Book Read Free


Page 12

by Iris Bolling

  Nicole looked nervously at Xavier. “You’re Xavier’s mother and it’s your birthday. Is it too much?”

  He took her hand under the table. “No, it’s perfect.”

  “Thank you.” Ann wiped the single tear away, as the waitress arrived with the hot rolls. “You can keep the butter, we’ll just spread Nicole on them.”

  Chapter 9


  Manhattan, New York

  It was official; the London deal had been placed on hold for thirty days. The board would not go forward until Allen and Allen made a final decision. Nicole was disappointed. She had worked on the London project for over a year and for it to end because of personal issues was unbelievable.

  “This may be a blessing, Nicole,” Steven said as they walked from the conference room into the hallway.

  “A blessing,” Nicole questioned with a frown. “How could losing a year’s worth of negotiations, planning, and securing the property be a blessing?”

  “Nicole, if this project was to go through...”

  “When,” Nicole said, not ready to concede defeat.

  “Okay, when this project goes through, you would have to report every step of the way to Ellington. Everything you do would be open to scrutiny by a man you despise. You don’t need that. You can do this project on your own.” Nicole started to walk away, but Steven stopped her. “Listen to me Nicole. Allen and Allen are not the only architects in town.”

  “No, Steven, they aren’t the only, but they are the best.”

  “Are they?” Steven gave Nicole a folder. “I’m ashamed to say, I was online reading this blog called Rumor Has It. You’ll never guess what it stated.” He waited as she looked up impatiently at him. “Aren’t you going to ask?”

  “No, Steven. What does a blog have to do with this project?”

  “Everything my dear. Hear me out. While reading this blog I learned that a certain real estate mogul was involved with this bright young architect. So I took the liberty of doing a little research on the young man.” He pointed to the folder. “Take a look at some of his designs. I think you may be surprised.” He waved as he walked off. “Keep in touch.”

  Hayward Ellington and his assistant walked out just as Steven walked away. “Interesting meeting, wouldn’t you say, Ms. Brooks?”

  Her parents taught her to respect her elders, however, this man with his lopsided toupee was bordering on a cursing out. Taking a second or two, Nicole turned. “Very, Mr. Ellington. I would think the outcome disappointed you. The Allens did not pull out of the project.”

  “On the contrary. While they are contemplating your role in this project, I’ve offered them a feasible option.”

  “We were in the same meeting. I did not hear a counter offer.”

  “It was private session, dear. The best deals take place in private.”

  “You care to enlighten me?”

  “I’ll do you one better and give you the same advice I gave my daughter,” he smirked. “Take the next thirty days, find a husband, if that’s your preference, move back to Virginia and have a few babies. Make your life count for something.” He turned and walked away.

  Nicole walked back to her office, infuriated. She wasn’t sure if she was angrier about the advice he gave or the idea of him making a deal with the Allens behind her back. Hell, she knew this was business, more deals are made on the golf course than in the boardroom. However, when Jacob gave his word, she expected him to keep it, not make a contingency plan with Ellington.

  Walking through the corridor, she noticed several employees looking her way, then turning away quickly. Today was not the day to mess with her.

  Walking by the cubicles, she approached her office, where a few employees were leaning over Stacy’s desk with their backs to Nicole as she walked in.

  “What’s so fascinating, ladies?”

  Several of the women jumped at the sound of her voice.

  “Nothing,” they said as the group quickly dispersed.

  Nicole noticed Stacy push a button on her computer, clearing the screen. She walked over, reached across Stacy’s shoulder and pushed the space bar. Nicole looked at the computer, which had a picture of Xavier and Trish. The blog read:

  Rumor Has It

  People say a picture is worth a thousand words. Rumor Has It, Xavier Davenport, the architect from Virginia who Nicole Brooks paid $50K for spent the night with Trish Hargrove. Seems Trish is getting it for free. Hmm, I wonder if he has anything left for Nicole? For 50K he better be giving up something. IJS.

