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Page 23

by Iris Bolling

  James looked around the table at all the eyes on him.

  “Brooks family initiation.” He shrugged with indifference.

  “Daddy,” Nicole shouted.

  Avery laughed. “You brought him to the dinner table. Did you think your brothers weren’t going to put him to the test?


  “What’s the damn hold up?” Nail yelled from the console in studio D at B7.

  “Yo, someone here to see you, Nail.”

  “Who is it?” he yelled to one of his boys who had gone to the door when the bell chimed.

  “Time is money,” Nail huffed.

  Vernon, Nick and Xavier walked into the room to see four men in various positions in the studio.

  “This better be good. You are messing with my money.”

  Vernon looked around the room at the entourage surrounding the man, and he used the term loosely.

  Nick and Xavier stood in front of the door as it closed. Before anyone knew what was happening, Vernon had a gun at Nail’s head.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” echoed around the room as the men jumped to get out of the line of fire.

  “First cell phone I see gets shot. Understood?” Vernon looked at the men. He looked down at Nail with a wicked grin. “Your boys don’t seem too interested in changing places with you, Nail. Is that your name?” He pushed the barrel of the gun to the front of Nail’s head. “What, cat got your tongue? I thought that might happen. Here’s what we are going to do. Gentlemen, if you would all step into the sound booth. Mr. Lamont and I need a private, uninterrupted conversation.” The men did not move. “Now, gentlemen.”

  The men filed into the sound proof room.


  Nick walked over and locked the door, then stood in front of it.

  “Look, man. I don’t have no beef with you.”

  Vernon gave his gun to Xavier. Before Nail could move, Vernon had him by the throat pulling him from the chair. He threw the man against the wall with a flick of his wrist. Nail bounced off the wall back towards Vernon and collided with his fist. The expressions on the men in the sound booth were animated, as Nail attempted to get up. Their hands were signaling for him to stay down. Vernon picked Nail up, placed him against the wall, then used his foot to kick the man in the balls. The men in the room all bent over, covering their balls, with their mouths forming an ‘ouch’.

  Vernon stood over the man, who had fallen to the floor. “If you ever come within five hundred feet of my daughter again, I will cut every finger from your hands then I will kill you.” Vernon stood, wiped the blood from his hands on the man’s jacket, then nodded to Nick.

  Xavier walked over and stood over Nail. He bent down next to the man on the floor. “Tell me something. Does the name Singleton ring a bell?” Vernon’s attention heightened as he listened. Xavier tapped Nail with the butt of the gun.

  “Nah man,” Nail cried out. “I mean I know he owns the studio.”

  “What’s his connection to all of this? Now, I want you to think before you answer. My reflexes are bad and my finger might pull something if I get angry.”

  “Man, look.” Nail wiped the blood from his nose with the back of his hand. “All I know is the man paid me to put Tay in a compromising position.”

  “How much did he pay you?”

  “Fifty grand.”

  “Take a look around.” Xavier waved the gun. “I’m Taylor’s uncle-to-be.” He pointed to Nick. “That’s her uncle. That’s Taylor’s father. There’s this thing about daughters I learned a few years back. If you don’t want your balls cut off, don’t mess with them.” He stood. “The next time you touch anyone else’s daughter, think about this.” He pointed to Vernon. “He’s the nice one.” Xavier stood, then pulled the cock back on the gun. Nick’s and Vernon’s eyes threw quick glances at each other not knowing what Xavier was about to do. He put the gun between Nail’s legs and pulled the trigger. Nail’s face turned red. Xavier held up the magazine he had removed from the gun. “It’s that simple.” He stepped over the man and walked back to the door where Vernon stood.

  Nick unlocked the booth door, as Xavier opened the outer door. The men in the booth did not move. Nick looked back over his shoulder. “You can come out now.”

  “No, man, we’ll wait. You’re good.”

  Ty Pendleton walked in looking backwards at the men exiting the room. “You picked the wrong father to screw with.” He looked down at Nail, shaking his head.

