at lunch at this nice little restaurant that I was first skeptical of. I’m the type of girl that likes going to places that I know have good food. Basically, restaurant chains that I have been to before – and I know what to order before I even get there.

  This place was a simple ‘mom and pop’ shop, as they say. It had large glass windows, a few wire tables and chairs outside, and a nice view of a nearby park. The wait staff was nice and our waitress was very friendly and talkative.

  Some people don’t like waitresses who blabber on about something. As for me, I’d rather have a waitress that shows some life. Well, she had that. She told me about how her two young children blessed her so richly. They sounded funny, cute, and entertaining.

  She had thick, ebony hair and a lot of bracelets on both of her wrists. She had quite a bit of makeup too. It was all caked on, and almost made her look like an artificial person. She was short, a little chubby, and funny. “And you, Mr. handsome man, what would you like to eat?”

  He laughed just a few times at her and scratched his chin as he was thinking. That’s a cute thing he does when he’s trying to make up his mind. “I think I’ll just keep it simple and get a corned beef sandwich on rye. I’ll just get potato chips on the side, thanks.”

  We were eating outside and there was a pleasant breeze that I just loved. While he was talking, I was thinking about what it would be like to have kids with him. Ugh! I shouldn’t think of such stupid questions. We weren’t even a real couple! “Pretty lady, what can I get you?”

  I had looked at the menu, but I hadn’t really been reading it. I had been watching and staring at Tyler out of the corner of my eye. I was thinking mostly about the love we made, and how wonderful it was. “Oh! Sorry, I’m distracting myself. Can I have your grilled chicken Cesar salad? I don’t need a side. Thank you, though.”

  She smiled right back at me and finished taking down her notes on her scratched up, pad of paper. “Okay then. I’ll put those orders in and you’ll have your food momentarily.”

  Now I could finally go to the bathroom. I was holding it because I wanted to put in my order before she took off. “I’m going to go to the ladies room. I’ll be right back” I said over to the handsomely dressed Tyler.

  He smiled over at me. “Okay. I think it would be best if I didn’t join you” he slyly said with a laughing voice. Ever since we had been on this trip, I think it gave him a personality.

  I walked briskly into the ladies room and heard my high heels clicking over the floor while I was walking. In my opinion, it’s a sexy sound. Besides, I had to look good for Tyler – my man who really rocked my world.

  No need to go into detail, but I went into the crappy, dirty, bathroom. When I walked over to the sink, I saw two things – the paper towel dispenser was empty. The other thing I saw was a familiar face – Veronica.

  “Oh, hi! How are you?” I said to Veronica as I smiled over at her. I could see her through the mirror behind me while I was washing up.

  She looked over at me without a smile, and just fluffed out her hair without a response. She turned her head to inspect her sides, then widely opened her eyes – I guess to check them in the mirror.

  It was a little awkward, so I tried to strike up a chat with her. “So, um, how’s the board doing? Did you guys have a nice time in town?”

  She partly closed her eyes into a squint. “The board? What do you mean?”

  I turned off the sink and started jerking and waving my hands around as I was trying to get them to dry. “You know, the board you’re on. Tyler told me you’re on the board where he works.”

  She curved her lips into a mild frown and scoffed over at me. I turned around and looked at her because I didn’t know why she was acting so weird. “I’m not on his board. Did he tell you that?”

  “Yeah. You see, we had been talking the other night and he told me about how you’re on the board of directors for where he works” I said in a confident voice. I didn’t have any reason to doubt Tyler, so I just stated it as fact.

  She let out a girly giggle and shook her head. “Well, Tyler’s a liar. You see, I’m not on any board that oversees him. We used to date. I was his girlfriend for four months.”

  I waved my wand of denial because I didn’t want to believe her. Why would Tyler lie to me? “I don’t believe you” I said to her while my temple pot began to boil.

  She rolled her eyes. The damning revelations continued. “Did he ask you to sleep with any other women? I never wanted to when he asked me, but I just couldn’t say no.”

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business” I yelled defensively. Even if Tyler wanted to do that, and communicated it to me, she had no right to know.

  “Well, whatever. He’s a man-whore though. Many women, myself included, have slept with him. If you have, I hope you wore a condom because he’s probably carrying around AIDS” she said as she quickly turned her body and walked out of the bathroom.

  I was furious. Okay, I admit, Tyler is probably a man-whore. But, I could still get him to change and form a good relationship with me. He wasn’t such a man-whore that he was beyond the point of no return.

  Besides, she was probably full of shit. I still think I had a warrant to ask Tyler about what she said, and confront him on whether it was the truth. The truth. That’s what I wanted, regardless of whether it was Veronica, or him that shared it with me.

  I marched out of the bathroom and nearly collided with a waiter who was carrying a large tray of food. “Sorry” I quietly said as I kept walking. I was a woman on a mission, and it was time to find out the truth, so help me God.

