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Page 16

by Iris Bolling

  “Xavier.” She rushed towards him, merging their bodies. “I called your cell phone several times and did not get an answer. When you didn’t call I got worried and came right over.” She now could see the living room and kitchen. “You have a beautiful place,” she said with wonder in her voice. “May I?”

  “Thank you. Why are you here?”

  “I told you, I was worried.” She walked over to the fireplace. “This is beautiful.” She looked around and saw the view from the living room window. “Xavier, that is a magnificent view.”

  “Trish.” He never moved from his spot near the entrance. “What do you want?”

  She turned to face him just as her trench coat opened exposing the almost not there dress. It took everything in him not to laugh as Reese’s words came to mind. Her look of wonder at his home changed quickly to one of despair.

  “Xavier, I don’t know what to do.” She seductively walked back to where he stood near the kitchen, slouched on one of the bar stools and crossed her legs, exposing more thigh. “I can’t believe the Brooks’ are doing this to me.”

  Xavier’s defenses went up. “That’s between you and the Brooks’.”

  “Don’t you even want to know what it is?”


  “Xavier, you are the most sensitive person I know.” Giving him the Sharon Stone move from Basic Instinct, uncrossing her legs, spreading them wide enough to tease then crossing them back. “I really need your help to sort through this mess.”

  The sigh was louder than Nicole meant for it to be, as she leaned against the fireplace watching the scene unfold. She shrugged her shoulders at Xavier and smiled as Trish turned.

  She jumped off the stool. “What in the hell are you doing here?” Trish looked at Nicole from head to toe, then slowly turned evil eyes to Xavier. “You want to explain this.” She pointed to Nicole as she spoke to Xavier.

  “This is what happens when you come to someone’s home uninvited.” He walked over to stand in front of Nicole. “Have I ever invited you to my home?”

  “No, but Xavier, we are in a relationship.”

  “No Trish, we’re not and haven’t been for months. I don’t know how many ways I can say this to you.”

  “How many ways do I have to tell you, Nicole isn’t interested in men. The heifer only placed a bid on you because I did. She has always wanted what I’ve had because she is a spoiled…”

  “Enough.” The bellow that came from Xavier was so loud Nicole jumped. “First you came to my place of employment with your drama. Now, you’ve brought it into my home.” He walked slowly towards her. “This is my sanctuary. Nicole is an invited guest. You are not, allow me to show you the way out.”

  Trish was so stunned she couldn’t move. It was the first time she had ever known Xavier to raise his voice. This was one time she didn’t have to act. She was hurt.

  Trish glared at Nicole. “You will pay for this.” She pulled her coat together and tied it at the waist.

  “Let’s be clear, Trish, what is happening with you and I has nothing to do with Nicole. You and your mother disrespected me. Your actions today severed any ties you and I once had.”

  “Everything that has happened this week was because of her. If she had stayed in her lane you and I would be spending the weekend together.”

  “It would have been a very difficult two days.”

  She stepped onto the elevator with as much dignity as her pride would allow. “Five hundred and fifty million dollars, Nicole? Its menial compared to what’s about to rain down on you. Enjoy your precious weekend, Xavier, for hell cometh in the morning.”

  The doors closed and neither spoke for a long moment. Xavier turned to Nicole.

  His mind was having a conflict with his body. He wanted to forget the last fifteen minutes and go back to making love with the woman standing by his fireplace in his tee shirt. Caution signals in his body were telling him to get to the bottom of this issue with Trish and Nicole.

  Nicole walked into the kitchen. She removed the tray tops then looked around. Xavier walked over to the cabinet, pulled down two plates, then opened the drawer for silverware. They settled next to each other at the breakfast bar and began to dine on rosemary shrimp scampi skewers, with rice and green beans, and a wonderful red wine.

  “This is delicious,” Nicole remarked. “You have a chef on staff?”

  “We have several who work wonders in a kitchen. The residents have options from gourmet prepared meals to fried fish and potatoes that you would swear came from someone’s grandmother’s kitchen.”

