Jihada: The Lost Scriptures
Page 15
‘The takeover of Britain has been planned for years in order to take possession of their nuclear arsenal with which they were to take control of the rest of Europe. As these weapons were supplied by the United States, they are far more powerful and destructive than any other weapons on earth. He fully expects France to join Britain, and has already placed Muslims and closet Muslims in positions of power there.
Africa is taking care of itself, and has been for many years: the people that the last Ebola epidemic allowed to survive have been effectively culling themselves through constant warfare and genocide as has the rest of the Middle East and Turkey.
The Far East has total Muslim domination in Malaysia and Indonesia, and is well down on his list of priorities. He appeared to show little interest what so ever in any of the Far East’.
‘Where does that leave China and Russia Theodore’? The President asked, ‘Without eliminating those countries, all his plans are fucked. Together they have more people than Islam does.
‘There were no plans for either country sir’, Theodore replied, at the same time shaking his head, ‘not even the slightest thought; it was almost as if that section of his mind never existed. That is the one thing that worries me the most; why is that section of his mind blank? I am not altogether sure whether or not he allowed me complete access into his thoughts, maybe he only revealed what he wanted me to know; I am afraid that the self destruction of both Russia and China may have already begun and require no further involvement by him’.
‘Just a thought Theodore’, the President said, a whimsical look crossing his smiling face, ‘did your new found pal mention anything about America, or has he completely forgotten all about us’?
Theodore’s face turned a slight red color as he spoke; was the President making a joke once again at his expense, or was he mocking him? ‘No sir, not a word about America, neither North nor South, again sir, his mind was a complete blank’.
McNaught again recognized a lie; Theodore continued to block him, and McNaught wondered why. Michael didn’t respond.
‘One thing that completely puzzles me though, and I must admit, terrifies me’, the President scratched the side of his head, and looked upwards, ‘is what the hell that business with the disappearing nuclear missile was all about; has Theodore mentioned it Michael’?
‘Yes he did sir’, Michael replied, ‘I cannot really understand his thinking there, the only thing that springs to mind was that he was delivering a warning to America that there must be no interfering with his plan; OR ELSE. He isn’t aware that you now know that he cannot take a life. The only other alternative is that he intends to speed up the Prophesy of the LOST SCRIPTURES by breaking the rules; that in itself is not an option. No one can break the rules’.
McNaught, who had remained very much on the sideline for much of the conversation, spoke in a questioning yet probing manner. ‘Michael, when you say that he cannot take a life because it would be against the rules, what exactly do you mean? What if he chooses to ignore the rules; could he say, launch a nuclear missile and direct it to a target of his choice’?
‘Yes Sir James, I would guess that his powers are advanced enough for him to do that, but he dare not break the rules; neither must Allah; they are the Rules of the Universe and have been in place since before time began’.
‘You are wrong Michael; ---- he WILL break the rules, ---- I am sure of that’. McNaught looked serious as he spoke in a loud commanding voice. ‘I can feel him probing as we speak; he is consumed with anger, things are not going to plan, they are taking too long and I would guess that Allah is angry also’.
Everyone in the room focused their attention on McNaught; his powers were now increasing; powers that he never knew he possessed; powers that he had always denied and suppressed.
‘I can feel his anger’, McNaught’s steely blue hypnotic eyes were now closed, and he appeared in a trance like state. ‘This anger is now directed at you Michael; he is angry that he had to pull the plane from the volcano. He is angry that he had to let you live because WE were on board. He is angry that he had to obey the rules. He is beginning to hate the rules; ---- soon --- he WILL break the rules; I have been into his mind’.
‘He cannot break the rules’, Michael shouted in frustration as he banged his clenched fist on the table, ‘the rules have been in place since before time began; - no one can break the rules; - no one has ever broken the rules; - not even the Gods can break the rules, and he is not a God’.
President Steinberg remained silent. He was deep in thought. If both the JIHADA and Michael had been here on the earth before, - were they really who he thought they were? - No way, - the whole thought was fucking bullshit. Then again, could it possibly be true?
The whole concept was crazy, stupid, absolutely totally fucking illogical; everyone with any form of education or intelligence was now familiar with the concept of evolution; - natural selection; - survival of the fittest.
Religion had long ago taken a back seat in the modern human psyche. God and religion were no more than the opiate of the masses; they were simply a way of explaining the things that science could not explain; things that the human race still did not understand. They would of course understand in time; everything had a physical, chemical or simply a logical explanation; it was absolutely primitive to attribute the unexplainable to an unseen divine power. The human race had moved on; there were now very few questions to ask where the answers could only be attributed to God. - God was no more. - God could not possibly exist. – God was extinct. Both science and evolution were the proof of that.
McNaught was listening in to the Presidents thoughts. He understood. Only a few short days ago he would have not only agreed with him, but would have contributed most eloquently to his defense. Sir Isaac Newton had explained the physical laws of the universe; Einstein had filled in the gaps. Everything that happened in this world could now be explained by referring to the laws of physics, the unchallengeable laws that no man on earth could disprove.
