A Lesson on Love

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A Lesson on Love Page 15

by Sharon C. Cooper

  “Don’t let your circumstances control you, Rayne. You’re better than that. You’re stronger than that,” Violet said with conviction, still holding onto Rayne’s hand. “And on top of that, you have us. You have a family who will help you any way we can.”

  A family. Rayne started shaking her head but stopped when she was immediately reminded that it still hurt. She was too afraid to believe…or hope for a family like theirs. She had avoided getting close to people for years, afraid that they’d abandon her the way others had. It didn’t matter that she loved Jerry, their relationship was too new for his mother to consider Rayne family.

  “If my relationship with Jerry fails, you won’t—”

  “What makes you think it will fail?”

  “Because I have nothing to offer him,” Rayne snapped before catching herself. “Your son is an amazing man…the total package. There are women out there ready to fall at his feet. I have seen the way they look at him. Jerry can have anyone he wants, bu—”

  “But he chose you.” Violet released Rayne’s hand and sat back in her seat. “I’ve never had low self-esteem. So forgive my lack of tact for what I’m about to say. If you don’t think you’re worthy of Jerry, you’re probably not. And you’re going to lose him.”


  “You’re going to eventually push him away with negativity and self-doubt that you probably don’t even realize you’re portraying.”

  Rayne didn’t respond, but Violet was right. Jerry hated when she talked down on herself in any manner, and her negativity would probably get old real soon. She had to pull herself together before she lost the best thing that ever happened to her.

  “And regarding those other women who are ready to fall at his feet, make sure they know that he’s not available. Sweetheart, the Jenkins men are like babe magnets.”

  Rayne laughed.

  “I’m serious. You should’ve seen the women I had to deal with when I was dating Thomas. Heck, even now, I still have to give some of them the evil eye for checking him out. If you witness it with your man, don’t just accept that disrespect. Say something or do something.”

  Violet crossed one leg over the other, swinging her foot back and forth. “What does Jerry do when women give him too much attention?” his mother asked.

  Rayne thought back on a couple of instances months ago. She hadn’t said anything to him back then because they were just friends. Now that they were dating, she saw the attention he garnered, but because he never did or said anything to encourage other women, Rayne hadn’t said anything to him or the women. And that’s what she told Violet.

  Eating a little more of her lunch, Rayne wondered if that’s where she went wrong with Kirk. Women were attracted to him, touching his arm while smiling in his face, but Rayne had ignored the few incidents that she’d witnessed. She thought that being married to him was enough to keep other women away. Boy had she been wrong.

  “Jerry is committed to you, Rayne. If he does something inappropriate, call him out on it, and make sure he knows that you’re not accepting that type of behavior. And If a woman makes a play for him, snatch her up and tell her to back the hell off. He’s yours.”

  Rayne nodded, hoping to never get into that situation, but Jerry was a man that she’d fight for.

  Violet stood. “Oh, and as far as you having a family, I have adopted you and Stormy into our family. No matter what happens between you and my son, I’ll always be here for you two.”

  Rayne put her hand on her chest and tried to swallow the emotion settling in her throat. Having a family was all she ever really wanted.

  “Thank you,” she finally choked out.

  “Are you done eating?”

  “Yes, I’m done.”

  Now that she had eaten some and her mind was a little clearer, Rayne felt better than she’d felt in days. It would be a while before she forgot about the carjacking, but at least she didn’t feel as hopeless about her current situation.

  “Thanks, Violet, for everything. I appreciate the meal and the talk.”

  Violet hugged her. “It’s my pleasure, sweetheart. Remember what I said about not letting your circumstances control you. I hate what you’ve been through, but you’re a survivor. You’re going to get through this trial and be better because of it.”

  Rayne nodded. “I believe I will. Thanks again.”


  After Violet left the room, Rayne eased out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. While she was in there, she thought about all that she and Violet had discussed. Rayne had been so young when her mother gave her up, and she never had anyone to talk to her as candidly as Violet had. She had known shortly after meeting Jerry’s mother that she would like her, and Rayne looked forward to building on their relationship.

  She strolled back into the bedroom, but instead of climbing into the bed, she moved to the window. She imitated what Violet had done earlier, closing her eyes and soaking up the heat from the sun.

  A slow smile spread across her mouth. She had to admit, the sunlight did feel good on her skin.

  “Mommy!” Stormy called out before plowing into the room, excited energy bouncing off of her.

  That sparkle that had been missing from her eyes for the last few days had returned, and Rayne’s spirits lifted even higher. Her baby was back to her usual self.

  “Guess what?” she said, bouncing up and down.


  “Jerry said I’ve been a big girl. Now I can get a puppy!” she screeched, sending chill bumps down Rayne’s arms. She didn’t get a chance to respond because Jerry showed up in the doorway.

  Rayne’s breath caught. He’d had a meeting earlier and apparently hadn’t had a chance to change clothes. He looked so good in a light-blue, button-down dress shirt, and dark slacks that made his long legs seem even longer.

  “For the record. I did not say Stormy was getting a puppy.”