  “What a wonderful amenity to have. This was your idea?”

  “No, Diamond came up with that one.”

  “We offer amenities in some of our luxury residential buildings.” She took a sip of her wine. “Trish and I went to high school together,” she began.


  “No,” she stopped him. “Let me do this. One thing I’ve learned about relationships is secrets come back to bite you.” She looked up at him. “I don’t want that for us.”

  Xavier nodded.

  They ate as she talked.

  “The saga of Trish and Nicole began when she couldn’t understand why she couldn't bully me. The Brooks’ make up is a little different from most wealthy people. We don’t value money above all else. We value people. My father always says, ‘value your family and friends and you will always be wealthy’. We were raised to treat people as if they were the highest commodity in the world, because to us they are. If you think about it, our livelihood depends on people. It doesn’t matter if they are rich, poor, green or yellow. For when all else is gone, if you have your family and friends you are wealthy beyond measure. Trish comes from a mother who placed value on status and wealth. They long to be in the upper echelon of society. Because my family is where she wants to be, she felt she had to tear me down. When one thing didn’t work she would try another and another. She found out that I have dyslexia. The ‘Nicole’s a dummy’ campaign began. My mother is very protective of her children. She threatened bodily harm to Mrs. Hargrove if she did not control Trish. Mrs. Hargrove informed her husband. Then my dad got involved, went to their home and followed through on the threat my mother had issued. We were sued for five million dollars. Because my dad was involved in a pivotal civil rights case at the time, we settled out of court. This ritual has gone on for over ten years. Trish provokes me in some way, I or my family reacts and we end up settling out of court.”

  Nicole put her fork down. “This time it’s not my parents. It’s me. I think it’s time to hold Trish accountable for her actions. A multi-billion dollar deal is now in jeopardy because of Trish’s statement at the auction. The development firm I was working with requested I make a public statement regarding my sexuality. I refused because what I do behind closed doors is my business. No one should be required to make a sexual declaration for a business deal.” She looked up at Xavier. “When we met with Trish and her attorneys they requested a five million dollar settlement. Trish raised it to ten with an amendment that I stay away from you. I have searched through my short life looking for a man who evokes a natural passion in me. There was no way I could stay away from you. Therefore, I made the decision to counter sue for defamation of character. I have no idea how that is going to impact my life with the gay community, or my friend Alicia. But I know I have to stop this madness with Trish. I don’t want to spend my life wondering when the Hargroves are going to strike again.”

  “Why five hundred and fifty million? You said it was a multi-billion dollar deal. Why not sue for that amount?”

  “I’ve only invested that amount to date.”

  Xavier nodded. He placed his fork on the plated, then pulled Nicole onto his lap. “Your dad sounds like good people and your mother sounds like you.” Their foreheads touched, as Xavier exhaled. “My apology for losing my temper in front of you.” He squeezed her waist. “My life was simple until last week. But I asked for it. A few weeks ago I told
my friend I wanted a woman who made me crazy with passion. Here you are. Gay, straight, bi, I don’t care. I want you in my life. If you decide to follow through on this court case, Alicia is going to support you as will I. Trish is wounded. You know what they say about a wounded animal. She’s going to come after you and she is not going to care who gets hurt.”

  Nicole listened as she gently pulled on his braids. It was calming to her. “I think we have a chance at something special. If you believe that Trish will interfere, I’ll take the settlement and call it a day.”

  He kissed her throat. “No, you do what you have to do to protect yourself against Trish. But for now, I want our weekend.” The kisses moved down between her breasts, his hands massaging her thighs.

  Nicole kissed the top of his head. “I want that more than you know.”

  Chapter 12

  Richmond, VA


  The Richmond office of Persuasion was located in historic Shockoe Bottom. The cobble stone streets, the outdoor market and the brownstone like office fronts gave the area a blend of the old and new. The sedan pulled up in front of the building. Vernon stepped out.