  “Man, never underestimate the anger of a father.” One of the men from the booth choked out.

  “Whoa, I ain’t going nowhere near Lil Tay,” another exclaimed. “Her Daddy ain’t no joke.”

  “Yeah,” a third man replied, laughing.

  Ty stood, shaking his head at the man on the floor. “He’s lucky. I would have killed him.”

  “It’s still early, gentlemen.” They all turned to the woman standing in the doorway with a briefcase. She walked over, placed the briefcase on the console, and extracted paper work. “One way or another, I’m here to persuade Mr. Lamont to release Taylor Brooks from this contract.” She smiled. “How we accomplish that is totally up to you.”

  “Who the hell are you?” Nail moaned from the floor.

  The woman stood a good five-ten in her four-inch stiletto boots, with a red dress that caressed every curve on her body. She stood over Nail, legs spread for battle. “Why, Mr. Lamont, I’m The Persuader.”

  Nick and Xavier were in the back seat of the vehicle when Vernon got into the front seat. No one said a word for a good fifteen minutes. Vernon turned to the back and looked at Xavier. The conservative, mild-mannered slip of a man simply raised an eyebrow at him as if to say, ‘and.’

  “You got a little gangsta in you.”

  Without cracking a smile, Xavier replied, “I’m a Davenport.”

  Vernon stared at him for a moment then all he could do was start laughing. Nick joined in, asking. “What in the hell does that mean?”

  Xavier stared him straight in the eyes. It means don’t mess with me or mine.”

  “Welcome to the Brooks family, Davenport.” Vernon turned back in his seat and laughed.

  Chapter 18

  Richmond, VA

  Court Day

  Weeks later Xavier had not revealed his findings while in Atlanta. He and Nicole had been so busy putting the presentation together for the London team, they had not had the opportunity to have dinner with her family. There was no way he wanted to be the one to tell Vernon, his wife was involved with Isaac Singleton without giving Constance the chance to come clean on her own.

  Unfortunately, the court case with Trish soon took on a life of its own. Whenever Xavier and Nicole ventured into the public cameras and reporters asking question after question surrounded them. It was a relief when the court date finally arrived. The plaintiff’s attorneys had rested their case and Vernon was presenting. It was Xavier’s day on the stand. He prayed all would go according to plan.

  Rumor Has It

  The courtroom is packed and yours truly has a front row seat to what may be the final chapter of the Nicole Brooks, Trish Hargrove chapter. We heard the heart wrenching claims of Trish, who describes a life of living under the fear of The Brooks’ tyranny. Today the defense takes center stage. We will hear from the man at the forefront of this battle, the sexy Xavier Davenport and the defendant, Nicole Brooks, who by the way has won the man. The only question remaining is who will win on the financial end, the lovely Trish or the wealthy Nicole?

  A hush came over the courtroom as Xavier Davenport took the stand and was sworn in. All eyes turned to Vernon as he approached the stand. "Good morning, Xavier. For the benefit of the jury let's establish our relationship."

  Xavier nodded.

  "We met through my sister, Nicole, on the night of the incident, correct."


  "Do you like me?"

  "Not particularly, but you're growing on me."

  Vernon laughed along with the cour
troom. "I can be a difficult man to like. We've had several meals together. Correct?”


  "When and where was the first time?"

  "A week after the altercation, at your parents’ home."

  "Why were you there?"

  "To meet Nicole’s parents."


  "Objection" Valerie stood. "Relevance, Your Honor?"

  "Establishing the depth of the relationship between the witness and my client."

  "Again I ask, relevance?"

  "Your Honor, a portion of damages requested by Ms. Russum claims my client interfered with the affection of Mr. Davenport for her client. We intend to show that was not the case.”

  "I'll allow it. Mr. Davenport, you may answer the question."

  "I was there to meet Nicole’s parents."

  "Was there some significance to that meeting?"

  "Yes. I found myself falling in love with Nicole and I wanted her parents to know my intentions."

