A Lesson on Love

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A Lesson on Love Page 16

by Sharon C. Cooper

  Rayne smiled and hugged Violet. “Thank you for all that you do for us,” she whispered in her ear.

  “I love doing for you girls,” she whispered back, holding Rayne tight. “Be sure to have a good time this week, and only positive thoughts while you’re away, okay?”

  Rayne nodded. “Okay.”

  If Rayne would’ve had a choice of mothers when she was growing up, she would’ve wanted one just like Violet. The woman was everything she hoped to be one day. Self-assured, full of life, and one of the kindest people Rayne had ever met. Violet was turning into the mother she never had but always wanted, and Rayne had never felt so loved.

  So this is what it’s like to have a family.

  Twenty minutes later, they had transferred everything Stormy needed to the new suitcase, and Violet had packed a few snacks for them to take on the plane.

  “All right, Mom, we’d better get going,” Jerry said before kissing Violet on the cheek. “We don’t want to miss our flight.”

  Violet hugged Rayne and Stormy. “Well, you guys have a good, safe trip. Text and let us know you got there okay.”

  “Will do.” Jerry grabbed a hold of Rayne’s hand and headed to the front door.

  Rayne always felt special by the gesture. From the moment she agreed to be his woman, Jerry started holding her hand wherever they went. His parents were hand-holders, and his father had once told him that he and Violet held hands to show their solidarity. To show the world that they were an impenetrable pair. They never let people walk between them, sit between them, or come between them. Not even their children.

  Rayne thought that was so romantic, and she loved that Jerry wanted to start that same tradition with her.

  My life is finally looking up.

  Now all she had to do was get over her fear of flying. She still couldn’t believe that she let Jerry talk her into going back to San Antonio. But when he said that he wouldn’t go since he couldn’t leave her and Stormy behind, Rayne conceded.

  Yep, my life is definitely looking up.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Hours later, Rayne dragged into their one-bedroom suite, exhausted from the long day. But she perked up when she noticed the wall of windows and the view. Before she could say anything or make her way across the room, Stormy ran past her.

  “Ooh, we’re all the way up to the sky. I can see a lot. Come look, Mommy.”

  Rayne’s gaze traveled over the impressive suite, taking in the earth tones and modern decor as she walked to the windows.

  “Wow, you’re right, kiddo. We are pretty high up and we’re overlooking the River Walk.”

  “The River Walk? We can walk on it?” Stormy asked, her forehead pressed against the window pane.

  “We can walk on the sidewalk that goes around the river,” Rayne explained. Her child took words so literally, the last thing Rayne wanted was for her to try walking on the river.

  “One day this week, we’ll take a boat tour around the River Walk,” Jerry said, absently.

  Through the window, Rayne could see him behind them, roaming around the space, thoroughly checking out the room. She turned around, watching as he inspected the small kitchenette area, then went into the bedroom before returning to the main area.

  “I guess this is going to have to do,” he finally said. “I had hoped that by the time we arrived, that one of the two-bedroom suites would’ve been available. Unfortunately, the hotel is totally booked.”

  Rayne approached the bedroom, liking the double-door entrance. Inside, the room was huge with a king size bed, dresser with a television on top of it, and an upholstered chair and a small table near the window. The bed looked so comfortable that she was tempted to climb into it right then. Their flight out of Cincinnati had been delayed by three hours and now it was almost nine o’clock in the evening, but felt more like midnight.

  She ambled into the attached bathroom that was all white and chrome with a long vanity. “This is cool. There are two entrances into the bathroom,” she said.

  “Let me see,” Stormy said when she walked in, Jerry right behind her.

  “You and Ladybug take the bedroom, and I’ll use the pull-out couch,” Jerry said from the bathroom doorway that led to the living room.

  “This is pretty,” Stormy said, touching the items on top of the vanity. “I’m gonna go look at the river thing again.” She ran off, leaving the room just as fast as she had entered.