  “But…but, I’m a big girl now.”

  Rayne laughed and kissed her daughter. When she glanced up, Jerry was strolling into the room. His eyes zoned in on her like a heat-seeking vessel and her pulse kicked up. The sexual magnetism that made him so irresistible was in full effect and all Rayne wanted to do was fall into his arms and hold on tight.

  Yep. Definitely a babe magnet.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Hey, beautiful. You are definitely a sight for sore eyes,” Jerry said and carefully gathered Rayne into his arms, not wanting to jostle her too much. He held her a few minutes, soaking up her essence then bent down and covered her mouth with his.

  While she’d been recovering, he kissed her daily, but this was the first time in days that she hungrily kissed him back.

  “Ewww,” Stormy squealed.

  Jerry chuckled against Rayne’s lips, and when they looked over, Stormy had her hands over her eyes grinning. They tried to keep their kisses rated G whenever she was around, but today Jerry couldn’t help himself.

  He glanced back at Rayne. “It’s good to see you up and moving around. How do you feel?”

  She cupped his cheek and smiled. It had been too many days since those gorgeous light-brown eyes stared up at him with such passion. He had even been afraid that he would never see her smile again.

  “I feel better than I’ve felt in a while. Thanks for putting up with me.”


  “Stormy,” Violet called from downstairs. “Come here, Sweetie.”

  “Here I come.” Stormy tore out of the room.

  “Ladybug, no running down the stairs,” Jerry called after her.

  “Okay,” she said, her distant voice sounding as if she was already halfway down the stairs.

  Rayne slid her hand into his. “Thanks for sicking your mom on me.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Jerry feigned innocence, but then winked.

  With her hand in his, he moved across the room and sat in the chair he had put next to the bed. He guided Rayne to sit on his la
p, glad she didn’t protest. He just wanted to hold her, if only for a few minutes.

  “You sure you’re doing okay?” he asked, searching her eyes as if that would give him the answers he needed. His heart was finally beating normally. The past few days had been hard on all of them, but especially Rayne. She still looked a little pale, but she was moving around better.

  “My head still hurts some, but I’m doing okay.” She fingered one of the buttons on his shirt. “I owe you an apology. I’m sorry for shutting down on you. I can’t promise it won’t happen again, but I’m going to get myself together to ensure that it doesn’t. Thank you for being here for me and my baby.”

  “Sweetheart, I love you. I never knew I was capable of loving someone as much as I love you. There is no other place I want to be than with you and Stormy.”

  He didn’t miss the surprise in her eyes. That had been the first time he had actually professed those words to her.

  “I told you before, I’m here for the long haul. I understand why you shut down. I totally get it. I was just afraid that you’d get too deep inside your head and not be able to find your way back to me.”

  Rayne wrapped both arms around him. “I love you, too. I love you so much it scares me,” she said, her voice muffled against his neck.

  They sat like that, holding each other for the longest. Jerry never wanted to let her go, but they still had a few issues to work out.

  “Listen,” he said, and she leaned back, searching his eyes. He didn’t know what she saw, but he needed to erase the worry from her face. “Relax. It’s nothing bad. I have something for you.”

  He reached over to the nightstand and opened the top drawer, pulling out a box. When he handed it to Rayne, her eyes grew large.

  “You bought me a cell phone?” she asked. “Jerry, this is too much. I can’t acce—”

  “Yes, you can and you will. You need a phone, and they had a special going. Since I was due for an upgrade, I was able to get a good deal on a second device.”

  “I’m going to pay you back.”

  He knew she would say something like that. It was okay to be independent, but sometimes she drove him nuts not wanting him to do anything for her.

  “You’re not paying me back. That’s a gift. Besides, you were due for a new one, and I need to be able to reach you. Now, let’s talk about your car.”

  He had already told her that the cops had found it, along with her purse and driver’s license. She’d only had a few dollars in her wallet, which the punks took, but thankfully she hadn’t had any credit cards.

  “I know you said that you don’t want the car back.”

  “I don’t. I’m not sure I’ll ever want to drive again, but I can’t see that car without thinking about…”

  “Okay,” Jerry said, rubbing her back, not wanting her to think about that day. “At some point, you’re going to want and need a car, and I might’ve found you one. My aunt is selling her Ford Edge and it’ll be perfect for you.”

  “Jerry…I can’t afford—”

  “Stop.” He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead to quiet her. “Don’t get all worked up. We’ll figure out all of that. The good news is that I already know someone who will buy your old car. So that money can go toward another vehicle.”


  “Now, we need some ground rules. For now on, we need to do a better job in keeping in contact throughout the day. Even a short text will work. When I couldn’t find you the other day, I was worried half to death.

  “Also, when something bad happens, like the layoff, call me, or my mom, or somebody, especially if you’re on edge. In the past, you’ve had to deal with everything on your own. Those days are gone. You have people who love you and care about your well-being. Don’t shut us out.

  “Lastly, for now on, I’ll be putting the gas in your car.”