  “I’ll send you a message when I’m ready,” he said to his driver. He turned and looked at the double door entry with the address engraved on the glass. Stepping inside the building was transformed into an upscale modern office space. Vernon had only been to Nicolas’ office twice and it seemed he had expanded. The entry was a wide, long foyer with burgundy and tan Persian carpeting, and white columns strategically placed throughout. On the wall to the right in an arch design was the name Brooks - Pendleton. He smiled. His little brother had made it. Under the arch were framed pictures of their current clientele, from the ceiling to the floor. Across the hall was the same name pattern only smaller, Persuasion.

  Vernon took the door on the left. Inside the office, there was a flurry of movement. The open floor plan had desks placed throughout the area with four offices against the wall, two on each side.

  “Mr. Brooks.”

  Vernon turned, somewhat startled at the sound of the sensual voice. He never heard anyone walk up behind him. Bothered by being caught unaware, he was lost when he looked into the eyes of the woman standing before him. Words to describe the woman escaped him and that was not something that happened to him. Women came easy to Vernon. He’d had them in all shapes, colors and sizes. Not much about them struck him until this one. It was difficult for him to believe, but he was literally speechless. She was dressed in a long sleeved, pink, yes, pink off the shoulder band-aide dress which exposed the curves of her body with class. Her hair was in a side ponytail, which hung across her shoulder. Her face was free of makeup, yet her lips were coated in something, for nothing bare could be that tempting and smooth as a shot of patron, and Vernon loved his Patron. He now wondered if it came in pink.

  “Yes,” he finally replied.

  “Rene Naverone.” She extended her hand. “Let’s talk in my office.”

  He willed his hand to meet hers. The immediate rush of lust slammed into him so hard he withdrew his hand and took a step back. There was a flash of surprise in her eyes then it disappeared. The woman turned to walk away, expecting him to follow, but his legs wouldn’t move. He stood there with his hands in his pants pockets, his over coat open, mesmerized by the sight of the woman’s sensuous five-six, one hundred-thirty pound body and long sexy legs in four inch heels.

  “Damn,” he murmured under his breath.

  “She takes your breath away, doesn’t she?”

  He looked over his shoulder to see his brother, Nick, standing behind him grinning. He turned back to the woman. “I think she just stripped me of my senses.”

  Nicolas hit him on the shoulder. “She can strip you of a lot more than that if you are not careful. Come on, let’s get this started.”

  Rene Naverone’s office was furnished with the high end clientele she serviced in mind. Rich dark mahogany glistened to the point that you could see your silhouette. The two chairs in front of her desk were plush, and burgundy in color. Pictures of her with athletes, celebrities and one or two dignitaries graced the wall. The office was almost as impressive as the lady…almost.

  “Mr. Brooks, I understand there is a situation with your daughter you would like for Persuasions to investigate.” She pointed to a chair. “Have a seat.” She looked up at Nicolas and smiled. “Good morning Nick.”

  “Morning Naverone. You’ve met my brother Vernon?”

  She nodded as she gracefully sat behind her desk and crossed her legs. “Tentatively.” She glanced at Vernon and smiled.

  Damn, Vernon groaned the thought. She was having an effect on him in ways he couldn’t explain even if he tried. Seeing the gold sparkle in her light brown eyes let him know she was very aware of her impact. “Remedy.” He nodded. “Vernon Brooks, now we’ve completed the introduction.” He held her gaze as he took a seat, feeling a little more in control of himself.

  Nicolas looked from one to the other and only one word came to mind…explosive.

  “I can leave, if you two need a moment. I’m beginning to feel like I’m intruding on a peek show or something.”

  While Vernon slowly turned to his baby brother giving him an incredulous look, Naverone laughed.

  “He’s right, Mr. Brooks. We could sit here all day sending promising subliminal messages to each other or we can discuss your daughter.” Naverone raised an eyebrow as she spoke.

  A slow, lazy smile formed on Vernon’s face. “I believe in flowing with the moment, Ms. Naverone, do you?”