  “I don’t like the idea of you having to sleep on the sofa,” Rayne said to Jerry, but couldn’t think of any other alternative. She would love nothing better than to share that huge, king size bed with him, but that wasn’t going to happen with Stormy being with them.

  “I’ve slept on worse,” he said, but eyed her sheepishly, probably remembering how she’d been homeless. “I guess we all have, huh?”

  “Yeah.” Rayne walked up to him, and he wrapped his arms around her.

  She wasn’t going to think about being homeless or anything else that wasn’t positive. Driving from the airport to the hotel had already been like traveling down a memory lane with potholes. Thankfully, they hadn’t gone through either of her old neighborhoods. That would’ve been too hard to handle, and no way she could’ve stayed positive.

  Jerry held her close to his body and Rayne soaked up his warmth. She inhaled deeply. The woodsy scent of his cologne surrounded her, creating a feeling of home in his embrace.

  “God, I love you,” he said into her hair, placing a kiss above her temple, near the area where she’d had stitches. Since having them removed the day before, Jerry had been planting kisses near that spot. Rayne wasn’t sure if it was intentional or if he was doing it subconsciously. Either way, she liked the contact.

  “I love you, too.”

  It had been a little over two weeks since the carjacking, and except for the occasional headache, she had recovered from her injuries. Still a little jumpy around people, Rayne was slowly getting back to herself. Jerry, on the other hand, was still hovering, insisting on taking her everywhere she needed to go. The last couple of days he had lightened up, but only because he’d been super busy at work.

  “You doing okay?” he asked, for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.

  “Yes, I’m good. What about you?”

  “With you in my arms, I’m great. Did I mention that I’m glad you agreed to come with me?”

  She leaned back and smiled. “You might’ve mentioned it a couple of times.” She wanted to tell him that she’d go anywhere with him, but kept that thought to herself.

  “You look a little tired.”

  “Is that your way of trying to get me into bed?”

  His infamous grin that peeked out on occasion made an appearance. “Is it working?”

  Rayne laughed. “Yeah, but considering how much I want you, it wouldn’t take much to talk me into bed,” she whispered, her hands sliding down his chest, over his torso, and then she gripped his butt, pulling him against the front of her body.

  “Girl, don’t be playin’.” He nuzzled her neck, his hands on her hips as he moved against her. “I’ve been walking around with a semi-hard-on for weeks. It’s only a matter of time before I explode. Soon. Soon you will be mine in every way.”

  Rayne moaned, wondering when soon would present itself. Weeks ago, the carjacking had ruined their romantic weekend plans. Since then, Jerry had been handling her like fine china that he was afraid he would break. Thanks to Violet, they’d had some alone time, but even when Rayne made a pass at him, he’d have her to slow her roll, claiming that she was still recovering.

  “Mommy. Jerry,” Stormy called from the other room, giving Rayne and Jerry time to pull apart. “I’m hungry.”

  “Yeah, me too, Ladybug. I’ll go get us something while you guys get settled. Any special requests?” He looked at Rayne, lust radiating in his eyes.

  “Yeah, I have a few, but I’ll tell you later.” She winked and walked out of the bathroom thinking that soon better get there quic


  “The end,” Stormy said and closed the book.

  While Jerry was out getting them dinner, she and Rayne sat in the bed first looking through magazines and now it was story time.

  Violet, bless her heart, had signed Stormy up for a children’s book subscription, and they had received the first three books the other day. Rayne couldn’t think of a better gift for her child.

  “Do you want to read this time?” Stormy asked, pulling another book from her bag.

  “I love listening to you. How about you read another one?” Rayne still wasn’t able to read more than a few pages without getting a headache.

  “Okay, I’ll read one more, but that’s it.”

  Rayne smiled and shook her head. Her little girl was growing up too fast.

  Soon she’ll be going off to college.