  “Since you’re not giving it up to a man, he got it somewhere else,” Stacy smirked.

  This was not the day. Nicole looked around the office. There were several employees at their desks watching the commotion. She turned to Jake Gordon, an administrative assistant who had been with the agency when she took over.

  Turning back, she glared at Stacy. “Jake,” she called.

  “Yes, Ms. Brooks.” He walked over to the area and stood in the doorway.

  “How much do you make a year?”

  “Um, fifty-two thousand a year. But I’m not complaining.”

  “How much do you make a year Stacy?”

  “I’m paid for the job I do.”

  “That is not what I asked you.” She glared at the woman. Alicia stepped out of her office when she heard Nicole’s raised voice.

  “One hundred and twenty-thousand a year and I’m worth every dime of it.”

  Nicole smiled. “Maybe to someone else.”

  “I’ve worked for this agency for the last twenty years. Before you were placed in your position. I have clout. You can’t do a thing.”

  “I would think a certain amount of loyalty would come with that type of salary. And the clout you speak of just ended.”

  “I’m loyal…to the agency.”

  “I am the agency,” Nicole barked, then took a deep breath. She knew Stacy had worked for her father when he was running the agency, but her superior ass behavior had run its course. “Jake, you have a new position, your new salary will be one hundred fifty a year. Your first task, have this woman removed from my agency.” She turned from Stacy to look at Jake. “Can you handle that?”

  “Mr. Brooks will reinstate me before you can change the locks on the door.” Stacy smirked as she reached for the telephone.

  “Don’t touch my telephone,” Nicole barked at the leggy, blue-eyed blonde. “Get your purse and get out. Be here in the next two minutes and I will have you arrested for trespassing.”

  Stacy looked around at the people in the office. “She can’t fire all of us if we walk out together,” she said. “None of you like working for a woman who has no business being here.” She continued to look at the people in the office. “Don’t be afraid of her. You all know Mr. Brooks is not going to uphold this action. We will all be back. She will be the one removed.”

  One girl snickered. “I like my job, you are on your own.”

  “Ms. Crane, you were asked to leave the premises,” Jake said. “If you believe you have a grievance, file the proper paperwork with Human Resources Management. They will review your grievance and be in touch. For now, I need you to leave.”

  “You, of course, she would have your support. You’re a freak just like her.”

  “Well, this freak is putting your ass out. You can walk out on your own, or I can assist,” Jake said as he moved his head from side to side. “Freak that.”

  Stacy grabbed her purse from the bottom drawer and reached for a binder as she looked back at Nicole. “You are going to pay for this,” she spat.

  Alicia grabbed the binder from her. “This is the property of Brooks International.”

  A stunned Stacy turned to the woman behind her and reached for the binder. “That is personal property.”

  “We’ll ship it to you, once it’s been reviewed.”

  Stacy looked around the office, then stormed out the door.

  Nicole scanned the room at each employee, expecting others to
walk out behind Stacy. Instead, one person began to applaud, then another and another.

  “It’s about time you stood up to her,” Alicia said from behind her.

  Nicole turned to her friend. “I need to get away.”

  “Going back to Richmond?” Alicia grinned.

  “I need to regroup. Think the project through. Can you hold down the fort?”

  “We lost the vote?”

  “Not completely, but it’s heading that way. Ellington made them an offer.”

  “Are you going to sell the property to Ellington?”

  “Hell no,” Nicole replied as Jake walked back in.

  “Ms. Brooks, I stopped by IT and requested all Ms. Crane’s access be terminated. I’ll go back to my desk now.”

  Nicole stared at him. “This is your desk now, Jake.” She turned to walk away.

  Jake frowned at her. “You’re serious?”

  Nicole turned back to him. “Do you want the job?”

  “Yes, he wants the job.” Alicia grabbed Jakes arm and pushed him into what used to be Stacy’s chair. “The first thing I want you to do is see what’s in this binder.”