  Trish gasped. "Xavier we were still involved at that time.” Tears began to flow down her cheeks.

  The judge hit his gavel on the stand. "Ms. Russum, control your client."

  Valarie put her hand on Trish’s arm, willing her to be seated.

  "That's not true," Xavier replied.

  "You do not have to respond to that outburst, Mr. Davenport,” the judge stated. "You may continue, Mr. Brooks."

  "Thank you, Your Honor," Vernon replied as he placed a box of tissues in front of Trish. “Xavier, will you tell the court when you stopped seeing Ms. Hargrove?"

  "Approximately two months prior to the auction."

  "Would you mind telling the court why?"

  "Your Honor.” Valarie interrupted the testimony again.

  "I want to know Ms. Russum. Have a seat."

  "We weren't compatible." Xavier replied as the attorney took her seat.

  "It had nothing to do with Nicole?"

  "Nicole and I had not met at that time."

  Vernon stared at the jury. "You had not met.” He nodded, then turned from the jury, back to Xavier. "Okay, on the night in question you were one of the businessmen being auctioned for charity? In fact you were the man on stage at the time of the incident?"


  Vernon nodded. "Xavier, in your own words, could you share with the court exactly what you witnessed after the bid was won by Nicole?

  Xavier looked at the jury. "The crowd erupted.” He shrugged. "It was a significant bid. After the moderator confirmed the bid, Trish and her friends made their way down the row to Nicole. Trish made the statement how dare you come in here spending your daddy's money. She then looked over her shoulder at me and smiled. Then turned back to Nichole and said, ‘you don't even like men, you're gay’."

  Vernon pointed to his sister. "She indicated that Nicole Brooks, my client, was gay. What was Nicole's reaction?”

  “She seemed a little embarrassed at first, then she shrugged her shoulders and said, ‘I like this one.’"

  "What happened then?"

  "Nicole turned to walk away and Trish yelled at her. ‘Are you still a dummy?’ She turned to her friends laughing, then said ‘can you read yet?’ Nicole stopped walking then slowly turned back to Trish. That's when I saw the look of humiliation in her eyes as Trish and her friends continued to laugh. Nicole gave her purse to her friend Alicia, grabbed Trish, and punch her."

  Vernon watched the reaction of the jury. "What were your thoughts as this scene unfolded before you?"

  He looked at Trish when he answered. "I thought of the high school bullies who always belittled others to make themselves look good."

  "A high school bully,” Vernon replied as he walked back to his desk. "Thank you, Mr. Davenport. Your witness, Ms. Russum."

  "Mr. Davenport isn't it true you’re a bought man?"


  “Ms. Brooks paid $50,000 for your services, did she not?"

  "No, she did not."

  "There's a check in that amount."

  "Is there a question?"

  Ms. Russum gave Xavier the side eye. "Was there a check written in that amount?"


  "And Ms. Brooks received the benefits of your services for the weekend because of that check, is that correct?"

  "She received the benefit of my company for the weekend."

  Ms. Russum walked over to her table. "What did you do that weekend, Mr. Davenport?"

  "We enjoyed each other's company."

  She held up pictures. "I'd like to place theses into evidence. Are these pictures of you providing your brand of services?” She put the pictures in front of Xavier.

  He looked at the pictures and smiled. "These are pictures of us enjoying ourselves. This one was particularly enjoyable." He held it up for the jury to see as the court room laughed.

  "Your Honor, would you instruct the witness not to address the jury?"

  "Ms. Russum, you put the pictures into evidence. If you did not want them seen you should not have placed them into evidence. Move on."

  "Very well. Mr. Davenport, did Davenport Industries receive a grant from Brooks International?"


  "What's the amount of the grant?"

  "It has not been determined yet."

  "Waiting on the outcome of the trial?"

  “Objection." Vernon stood smoothly. "Leading the witness and appearing snide while doing so."

  "The objection is sustained, the comment is not, Mr. Brooks. Watch yourself."