McNaught was now at a crossroads; Newton had ceased to be relevant; Michael could manipulate the laws of physics any way that he wished. He himself was now developing powers that only existed in science fiction novels. He wondered just how far these powers extended. Could he stop time the way that Michael had done? Could he remove the President’s wallet without touching it?
He probed Michael’s mind for answers; Michael blocked him. He probed Theodore’s mind; Theodore blocked him. He knew that if he really wanted to unlock their thoughts, he could do so. What exactly were they hiding? Were they not all on the same side? Was there not a common enemy?
Sir James McNaught was concerned. Both Michael and Theodore were concealing something from him, but why? If the JIHADA was to be neutralized or defeated, surely the combined efforts of the three of them were needed; at the very least until the powers of Michael were the equal of his brother.
McNaught felt a sudden surge of power. There was enough to easily enter the minds of both Theodore and Michael. He resisted; he knew where the power was coming from and refused to be a conduit between the JIHADA and his brother. He was becoming stronger than both of them; soon, he would have the control. He probed the source of his new found surge of power; the JIHADA closed him down.
McNaught knew that soon, HE would call the shots. He had no idea what he would do with all this power; he would bide his time and decide what to do when the time was right.
Mind Control
Mohamed Durami was serving in his grocery store in a small Ohio town, when Jerome, a young black student walked in, smiled at him, and went to collect a few supplies. Jerome was a regular in the store and on quieter days would often spend a few minutes with Mohamed discussing the previous evening’s sport.
Mohamed was proud of his store and the way that he had now been accepted into the community. To begin with times had been hard; small town mentality had confronted and confused him; he was different to the local inhab
itants who did not trust people who were different. Mohamed shaved off his beard, and shaved every day, carefully dressing as the town’s residents’ did.
Gradually a few locals had begun to do a little late night shopping. The other stores in town always closed early; their owners had lives to lead and there was enough business to go around without sacrificing their precious family time. Now business was booming; Mohamed was beginning to live the American dream. Nine till five had never entered Mohamed’s head; if his customers wanted to do a little late night shopping, unlike the other store owners who would be eating and watching television, he was only too willing to be of assistance; the odd straggler soon turned into a near flood of regulars and friends: life was indeed good for Mohamed and his family.
A smiling Jerome walked towards the serving counter carrying a couple of packaged supplies and a six pack of beer. ‘How’s it going bud’? Jerome said. ‘Did you watch the game last night; that last minute score has probably cost us the league; ten seconds left on the clock, that’s all, ten damn seconds and we had to wave the game and probably the league goodbye’.
Mohamed looked at the beer, picked up his gun from behind the counter, and shot Jerome 3 times in the chest.
Two black women screamed involuntarily and hid behind the shelves. Mohamed calmly walked over to them and put a bullet into each of their heads. Walking back to his position behind the counter, he slowly reloaded his gun, walked outside to the yellow school bus that had pulled up outside his shop, and after shooting the black driver in the head, proceeded to fire and reload several times, until every black child on the bus lay dead. Blood spattered white children screamed in terror; all of them surviving.
Mohamed returned to his store; his pride and joy; put away his gun and once again took up his position behind the counter, seemingly oblivious to the still twitching Jerome, now in his death throes, and the two very dead women a few yards away. He smiled; for Mohamed, the American dream had become reality; he was fulfilled.
His thoughts turned to the abject poverty of his childhood, and the horror of watching his parents tortured and then slaughtered by the Islamic rebels. Since moving his family to America, religion no longer played any part in his life; he had never renounced his Muslim religion; nor had he embraced it. He didn’t mind the fact that the nearest mosque was over 20 miles away; it suited him to simply ignore religion. He was happy to fit in with his customers; not everyone liked Islam and its’ Muslim followers, in reality, no one in the small town liked Muslims; were they not responsible for all the wars and terrorist attacks that were going on around the world?
Mohamed now considered himself an American, and on more than one occasion had considered changing his name in order to disguise his Muslim heritage. To do so however would have invited certain death; Islam allows no one to renounce the religion; that would be an insult to both Allah and the Prophet.
A little over a thousand miles to the south, a white American woman, a convert to Islam, walked into a primary school in a small Alabama township wearing an oversized coat; and, smiling at the pretty young black school teacher, said in an almost robotic trance like voice;“Allahu Akbar” as she pressed the button. Instantly 33, five year old black children were blown into hundreds of body parts as the woman crossed the imaginary divide between earth and paradise.
Simultaneously, a half a dozen women pressed themselves against the outside of the school wall, and shouting Allahu Akbar;- accompanied her. As the walls of the school collapsed, the roof came down onto over 2oo screaming young black children. Few survived; however the parents of the children were very much alive, and one thought – one thought only was now rebounding and crashing around in their heads. There was no longer any kind of distinction between good and bad Muslims; not even between Arabs and Asians of differing religions; there was only vengeance in the air.