  Nicole laughed as she walked into her office. Losing a deal was not familiar to her. She picked her projects carefully. Expanding Brooks International into London was an idea she came up with when visiting there. She loved the feel of the city, the flats, the bakeries with fresh pastries daily, the night life. Yes, it was selfish of her to purchase the property when she was there, knowing she had no plans for it. The thought of renovating the area with the palatial style homes where everyone would feel like royalty appealed to her. She wanted to keep them that way, by modernizing the shops below, maybe adding a garden in the center. When she told Jacob about her ideas, he drew up the plans. They weren’t everything she wanted, but he had certainly captured the essence of her vision.

  She dropped the folder Steven had given her on her desk and grabbed her purse. “Jake,” she called out as she walked out of her office. “Call my pilot. Tell him I’m flying home in an hour.” She waved as she walked out. “The place is yours until my return Alicia.”

  “Have fun this weekend,” Alicia yelled after her, then turned to Jake. “Call her pilot first, then arrange a pickup from her apartment and one to pick her up from Richmond International. Afterwards, place a call to the Washington office advising them Nicole will be in the area.”

  Jake flipped through the phone listing on the computer as he spoke to Alicia. “You do know Stacy is not going away quietly. It’s not in her nature. Expect repercussions.”

  “It’s now your job to ensure those repercussions have no impact on Nicole or Brooks International.”

  * * *

  “She just fired me.” An angry Stacy yelled into the phone. “The bitch just up and fired me for showing the damn blog.”

  “It was inevitable.”

  “Well, what do I do now? I can’t get you information now that I’m out. How am I supposed to live?”

  Singleton sat back in his chair, pleased by the turn of events. “I’m certain there is another way to earn your keep. I’ll be in touch.”

  Richmond, Virginia

  “Mr. Davenport,” Lafonde called from the doorway of Xavier’s office. “Mrs. Hargrove is here to see you. I’ve explained to her that you are not available, however, she is insisting.”

  “Get out of my way.” Estelle Hargrove pushed her way past Lafonde. “Xavier, I want to speak with you…now.”

  Xavier stood, as did, Zack, Diamond and Reese, who were in his office. “Mrs. Hargrove, I’m afraid this is not a good time.”

  “Make it a good time.”

  Zack looked from the woman in the doorway to Xavier. There was something in the way the woman was speaking to X-man that bothered him.

  “Excuse me. We are in the middle of a meeting.”

  “Xavier, now.” She completely ignored Zack and the others as she walked over and set her purse on his desk.

  “We’ll give you a minute, Xavier.”

  “No, Diamond.” He stared at Mrs. Hargrove. “Zack.” He stopped his brother who was about to bear down on the woman. “I’ll handle this.”

  “Did you have anything to do with that piece of trash written about my daughter?”

  “Mrs. Hargrove, this is my place of business. If you would like to meet with me,” he pointed to Lafonde, “you schedule it with her. You will not disrespect my place of business.” He turned, “Lafonde, show Mrs. Hargrove to your desk, make an appointment for her at my earliest convenience, then show her the door.”

  “How dare you. I have never been treated so rudely.”

  “It’s an honor to be your first.” Xavier nodded to Lafonde. “The door.”

  Reese snickered, as Zack cleared his throat.

  “Mrs. Hargrove.” Diamond stepped forward. “Allow me to help you.”

  “I don’t need help from the likes of you,” Mrs. Hargrove sneered at Diamond. “As for you.” She looked at Xavier. “I have no idea what my daughter sees in you, you are so beneath her.” She pointed a finger at him. “I will tell you this, I will sue you and your little firm for every dime if my daughter’s reputation is ruined in this mess with Nicole Brooks.” She turned and stormed out of the room. Lafonde followed her out.

  The occupants of the room turned to stare at Xavier. “What was that all about?” Zack asked as he took a seat.

  “I have no idea,” Xavier replied as he sat down.

  “She seems very angry at you,” Diamond shook her head, “and at everyone else.” She took her seat, as did Reese.

  “I apologize for the way she spoke to you, Diamond.” He looked up at her. “That was disrespectful.”