  I violently jerked out the chair and planted my little butt on the edge of it. I glared at him like he was a person in a criminal lineup that I had to identify. I wonder what my stare looked like, but I’m pretty sure it was ugly.

  It sure did catch his attention, because he looked back at me and looked dazed. He looked like one of those people who just witnessed something tragic or awful – like a major car accident. “You look really upset. Are you okay?”

  I didn’t even answer him. There was no need to. I just went for the throat. “Did you sleep with Veronica?!” I half-yelled at him and waited for an answer.

  “What?” he said with a still-surprised glance. I saw a little sweat on his face, and it shook my confidence in him.

  I kept pressing him. It was brutal, but I demanded to know what the hell he did. “She said that she slept with you, and dated you for four months. Now, is that true, or not? This is a simple yes or no question” I said to him while breathing deeply.

  He leaned back in his chair, maybe because he thought I was going to smack him. He licked his lips, then it all came out. I never thought that so few words would sting so much. “Yes. I slept with her and we dated for four months.”

  I got up from the chair, hurled it forward as it crashed into the table. He started begging me to return, and I ignored his requests. The commotion was great enough to get some nearby patrons to stare at us. They looked over, and saw my ass as I was walking away.

  His cries were i
gnored. He said he cared about me and wanted to be with me. I did what I should had done days ago – I ignored him and walked away.

  “Maya, just listen to me. I want you to hear me out. Yes, it’s true that we dated, but we were never serious. She’s just a psycho stalker. I don’t want anything to do with her anymore” he said to me while I unzipped my luggage bag and started to pack clothes into it.

  I ignored his bullshit commentary and just kept packing. I only needed about five minutes, and then I could leave the liar and resume my life at home.

  He grabbed my forearm and begged me to stop. He wanted me to listen. In my view, I had already done too much of that. “Would you please stop for a second? I just want to talk.”

  I rotated my wrist around in a complete circle, and got him to let go of. That’s a little defensive trick that I had seen on TV years ago. “If you touch me again, I will call the police and have you arrested” I said to him as I scowled.

  “Look, I know I messed up, and I’m really sorry, okay? You’ve been a special woman in my life and you make me feel like no other woman has ever made me feel before. Please forgive me. I beg you” he said in a whimper that looked like it would precede crying.

  I gave him the cold shoulder, rolled out my bag, and left. I felt so stupid for traveling across the country to deal with him. “I don’t want the contract!” I screamed at him before I left the penthouse. I walked outside into the warm air.

  I never wanted to go back to that place. It was a paradise just hours ago, but now it was a pit of hell. Within about an hour, I was in the terminal at the airport, and they called us to board. I stood in line, and told myself that this place would be gone and out of my mind before I knew it. Then, and only then, could I put this misery behind me.

  Chapter 18 - Tyler

  I had a lot on my mind, and that puts it lightly. Maya took off because she was mad when she found out the truth about Veronica. Veronica is one of my biggest regrets. I wish I never dated her.

  Even though I broke up with her a while ago, her presence still haunts my life. The latest example was the fact that she spilled the beans on being a former girlfriend. I made it worse by lying to Maya. I didn’t expect Veronica to run into Maya again, so I thought I played it well.

  I was wrong. I don’t know why that damned Veronica kept showing up all over the place. I’m suspicious that she’s been stalking me, but I can’t prove it. Even if I could prove it, it probably wouldn’t change very much. I still lied to Maya, and she was still upset at me.

  Yet again, it was a matter of damage control. I had to figure out a way to sooth the blow, and redirect the blame. I had to lie to the board. I had no choice.

  The tough part about lying is that one lie covers up another, and covers up another. It keeps growing until it is huge in size. It’s a bit like a snowball. The whole matter might start out with a white lie, and then get huge very quickly.

  Although, my former relationship with Veronica wasn’t exactly a white lie. It was enormous, and I tried to hide it from Maya. I was starting to care for her, and God help me, I actually wanted to have a relationship with her.

  That’s why I tried to deflect my past and hide things from her. If I did that without screwing it up, I would be golden. Then the two of us might have a chance.

  I fucked it up and she found out, so she took off. That meant I had to come up with a story for the board. Despite my stress and lack of sleep, I knew that it would look weird if she was suddenly gone. The board would expect to see her with me. What would they think if she wasn’t there?

  So, the lying continued. I gave a rousing speech about my company, our goals, and our vision for the future. Basically, there were just a few things on the list we wanted to accomplish. Admittedly, they are big things, but there aren’t that many.

  First, we wanted to grow our company and get a larger share of the market. Of course, that would be challenging and would take a number of achievements to complete. We needed to land new contracts, hire quality people, and listen to demand from our clients.

  We wanted to make more money, obviously. A sluggish and poor business isn’t focused on making more money. They just drift along and stay satisfied. That’s a bad idea, because someone else is going to be fighting with a goal to make more money. Eventually, that leads to businesses filing bankruptcy.