  “It’s the spice of life-” she sat forward “-when the man isn’t married.”

  Vernon touched his chest. “Schematics, Ms. Naverone, schematics.”

  “Do you two mind?”

  “You can leave,” Vernon strongly suggested to Nick.

  “Not a chance,” Nick chuckled. “I have to protect my team.”

  “From what I can see, Ms. Naverone is capable of taking care of herself.”

  “Very astute of you, Mr. Brooks. It’s amazing you determined that in the short five minutes we’ve been aquatinted”

  “I read people very well, Ms. Naverone. May I call you Rene?”

  Nick groaned.

  Vernon looked at Naverone. “Do you have little brothers?”

  “Two younger, two older,” Naverone replied as she sat back. “And yes, they are a pain.” She opened a file on her computer. “Rene is fine. Now, tell me how I can assist you."

  “I gave Naverone some information.” Nicolas sat forward.

  “My daughter Taylor Brooks’ stage name is Lil Tay," Vernon explained.

  "Multi-Platinum, Grammy-winning R&B singer signed with B7 Beats. A short sweet honey with a banging bod, according to one of my clients who sleeps, dreams and breathes Lil Tay."

  “Who?" Vernon and Nick questioned.

  Naverone smiled. “Privileged.”

  “Client attorney privilege consists of a client and an attorney,” Vernon summarized.

  “And me,” Naverone advised. “Tell me about your daughter?”

  Vernon shifted in his chair. “Something happened during a video shoot which caused her to walk off the set. Whatever happened was upsetting enough for her to want to stop the tour. In fact, she wants to stop performing and attend law school.”

  “That doesn’t sound like such a bad thing.”

  “I’m thrilled,” Vernon noted. “However, performing has been Taylor’s dream from the age of five. If she’s going to walk away from it, I want to ensure it’s one, her choice and two, won’t be detrimental to her career when she returns.”

  “As a father you want to know who did something to your baby so you can kill him or her.”

  “You understand completely,” Vernon replied.

  “No. However, I have a father who has done unthinkable things to boys who he believed hurt his only daughter. So let’s say, I have a level of understanding. As such, I reached out to Tyrone Pendleton. His infor
mation indicates Taylor is working with Nigel “Nail” Lamont, a rapper out of St. Louis. He’s a young a-hole who is topping the charts right now because of Taylor. He has a police record and a reputation that proves he’s a ‘wanna be’ bad-ass. There are misdemeanor assault charges, here and there, nothing major,” Naverone stated as she glanced through the file on her computer.

  “Ty indicated the public is loving the good girl falls for the bad guy image the two have,” Nicolas added. “The single hit platinum on the day it dropped and diamond within a week. There are plans in the works for a cross-country tour with Taylor as the lead act, Nail as the main draw, but the two of them closing out.”

  Vernon gave Nicolas a side-eye glance. “I deal in criminal not entertainment law. You want to break it down in laymen’s terms?”

  Nick grinned. “The CD sold over a million copies on the day the song was released to the public, over ten million within the first week. The two of them closing indicates Taylor is just as much of a draw as Nail.”

  “Taylor refusing to do the tour is like a smack in the face for Nail who’s been in the business for years, yet hasn’t reached the level he believes his talent is worthy of. This joint venture with Taylor will bring him an audience he hasn’t been able to tap into.” Naverone sighed. “This tour is expected to earn millions on the low end. If they take it international, the sky is the limit. If it doesn’t happen, there goes Nail’s chance at his claim to fame.”

  Vernon frowned. “If the single is doing well, and a tour is in the works that would benefit both Taylor and this Nail person, why would she walk away?”

  “That seems to be the million dollar question.” She hesitated. “You know, I’m not working on a case right now,” Naverone stated. “My family hasn’t seen me since I moved here last year. Seems like a trip home is in order. I know a few people. While I’m there, I’ll ask a few questions, see what I can find out.”

  “Whatever the cost, your fee, expenses, bill me.”

  Naverone stood. “Nick’s my boss. It’s on the house.”


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