  "Mr. Davenport.” Ms. Russum stood close to the stand. "Isn't it true you are a man bought and paid for by Nicole Brooks, who has always used her money to walk over people who don't have as many zeros at the end of their bank account? Don't answer that question.” She slowly looked the jury over. "I think we know the answer." She turned and walked back to the table.

  Vernon stood. "Redirect, Your Honor."

  The judge nodded.

  Vernon almost laughed, but instead smiled as he approached the stand. "I'm tempted to let the jury keep the picture of you painted Ms. Russum. But my honor will not allow that."

  "Objection, Your Honor. Mr. Brooks doesn't have any honor."

  "Touché Ms. Russum."

  "Order in my court, Counselor,” the judge warned.

  "Xavier, have you ever taken a dime from Nicole for any reason?”


  Vernon nodded. ”What was the $50,000 check for?"

  "A donation to the building of a community center."

  "And the grant mentioned is for what?"

  "The building of the same community center."

  "Thank you. One last question. What are your feelings for my client?"

  "To say I love her would be trivial. Nicole is my sinergy. We are two forces brought together by human means and divine grace. I don't believe we would bring the same energy to life apart from each other. That's why I'm asking her to marry me, have my babies and give my life the fullness God intended."

  The courtroom was silent as all eyes went to Nicole.

  "Objection, I think Your Honor."

  "What is your objection, Ms. Russum?"

  "Sensationalism, I think."

  "I think it's love. Overruled."

  "No further questions, Your Honor."

  "In that case, you may step down, sir, and I'm granting a fifteen minute recess for you to receive an answer to your question." He hit the gavel.

  Xavier stepped down and met Nicole half way. No one had left the courtroom, as the two embraced.

  "Yes," Nicole replied as Trish screamed no.

  Even her own attorney turned and gave her an incredulous look.

  The Davenports and the Brooks’ were in the courtroom. They all surrounded the couple with hugs and congratulations. Vernon stood back basking in his sister’s happiness. In a corner of the courtroom he noticed Trish and her parents. The attorney was giving them a summary of where their case stood. Yes, they were in danger of losing the case after Vernon's interrog
ation of Trish. Vernon knew Nicole wanted to use the privacy platform and Vernon did touch on it. However he used a different tactic.

  "Ms. Hargrove, in your earlier testimony you indicated you and Nicole were friends. Would you share some of the things the two of you did together during high school?

  "We attended social events and classes together all throughout high school."

  "So did 534 other students in your class. Did you visit our home?”


  "Did she visit your home?"


  "Went to the movies together?"


  "Skating, bowling clubbing?”

  "Badgering the witness." Russum stood.

  "Sustained. You made your point, Mr. Brooks, move on."

  "The truth of the matter is you two were only in the same places as dictated by school boundaries. During classes and events. Would that be more accurate?"

  Trish scowled at him. "We were together frequently,” she hissed back.

  "Let's examine that claim. Nicole was a math tutor. She worked with several students, were you one?"

  "No, I did not need tutors."

  "Nor were you a tutor. Nicole was a member of Future Leaders of America. Were you a member of that club?"

  "No. My parents couldn't afford the fees associated with that organization."

  "Shame. Nicole was the Student Association Treasurer. Were you a part of the student government?”


  "Would you tell the court what organizations you were a member of?"

  “Certainly." She perked up. "I was a cheerleader from ninth through twelfth grades"

  "Did you practice a lot?"

  “Yes, we did,” she proudly replied. "We won several competitions."

  Vernon stared at her. “Congratulations.” He frowned. "When did you have occasions to hangout with Nicole?"

  "We had classes together everyday. We talked just about everyday."

  "I'm happy you brought that up. How many times did you call my sister a dummy?"

  "I don't think I ever did."

  Vernon laughed. "In your earlier testimony you mentioned my mother Gwendolyn Brooks threatened your mother. Would you tell the court why?"

  "That was between my mother and Mrs. Brooks."


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