  And finally, we wanted to invest in our future. Today’s recipe for success is not tomorrow’s recipe for success. Ever heard of payphones, movie rental stories, instant film cameras, or telegrams? Most of those are either hurting badly or virtually extinct. Same thing with us – invest in tomorrow for success in the future.

  As for Maya, I announced to Herb – who spread the word to others – that Maya had left for the purpose of attending to a family emergency. “Something came up unexpectedly, and she had to leave town. I will have to check on her later on.”

  Herb didn’t ask what had happened. I’m sure that he cared, but didn’t want to interfere or look like he was sticking his nose into Maya’s business. That worked well for me. Another bad part about lying is that one has to remember exactly what was told. The less that gets told, the better the chances that it will work.

  Psycho bitch, aka Veronica, started walking over to me, and had a grin on her face. She’s hot, but dangerous.

  She looked good, though. She had on dark pantyhose, a red dress, and a big, pearl necklace. Her hair was sprayed and was tightly holding itself up. She had her standard light makeup, and pink lipstick. She kept her grin, which made me so mad.

  She strolled right up to me, waving her arms in an exaggerated fashion – probably to show me that she won a major battle. She almost made it look like she was having fun with it. She was making me suffer, and I hated her for it.

  She acted like a little smartass, too. When she walked up to me – and stood flirtingly close to me – she made a wisecrack. “What’s the matter? Did you run out of room on your credit card?” That was an apparent insinuation that she was an escort.

  I didn’t respond.

  She rolled her Latina eyes at me. She stood on her tippy toes and then pushed herself back down. She was quiet, and I was anxious to get rid of her. I cut right to the chase. “So, what do you want?”

  Her grin returned as she winked at me. Was she really enjoying this? I mean, I knew she was coldhearted, but this went beyond that. She was being sadistic. I pulled her aside because I blew my stack at her and began a whispering dialogue. “Let’s just get to the point, okay? What do you want?”

  She reached over and flirted with me by stroking my forearm. Her fingers were soft, and it would have felt good if a normal woman was doing that to me. She is hardly normal, so that’s not how I felt. If she was a man, I probably would have punched her in the face. “I’m giving you a choice about us.”

  A choice about us? Did she really think we were still together, or even attracted to each other? “Veronica, our relationship ended a long time ago. I don’t know what you want, but I think it would be completely impossible to have another relationship with you.”

  She reached over and tried to hold my hand. I rejected her by pulling it away. Her dark eyes looked lustful and hungry. She wanted something. I could tell. “Well, here’s your choice. You can either get back together with me, or I’ll get the board to vote you out.”

  I said virtually impossible, and she might have found the one exception. That’s a pretty rotten choice, in my opinion. I felt like it would be like God telling a human that he or she could choose to die from cancer, or heart disease – and that there would be suffering either way.

  I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t say anything to her, and I just walked away. In the back of my mind, I knew that if I didn’t give her an answer, she would get the board to vote me off. I don’t know if she would succeed in getting them to do that, but I knew she was serious. The board was already uneasy with me, and her efforts might be enough to tip the scales to get me terminated.

  Chapter 19 - Maya<
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  I knew that it would take time, but I would eventually be able to wipe Tyler from my mind. I really think that he’s a troubled guy who has a lot of issues. I just can’t believe that I cared about him, and may have been falling in love with him. He played my heart, and made me feel wonderful.

  I was back in the office, which was bittersweet for me. It was sweet because I love my coworkers and knew I could contribute to help my company. It was bitter because I thought that my massive effort to win a huge contract – the biggest ever – had failed.

  I tried to remind myself that it failed not because of wrongdoing on my part. In fact, it was Tyler’s fault. He’s a liar and a con artist. He lied to me about his past relationship with Veronica, tricked me into sleeping with him, and used me to make a good impression with the board.

  I felt so stupid for letting him do that. I felt like I missed obvious signs that he was trying to use me and take advantage of me. So, he did. And what did I gain out of it? Apparently nothing.

  The first day back, I had some anger issues as I thought of him. I did some angry things like grab my computer mouse very tightly, hit the keyboard keys a little harder than usual, and I took more breaks. I was distracted. I knew that, but didn’t know how to ‘un-distract’ myself.

  No matter. They say that time heals all wounds. I just hoped that it wouldn’t take too much time to do that. I’ve had some messy relationships in the past, but I think this one took the cake – even though we technically didn’t even have a relationship.

  Sometimes I feel selfish for not relishing in the joy and good things in my life. First, Alessandra was feeling better, which is obviously good. I was worried about her, and I think Franca was, too. Franca usually doesn’t openly cite compassion and love, but I think she still cares. Some people just don’t know how to express or show it.

  Franca…Damn. She would be pissed about not getting the contract. When she wasn’t awarded the contract, she would obviously ask why. I just prayed to God that she wouldn’t find out about my ‘fling’ with Tyler.


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