  That thought made her heart ache as she recalled the conversation with Jerry. Who was she kidding? She wanted a family, a larger family, but was scared to death to even wish for something like that. Sure, she and Stormy had been adopted by the Jenkins’, but that wasn’t a substitute for what Rayne really wanted—her own family. She wanted a husband and more children.

  Stormy glanced over her shoulder. “Mommy, are you listening?”

  Rayne bit back a laugh. “Yes, I’m listening, but can you sit a little closer to me? I want to hold you.”


  She scooted back and Rayne put her arms around her daughter and kissed the top of her head before she ran her fingers through the long strands.

  Stormy opened the next book, sifted through a couple of pages, but didn’t start reading. “Mommy?”

  “Yes, sweetheart.”

  “I told Jerry I want him to be my daddy.” Rayne stiffened, and her hand stilled in Stormy’s hair as she sat stunned by her daughter’s admission.

  “Wh—when did you tell him that?”

  “A long time ago when you fell and you hurt your head. I was at school. Remember when I was crying?”

  “I remember. You were sad, and I was sad, too. What did Jerry say when you asked him to be your daddy?” And Rayne wondered why he never mentioned this conversation.

  “He said he loved me. He never want me to be sad again.” She put the book down and turned fully to Rayne. “Can you get married so Jerry can be my daddy? Please.”

  Again, Stormy left her speechless and all Rayne could do was stare at her child. Every day they both fell more in love with Jerry, and he had shown them on so many occasions how much he loved them. But marriage…

  “I’m not sure, sweetheart. I’ll have to talk to Jerry about that.” One day, she thought, hoping her response would be enough for now.

  There were times when Rayne feared that things were moving too fast between her and Jerry, but whenever she looked up and saw love shining in his eyes, her…

  The hotel room door slammed. “Where my girls at?” Jerry called out.

  Stormy scurried off the bed just as he made an appearance in the doorway of the bedroom. His hands were full with a large pizza box and several plastic bags, but his gaze was solely on Rayne. And then he frowned.

  “What’s wrong? You feel okay?”

  Rayne’s heart flipped in her chest and she swallowed hard. That’s the look. That was the look she often saw in his eyes that turned her worries into believing that they would have a future together. That their love for each other was stronger than anything she had ever experienced.

  “Rayne?” He walked toward her.

  “I feel fine,” she said quickly. “As a matter of fact, I feel better than I have in years.”

  And it’s all because of you.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Okay, stop right here,” Jerry said to Rayne as they stood outside of their hotel suite. With the help of Christina, he had been able to set his surprise for Rayne into motion. Not only had his sister entertained Stormy and Rayne earlier, but she had also agreed to let his ladybug stay the night with her.

  “Close your eyes,” Jerry said to Rayne. He pulled a scarf out of his front pocket and tied it around her eyes.

  “Really, Jerry?” Rayne giggled. She’d been giddy since they left the bar in anticipation of his surprise. “I don’t need the blindfold. My eyes are closed.”

  “I’m not taking any chances. You might decide to peek before I’m ready to show you your surprise.”

  He unlocked the door and carefully guided her inside the room where they were greeted by soft jazz that he had left playing.

  “Okay, stop right here and don’t move.”

  “Mmm, something smells good. I’m suddenly a little hungry.”

  Yeah, Jerry was hungry too, but not for food. His woman looked hella good in the low-cut, short black dress that hugged her luscious curves, and he couldn’t wait to get her out of it. But tonight, he wanted to wine and dine Rayne, make her feel like the special woman she was. Not like just one of his other conquests.

  He went to the small dining table that held their meal and lit the candle before moving on to the other candles that were set up around the suite.

  “Can I just say, you look sexy as hell in that dress?”

  Rayne smiled demurely. “Thank you.” She nervously touched the blindfold before her hands roamed blindly over her full hips.

  All night she’d been self-conscious about the short dress. Earlier, when they were hanging out in the hotel’s bar, she kept fidgeting with the top of the garment, probably not realizing that she was bringing more attention to her full breasts with every move she made. Then there were the moments where she squirmed on the bar stool, tugging on the hem of the dress attempting to cover up her gorgeous, shapely legs.