  “Is that Trish’s mother?” Zack asked.

  “Yes.” Xavier looked down at his paper work. “Let’s get back to the meeting.”

  “Don’t you want to talk about this X-man?”

  He looked up at Zack. “No, I want to get back to the meeting.”

  Zack started to say something, when Diamond touched him on his arm, then shook her head.

  The group settled back into the meeting, only to be disturbed again fifteen minutes later.

  “Xavier,” Trish called out as she stomped into his office. Xavier stood as Trish ran into his arms. “I can’t believe you did this.” She waved a piece of paper around. “Why would you do something like this?”

  “Trish.” Xavier held her at arm’s length. “What are you talking about?”

  “This picture of us…you know being intimate,” a distraught Trish exclaimed.

  “Trish.” Xavier gently shook her. “I have no idea what you or your mother are talking about and frankly I don’t give a damn. This is my place of business. You do not bring drama here.”

  “This is my place of business. You do not bring drama here.”

  “I’m so sorry,” she cried into his chest. “How do you think it feels to have my personal pictures in some blog? And why would you do this? I don’t understand, Xavier.” Zack and Reese looked at each other and tried to hide a grin. Diamond hit Zack to get him to behave, then pulled up the internet on her tablet.

  “Trish, look at me,” Xavier spoke calmly to the hysterical woman.

  She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “Yes.” She sounded so pitiful.

  “Trish, you need to calm down.”

  “You know I would never allow my mother to hurt you. I will protect you at all costs, but Xavier, she’s upset about this and so am I.”

  “Thank you Trish. But, as you can see, I’m in the middle of a meeting. We’ll talk later.”

  Trish looked around the room as if for the first time noticing the other people in the room. “Oh.” She wiped the tears from her eyes. “I'm so sorry,” she apologized to everyone. “I’m so sorry. I’ll get out of your way.” She stopped at the doorway. “But we have to talk about this tonight. You promise to come by?”

  “Yes.” Xavier replied as he watched her walk out the door. He closed hi
s eyes, dropped his head and exhaled, thinking, he really did not want to turn around.

  “Well,” Diamond said trying hard not to laugh. “It seems you have a few actors visiting you today, along with new popularity.” She turned the tablet around. “You’re a hit with 126,000 views and counting.”

  They all took a closer look at the picture. “Wow,” Reese said. “You took nude pictures with Trish. She’s more of a freak than I thought.”

  “I don’t recall taking that picture.”

  “You probably didn’t.” Zack nodded. “She had the picture doctored then posted it.”

  “Hmmm, sounds familiar.” Reese sat back down.

  Xavier always controlled certain elements of his life, until he met Trish Hargrove. There was no controlling her. Now, he knew where Trish received that characteristic. He sat back in his chair, crossed his leg at the ankle and waited.

  Seconds passed, not a sound was made. Reese was the first to speak. “Do you have a box of tissues? I think I feel a tear or two coming on.” He coughed out a laugh.

  Xavier smirked and shook his head. “What do you have to say?” he asked Zack without looking up.

  “Not a word. So far we’ve had a tornado and a hurricane. I’m just wondering if we will finish this meeting before a tsunami comes through.”

  The people in the room began laughing. “Okay.” Xavier looked at his watch. “We can still salvage this meeting.”

  “I don’t know.” Diamond smiled. “Do you have any other women, who are angry with you?”

  “Or any other pictures you want to share?” Reese laughed

  “Not that I am aware of.” Xavier picked up his pen just as Lafonde walked in.

  “Mr. Davenport.”

  Xavier dropped his head in frustration. “Is it too much to expect you to handle the front desk?” Xavier turned to see Nicole standing behind Lafonde.

  “When you learn to handle your women, I’ll be able to handle the front desk.” Lafonde retorted. “You stated if Ms. Brooks came by to show her in. Well, she’s here.” Lafonde stormed off leaving Nicole and Xavier staring at each other.

  “Your office seems to be as off center as mine/” Nicole smiled. “I can come back if this is a bad time.”


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