This was to be the beginning of the American holocaust.
The JIHADA was now deep into his mind control. He was also locked in battle.
McNaught felt the force first. He closed his eyes and he saw the future and the present come together. He saw the destruction and carnage that was to follow. He fought the force. Theodore and Michael joined in the battle. The President looked on; somehow he could sense what was happening; it was time to begin the fight back, only he had no powers to join in the struggle. He was the most powerful man in the world, only now, any vestiges of power that he still held were in the hands of a 16 year old kid: a wallet thief at that.
There was a gun battle raging in the White House, three of the Presidential armed security men had for no apparent reason, drawn their guns, and begun firing at anyone around with a black face. Half a dozen young black trainees and interns now lay dead. They were quickly silenced, and now also lay dead. The White House went into total lockdown.
McNaught, Theodore, and Michael, the boy magician fought the force. They could feel all the energy being drained from their minds. At first they held on, at times almost gaining a little ground, until suddenly, just like the almost instantaneous collapse of a tug of war team; their resistance collectively crumbled. The powers of the JIHADA had been too much for them. Allah had joined in the battle as the JIHADA’S powers had weakened. That was against the rules; the Gods did not approve. With his now massively increased powers, the JIHADA could now put Phase two of his plan into action without their interference.
Throughout America, millions of Muslims took up arms and went in search of prey; that prey was black and very numerous, it was also very rapidly armed. White Americans stayed inside their homes as the carnage unfolded around them. America was now at war with itself. The assassins walked around zombie like; unaware of what they were doing; unaware that their mind was no longer theirs to command; it was under the control of a boy, - a boy doing the will of Allah, - a boy with the power of Allah.
The President declared Martial law and the military took to the streets. Only the white Military; -- all black and mixed race personnel were disarmed and confined to barracks and policed by armed servicemen; the lessons of the UK had been noted and acted on. The bodies started to pile up, not just black, brown and Hispanic men, - but women, children and even babies in prams. This was ethnic cleansing on an industrial scale never witnessed before on earth. Not even Hitler’s extermination of 6 million Jews had come close to such a murderous holocaust: an atrocity that was up to now beyond human comprehension: little did anyone know, but things were about to become worse - much, much worse.
It was late afternoon as the flag waving protesters marched on the Pentagon, the command and control center of all things military in the United States. Security had never been so rigidly in place and enforced before; the entire surrounding area bore similarities to no-man’s land during the First World War. Machine guns were positioned to give covering and inter locking fire in the event of any form of attack; these were backed by hand held rocket and anti tank weapons. The employees had christened it Fortress Pentagon, and rightly so; it would take an army to make any impression on the defenses in place. The Americans had learned the lessons of the 9/11 attack many decades before, when a fully loaded plane piloted by Muslim militants had shattered their illusion of impregnability and crashed into the Pentagon taking many lives.
The army of protestors marched on through the no-man’s land. Warnings were issued and machine guns made ready. The protestors continued with their forward march. The young cavalry officer in command of the defenses was beginning to feel concerned; he couldn’t possibly order his men to fire at the unarmed protestors, many were women and children, and all of them were white; not one single black or brown face and certainly no beards, yet they were now much too close for comfort. He and he alone was responsible for the safety of the people inside; people that included the military Chiefs of Staff. He did not have time to ring his superior; he had to act.
The group all stopped moving forward some 30 or so yards short of the defensive
line, with only the leading man of the group continuing walking towards the officer who let out an audible sigh of relief. The crisis had thankfully resolved itself without any loss of life. One solitary man posed no threat, and as he walked over to the young officer with a friendly smile on his face, the Captain took his hand away from his revolver, and returned the smile.
Too late, the officer suddenly became suspicious; why was the man wearing an oversized coat in the middle of summer, and as he looked at the rest of the protesters all of whom were similarly dressed, panic set in. He made a sudden grab for his now holstered pistol, realizing that his compassion for the women and children present had been misplaced.
Both the man and the officer disappeared with a shattering and deafening explosion, a bright blinding flash, and a cloud of smoke, as 60 pound of explosive and metal fragments were detonated. The group of protestors continued moving forward into the Pentagon, as the still functioning soldiers who were far enough away to have survived the blast opened fire; each individual protestor detonating their concealed explosives and making the short journey to Paradise whenever any resistance was encountered. Every room and passageway throughout the Pentagon building was occupied, and simultaneously destroyed, as 100 suicide bombers, including women and children heavily laden with explosives, willingly, voluntarily, and happily joined Allah in Paradise.
Just as Mohamed had returned to his Ohio store oblivious to what had taken place, so did millions of Muslims, leaving behind them a trail of utter carnage and devastation. Millions of black Americans had died; -millions were still alive; these people now had only one goal in life; - revenge.