  She sighed. “Jerry. That’s not necessary. At some point, I’ll be okay and able to visit a gas station again.”

  “That’s not the only reason I’ll be doing it.” He pushed hair out of her face. “I want to take care of you, Rayne. All of my life, I’ve watched my father take care of my mother, doing everything like filling her gas tank, keeping her car clean, and going shopping with her, to name a few. I’ve always admired the way he treats her, and I planned to make sure you and Stormy are treated the same way, if you’ll let me.”

  After a long hesitation, she said, “I’d like that, but Jerry, you have to understand. I’ve never been around couples who were in loving relationships. Until I met your parents, I haven’t had any example of what that looks like, and I’ve never had a real family. Because of that, I’m afraid I’m going to screw up our relationship.”

  “You’re not going to screw up anything. I’ll admit, growing up as a Jenkins, I have had plenty of positive examples of what love looks like. That doesn’t mean that I’m not going to screw up. But I plan to treat you the way I want to be treated, and the way I’d want the women in my life to be treated.”

  “But what if I don’t or can’t give you what you need or expect?”

  “Do you know why I fell for you?”


  “Not only are you fine as hell with a slammin’ body, but I like the way I feel when I’m with you,” he said, the worry on her face softening. “You make me want to be a better man. You make me want to be there whenever you and Stormy need me. I like who I am when I’m with you.”

  “God, I love you,” she said.

  “And that’s all I need.”

  She looked more tired than she had when he first walked into the room.

  “I think you should get back in bed, but there’s one more thing we need to discuss.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I want you and Stormy to go to San Antonio with me.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “Have I mentioned that I’m a little anxious about flying. I hope I don’t freak out on the airplane and embarrass you.”

  Jerry chuckled. He reached across the console of his truck and squeezed Rayne’s hand. “You’re going to be fine.”

  They were on their way to pick up Stormy from his parents’ house, and from there they were heading to the airport. For the first time since Nick asked him to attend the conference, Jerry was looking forward to the trip.

  “I’m just glad you agreed to go with me.”

  “You didn’t give me much choice with those persuasive kisses and promises of rest, relaxation, and a big surprise. Which I plan to hold you to. Oh, and let’s not forget the guilt-tripping,” she cracked.

  “I did not guilt you into going with me.”

  “Really? You’re going to sit over there and tell that lie?”

  “Okay, maybe I exaggerated the part about Nick firing me, but—”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought. But seriously, I am looking forward to the trip. And Stormy is so excited, she could barely get to sleep last night. I think a little vacation is just what we both need.”

  During one of their conversations, Rayne had casually mentioned that she had never spent more than a night in a hotel, and that had been her wedding night. Nor had she ever been on a real vacation.

  So many of their conversations ended with Jerry realizing how blessed he’d been to have a great childhood. Even as an adult, his life’s challenges were nothing compared to what she’d had to endure. And though a big part of this trip was business, he planned to make sure she and Stormy had a good time.

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better,” he said, splitting his attention between her and the road.

  Rayne smiled at him, something she’d been doing more of over the last couple of weeks. “Yeah, me too.”

  It was good to have her almost back to normal. The headaches weren’t as frequent, and she wasn’t as jumpy as she’d been after the carjacking. She had even moved her and Stormy back home, even though he wanted them to stay with him awhile longer, but Jerry understood. Moving back to her house had restored some of her se
nse of independence.

  Now all they had to do was find her a job. To take some of her worries away, he had planned to cover her rent short term, but his parents had beat him to it. They gifted her money to cover two month’s rent.

  At first, Rayne balked at the offer, but she was no match for Violet’s determination when it came to doing something she wanted to do. Jerry was glad to see that things were slowly starting to look up for Rayne. She even had an interview scheduled with his uncle’s law firm once she returned from San Antonio. It wasn’t a guaranteed job, but it was something.


  “Mommy! Jerry!” Were the first words Rayne heard when Jerry let them into his parent’s home. They were standing in the foyer as Stormy ran down the hall towards them pulling a pink, rolling suitcase, and Violet followed behind her.

  “Look.” Stormy beamed, showing them the front of the Princess Tiana suitcase. “My Nana bought me this.”

  “Nana?” Rayne and Jerry said in unison.

  Violet shrugged. “What? Rayne won’t let her call me Violet. I had to come up with something other than Mrs. Jenkins.”

  Jerry shook his head, and Rayne smiled. She fell more in love with his mother every day.

  “And Mr. Jenkins new name is Papa.” Stormy bounced up and down on her toes, grinning. “And when I come back, my Papa is getting me a swing in his back yard. And my suitcase has new clothes.”

  Jerry shook his head. “Mom, Rayne already packed for Stormy. Why would you buy her more stuff? Our suitcases are already in the truck and there’s not enough room for—”

  “First of all, I can spend my money anyway I want. Secondly, go get her suitcase out of the truck. You guys can just add some of these items to what’s already packed. Problem solved.” When Jerry didn’t make a move to go back outside, Violet pointed at the door. “Go get it.”

  He huffed out a breath. “Fine.”


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