  Jerry gave the room a quick once over before moving back to where she was standing.

  “Okay, I’m going to take off your blindfold.”

  When he removed the covering from Rayne’s eyes, she released a wistful sigh, and her hand went to her chest.

  “Oh, Jerry. Everything looks so beautiful.”

  She moved through the dimly lit, main living area of the suite and followed the pink and red rose petals that started at the door. She stopped at the crystal vase of red roses that were on top of the sofa table and inhaled.

  Taking time to smell the roses.

  Jerry watched with interest. He already knew she appreciated some of the most simplest gestures. Her humbleness and past experiences made him want to give her the world, show her a different side of humanity.

  “Soft jazz, rose petals, dinner…I didn’t know you were a romantic.”

  “Only with you, baby.”

  He reached for Rayne’s hand and brought it to his lips, placing a kiss on the inside of her wrist. He guided her across the room to the table that was set for two. There had never been another woman that he wanted to impress, a woman he wanted to express his love to. He hadn’t been kidding when he told her that she made him want to be a better man, a better person. For so many years he only had to be responsible for himself. It was nice putting someone else’s needs ahead of his own for a change.

  Jerry pulled out the chair at the table for her, and immediately his attention was drawn to the back of her dress. The clingy garment hugged her perfectly round ass and brought attention to her enticing full hips.

  He loved her full-figured body and couldn’t wait to see all of her. The outfit was doing wicked things to his body, and if he didn’t get his libido under control, he was going to move faster than intended and ruin the evening.

  Once she was seated, Jerry removed the stainless-steel food covers, revealing honey-hoisin glazed pork tenderloin, roasted potatoes with peppers, and a side salad.

  “That looks delicious.”

  “I’m glad you think so. When we’re done with dinner, there are chocolate covered strawberries for dessert.” He poured them both a glass of champagne and handed one to Rayne. “Here’s to us and many more romantic evenings.”

  They clinked glasses, took a sip, and dived int
o their meal. As they ate and talked, the illumination from the candles, that were placed strategically around the room, cast just enough light on Rayne’s gorgeous face. She really was a beautiful woman and by her not knowing it, only made her that much more alluring.

  Tonight, she had curled the ends of her long hair. Her thick tresses fell easily around her shoulders, giving her face that softness and an innocence that had first attracted Jerry to her. She was one of those women who didn’t really need makeup, but she had done something with her eye shadow, creating a smokey-eyed look that only added to her attractiveness.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” She set her fork down and wiped her mouth.

  “Just admiring your beauty.”

  She laughed, and a blush bloomed over her cheeks. “Forever the sweet talker.”

  “What can I say?” He shrugged. “I only speak the truth. Would you like to dance?”

  She glanced around the room. “Here?”

  “Yeah. Come on.” He helped her up, then moved a table that was in front of the sofa. “Right here is good.”

  Jerry pulled her against his body, one of his hands at the small of her back, and the other holding her hand close to his chest. She draped her free arm around his shoulder as their bodies swayed to the smooth jazz pouring through the Bluetooth speaker.

  “Dinner was absolutely delicious. Not as good as the pork tenderloin you made a couple of months ago, but pretty close.”

  “That’s good to hear.”

  All of the Jenkins men were taught how to cook at a young age, and Jerry was no exception. He never cooked for other women but found pleasure in preparing a meal for Rayne and Stormy. It was just another way for him to take care of his girls, something he loved doing.

  “You’re full of surprises. Thank you for doing all of this. It means more to me than you know.” Since they started dating, Jerry took every opportunity to surprise her and his ladybug. Whether it was a night at the movies, or giving them small gifts, he liked bringing smiles to their faces.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying the evening, and just think, the night is still young.” He wiggled his eyebrows and she giggled, giving him the response he was after. Finally, she was starting to relax.


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